My Name is Kobe Bryant

Chapter 331: Miami Vice

"Hey~ The climate here is a bit similar to the West Coast!" The Lakers and their group arrived in Miami by flight, and ran out immediately after arriving at the hotel. On the beach next to the hotel, the Lakers players wore loose casual shirts, some lay on beach chairs, and some rushed into the warm sea and started swimming.

Even though it's only mid-March, the afternoon temperature in Miami is already as high as 23 degrees Celsius. The sea is very warm by the sun, and the Lakers players took the opportunity to relax here to relieve their fatigue from the long season.

"There are so many girls in Miami." Xiaoyu's eyes showed hearts one by one, and he shot all around the beauties in bikinis.

"After all, this is a resort city. There are too many people who travel, vacation, and retire here. This is very similar to our Los Angeles."

"I heard that there are still many Cuban mafia here. I wonder if it's true?"

Hispanics account for 70% of the population in Miami, and a lot of rich South Americans will choose to move to Miami, where they can not only enjoy the benefits of the American system, but also preserve their familiar national culture.

This large demographic, ethnic and cultural influence also affects the Miami ball market in every way. In such a picturesque city with a pleasant climate, only the NBA has a team here among the three major sports leagues in the United States. This is very rare, and the primary reason is, of course, that the Latino community here is not so fanatical about sports.

Whether it's basketball, baseball, or rugby, Latin Americans don't like it very much. Latin Americans prefer football! It's samba!

It must be said that Stern's opening of the team in Miami was a risky move.

"Latin Americans still like basketball? They will kick the ball into the basket with their feet!" This is what most people think of this team when the Heat joined the NBA.

"Three years, in less than three years, this team will be moved out of Miami."

Three years later, Miami survived and is still alive and well. Although Miami has survived, the team's income has not been high. This did not change until Pat Riley took over the Heat last year. Shen Suanzi brought a bunch of stars, coupled with the shroud of SHOWTIME aura and the team record bonus, these factors opened up the fan market and made the team's attendance rate very high in the past two years. The attendance rate is almost the team's largest income except for TV media broadcasting.

But among the players, coming to Miami to play is a very good thing. Tough guy Mourning, Tim Hardaway, Mashburn and other stars are very happy playing in Miami!

The climate here is too comfortable, God's gift is no joke. Who wouldn't want to live in a resort with sunny beaches and spring-like seasons? In addition, there are not as many trail reporters here as in Los Angeles. The media environment here is relatively relaxed, and Pat Riley can help them bear the pressure. These factors make them quite satisfied with playing in the Miami Heat.

No one doesn't love Miami, and if you leave out the gangsters here, it's truly a paradise on earth. But the crime rate in a place with a lot of South Americans will definitely not be low, even though most South Americans here are in the middle class.

In addition to these players, there are many stars who are open to joining Miami. This is the good influence of an excellent living place. Although the ball market here is not as good as Los Angeles, the living environment here is really great! Pat Riley is confident that, with this advantage, he will get a few top role players in the next few years, or directly gather a five-star Galaxy battleship!

The game between the Lakers and Miami has attracted a lot of attention before the game. Such a gimmick undoubtedly attracted a lot of attention.

On March 21, 1997, the Lakers played away against the Miami Heat at the Miami Stadium.

"Old man, have you been doing well recently?" Harris looked at Pat Riley with a flushed face, and couldn't help but stepped forward to make fun of him.

Since the last time Harris, Riley and West got together in January, this is the first time they met again after two months. And this time they met, the background of the two parties was quite different.

The Lakers in January were still a dual-core team of Kobe and O'Neal. At that time, they not only ranked first in the league in record, but also ranked among the top three in the league in hard power.

And now there is only Kobe left in the Lakers. It is doubtful whether this young player can always shoulder the heavy responsibility of the team with his thin shoulders. Although the current Lakers have the best record in the league, everyone can see that they are a team with absolute flaws. They are a team that is very easy to target. After the lack of a superstar, their hard power , undoubtedly dropped a lot. It's just that Kobe has been using miraculous key shots to make up for the team's loopholes, but how long can this magic last?

A copy of the Heat, has not yet robbed Mashburn, just a mediocre double All-Star team driven by Tim Hardaway and Mourning, there are many such teams in the NBA.

And now the Heat! In exchange for the Big Three, the record is close to second in the East, and they have not lost in many games. The current hard power is the strongest under the Eastern Bulls! Moreover, the team players have a tacit understanding, strong tactical execution, and strong team cohesion. These are all made by the magician Pat Riley, of course Riley is proud of it!

"Old man, it's okay." Pat Riley gave Harris a hug.

"Have you been in the limelight recently? How many wins are you going to win this season? 65 wins? 60 wins?"

"Come on, old fox. You are better. The team is heading for a record of 72 wins, right? But I won't let it go. Enjoy this game."

While the two were exchanging greetings, the players also came out of the player channel one by one.

The appearance of the Lakers actually caused bursts of cheers, which made Fisher feel a little unaccustomed.

"It's nothing, most of the fans here in Miami are fans of winning games. We have a good record, so it's not surprising that there are many fans." Campbell explained patiently to Xiaoyu with a mature face.

The quality of fans in Miami is indeed not high, booing the home team, cheering for the away team, leaving early and so on are common occurrences. Of course, after Pat Riley led the Big Three to join, this situation improved very obviously.

That's because the team keeps winning!

On the day when the team can't win, not only the players on the field, but maybe these fans even Pat Riley will boo him!

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