My name is Lu Mingfei, not Lu Mingfei!

Chapter 134 133 Aqua Skylight (4)

Chapter 134 133. Aqua Skylight (4)

Xiyue felt a familiar aura from the knife, and the alchemy of fire reached its peak. Once upon a time, she had also seen the skill of using the mountain as a furnace. The molten metal flow spread from the towering dome to the foot of the mountain and merged. The sea was roaring with water and fire, and the huge amount of steam turned the world into a psychedelic mist. The final product was the majestic Bronze City.

She blinked hard twice, clearing the long memory from her mind. Being nostalgic is often not a good thing. No matter what kind of beauty or hardship, it will become the past tense and will not be of any help to the present. Whether you can see the sun rising again tomorrow only depends on what you do today.

From many years ago, Xiyue was the person who saw the so-called life clearly. She walked in the world like a bird flying across the blue sky, or a fish swimming through the stream, stopping and walking. On a sudden whim, I would stay somewhere for a while, watching the tides come and go, leaving traces of wetness on the beach, and the shells washed ashore stuck in the rocks. Sometimes she would be in a daze from afar, waiting for a child to suddenly pick it up. Sometimes she would end up taking off her shoes and hook them on her fingertips, leaving a series of small footprints. She would pick up the shell and try again Send it back to the sea and say be careful not to be so unlucky next time.

She loves this world so much, but hates it so much. Hope always coexists with despair. After tearing off the curtain called beauty, what is revealed is the malice that has been hidden behind it for a long time. Just like that beautiful dream many years ago, after waking up from the dream, everything is left behind. You look back and want to hold it tightly in your hands, but you can only pick up the fragments that quietly passed through your fingers. No matter how you look back, you can’t It just adds to the sadness.

I really hate this feeling.

The surrounding air suddenly became very humid, and it felt like walking on the seaside, breathing in the wind and water blowing from the sea at the same time. Xiyue dragged a huge water ball with a diameter of one meter in the air on her open left palm. The abundant water element keeps it fully active in a stable form without any external force exerted, but it still spins wildly like a turned globe.

Among the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire, the water element has the highest plasticity. Whether from the perspective of the dragon clan's spirit or from the perspective of human technology, water has a higher upper limit than the other three elements, accounting for 71% of the total on the earth. It's all water. Really speaking, the land, wind, and fire combined are no match for this scale. Mastering the ultimate in water is like mastering the power called the world.

Xiyue inserted her right hand into the water ball, and the rotation stopped immediately. The water ball instantly turned into an exquisite long bow, depicting a complex and simple shape, just like the ancient objects from thousands of years ago reappearing in the form of water flow. It does not need arrows or bow strings. All deficiencies will be made up for by this long bow made of water. The shape is just an appearance.

Kotorei Sentaki, if we compare its status among the Kotorei of the water system, then the horizontal result is probably Junyan in the fire system. This Kotorei has some of the same properties as Junyan, and can quickly extract the surrounding atmosphere. The water element in it condenses a large amount of flowing water and fixes it to hardness. It can change into any shape according to the user's needs. People who use this kind of spirit do not need to carry any weapons. As long as they are in a place with water elements, they can rub it with their hands at any time.

"Hurry up and help senior sister!" Seeing the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two sides, Xia Mi patted Fingel on the shoulder, hoping that he would not be immersed in the aftereffects of a slap in the face.

"What am I going to do? Are you going to slap yourself again?" Fingel simply lay on the ground and refused to get up. He pointed to the slap mark on his face with an innocent look on his face, "I think I have done a good enough job! But This woman restrains me! You see how confident your senior sister is, if you believe she can handle it, she is the only designated S-class one!"

"You were such a hero a few minutes ago, and now you are such a bitch. Who is you?"

"Junior sister, I think you are more heroic, why don't you show me an example?" Fingel suddenly smiled very flatteringly, "You see, I am a man after all. I can't stand it when I hear a beautiful woman's moaning voice. When she speaks, I jump on my legs. I'm trembling and just want to kneel down. I don't have a good character, so maybe you can do it."

"Please, I didn't even go to the academy, so I never learned how to fight! In the words of Yanling, I probably beat the senior sisters together." Xia Mi stuck out his tongue, turned his head and looked around, and suddenly a bright light flashed in his mind, "But... It’s not that I can’t help!”

A strong wind suddenly swept through and blew open all the curtains in the opera house. The dim light from outside shone in through the lattice windows, casting grid-like shadows on the floor and lighting up the skirts of the girls.

Xiyue made a gesture of pulling the bow, and a part of the water flowed from the water bow. A thin water string with a hairspring was immediately hooked on her fingertips. When the string was stretched to the limit, it was the most powerful force of the shot. The water bow also came from the water bow. The flowing water on his body turned into an arrow that responded to the string and was shot out. The water-colored arrow feathers made a sharp whistle, and the power was amazingly fast.

Lu Mingfei held the sword and spun, as light as a swallow on the tip of her toes. The floating light accurately hit the arrow without exerting any force. Instead, she used this power to make a perfect circle and shot the arrow to the ceiling, piercing the cement dome and crystal. The lamp fell and shattered pieces flew everywhere, and the arrow formed by the flowing water was as powerful as a cannonball.

When Samson taught Lu Mingfei, he said that there are two ways to use a sword. One is strength. In a real battle of life and death, strength is definitely the first priority. The one who is weak first will be defeated by the opponent. Seize the opportunity and use a thunderstorm-like offensive to keep you breathless until you miss and die. The second is skill. There have been so many swordsmen and swordsmen throughout the ages, and even extended to various schools. They focus on the exquisite skills behind the force, and use various methods to bring out the performance of swords far beyond steel.

She said that strength is definitely not your strong point, Mingfei, so what I teach you will focus on the skills themselves. You can think of them as skills in the game. Each skill represents a way to deal with different environments. You must Remember never choose to be tough.

The move Lu Mingfei just used is called Hui Feng. It is a move that combines precision and skill. Samson said that when he used it, he could use his knife to draw away the opponent's weapon at the moment he turned around. Lu Mingfei was still a newbie. I don’t think I have that kind of accuracy, but I can still do it if I know the arrows are coming from the front. To catch the opponent's force without sending it out, and then further apply your own force to change the direction, is called counter attack.

Xiyue fired bows and arrows in succession, each blow directed at a different position around Lu Mingfei. This was the skill of a master bow user. The bow itself is very difficult to fire in rapid succession. For the sake of gameplay, modern games usually design archers as melee combatants. However, in fact, ancient archers were elite soldiers, and continuous shooting requires great arm strength to achieve. If such a person really picks up a knife and engages in close combat, he will be more vicious than the average person. The water bow held by Xiyue does not require her own force, so she can shoot continuously at an extremely fast speed, blocking the opponent's space to move.

Lu Mingfei stepped forward and held the sword with both hands, because Xiyue's water arrows had strong kinetic energy. If she didn't slash with all her strength, she would be defeated by the violence during the collision.

Although the arrow formed by water is powerful, its physical property is still water itself. A precise slash can cut it directly. Once it loses its original fixed shape, the water arrow will collapse into pieces in an instant. The splashing water droplets are not offensive even if they are splashed on the body. Lu Mingfei slashed and waved, all the way forward, her shoulders, chest, abdomen and even face were covered with cut water, and wet dripping along the tips of her hair.

The distance between her and Xiyue was close to three meters, and she stopped. The blue water-colored spear pierced her heart with one blow. If she had not stopped in time to protect the vital part with floating light, this blow would have killed her. .

Xiyue changed her moves. After the distance was close, the water bow was changed to a water-colored spear. At this distance, her weapon was almost a dimensionality reduction blow to Lu Mingfei. The length was not at the same level. It was difficult for Lu Mingfei to get close. body.

Lu Mingfei suddenly swung her leg forward, and a silver high-heeled shoe flew accurately towards Xiyue's door. She didn't know when she quietly untied the shoelaces. She had probably been planning to kick off the shoes for a sneak attack. .

Xiyue had to take a step back, and the water gun collapsed and turned into a curtain wall in front of her, because the 8cm high heels were sharp and thin, not to mention being thrown out, even if she held them in her hand, she could slap them directly on the face. Shoot a few bloody holes on the person's body.

The shoe bullet flew out, and Xiyue turned water into a sword immediately, because she knew that the next blow would be after a surprise attack.

Sure enough, Floating Light followed closely. Lu Mingfei also kicked off her other shoe. After being barefoot, she moved more quickly. This distance could only be accomplished by running.

Fighting at close range is something Samson said was taboo, but Lu Mingfei was not thinking of fighting with Xiyue at this moment. Fu Guang's first sword hit Xi Yue's water sword, and then he flipped his fingertips, and Fu Guang moved at a weird angle. She danced between her fingers and stabbed for the second time, and then used the same technique to change the angle and hit the third time. The speed was simply dazzling. Although the force was not strong, it was true. It took the principle of martial arts in the world to be fast and unbreakable to the extreme. .

Flying Kites to the Moon is said to be a move inspired by the sight of nighthawks preying on wild mice in the field several times under the moonlight. Speed ​​is its first priority. If it is not fast enough, the power of the move will be greatly reduced or even forcibly interrupted by the opponent.

Fortunately, Lu Mingfei was indeed fast. This was due to the weapon in his hand. The shiny material made it transparent and almost weightless. Guan Gong, who was wielding the 72-pound Yanyue Knife, definitely did not stab him with a small knife. The little thief who comes to poke you is quick, that's the truth.

This move can only be used ten times at most. By the tenth time, both momentum and strength will reach the limit. Xiyue defended ten swords in a row in order to win steadily. When she felt that Lu Mingfei was trying to retreat and find another opportunity, she suddenly moved forward. , his hands closed together and then split into two, then one sword turned into two swords and swept across Lu Mingfei's chest with double-handed attacks on the left and right.

Lu Mingfei lowered her waist instantly! Thanks to the hard training in the past six months, her body is as flexible as a gymnast and she is very flexible in fighting. The sword wind swept the end of her hair and cut off a strand of hair. She then turned around with her hands on the ground and kicked Xiyue's chin violently with her foot. Because she was not wearing shoes, this kick made Xiyue dizzy and her instep was red and swollen. If she had been harder, she might have broken bones together.

She still doesn't have the consciousness like Chu Zihang that if I hurt the enemy, I will die, but she still knows how to feel sorry for herself. If it were Chu Zihang, she would have to kick the opponent to become a one-legged hero.

Lu Mingfei grinned and jumped back two steps away from Xiyue, keeping just the right distance. She did not intend to compete head-on with Xiyue, nor did she intend to further distance herself so that Xiyue could use long-range weapons.

The short exchange went back and forth several times while holding breath. Lu Mingfei had a feeling at this moment that Xiyue seemed to be very bad at melee combat. She used a bow as soon as she started, and then a gun, which seemed to change according to the distance. The response is actually to ensure one's advantageous position. When the distance between the two parties was so close that they could only use shoes and swords as weapons, her reaction and strength were greatly weakened. For the first time, Lu Mingfei used Fei Yue to explore the moon on someone, and she was able to kill Xi Yue. Completely suppressed.

"You... aren't very good at close combat, are you?" Lu Mingfei stared at Xiyue closely.

Xiyue rubbed her chin and waved her hands to release the fixation of the two swords. The water spread out and slowly flowed around her feet.

"Yes." It's hard to imagine that Xiyue actually nodded in such a disadvantaged situation, so calmly. This is not like the self-confidence she had just now.

"Surrender, Kassel's conviction is quite reasonable. It has its own set of laws. Based on your crime, you will probably be sentenced to life imprisonment. At least you will not be killed on the spot by the executive department who are watching eagerly from outside." Lu Mingfei was the first. It was the first time I used this tone, and I felt a little excited. It seemed that I had become Cassel's designated negotiator and was negotiating terms with thugs. It felt like a police drama.

"What stupid things are you talking about?" Xiyue tilted her head with a funny expression. Even at this moment, she was still so charming when she spoke. The siren's singing seemed to be a passive voice for her, "I My melee level is really poor. That’s because I don’t bother to play such violent games. My real strength is playing the word spirit. Everyone has to kneel at my feet. To use your favorite two-dimensional words, I am a The top...mage."

As she finished speaking, dozens of water columns shot up from the puddles all over the floor and reached the ceiling. They cut through the chandeliers on the dome and shattered the ash, dividing the entire opera house into several small worlds in the springs. It's hard to imagine that there would be so much water in a place like this, just like the fountains that follow the rhythm at a music festival, but the intensity of this fountain is extremely high, as if it is endless, completely blocking the view, and the water splashing against the ceiling is like a heavy rain. The sudden drop made Lu Mingfei soaked to the skin.

"My duel with you has been a trap from the beginning, little cutie. As my opponent, you have to pay attention to even a puddle of water around you at any time, because even that can be the shackles I set for you. "

They were indeed traps. The water was sprayed by Lu Mingfei's own weapon that cut off Xiyue. It flowed all over the ground along her attack route and around her. When the spring erupted, it formed a perfect contrast. Her own prison.

Lu Mingfei knew that Xiyue was standing behind the water curtain in front of her, but she could not see Xiyue. She could only hear Xiyue's unique voice from the violent sound of water flow.

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