My Name is Kobe Bryant

Chapter 634 Best Player in February, 52 wins and 4 losses!

“February Player of the Month – Shaquille O’Neal!”

"Wuhu! Take off!" O'Neal jumped up! As happy as a 500-pound fat man!

As the number one center in the league this season and the king of kings, Shaq finally won a very important award when competing for MVP.

Best of the month!

This is O'Neal's sixth season! As a super center who was able to score 24+14 when he first joined the league and averaged 29+13 per game starting in his second season, and the youngest top 50 superstar, O'Neal has only won the best of the month 4 times!

This is the fifth time!

Best of the Month, before it was divided into the East and West and was given to two players a month, it was always exclusive to superstars, and could even be called a small MVP.

The gold content is very high!

"Congratulations! Shaq!" Everyone, including Kobe, sent their blessings to O'Neal.

Shark deserves this award!

35.6 points and 16.7 rebounds in a single month! One person holds up half of the Lakers' sky!

In every game, he uses a crushing advantage to kill the opponent's inside line.

Even when faced with double-teaming by two or three people! Still not afraid!

This is the big shark! One of the strongest centers in history!

A peak Shark is a monster who can average 38 points and 16.7 rebounds in the finals!

"Brothers! I'll treat you to a unicorn tonight!" O'Neal beamed!


After the Lakers won 12 consecutive victories, their record reached a terrifying level!

52 wins and 4 losses!

"I have never seen such a scene!" Even the steady Harris said he was not calm anymore!

As a head coach, there is nothing more satisfying than the performance of the team.

The entire Lakers are in a state of frenzy, and Harris must be the calmest person. And when the Lakers won 52 games, Harris, who had forced himself to calm down, couldn't hold back any longer!

Life is proud to be thoroughly enjoyed themselves! How many times can you experience this kind of scene in your life?

Who can guarantee what will happen next season?

Harris made an appointment with West, and the two drank all night.

"Kobe and Shaq are the greatest players I have ever seen." Harris picked up the whiskey, took a deep sip of the strong drink full of floral and fruity aroma, and showed a rare relaxed expression.

"Who says it's not?" As of the transaction, most of Jerry West's tasks this season have been completed. All that's left is to sort out the team's internal affairs. West also has rare time to work with Harry. Si had a drink.

"How many games will we win this season?" Harris asked a question that many people want to ask. The Lakers in this state can be said to be invincible!

"I think there will be more than last year." West said leisurely.

"Am I going to be the greatest coach ever?"

"If Kobe and Shaq could have been with you, of course you would!"

"Do you think we will win the championship?" Harris's face was flushed, full of expectation.

If that happens one day, it will be the greatest honor in his life!

"Yes, it will happen one day." Jerry West looked at the night sky, as if he saw the future.

"The protagonist of the NBA is changing!"

"The synonym of basketball is changing from Chicago to Los Angeles! It is changing from Jordan to Kobe!"

"Kobe is more loved by the younger generation! His many approachable comments on Twitter and his caring interactions with fans have attracted a large number of E-Net era fans."

"More than 95% of these new generations in the electronic age are Kobe fans! It can be said that Kobe has promoted the development of the E-net era, and the E-net era has brought sufficient traffic, bringing Kobe's popularity to a new height. ."

"The new generation of fans began to regard Michael Jordan as a villain, and Kobe became a warrior to challenge the devil! Just like Jordan did to the Bad Boys Army back then!"

"This may be a reincarnation. Maybe when Kobe enters his twilight years, one, two or even more challengers will stand up to seize Kobe's status."

"Honor and status in basketball have always been earned! Although Michael's status and historical honors are high, this year's Kobe has launched a comprehensive attack on him!"

"As long as the finals! As long as Kobe defeats Jordan in the finals, then at the age of less than 20 years old, he will be honored in the Hall of Fame of the NBA, the top sports league in the United States with a history of 50 years!"

“You’ve reserved your place in the Hall of Fame before you’re 20 years old. It’s absolutely terrifying!”

"If it hadn't been for the selection of the top 50 superstars, Kobe had not yet joined the league, and if the top 50 were selected two years later, perhaps the youngest top 50 superstar would have had one of Kobe's seats!"

On March 1, 1998, the Lakers played away against the New York Knicks.

The Knicks currently have 32 wins and 23 losses, ranking sixth in the Eastern Conference.

After hosting the All-Star Game at home and not having a single player selected from the entire team, the Knicks transformed.

As if they were stimulated, all the players from Ewing to mid-range shooting king Houston to Larry Johnson began to risk their lives!

New York's lineup and tactics are not weak to begin with, but their will has been corrupted more by the lavish fans in the Big Apple. And when they corrected their attitude, in just 20 days, they climbed from eighth in the Eastern Conference to sixth in the Eastern Conference!

8 wins and 1 loss in the 20-day schedule!

And they are gearing up to attack the Lakers' winning streak!

Suddenly, a media broke the news about the words of Knicks owner Dolan.

"Yeah, the stars in the team, all of them combined are not as good as a hair on Kobe's head."


Dolan's words directly detonated the New York locker room.

Dolan can only be described as an idiot, saying that such words were actually eavesdropped and made public.

"Farke, such a boss, I want to play for him!" Oakley was angry, and he was complaining about Ewing.

Ewing had a sullen face. He couldn't figure out why he had spent his whole youth fighting for this team and finally received such treatment.

"Charles, I still don't know if this video tape is real." Rally Johnson sighed. The team had just gotten on track, was it about to collapse again?

Alan Houston didn't take it seriously. Dolan summoned him in private and promised that he would be the future leader of the New York team! In this era, honest stars still believe in the words of these businessman bosses.

As a result, the New Zealand dollars, who had their own thoughts, lost to the Lakers again at their home court, Madison Square Garden.

Lakers 107:81 New York.

It was still a big victory. O'Neal defeated Ewing and scored 31 points and 24 rebounds.

"Our team is not united." Ewing angrily refused to be interviewed after the game.

This year!

This is the year!

I'm leaving this team!


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