My name is Lu Mingfei, not Lu Mingfei!

Chapter 165 164 Nibelungen Hunting (3)

Chapter 165 164. Nibelungen Hunting (3)

"She actually knows how to carry a weapon!" Su Enxi chewed potato chips and stared at the computer screen, almost like a lazy posture of a drama nerd.

On the surveillance screen with obvious noise, Lu Mingfei was carrying Taotie and carrying the backpack that was a bit too big for her again.

Of course, there will be no such thing as surveillance cameras in Nibelungen, but it is based on the real-world architecture. In the area where the two worlds meet, they will be partially intertwined with each other.

For example, people taking the subway on Line 1 often hear some noise coming from electronic devices when traveling to the Wangfujing section. Sometimes it sounds like someone is chewing something, and sometimes it sounds like a group of monsters crying. , this is an urban legend that has been proven several times, and the sound actually comes from the Nibelungs. Another example is that Lu Mingfei is not looking at the mobile phone in her bag, otherwise she would find that every time a period of time passes, the signal bar at the top of the screen will be full for a few seconds and then disappear. When there is a signal, you can actually contact her. Someone outside sends a text message or something.

This camera that exists on the Nibelungen border is such a thing. It entered the real world by mistake on a rainy night, but it can connect to the network of the real world. Because it was so old, it only had black and white images, but this did not prevent Su Enxi from using it to spy. The kind of sight that Lu Mingfei always felt was this bad camera that looked completely antique in her eyes.

"Because the game she has played has a setting like drawing a sword. You need to draw the sword before you can attack. In that game, monsters will appear from hidden places anytime and anywhere. When you see the monster charging towards you, it will be too late to draw the sword. , the game uses this method to limit the player's movement speed and create a sense of crisis." Mai Shutoku also sat and watched.

Since Lu Mingfei arrived in the city, she has entered the surveillance range of these two people. Any place with a camera will be used by Su Enxi to observe what her cute little princess is doing. But this method was limited to before Lu Mingfei entered the Nibelungen. In the world of the Nibelungen, Su Enxi only had this unexpected camera available, and she knew nothing about the deeper places.

"Oh, I thought she grew up because of Cassel's studies this year. She looks no different from a year ago." Su Enxi said.

"No, she has indeed grown." Mai Shutoku could see some details of the figure through the computer screen, "She couldn't carry such a big thing before, but now she dares to carry the Seven Deadly Sins She also holds the knife with one hand, which shows that she has the confidence to maintain combat effectiveness in this situation. Believe me, if I ask you to carry that thing on your back, you won't be able to walk 500 meters without panting like a dog."

"Oh no! If you don't hurt me, will you die? I'm different from you! I'm a liberal arts student sitting in an office." Su Enxi glared.

"Trivia, I am a music major at Dongda University and can be considered a liberal arts student. Lu Mingfei is majoring in dragon history at Kassel College and is also a liberal arts student. You can't use this as a reason for not exercising." Jiude Mai stretched out her hand and touched it under Su Enxi's nightgown. The flesh of her thighs was dazzlingly white.

"Okay, okay, I will go to the gym for a while next time. I don't need you to remind me all the time." Su Enxi had to admit defeat. She knew that Mai Shutoku's figure was comparable to a supermodel, but she never paid attention to eating to stay in shape. , because Mai Shutoku is a ninja, and her amount of exercise is far beyond that of ordinary people, enough to maintain such a slender figure.

She pulled out a report card from the computer at hand and scanned it roughly: "But I see that Lu Mingfei's sword fighting class report card at Kassel Academy is only B-."

"If she tries her best, she will probably be rated S, and there will be a lot of professors asking where she comes from." Mai Shutoku said lightly, "Don't forget that her teacher is Samson, and Norton is still the leader of Baidi City. At that time, Samson was lent to Gongsun Shu as a general, and he was able to defeat Sichuan so quickly. In that era when ancient swordsmanship valued strength, Samson used his skills to defeat countless famous generals who founded the Eastern Han Dynasty. In fact, those whose causes of death were unknown in the history books were all He was buried in her hands."

"While saying that Lu Mingfei is our important treasure, we must protect her and let her live the life of a princess, but at the same time, we put a dragon beside her. I am not afraid that one day the tyrannosaurus will jump up and kill her. Did the princess eat it? Samson ate Norton’s dragon bones, and Norton also ate Constantine, which means that this guy is now roughly equivalent to the complete King of Bronze and Fire! If Samson rebels, the city will be buried with him .”

"I don't believe in Samson either, but if the boss says it's okay, then it must be okay. When has the boss ever made a mistake? Samson has all the power of the King of Bronze and Fire, as long as she is willing to stay on the road temporarily for Norton's recovery after a thousand years. Ming Fei, then she is our safest dragon bone saver. We don’t have to worry about anyone trying to get involved, unless the thief wants to single out the complete version of the King of Bronze and Fire. When we need the dragon bone, we will find an opportunity to erase it. Just drop the unsuspecting Samson.”

"In other words, it means that Lu Mingfei raised a Bronze and Fire King as a pet, right? It's really bold. If she had such a dangerous thing next to me, I would probably faint at the first sight of her. It's over." Su Enxi curled her lips.

"That's purely because you are too timid. Even if a mouse passes by your shoes, you will scream soprano." Mai Shutoku stretched her waist, revealing a perfect vest line under the short T-shirt. These days She and Su Enxi stayed here every day to watch the surveillance. During this period, the most they could do was make phone calls and control the situation remotely, which almost made them crazy.

Lu Mingfei arrived at the platform. It was not bright here. The incandescent lights overhead flickered on and off. This Nibelung subway station exuded a taste of the last century. The entire column was painted in an aesthetically pleasing way. The dark green color reminds people of the camouflage uniforms that were everywhere a few decades ago. Only blue and green are left. There are a few benches and benches next to it.

There was a rumbling sound from the deep tunnel, like an old-fashioned steam train, and then dazzling lights shot out, and the train entered the station and stopped in front of Lu Mingfei. This train is also very old. It has four big headlights in front of the square head. The body is painted in white and green, and there are five characters on the inscription "Civility and Courtesy Train". There is a full sense of age everywhere. Lu Mingfei feels that if there is A literary girl is standing here. She must take out her mobile phone to take a few more photos to show off.

The door opened automatically, and it was pitch black inside. Not even a shadow could be seen. It felt like a hell train in a horror movie.

It seemed to have come specially to pick up Lu Mingfei. The door was opened for a long time, and Lu Mingfei said to herself that the Nibelung designer had a childish heart in making such a thing. But she just didn't plan to get in the car. The means of transportation in horror stories are all very rare. Even if it looks like a normal tunnel in front of you, when you get on the car and the door is closed, the sky will not work and the earth will not work. Accelerate the speed and soar into the sky. When you fall down, everyone will go to hell, surrounded by the lonely ghosts who died before you.

But this car is very stubborn. It seems that it won’t leave until Lu Mingfei gets on the train. Even if Lu Mingfei wants to find another way, there is nothing she can do. Looking back is full of blue mist, and the only thing she can see is the tunnel in front of the train. There seemed to be some way to go, but it was blocked by the car parked here.

Lu Mingfei got angry and quickly stepped forward and kicked the car door: "Who wants to get in your car? Just drive away! You're blocking my way!"

She was in a hurry to find her senior brother. Not to mention a ghost car parked in front of her right now, if she had an explosive pack in her hand, she would dare to go up and blow it up, regardless of whether it was the Dragon King or not. This Nibelung was stuffed too hard and was a toy.

After a cute kick from Lu Mingfei, the car suddenly rippled like stagnant water, slowly closing the door and driving into the dark tunnel. Lu Mingfei stood on the platform and looked into the distance and repeatedly confirmed that it was really gone. Then she cautiously jumped off the platform and followed the direction of the train along the tracks.

At this time, she heard strange noises, like fingernails scraping against a blackboard. A harsh and long creak echoed in the tunnel, getting closer and faster. Something hidden in the tunnel was disappearing as the train moved away. Then he quickly headed towards the only living thing.

She took a few steps back and stood in the dimly lit area of ​​the platform, holding her glutinous rice tightly. The person who could make that kind of sound could never be a living person. No matter what kind of monster he was, as long as he appeared in the light for a moment, he would pass by. His aunt's knife will teach him to be a good little kid.

The sparks on the wall flashed in the darkness, and in just one breath they rushed into the light, leaping high into the air, with their tattered clothes clinging to the bumpy body amidst the huge high-speed wind pressure. It was something that looked human yet inhuman, with general facial features and head, but was significantly over two and a half meters tall. The head was as pale and slender as the Ghostface mask in Scream, and it was supposed to be the eyes and mouth. The position was replaced by pitch-black darkness, the entire body was as dry as a skeleton, and the knuckles and soles of the feet were weirdly curved like ghost claws.

But this did not affect the evil ghost's movements, but instead brought more powerful power. The moment the evil ghost emerged from the tunnel, Lu Mingfei put on a defensive posture. It seemed that this action stimulated some of the evil ghost's combat senses. What should have been an eagle's attack was deflected and rushed towards the dome. The curved claws were embedded deeply into the ceiling to fix the body, and then exploded in another direction, running quickly in a zigzag pattern at an undetermined angle. The whole process only took a moment.

It was so fast that Lu Mingfei could not confirm the direction of his attack, but there was no doubt about his murderous intention. The opponent would definitely come straight towards him, so he only needed to defend.

She turned around and spun, and the box on her back was slightly thrown out by the inertia of her quick turn. A clear sound of sparks exploded on her back. The bone claws tore the backpack into pieces and chopped it on the sword box of the Seven Deadly Sins to hold it. Those swords are naturally as hard as themselves and are made of alchemy.

This caused the evil ghost's offensive to stall for a moment. Lu Mingfei lifted her leg and kicked her right in the middle. Before the surprise in her heart came over, the pale face had already stretched out in front of her. This evil ghost was not attracted by her at all. Kicked away, he didn't move at all! Although it didn't crush Lu Mingfei to death with one claw, it grabbed the sword box and climbed up on all four legs like a spider.

Such a big thing was almost hugging the sword case and looking at Lu Mingfei, but Lu Mingfei didn't feel the weight on his back increased much, which meant that this thing only looked tall, but was actually very light.

She pulled out the knife she carried with her, cut open the bag of her backpack, and threw the sword box out with all her strength, but it was too heavy. Even if Lu Mingfei was no longer a girl with a delicate body and a soft body that could easily be pushed over, she couldn't handle that big metal box. It can't be thrown very far, just to create even a moment's opportunity to counterattack. It is too difficult to turn around and attack a thing lying on your back.

Even though she reacted quickly, this evil ghost-like thing still entangled itself. Its bones showed amazing twists and could wind like a snake's body. In an instant, it blocked the road with its own bones like a python. Ming Fei's chest was exposed under the broken clothes. Its body was as decayed as carrion, but there was no odor.

It once again used that weird face to get close to Lu Mingfei, looking left and right, circling around, as if admiring such a wonderful prey. Lu Mingfei doubted whether it could eat herself or just enjoy attacking living creatures. From this distance, she could roughly see that there was nothing under the mask-like face, not even bones. In other words That mask is its face.

The severe suffocation almost took away the little air left in the body, and Lu Mingfei couldn't breathe. This strange thing looked very light but full of power. The twisted sense of oppression made it impossible for Lu Mingfei's chest to do even the slightest complete movement. ups and downs. Fortunately, she could still move her wrist. She clamped the blade of the knife tremblingly and let go of her fingers, letting Taotie fall in the opposite direction. Her still-movable thigh suddenly lifted up and pressed against the handle of the knife.

The Taotie was an Atkan kukri with an astonishing length. Lu Mingfei used all his strength to strike it with great kinetic energy. The Taotie suddenly pierced the strange face from bottom to top. Because it had no physical vocal cords, it couldn't even make a cry of pain. The monster just twisted and twisted violently, hitting its head against the wall, trying to get rid of the thing embedded in its head. This caused the bones that bound Lu Mingfei's body to suddenly loosen. She almost stumbled towards the sword box on her hands and knees, opened the lid and pulled out Greed.

The weapon felt particularly reassuring. Lu Mingfei held the two-handed broadsword and looked back to chop the damn monster into pieces, but all she saw was Taotie lying on the ground. The monster was gone, and its voice and breath were gone. , or that overwhelming death-like offensive has disappeared.

This is by no means an escape, but a precursor to an attack. This is the case with most beasts, which often disappear before a fatal blow. Lu Mingfei stared around carefully and backed away slowly. Not far behind her was the wall of the platform. Leaving her back to the wall would reduce the possibility of being attacked by a sneak attack.

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