My Name is Kobe Bryant

Chapter 365 The battle for the strongest offensive system in the NBA! ! ! (4K)

"The Lakers change! Kobe, Dell Curry, Eddie Jones, Robert Hawley, Shaq O'Neal!" The magician was instantly excited when he saw the silver fox Harris' change at the end of the first quarter!

The strongest offensive system! This lineup is the Lakers' strongest offensive ability!

With Bowen and Big himself fouled, the defense could not control the situation and could only rely on Kobe to continue his life. Harris did not wait for the score to be opened, or count on Kobe to control the situation alone, but immediately changed his tactical system, from a defensive system to an offensive system in an instant!

One subject, one shark and three shooters!

"Harris' change is very decisive. This lineup system has played only a handful of games this season. Because Curry joined the team relatively late, Shaq suffered an injury after joining. In my impression, after Shaq returned, this This system has not appeared a few times, but every time it explodes with exaggerated energy! Kobe and Shaq are a perfectly matched dual engine, and the three long guns from the outside are shooting wildly! Such a lineup system is terrible on the offensive end!" As a top scorer, Dantley certainly understands the strength of this system.

When Kobe was a single-core engine, the team's tactics were monotonous after all, just like when the Big O led the team, Chamberlain led the team, and Jordan led the team in the early days. With all the ball in one hand, it's targetable. This is also proved in the game. As long as Kobe is strangled, the Lakers' offense is very easy to fall into the quagmire.

But now it's different! Shaq is back! The Lakers have twin engines! The inside combination of O'Neal and Horry can only be said to be in the middle and lower reaches of the league as a defense. Horry's strength and height make him very disadvantaged against a power forward like Malone.

But on the offensive end!

The combination of big sharks and big hearts is an important part of the Lakers' first three consecutive championships!

The Lakers won three consecutive championships in the last life. O'Neal's inside partners were different people. The first season was the old and strong AC Green. At the end of his career, he formed a traditional twin tower with O'Neal to defeat the Pacers and won the 99-00 season. championship.

In the second season, Shaq teamed up with his old teammate, the Bulls' first insider for three consecutive championships, and Cobra Hoss Grant, who was also at the end of his career. The second championship won by the 76ers led by Iverson and Dikembe Mutombo.

In the third season, no one was available for the Lakers' inside combination. Robert Horry went directly to the power forward, and directly blew the Nets led by Kidd and Kenyon Martin 4:0!

Although Horry was not the starter in the first two seasons, he was indeed the sixth man. Every time the Zen master changes, the first thing that comes to mind is Horry! Horry's substitute partner Shaquille O'Neal's bridges also emerge in endlessly!

It can be said that the inside combination of Shaq O'Neal and Robert Horry is a dynasty-level inside combination! In terms of offense alone, there are only five fingers that can surpass them in history. Extreme space and inside scoring ability, rare among power forwards who can shoot and shoot, and Horry with one-handed pass and Shark's performance is dominant!

And the three outsiders of the Lakers-Kobe, Curry, Eddie Jones!

It is also a combination with excellent offensive ability! Kobe's offense with the ball, old Curry and Eddie Jones' continuous shooting! All three are the top shooters who can kill a team when their hands are hot, and there is also a historical-level single-handed player Kobe who can create opportunities and break the deadlock!

And the combination of these five people on the inside and outside of the Lakers created an even more exaggerated offensive combination! An unsolvable offensive combination! A near-perfect offensive fit.

This is Harris' confidence to dare to change!

Such a five-member combination is against Sir Biao's iron-blooded pick-and-roll system! The same tactical system that has been played by the NBA's invincibles and coaches of countless teams have imitated.

If you follow the previous script, although Bowen and Big Ben's defense is amazing, the Lakers' fragmented offense is ultimately inferior to the Jazz's overall system. Malone and Stockton have brought the rhythm up, and the Lakers are Kobe and Eddie Jones' duo.

Harris has never been a coach who likes to be beaten! By Kobe's side, he felt that he was becoming more and more passionate. Since the situation was passive, he would change his formation!

The Lakers One Division, One Shark, Three Shots System VS Utah's Second Elder Pick-and-Roll System!

Historical offensive system VS historical offensive system!

"It's too strong!" The magician watched the Lakers' offensive performance with the first goal, sat up directly from the stool in the studio, ripped off his tie and began to roar.

"Calm down! Calm down, MAGIC!" Dantley grabbed the magician who was about to take off his suit jacket. Although he understood the feeling of the magician when he saw such a picturesque offensive performance by the Lakers, in order to Scandal arose, and he still kept the magician in check.

"Replay! I need to watch the replay! Director! Play it again!"

The video station seemed to hear the magician's roar, and quickly played the Lakers' offensive tactics again.

Kobe holds the ball and Horry picks and rolls, and passes it to O'Neal as soon as the pick and roll is completed.

O'Neal raised the ball high, held the ball high with his back to the basket, and handed it to Dell Curry, who was cross-running with Kobe!

Dell Curry made a shot, attracted the defense and threw the ball to Eddie Jones on the baseline.

Horry walked over while Eddie Jones was holding the ball! As a pick-and-roll, Hornacek was a little confused for a while whether to push the line or press the bottom line. Such a hesitation was passed by Eddie Jones!

Eddie Jones attracted the defense after passing, and hit the ground straight to O'Neill!

O'Neal is about to make an air cut to the basket! Attract Ostertag, Malone, and Russell to double-team!

Pass behind!

O'Neal played a fancy pass and threw the ball behind his back to Kobe Bryant 5 meters away!

Kobe Bryant shoots and falls from outside the three-point line!

Three points again!

21:21 tie!

"Perfect team coordination! The Lakers' offense is like a wheel! Kobe and Shaq are the axis! Repeatedly rushing to attract the defense! The other three shooters are constantly rotating and cooperating on the periphery! Finally, they use their core to create offensive opportunities !"

"Shaq and Kobe will benefit a lot from this system! They can make each other! Just like this shot, Shaq took a bunch of defenders, and Kobe actually got an open three-pointer Opportunity! How long has it been since Kobe had an open shot?"

"Attention, Jerry Sloan is looking at Russell angrily! But you know, even if Russell didn't lose his position, Horry pulled to the outside after finishing the pick-and-roll with Eddie Jones. The Lakers created two shots. An offensive opportunity! It's not as simple as Russell's loss of position!"

Stockton took a breath and made a FIST HIGH tactical gesture.

Calm down, Stockton knows that at this time, as the spiritual leader of the team, he must calm down.

Although the offense completed by the Lakers' offensive system is very surprising, it only tied the score.

Give it back! Stockton doesn't think the Jazz's offensive system is weaker than any team, even the Bulls!

The Bulls' triangle offense is more of three people-Jordan Pippen, plus a different role player, such as Harper, Kerr, Kukci, a three-man offensive system. Rodman and Longley's presence and participation in the offense are very low, but the Jazz are different!

The Jazz's pick-and-roll system is not just a duo between Malone and Stockton! It's an offensive system of five people! While Stockton and Malone pick and roll, Hornacek on the other side will also pick and roll with Ostertag to look for opportunities outside the three-point line. Meanwhile Russell will try to cut inside.

Stockton will also weigh changes in defensive positions and feed the ball to different players. If Malone alone is fed the ball, he will never be able to average 10 assists per game for ten seasons. It is precisely because of a tactical system that can involve the whole team to run together that Stockton can become a master of assists and field control. You must know that any good passer, if his teammates don't move, just stand stupidly, there is no way to get high assists.

Although the first goal of the Lakers' offensive system is amazing, so what!

As veterans, Stockton and Malone, although surprised, will not be frightened by the performance of a round.

The Jazz's pick-and-roll is raised very high!

Because Bowen and Big Ben had to go off the field, the Lakers' defense against Stockton and Malone was replaced by Eddie Jones and Horry!

Bryant continued to defend Russell.

The old Curry defended Hornacek, who was also a shooter.

O'Neal sits at the basket, and his defense against pick-and-rolls has never been a strong point. It is impossible for Harris to let him defend Malone, that will be played by the Jazz's pick-and-roll tactics.

Stockton's facing Eddie Jones is actually not much different from facing Bowen. One-on-one is more difficult to succeed in singles. The single defense of Jones and Bowen can stabilize Stockton.

On the other hand, Ma Long faced Horry and Da Ben completely differently.

"Pick and roll! Stockton passed the ball covertly without looking at people, and hit the ground straight to Malone!"

"Malone dribbled the ball and directly carried Horry to the basket! Before Shaq completed the defense, he scored the ball strongly! And caused Horry to foul! 2+1! Malone erased Kobe's three-point advantage! He gestured to his huge biceps and nodded repeatedly!"

"Worthy of being the top of the MVP list, Karl Malone has already caused the Lakers 4 defensive fouls before the first quarter of this game is over! It's terrible! 7 free throws in a single quarter!"

"Ma Long hit the free throw steadily, and Sloan nodded repeatedly on the sidelines. At this moment, it still depends on the performance of the two elders in Utah to stabilize the situation."

"Ben! Watch Karl Malone's every movement carefully. I hope that when you play next time, you can suppress him without fouling him!" Kurt Rambis hammered Ben Wallace's huge deltoid muscles hard. .

Big Ben frowned. Although he defended Malone in the first round, Malone quickly adjusted his attack style later on. He had no way to choke him to death. Instead, he was fouled twice. If there is no foul, Daben thinks he can still fight Malone, but with the foul, he dare not make all-out moves at all.

"Don't worry, you will have a chance to perform in the second half." Byron Scott also persuaded Bowen.

"I know."

"The offensive ability of the Lakers' lineup system is too strong, right?" Kerr widened his eyes. As a point guard with a coaching dream, he clearly knows how powerful the Lakers' tactics are.

"He made it again, and Dell Curry made it too. The Lakers made consecutive hits! The Jazz are a bit confused by this offensive system! The dual-core engines of Kobe and Shaq are too strong." Harper also clicked his tongue again and again, and the Jazz's defense is definitely among the top five in the league. , But they actually have nothing to do with the Lakers' offense.

"But the Jazz are fighting each other." Rodman was still wearing sunglasses and a big gold chain in the locker room.

The Zen master on the other side also frowned. What Bulls players think of when they see the performance of the Lakers is relatively simple, but he knows that this system is the X factor that can reverse a series!

If the Bulls meet the Lakers and use this lineup, the result will be the same as the Jazz, and they will explode with the Lakers? Or is it possible to suppress every point?

Phil Jackson thought for a while, but he was relieved.

Looking at the top defenders on the outside, Michael Jordan and Pippen lead the striker, and Harper Rodman sits at the first and fourth positions. Isn't the Bulls' most powerful perimeter defense group? No matter how strong the Lakers' outside shooting ability is, Mayfair Jackson thinks he can choke to death. Leaving Shaquille O'Neal alone in the interior and helpless, this tactical system will naturally break down.

Of course, the premise of everything-Michael Jordan can lock Kobe.

Will this premise be realized in the finals?

The Zen master was full of confidence in this, closed his eyes with peace of mind, began to meditate and waited for the start of the second session.

Outside the locker room, Bulls general manager Crowder is watching the scene

"The end of the first quarter! The Lakers scored 13 points in the last 4 minutes of the first quarter! The Jazz are no less impressive! They scored 9 points!"

"13 points in four minutes. According to this scoring efficiency in one quarter, he rushed to 40 points. It was terrible. In the Utah Plateau, he played such an offensive performance in the face of a defensive pressure like the Jazz."

"In terms of offensive success rate alone, the two teams are almost the same, but the Lakers' consecutive three-pointers really hurt the Jazz. O'Neal's ability to involve the inside is too strong, and Karl Malone and Russell are a little tired. There's a bit of a dilemma with Kobe or O'Neal."

"Kobe and Shaq, you have to choose a double team. The Jazz are a bit greedy, and Jerry Sloan is a bit greedy. He wants them all!"

"The Jazz's pick-and-roll system has no flaws. Malone has played like a fish in water under this system. But the Lakers' offense is even more terrifying! More efficient!"

"The system of the Lakers is almost invincible based on the continuous power supply of Kobe and O'Neal's dual-core engines!"

"Jerry Sloan has to make a choice to make a change, choke one core, and bet the other core can't kill the game. I'm looking forward to Sloan choosing Shaq or Kobe. This choice is very difficult."

"At the same time, they need to continue to maintain a super-high level of offensive efficiency. This is not a big problem for the Jazz. The stability of the Jazz's pick-and-roll offensive system is their biggest feature."

"At least in these 4 minutes, the Lakers' offensive system defeated the Jazz's pick-and-roll system!"

The two chapters have been updated together!

Thank you for going well all the way, thank you Xia Jiuxin., thank you yesterday! ! ! Thank you Xiaodao~~~

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