My name is Lu Mingfei, not Lu Mingfei!

Chapter 321 The Fall of 321 God (2)

Chapter 321 321. The Fall of God (2)

"The watery soup is not to my taste. You know, I'm German. Wrap pizza or noodle salad is fine." Herzog said, "Actually, I haven't had a decent meal in many years in my life." Dragon's blood destroyed my esophagus, making me swallow like a python every time I eat. You can't understand what it feels like to drink vegetable soup for more than ten years. So my biggest pursuit now is actually to get When I arrive at White King’s Legacy, the first thing I want to do after I succeed is to eat the long-lost pork knuckles and Munich bratwurst.”

His tone was so plain, and he even had a little nostalgia when he mentioned the long-lost German food. He felt like a dying old man sitting in a foreign country and missing the mountains and rivers where he was born and raised. If Tachibana Masamune didn't know Herzog so well, he would even believe his lies.

"What a coincidence. In fact, I miss Moscow very much. The Soviet Union disintegrated not long after I left, and the glory of the Soviet Union no longer exists. As a soldier of that era, I still have strong patriotic sentiments in my heart. If I get the White King's Heritage, I will definitely help Russia recover, return to the Soviet era, and realize the glory of a republic for everyone." Masamune Tachibana smiled and said, "Is my ideal much greater than yours? I think you can Give it to me, and I can send you the most authentic Munich sausage, air-shipped right from the oven in Germany."

Both men left their seats, pointed guns at each other, told cynical lies, and circled cautiously.

Herzog's combat prowess has been witnessed many years ago by Tachibana Masamune. In terms of dragon blood, Herzog can use drugs to elevate him to his current level, so of course Herzog himself can also take the same medicine. Therefore, Masamune Tachibana has been preparing for it very early. He knew that he would have a formal break with Herzog.

Herzog was also thinking. Like Masamune Tachibana, he was ready to seize the treasure at this moment. It was the intervention of Kassel Academy that forced them to join forces. Tachibana Masamune obviously knew the gap between him and himself, but he still resolutely boarded the helicopter heading for death. What did he rely on? Is there a special bullet in the muzzle of that gun? Or maybe there are still subordinates of his own in Night Food? Or is it that he holds the word spirit in his hand that can reverse the outcome?

The calculations in their hearts were repeatedly deduced in a short period of time. They did not have much time. No one knew how many people from Kassel Academy were still in the Night Food Plain. After entering the Nibelungen, they successfully separated most of them. , but it is very likely that someone has discovered the secret of Mount Fuji by this time and is coming here. That is what they all fear, the most elite dragon-slaying group in the world. Unless they get the legacy of the White King, they have no chance of fighting Cassel alone.

Two bullets were fired at the same time. After only one shot, Herzog and Tachibana Masamune rushed out in unison, because they both knew that even at such a distance, pistol bullets would be difficult to kill each other with one hit.

The bullets damaged Herzog's shoulder and Tachibana Masamune's ears respectively. The mercury injected into them produced some toxins and affected their central nervous systems. Mercury is a poison that is fatal to dragons. However, the amount of medicine that can be loaded in a bullet is always limited, and the movements of the two men were not greatly affected. Tachibana Masamune's right hand actually took the lead to rest on Herzog's shoulder.

Herzog is a doctor, and all his combat experience comes from his half-dragon transformation. He relies on the speed and strength that his bloodline brings to him. This is like when he was on the ship, his bloodline was actually stronger than Mr. Chen's, but his combat experience was completely overwhelmed by Mr. Chen's and he was unable to break through.

Masamune Tachibana is different. He was born as a soldier and received strict training. The purpose of military training is to face vicious enemies, and enemies are people who want to kill you, so soldiers never leave any room for attack. Over the years, he has not carried anything with him. He has been training and preparing for this day. Minamoto's fighting skills have even been influenced by some of Tachibana Masamune. The famous Japanese teachers he studied under, Tachibana Masamune was there when he was training. While watching, I am slowly learning.

Using the bone-breaking grappling technique, Masamune Tachibana first wanted to cripple Herzog's arm. None of them carry weapons, their bodies are weapons, but the dragon blood will give them powerful self-healing ability. It is difficult to cause fatal injuries in one or two attacks alone. Tachibana Masamune's first goal is to destroy Herzog's Bones, broken bones are not as injured as the flesh, and cannot be repaired as quickly.

Herzog noticed Tachibana Masamune's intention, immediately turned his wrist, and moved his backhand up Tachibana Masamune's wrist, intending to directly break his hand bones. In just a few seconds, the two sides repeated the tactics continuously, exchanging ten rounds. Several attacks and defenses were made, but none succeeded.

Masamune Tachibana was slightly surprised by the performance of his old enemy, because he noticed that Herzog used moves similar to his, which were popular fighting techniques in the Soviet army. He suddenly remembered that Herzog had worked in Black Swan Port, and the people around him were Soviet soldiers. Herzog even learned fighting techniques from these Soviet soldiers while doing research.

That day at Genji Heavy Industries, facing Minamoto Chisei pretending to be a girl, Tachibana Masamune still kept some secrets of his own and did not drag them out completely.

In fact, he knew very well the origins of Herzog, a geneticist of the Third Reich, the chief technician of Black Swan Port, a dragon genetics researcher supported by the Alexander family... Some of them were explained by Herzog himself, and some It was Tachibana Masamune who slowly figured it out based on the clues from back then. In order to defeat this opponent, of course he had to figure out the origin of Herzog.

The Soviets and the Germans fought many times in a small space, just like the era when they were at odds with each other many years ago. Bullets made sparks in various places, and blood was splashed on every floor. It was so close. There is no possibility of evading the volley. Every gunshot represents a mercury bullet entering someone's body.

Herzog put a hold on Tachibana Masamune's neck, held his gun-holding wrist with his bare hand, pointed the hand at Tachibana Masamune's own neck, and fired three shots in a row, emptying the last bullet. Two bullets overlapped and hit Tachibana Masamune's collarbone, and the last one missed because he hit Herzog with his head. Holding back the severe pain of being shot in an important part, he kicked Herzog's gun finger and kicked Herzog's gun out of the helicopter. Now no one had a deadly and dangerous weapon. .

Herzog twisted his neck and showed a satisfied smile. The bloodthirsty gene in his bloodline fully bloomed. Herzog entered his dragon state. In this body shape, he was almost the same as a person who had been bloody for four times. This helicopter was not that big, and its swollen body instantly filled the surrounding space. He just walked lightly, and the steel claws on his hands sliced ​​open the instruments on the bridge. The blazing instrument panel was accompanied by electric light. The cold mechanical sound played the extent of the damage to the helicopter, and the red alarm sounded. Light flashes.

The helicopter was too small, and Tachibana Masamune had no way to escape. Behind him was the open hatch. Herzog was not in a hurry and approached step by step. He wanted to see if Tachibana Masamune would turn around and jump off on his own, so to speak. Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope. The premise is that if the White King will let him go, then even Deadpool and the low-blooded Fiends will not let him go. How could he not eat delicious food like Tachibana Masamune? His bloodline is much higher than the prey of the fierce ghosts.

The low-pitched chanting of dragon text sounded in the helicopter. Herzog was taken aback and rushed forward to capture Tachibana Masamune, but it was too late. Tachibana Masamune's chanting of dragon text was very fast, and it should have been complicated and obscure. There are hundreds of pronunciations for a large section of dragon text. However, Tachibana Masamune condensed these dragon texts into a few words, and his voice chanting speed was astonishingly fast.

The mysterious realm shrouded the helicopter, and Herzog was in a daze at that moment. He felt that there seemed to be dozens of Tachibana Masamune in front of him. These Tachibana Masamune all had the same cold expressions, and the helicopter was full of people. The small space is completely occupied.

Masamune Tachibana punched, and dozens of punches hit Herzog at the same time. Although the single force was not very strong, no one could withstand the dozens of punches, and Herzog was beaten back repeatedly.

Yan Ling? Is it Yan Ling? But what kind of words is this? Herzog had never heard of it before. This feeling was like suddenly encountering Naruto Uzumaki's Shadow Clone Technique. Every Tachibana Masamune was a real entity. Every punch hit him, and there was a dull pain. Those The false Tachibana Masamune is not a phantom, but something that really exists.

Herzog roared angrily and stood up, hitting the nearest Tachibana Masamune with his claws, but his angry blow just rubbed through the Tachibana Masamune's bodies, like a mist that dispersed and merged. These clearly Things that can hit him can, in turn, make him unable to hit them. Herzog was completely confused. This is how a mixed-race duel works. Word spirits are likely to be the thing that determines the outcome and reverses the odds. Herzog did not expect that Tachibana Masamune would hold such a trump card. He roared and spun. , he kicked and beat him, and the helicopter was riddled with holes, but he just couldn't hit the real Tachibana Masamune.

The real Tachibana Masamune stood in the corner of the helicopter, watching with cold eyes as Herzog danced wildly on the spot as if he was possessed.

In fact, there is no shadow clone technique at all. It would be better to say that Herzog was under an illusion. Just like the nightmare with the name of the spirit, the character Herzog hates most at the moment, Masamune Tachibana, has become his lingering nightmare. .

From Herzog's perspective, the number of Tachibana Masamune increased from dozens to hundreds, or even thousands. These Tachibana Masamune ignored the concept of space or time and rushed towards him like a tide, muttering his name in their mouths. No matter how many Herzog killed or scattered, the Tachibana Masamune would always haunt him. They climbed on his body, tore off his dragon scales with their nails, gnawed at his body with their teeth, and banged their heads. his chest.

Herzog was scarred, but unable to cause any effective counterattack. He could only wave his powerless claws out of thin air. A single blow in his state could shatter steel, but he could not kill these damn Tachibana Masamune.

But in fact, he was not injured at all. The nightmare was like a real nightmare. Even Herzog's five senses were blocked. He didn't realize that he was still on a helicopter. He could only feel that Tachibana Masamune wanted to The things he felt, those scars and pain, didn't exist at all, but he couldn't tell that he was in a real dream, and he still thought it was some kind of special avatar.

Many people have nightmares. If you can realize that this is a dream, no matter how weird things are, they can't hurt you. But if you keep immersed in dreams, then the terrifying nightmare will become an absolute reality. It was Herzog's worries about Tachibana Masamune's use of words that led him to mistakenly enter this trap and never be able to climb out.

Tachibana Masamune silently carried his skydiving bag and stood at the hatch to observe the wind direction and current altitude. The helicopter's autopilot system had been taken out by Herzog, and the entire cab was filled with piercing sirens. He had to Make sure you can use your parachute to get to safety, then go back and kill the White King.

Herzog's hypothesis was correct, Tachibana Masamune did cultivate a team of his own, in the Night Food Plain. It's just that those teams are all composed of deadpools, but Tachibana Masamune has mastered some method of controlling the deadpools. Those deadpools will be as docile as sheep in front of him, and among them are things that can kill the White King. , Yata mirror.

Japan's three major artifacts, the eight-foot magatama, the Amancongyun Sword, and the eight-tatami mirror, all of them really exist in history. What the Japanese royal family has today are just fakes, and the real three artifacts are from the shadows. The emperor came to take control of it and enshrined it in the shrine of the Sheqi Eight Family.

Different from historical legends, in the world view of Japanese hybrids, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi used the Amansugaun sword and the eight-foot magatama to defeat Susano'o who merged with the White King into the Yamata no Orochi. The divine sword Tencongyunjian was swallowed by the Yamata no Orochi, and the eight-foot magatama was shattered. Now only the eight-foot mirror remains.

The three artifacts were originally created by the first generation of family hybrids to fight against the White King, and each had different effects. The Tiancongyun Sword is an alchemical weapon that can cut through the body of the White King. The eight-foot magatama jade hook contains a powerful poison. According to today's point of view, it is probably an extremely high concentration of mercury created by alchemy, far exceeding Today’s technological landscape.

The last remaining Yata mirror had the White King's own Word Spirit, the Oracle, attached to it. She used this Word Spirit to rule her descendants, but she didn't expect that the human hybrid actually managed to steal this Word Spirit and use it to Stored alchemically in a mirror. If Shiro was allowed to see the Yata Mirror by himself, she would be controlled by the oracle he had imposed. Now Tachibana Masamune is going to take this mirror and his army of Deadpools to find the eyes on the White King Snake's head.

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