My Name is Kobe Bryant

Chapter 306 Have fun again? (1/7)

Chapter 306 Have fun again? (17)

"Opinion? You ask me what's my opinion about a kid winning the NBA player of the month? Tell you, it's BULLSHIT, a piece of shit! Look at his record, he lost to the Bulls in February , lost to the Rockets, and even lost to the Sonics. The stars of these teams are more qualified to win the best of the month than Kobe!" Before the Indiana Pacers played against the Los Angeles Lakers at home, Reggie Miller stood in front of the camera for an interview.

"The Lakers are a bunch of thugs! Bastards! Bruce Bowen kept me out for two full months! Look at how many people they did to the league! Crazy Sprewell is like me! Players like that I don’t know why I can appear on the basketball court?” Miller chattered, originally the Pacers were a team capable of reaching the playoffs, but because of his injury, they are currently in the tenth place in the Eastern Conference, unless a miracle happens, Otherwise, it is impossible for the team to enter the playoffs.

"In this game, I will hit 10 three-pointers on Kobe's head! He has never guarded me! He is just a rookie, and a rookie needs to be taught a lesson. I don't understand why so many players in the league let him down? Is he David Stern's illegitimate son? It's ridiculous, I won't let him, our team won't let him."

On March 2, 1997, at the press conference before the game between the Lakers and the Indiana Pacers, Larry Brown, the famous coach, was also interviewed as the head coach of the Pacers.

The Indiana head coach is in a very bad situation. The team's offensive and defensive system is on the verge of collapse. The record is quite bad, currently only 25 wins and 31 losses. For a legendary coach, an academic defensive coach who was elected the ABA Coach of the Year three times and won the NCAA championship twice, such a record is undoubtedly embarrassing.

He has been with the Indiana Pacers for four years and this is the final year of his contract. The team has no intention of renewing his contract, and he has no desire to stay here.

A devastated team lineup, stars who don't match their own ideas. Bad record, no hope for the future. Larry Brown is tired of all of this.

Take this year well and start over in another place. That's what Larry Brown is thinking right now.

But the first thing to solve is the Lakers team. Larry Brown is also unwilling to leave the Pacers amidst the scolding. As a famous coach, he has the confidence of a famous coach. He wants to leave the city amidst cheers. If possible, then the best way is to enter the playoffs, but this year's playoffs are too fierce. Larry Brown really doesn't think that relying on the current team staffing can make a comeback and make it to the playoffs.

Then defeating the Lakers may be another very good way.

The Lakers and Indiana Pacers are undoubtedly deadly enemies now, and Bowen made Reggie Miller injured for more than two months. Let Larry Brown's final honorable retirement plan go to waste, and put the Pacers in an embarrassing position, neither a strong team nor a bad team that is popular with the No. 1 pick.

The Lakers are currently No. 1 in the league, although they are about to be surpassed by the Bulls. But the tiger's death is still in danger. As long as they beat the Lakers, no one can blame Larry Brown. It can only be said that this year's luck is not good. The team did not enter the playoffs due to various accidents and did not achieve ideal results.

"Mr. Brown! Kobe said in an interview with the media that although your team is weak, you are a very outstanding coach! He is very much looking forward to you coaching in a team that is worthy of your status and has excellent players. , he is looking forward to the battle with you at that time!"

The speech of a reporter at the scene made Larry Brown want to scold his mother!

What's the meaning! Divorce technique?

Sow discord between me and the players?

"Kobe is a great rookie, but he's still just a rookie, maybe he still can't figure out the integrity of the team. Just like Kobe's style of play, he is a partial player, he will never Can't understand the importance of the team. Our team is a whole, every part of the team is very good!"

While speaking, Larry Brown glanced at the Pacers players from the corner of his eye. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the faces of the sullen players calm down a bit. This question is too tricky! It completely dissects Larry Brown's idea of ​​wanting to leave, and makes the players anxious. Will the coach leave us? What kind of person will the next coach be? Why is the coach leaving?

These questions can drive people crazy!

"Kobe also said! Reggie Miller is a very talented three-point shooter, but his number of three-point shots is too low! If you change the environment, it is suitable for Reggie Miller's tactical system, let Miller use more than two If the more efficient three-pointers dominate the game, then Miller will not be worse than any superstar."

"It's not unreasonable what Kobe said." Reggie Miller touched his chin thoughtfully. No flattery compares to the praise of one's enemies, and neither does Reggie Miller. He fell into Kobe's sugar-coated shells and began to fantasize about how cool it would be to enter a team where he could shoot at will and was not restricted by the coach!

Larry Brown is good at everything, but his restrictions on players are notoriously terrible. In terms of defense alone, perhaps few teams in the league can match Brown's defensive structure, but when it comes to offense, Larry Brown's offense has always made the team constipated, made the stars uncomfortable, and given many unimaginable shackles. No big-name star can get along with Larry Brown for a long time, at least so far.

On the other side, the Lakers players were also having meetings in the locker room.

"Ouch, this damn Indiana, even the locker room smells like rotten meat! It's disgusting!" Campbell slapped his nose. Many away locker rooms in the league will have some big or small tricks. This time the Lakers Just been 'well treated'.

"Hey! I have been in the league for more than ten years. Do you know what it means when they use this trick? It means that they are afraid! Fear that we will win another victory at their home court!" Byron Scott smile slightly.

"That's right! After this game, let them all live in fear!" Eddie Jones was gearing up.

And Kobe was discussing something with Bruce Bowen.

"Is this too much, Boss?" Bowen widened his eyes.

"No, not at all."

"What are you talking about! Kobe, Bruce." Curt Lanbis was curious.

"Happy thing."

"It's a happy thing again!? Why are you happy every time you beat the Pacers?"

Xiaodao hasn't read many book reviews these days, but today I read a lot of comments from my brothers to cheer me up! Thank you brothers for your support~ Thank you, thank you~

Thanks to the book friends who have gone well all the way, Study Bug, Unify* Kyushu, JETYGUO, Xia Jiuxin. Thanks to many brothers who silently supported me! Xiaodao must continue to work hard!

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