My Name is Kobe Bryant

Chapter 900 Bird’s successor joins forces with Bird!

"Congratulations to Steve Nash for winning the Most Valuable Player of the 2004-2005 American Men's Basketball League!" Stern, with eyes full of smiles, awarded the most important award at the end of the regular season awards ceremony. Speak up.

"MVP!!! Steve won the MVP!!!" Fanatic cheers came from the Lakers locker room!

Not only that, at this moment, the fans watching the regular season awards ceremony in front of the TV were also cheering!

Son of the Wind Steve Nash!

A thin white guard whose real height may not even be 190cm.

A defender who spent the early part of his career entirely on the bench.

An aging guard who is not valued by the coach, disliked by his teammates, and abandoned by the boss.

In two years, he transformed into a 31-year-old MVP with the Los Angeles Lakers!

A late bloomer.


This story could literally fill a book.

For ordinary fans, the feelings of seeing Nash win the MVP and O'Neal winning the MVP are completely different.

O'Neal itself is not popular.

Nash's eyes were a little moist.

This season he shaved off his long, flowing hair.

The thin cheeks trembled slightly.


"be mine?"

Until Stern announced this honor, Nash still couldn't believe it was true.

"Steve, I told you, you will be the MVP." Kobe on the side gave Nash a hug.

"you're worth it!"

"You are the best!"

The Lakers players also applauded this good old point guard who didn't care about his own statistics at all and would never take a shot when his teammates had the chance.

This season, Nash averaged 18.2 points, 2.7 rebounds, 16.4 assists, 1.2 steals and 3.1 turnovers per game. The three shooting percentages were 52.1%, 40.3% and 91.5% respectively.

He broke Stockton's league season assists record!

Averaged 16.4 assists per game!

too exaggerated!

He made the Lakers' offense the best in history!

He made every Lakers player play the best performance of their career!

The Lakers won 74 wins and 8 losses!

He is the MVP.

This is not just the opinion of the Lakers players, but the opinion of every fan who has watched the Lakers game.

Nash's performance this season surpasses that of Kobe, McGrady, and Iverson.

The NBA needs a grassroots hero.

And Nash is such a player.

Regardless of statistics, he is keen on passing the ball and puts his teammates first.

This is the charm of modern basketball.

Nash is almost called the first template for modern basketball point guards!

Having just won a championship and an MVP, many people believe that Nash is now the second point guard in history!

Except for Magic, no point guard in history can lead such a storm.

74 wins!

Such a legendary performance was something people thought would never happen in this modern, highly competitive league.

People thought that after the end of the OK dynasty and the Bulls dynasty, the legend would never happen again.

Under the guidance of Steve Nash, it was staged again.

When the Lakers faced the Celtics this season, they set an NBA single-game scoring record of 192 points!

The Celtics scored 157 points.

Nash scored 31 points and 32 assists in that game, becoming a god in one fell swoop.

After that game, Nash was already confirmed as MVP.

Entering the playoffs.

This year, the Lakers have 74 wins and 8 losses, ranking first in the Western Conference.

In the West, there are also four 60-win teams including the Kings, Timberwolves, Spurs, and Grizzlies! ! !

The Kings have 68 wins and 14 losses.

The Grizzlies have 65 wins and 17 losses.

The Timberwolves have 63 wins and 19 losses.

The Spurs won 61 and lost 21.

The Phoenix Suns are 57-25.

The Rockets have 47 wins and 35 losses.

The Jazz have 44 wins and 38 losses.

Nowitzki, the core of the Mavericks, submitted his trade request during the season.

Mark Cuban was furious, but the team has indeed not created a winning lineup for a super giant like Nowitzki in recent years.

It was originally thought that the coaching of young general Avery Johnson could bring this Mavericks back to the championship ranks. But the team's record slapped Cuban hard in the mouth.

There was no way around it, and Mark Cuban finally agreed to Nowitzki's trade request and traded him to a championship team.

Alliance looting!

The Heat, Celtics, Grizzlies, Spurs, and Pacers are five championship teams scrambling to try to trade Nowitzki!

Who is the favorite in this year's finals?

Of course the Lakers!

Getting Nowitzki, even if he can't defeat Ben, is enough to attract all of Ben's defensive attention to him.

With Yao Ming alone guarding the Lakers' interior, many teams in the league are still confident of dealing with it.

The Spurs even hope to let Duncan and Nowitzki form a twin tower!

Popovich believes that this twin-tower combination will never be worse than Duncan Robinson. Perhaps this is a deal that will allow the Spurs to return to the top and win the championship again.

Nowitzki's first thought was to go to the Heat and O'Neal to form the Twin Towers of the Century.

Pat Riley offered Odom + a first-round pick as a bargaining chip.

In this era, Nowitzki is just a softie in the eyes of most people. Although with the rise of the Lakers' running and gunning dynasty, more and more space-based perimeters and face-to-face power forwards are being accepted.

But there are still many people who think Nowitzki is just an ordinary All-Star. He is too soft and cannot be called a super giant.

The super forwards of this era should be players like Duncan, Garnett, and Webb who are versatile offensive and defensive players who can play both inside and outside, rather than shooters like Nowitzki who can only stand and shoot from the outside.

The left-handed magician Odom is also an All-Star player, and he is very versatile.

In the eyes of many people, Odomga's first-round pick for Nowitzki was already a profit for the Mavericks.

But Mark Cuban rejected the deal.

He changed hands and sold Nowitzki to the Pacers! ! !

Mark Cuban didn't want an All-Star like Odom to support his appearance. He decided to completely destroy the reconstruction and only wanted draft picks!

Harrington adds three first-round picks!

Larry Bird gets Nowitzki! ! !

Even more powerful!

Larry Bird got the player in the league who most closely resembles him.

Kidd, Miller, Artest, Nowitzki, O'Neal.

"Robbery! This is a naked robbery!" Kobe immediately expressed disbelief when he saw the deal.

The German tank that stayed with Dallas for nearly 20 years in the previous life actually had a bad time with Mark Cuban in this life and finally left the team!?

The Pacers, the strongest defensive team in the league, actually got a super scorer! ?

O'Neal Jr. has the most suitable offensive partner for him! ?

Larry Bird joins forces to become Bird's successor! ?


This Pacers has suddenly become a legendary team that is not inferior to any other team!

"Welcome Dirk to join us. I believe he will get everything he deserves in our team." Larry Bird smiled and put on his No. 33 jersey at the press conference. On Ski.

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