My Name is Kobe Bryant

Chapter 605 They are the bad boy army!

"Coach Daley! What do you think of the conflicts in the game? The video shows that Webber and Howard took the lead in using some small tricks that were not suitable for him. Under your hands, will the Bad Boy Army be revived again?"

The duel between the two top powers, the Lakers and the Magic, ended with the Lakers winning. The fierce confrontations that took place during the game made the reporters in the Great Western Forum extremely excited!

How long!

Ever since Ben punched a kid in the playoffs last year and convinced the Rockets' veteran basketball hooligans, no team has dared to play dirty with the Lakers for a long time.

I have to say that the Magic led by Chuck Daly are really brave. Aren't they afraid of big money?

What's even more horrifying is that Ben only acted as a peacemaker. An inexplicable community college player came out of the Lakers bench and beat up Webber and Howard?

"They are the bad boy army!" Chuck Daly looked very bad!

As the creator of the Bad Boys Legion! This is the first time he has been so deflated!

If a Lakers player hits Webb Howard head-on, Chuck Daly won't have a problem with it.

The problem is that guy Bowen! He actually stood next to himself and threatened himself!


It’s simply outrageous!

Even in his own bad boy team, no player rushes to the other team's coach!

To paraphrase Leitner, he doesn’t care about football ethics!

If we fight, we fight! Conflict is conflict! What kind of skill is it for an old man who is almost 70 years old to come straight to me!

So bad!

Compared with Bowen, his army of bad boys are simply good guys!

The reputation spread far and wide. After this game, the reputation of the Lakers' three blacks quickly spread throughout the NBA.

"The Lakers are a bunch of bastards! Don't forget that Bowen tiptoed me!" Reggie Miller gritted his teeth! The Pacers have achieved impressive results this season. As the most important scorer on the team, Reggie Miller's words have finally been listened to.

"Do you still remember what Kobe stomped on me! They are destroying the atmosphere of the league! I hope the league will deal with these things seriously!" Madman Sprewell also spoke out.

"The Lakers have three bad guys! The darkest one is Bowen!"

"I hope the league will seriously punish the players responsible!"

A group of players began to madly denounce the Lakers, and even some fans began to follow suit and mock the Lakers as a dirty team.

Lakers public relations quickly released a batch of videos to put an end to this denunciation.

The Pacers dealt hard blows to Kobe many times, so Bowen "accidentally" injured Miller.

Sprewell kept tiptoing Kobe, so Kobe let Sprewell feel the black dragon carrying the coffin. '

Barkley hugged and threw O'Neal, and then there was a scene of Ben punching a kid.

Howard kept pinching O'Neal, and that's how the story of Stephen Jackson's boxing came to be.

The Lakers have never been a dirty team!

They are just trying to protect their teammates! Come forward!

The Lakers are on fire!

The criticism was reversed. The Lakers, who were being criticized wildly for their three offenses the day before, received a lot of praise and fans the next day.

"Well done! Who wouldn't want to have a teammate like this!"

"This is a tough guy!"

"He has a thick face and a dark heart, Jiyu Bowen! Stephen Jackson, the unmatched loyalty and righteousness, the warrior god! Ben Wallace, the god of war, who has clear grudges!"

"The Three Black Lakers? These are the Three Saints of the Lakers! Their existence protected Kobe and Shaq!"

"Are we popular?" Stephen Jackson looked confused. His ideal has always been to become a household name.

He never thought that he would become famous for this reason.


Maybe he is more suitable for UFC?

"Wow haha, my Twitter gained 5,000 followers in one day! So cool!" Bowen grinned obscenely.

Daben touched his bald head and thought, isn't this what he should do of course?

"The league's punishment is just a few games of suspension. It seems that Stern still cares about us."

"I heard it's because our fights have increased the ratings."

"There's no one who doesn't like watching tough guys fight, no one."

On January 17, after defeating the Magic, the Lakers' record reached 37 wins and 2 losses.

This period of time is the final sprint before the All-Star Game.

Countless deals are being brewed, strong teams need to be strengthened, and weak teams need to be ruined. After all, this year's draft is also good, and there is a very good chance of gaining the cornerstone of the team.

After the Lakers' sweet schedule of winning four consecutive games, the next schedule is very difficult.

First, there are four consecutive away games, against the Suns, SuperSonics, Nets, and Timberwolves.

Then on February 1st, he returned home to face the Chicago Bulls after Pippen returned!

Twitter has exploded!

@Lord Grim: The Lakers will probably lose at least two of these five games. If you are not careful, you may even lose 3 to 4 games!

@Simmons: Too strong! All five teams are strong teams! After Pippen returned, he once again returned to the Chicago Bulls who were ranked first in the Eastern Conference!

@Pocket Spinach: It’s going to collapse! The Lakers' record is about to collapse!

@Elizabeth Rabbit: Playing four away games until exhausted, and then returning to the home court to fight with the God of Basketball, wow, this is so difficult.

@Go all the way: The Lakers will win! With Kobe, they won't lose so easily!

@The grumpy old captain: It’s time for the All-Star game after the game. It seems like these games will have a great impact on the All-Star game!

It’s halfway through January, and the long regular season of the NBA is also halfway through.

This year's All-Star Game will be held on February 8th, which means there are only 20 days left.

On the All-Star ballot, Kobe Bryant still leads the pack with his 81 points and five-double performance, beating out Michael Jordan.

This year, Kobe signed up for the three-point contest but did not choose to sign up for the dunk contest. Instead, his teammate, Stephen Jackson, signed up for the dunk contest.

"It's coming." Phoenix Suns, Danny Ainge sat on the desk and chair in the office and raised his head slightly.

The Suns currently have 25 wins and 12 losses, ranking fourth in the Western Conference.

Second only to the Lakers, Jazz, and SuperSonics.

The Suns made a robbery deal in the offseason, acquiring Hornacek and Antonio McDyess, and also signed Clifford Robinson from the Trail Blazers.

Plus Kidd, Kevin Johnson, Ceballos, and Danny Manning who were in their lineup last season.

The Suns can be said to be strong this season!

Danny Ainge may not be the best in coaching, but his level of building a lineup and robbing deals is really rare in history!

In just two years, the Suns have recovered from Barkley's departure! If Kevin Johnson is still at his peak, they may even have the strength to hit the championship with this lineup!

This is also the reason why he later became the general manager of the Celtics.

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