My Name is Kobe Bryant

Chapter 304 The First Appearance of Blackwater Company

On February 28, 1997, the Lakers had just finished the game against the Atlanta Hawks. The players who were resting in the locker room heard a shocking news.

"What? The shooting incident?" Xiao Yu's eyes widened.

"The shooting on North Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles? Impossible? Who else would choose to use a gun there?" Campbell was also very confused. There are not few shootings in the United States, but in a rich area like Hollywood, robbery The bandit actually had a shootout with the police, such a thing has never been discovered. He couldn't help wondering why these robbers didn't go to a poor neighborhood, but took places like North Hollywood?

"That's right, it's really strange." Kirtland Biss also wondered why these two robbers would choose such a time and such a first location to carry out the bank robbery. The police in North Hollywood can be said to be one of the most numerous places in Los Angeles. They can move the whole body with one hair, and they will be immediately surrounded by the army as long as they show their feet.

"The police in the United States are really helpless! They can't even deal with the two thieves." Bowen shook his head and sighed.

"Blackwater Company, what kind of company is that? A security company, their strength looks really powerful, and they are many times better than those useless policemen."

"Fortunately, there is no major problem due to the security of this company. It's a blessing!"

"When did this company come out? I heard that all of them are members of the SEALs. They are very strong. If we have security needs, can we contact them?"

A group of Lakers players chattered and began to chat about this matter. And Kobe smiled and didn't talk to him from the sidelines.

Sure enough, the North Hollywood Boulevard bank robber-police shootout happened anyway. Kobe remembered this incident, and this incident was a very big blow to the confidence of people living in Los Angeles.

Even banks near Hollywood can be robbed! Where is it safe? The impact of such an incident on people is far-reaching, especially in which ~ a large number of casualties occurred, which is a stain on the Los Angeles Police Department.

On February 28, when the Lakers were still preparing for the game against the Eagles in Atlanta, two robbers came to Hollywood Boulevard. When they entered the bank, they were seen and called the police.

That's right, the people who saw them were employees of the Blackwater Company. Kobe knew this happened, so of course he would not stand by and watch. It was a life, and it was a life that could be saved. Life is precious, and everyone's life is worth cherishing. Of course Kobe understands this truth, or he is the person who understands this truth best.

The pair robbed several banks before robbing the Bank of America. In total, about $1.6 million was grabbed.

In the early 1990s, they robbed a bulletproof cash truck in Denver, Colorado. But this time they only grabbed $23,000. A few years later, they robbed the armored van again, this time for $125,000. Their third heist failed: they tried to intercept the armored van, but were unsuccessful, so they had to give up.

A few weeks after the failed heist, Phillips and Matasalinu broke into a U.S. bank and made off with $750,000 in cash—and this time they did something big. After this time, they returned to the bank where they robbed the armored van a second time and made $790,000.

It can be said that they are habitual offenders, and their appetite is getting bigger and bigger! They took apart several bulletproof vests and ingeniously made Kevlar bulletproof for his limbs. The total weight of his bulletproof layer from head to toe reached nearly 42 pounds.

"Hey! Let's be quiet!" The robber wearing a ski mask pointed his gun at the sky and fired a warning shot.

The crowd was noisy, weeping, and panicking. Under the command of the robber, he put his head in his hands and fell to the ground.

"Put the money in the bag!" Another robber held the bank employee hostage and tried to rob the property.

The lives of 36 customers and 12 employees are hanging by a thread.

The robbers did not notice that their actions had been informed by the Blackwater Company and the LAPD. When the nearby police arrived outside the bank, the two robbers just walked out of the bank with the money.

"Fake! Cop! Shoot! Shoot them to death!" The robbers panicked, and then shot directly around.

In an instant, many customers and employees, as well as the police, were hit. Three civilians, nine police officers were shot within five minutes of the shootout

"Go away! Otherwise, I will kill these hostages!" Looking outside the bank, more and more policemen. The two robbers panicked, they knew it was impossible to get out of here smoothly today.

"Repeat! The robbers have fully automatic weapons and body armor! They are hiding in the bank and cannot be suppressed!"

The equipment of the robbers was obviously several grades better than that of the LAPD police. The two wantonly tilted their firepower and suppressed the police.

The entrance of the bank was not too big, and the police had no way to rush in with firepower. This led to a dangerous situation, and the 48 hostages in the bank were in crisis.

At this time, the Blackwater Company had already applied to the LAPD for assistance in law enforcement. Seeing that there was no way to control the situation, the police station had to break through forcefully and come back with heavy casualties. It is almost impossible to agree to the demands of the robbers. The United States is a society ruled by law, and it is impossible to give up law enforcement for the sake of hostages.

They decided to give Blackwater a try.

"It's in place, please instruct." Eric Prince quietly climbed up the skylight of the bank, and a sniper rifle was already aimed at the robbers.


"Crack!" The sniper rifle roared, and the warhead spun and broke a robber's head, splashing red, white, and yellow all over the ground. When the other robber was dazed by this incident, several other employees of the Blackwater Company rushed into the bank and subdued the remaining robber.

According to the conclusion of LAPD afterwards, in the bank shootout, the criminals used 3 fully automatic AK-47S, 223 fully automatic BUSHMASTER, 1 308H\u0026K pistol, and 1 9mm Beretta pistol to fire 1110 rounds of ammunition. A police car had 57 bullet holes, and a kiosk that was used by officers at the scene took 150 rounds.

Eleven police officers were injured and 18 civilians were injured. One of them was knocked down in the open field, and he could be ~killed at any time before another policeman drove a police car over to pick him up at the risk of flying bullets. Fortunately, no police officers were killed in the incident.

The name of the BLACKWATER company also resounded throughout the United States with this incident.

There have been not many terrorist incidents in recent years, and such a frenzied terrorist act of directly attacking banks in rich areas shocked the whole United States. It can be said that this is a challenge to the American order.

The government needs something to divert people's attention.

And at this time, BLACKWATER appeared.

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