My Name is Kobe Bryant

Chapter 398 Kevin Johnson's Revenge? The first tough guy in history to join

"Crazy! This guy is crazy!!!"

Lakers players are watching the Suns against Houston. This round of playoffs is very intriguing. Barkley abandoned his Suns, switched to Houston, joined the team that eliminated him last year, and became the first superstar in history to join after failing to beat.

In fact, this is very puzzling. Barkley has changed teams no less than Durant in his career, and he also joined when he couldn't beat. Durant also won the championship, why did Barkley spray Durant so vigorously? Could it be that the more you lack something, the more you can't understand it? The same is to join if you can't beat it. Is Barkley jealous of Durant winning the championship?

At the end of this season, Kevin Johnson led the team to a wave of 16 consecutive victories, including many super teams like the Lakers, and he finally got his wish and stood in front of Barkley again.

No, it was riding on Barkley's head.

"Crazy! Dunk! Kevin Johnson tore through Houston's perimeter defense as easily as a slice of pizza! Drexler, Jim Jackson, Mario Avery! Three forwards with an average height of more than two meters, yes I really can't prevent Kevin Johnson's breakthrough!"

"The buckle! Kevin Johnson is flying into the air! He is deliberately looking for Barkley! He rode on Barkley's head! He will break the good times with Barkley with a dunk!"

"Barkley is dumbfounded!! I don't know if he saw this former little brother. He thought that he would never be able to serve as the defender of his winning partner after being injured. He rode on his head. Did he feel a trace of regret in his heart?"

"Hurry up! Barkley is in a hurry! He knocked Kevin Johnson to the ground! He babbled and hurled insults at the friendliest teammate ever! It's like love!"

"Kevin Johnson was on the ground without saying a word. The sneer at the corner of his mouth made Barkley's actions look so childish and ridiculous."

"During those years in the Suns, those days fighting in the finals, would you have thought that such a day would come?"

This round of the playoffs between the Suns and Houston was originally without much suspense, the third in the Western Conference against the sixth in the Western Conference. On the Houston side, there are three elderly superstars. Their average height crushes any team in the league, and their inside line is the strongest in the league. The combination of these factors means victory in such an iron-blooded era. Houston's lineup system has a very high chance of winning the playoffs in any year. So far, Houston's odds of winning the championship are still higher than those of the Lakers. This is the effect of superstar stacking. Even if they are both 34 years old, they have entered the end of their prime.

And Kevin Johnson, the first-generation flying point guard, gave Houston a hard blow in the first game of this series. He gave his former big brother Flying Pig Charles Barkley a hard blow. This button is heart-wrenching. Outsiders have no way of knowing Barkley's inner feelings, but his angry expression is definitely not as simple as becoming angry after being dunked. Maybe he was regretting, regretting leaving Phoenix, which gave him good memories, regretting that players like the Suns could no longer help him, so he turned around and left, and joined Houston if he couldn't beat him.

It is still at home in Houston, and there are countless fans supporting Barkley, and the third game will go to Phoenix, will Barkley feel a little flustered again, wondering how to face those fans who were once his loyal fans?

Kevin Johnson suffered a very serious injury last season, and with this kind of physical guard, it is easy to decline. His performance at the beginning of the season did prove that he is no longer one of the best guards in the league, but his performance in March and April proved to everyone, the top point guard who was once enough to compete for MVP, he is back .

The player of the month in April was won by Kevin Johnson. It can be said that during this period at the end of the season, his performance even surpassed Kobe and Jordan. Bring the Suns from the poor tenth pick in the Western Conference to a very good sixth place in the playoffs. With the team's starting lineup changing rounds, it's great to have such a performance and complete such an achievement.

In April, he averaged 28.7 points, 3.2 rebounds, 7.7 assists, 1.1 steals and 2.6 turnovers per game. If he can perform like this throughout the season, he must be the MVP! Under Jason Kidd’s threading, Kevin Johnson’s offensive style is more advanced than before Richer, harder to target!

And Kevin Johnson also entered the playoffs with such a performance and such a state. In the first game, he scored 31 points, 5 rebounds and 11 assists, including a dunk on Barkley, which gave the Suns the first victory.

It's not that Houston is too weak, but that Houston's lineup is completely built for the Bulls and Lakers. Three strikers of about 2 meters were designed to kill Kobe and Jordan, and after the only remaining point guard, Matt Maloney, was traded away, they found that no player could match the 1.85-meter Kevin Johnson. superior.

Kevin Johnson blew up Houston just by breaking through and scoring. The old Big Three failed to keep up with the offensive rhythm of the Suns under Danny Ainge for a while, and were suppressed by the running Suns. In the end, the Suns won 116:89 in Houston.

"I can't believe it, isn't Kevin Johnson afraid of his knees exploding when he plays like this?" Xiaoyu touched his knees with wide-eyed eyes. The way he played straight up and down made his knees hurt.

"This is a battle of honor. The ball he dunked on Barkley's head will become Barkley's lingering nightmare. To be able to complete such revenge, Kevin Johnson should feel that even if he is reimbursed for his career It's worth it."

"If he can maintain such a level for a series, maybe the Suns may be upset and kill the Big Three."

"It's difficult. None of the Big Three made a strong effort in this game. They haven't adjusted from the retirement state at the end of the season. As long as one superstar finds the state of the playoffs, it will be difficult for the Suns. The dominance of superstars, There's a difference between a player like Kevin Johnson who's always been one step behind."

"If Barkley gets hacked this round, tsk tsk tsk. That kind of shame may make him retire directly. It's too embarrassing."

"The new coach of the Suns, Danny Ainge, has two brushes. He is really good at training the offense of the Suns team."

Kobe's eyes seem to be looking into the distance, Danny Ainge, the future leader of the Boston Celtics, will start to shine from now on?

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