My name is Lu Mingfei, not Lu Mingfei!

Chapter 352 352 The girl will eventually be the king (1)

As a result, the highway is currently overcrowded, and although repair work is still ongoing, workers have temporarily filled in its entrance for use, taking into account the needs of the city.

A large number of trucks engaged in logistics work can only enter and exit the city through this road. The daily throughput of materials in such a large place is extremely astonishing. There is almost a game of sitting in a row among the trucks at the entrance of the highway. There were also some private cars mixed in during this period. The unusually heavy rain made some people feel uneasy and simply left here for a while. Of course, there were many mixed races among them. They knew better than anyone what the current situation meant.

Elemental turbulence is forming in this city. It seems that the entire peninsula's rainy season rainfall is concentrated here. Its actual rainfall will be far more terrible than what the Meteorological Bureau reports. The city will only be completely trapped in a waterlogging disaster, and the drainage system is completely Overloaded.

In Kassel College, this is called altar blockade. When a certain dragon king resurrects, it is unwilling for outsiders to interfere with the process. The balance of elements will be forcibly broken, and extreme climate will create an astonishing blockade area. During the Greenland Ice Incident that year, Professor Schneider's fleet encountered the resurgent King of Oceans and Water, and was fatally attacked.

Lu Mingfei's MINI COOPER was running wildly in the rain. The wipers were swinging back and forth wildly. Just after clearing away the water mist one second, more water would come in the next second. The view in front of the car window was extremely poor. It is undoubtedly very dangerous to drive on the highway in this situation, but Lu Mingfei has no other choice. She only has these 34 hours. After 34 hours, the background wind will leave and the elemental turbulence will cease. The door will be closed. There is no entrance to that damn place without the permission of the owner.

The car carried her team. To a certain extent, the four of them, Samson Xia Mi Ling and Lu Mingfei, formed the Odin Crusade Team. The trunk and the underside of the car seat were filled with weapons, including Gatling. The level of firepower of machine guns and RPGs were all obtained from Chu Tianjiao's arsenal, and they could be called borrowed in name. If that man was still alive, he probably wouldn't have minded these girls looting his arsenal, and would have clapped and applauded them vigorously.

Xia Mi is loading her pistol. It stands to reason that she should disdain this kind of weapon, but her bloodline is still suppressed. Apart from the innate power of the eye, she is probably not as good as her bloodline alone. Deadpool. In this case, human technology is also a good choice. Although Deadpool is more resistant to beatings, he still has to admit defeat when encountering firearms at close range.

Samson chewed the bubble gum and blew it up to the maximum with a satisfied expression, exploding it on his face. Then he stuck out his tongue and licked all the bubble gum back. She is probably the least nervous person here. From her position, she has no need to participate in this operation, because nothing is more important to her than ensuring that the Lord can be resurrected in the future.

However, Norton gave her an order to support Lu Mingfei's operation without reservation. Although it's not clear what the Lord's considerations are, he intends to find fault with something like Odin, but since he has said so, Samson is certainly willing to choose to obey.

Zero has been looking out the window. The rain is pattering on the car window. The black mountains and woods on both sides of the road seem to be rushing towards his face. The location of Highway 10 has deviated from the main road of the city, which is not the case. It's good. You don't have to worry about the consequences of anything happening in a place with fewer people. Just like if you cause a big explosion, you can learn from the Holy Grail War next door and say it's a gas leak.

According to the Nibelungen principle, the Dragon Kings cannot create something imaginary out of thin air. Japan's Night Food was originally established in Tokyo, and the nightmare that was once called Highway 0 is the result of the distortion of Highway 10 in reality. , the red cursor representing Chu Zihang’s position on Lu Mingfei’s iPhone was wandering back and forth on the path of Highway 10.

It felt like he had become a wandering ghost there, wandering around day after day, looking up in the direction of the city, but he could never leave. He was bound by some mysterious power. .

Ahead is the entrance to the No. 10 elevated highway. Cars are vying for the first place in a long queue and slowly crawling forward. The traffic police comrades are still very conscientious at this time. Umbrellas are of no use anymore. They wear raincoats in pairs and use them. Loudspeakers loudly announced command actions. But the movement speed of the convoy is still very slow. The cars entering and exiting the entire city are now crowded in this one place. It would be weird if it could move faster.

This scene is really very familiar. It was also the same on that rainy night many years ago. Everyone was blocked in the driveway like a group of black and gray snails. The rain was falling outside the car window. The driver and the boys and girls in the car were bragging about their whole lives. Great achievements come. Now that time has passed, the girl from back then has grown up, and now she is the one driving the car, and she brings her comrades here to find what was lost in the past.

Lu Mingfei closed her eyes. The car windows would not open in such heavy rain, but she felt the unique wind coming towards her. It was an invitation letter, or a letter of challenge for a duel between knights. When she opened her eyes again, there was an elevated fork on the roadside in front of her. The road signs and the road were blocked by wildly dancing willow branches. Only when the strong wind came, she still hugged her pipa. The half-covered face was revealed.

After all these years, you still only know this one thing, Odin.

Lu Mingfei smiled silently, stepped on the accelerator and drove away from the traffic flow. No one in the car raised any objections to her operation. None of the cars waiting in front and behind seemed to notice the deviant behavior of this MINI COOPER. It seemed that When Lu Mingfei discovered the fork in the road, their car no longer belonged to this world.

MINI COOPER went up the slope and successfully boarded the viaduct. There is no toll station here, it is just a long road leading into the distance. In order to save costs, the real Highway 10 assumes that it leaves the city in an almost straight line after being at high altitude. However, in this Nibelung, it takes on a snake-like twisted shape, and it is clearly only a short straight road to reach it. The distance must be found back and forth like a winding mountain road. Running in such a place must consume a lot of fuel.

Lu Mingfei glanced in the rearview mirror. The slope they came up on was gone. In front of the car was the road leading to the front, and behind the car was the road leading to the back. The whole car seemed to be watched by a car. The missing God's right hand gently picked it up, disappeared from the real world, and placed it in this Nibelung.

"He actually came in." Xia Mi rolled down the car window and looked out. She had built a Nibelungen herself, and of course she was familiar with the Nibelungen. There was no heavy rain here like in the outside world. She looked up at the sky. There seems to be so much rain in the rain, but when it falls on the ground, it is as quiet as the spring rain that awakens all things.

"So fast?" Samson's bubble gum exploded in her face, and she didn't seem to have recovered yet.

"It just seemed like it happened in an instant." Zero looked ahead from a distance. There shouldn't be lights as bright as stars. How could an elevated highway leaving the city have lights comparable to the density of urban areas? That would only become less and less, not to mention that this road was originally supposed to be in the air, starting from a relatively remote place.

Lu Mingfei glanced at Ling in surprise. It seemed that since she first entered the Nibelungen, only her consciousness had been active. The fork in the road was opened specifically for her, attracting her to come, and the passengers in the car were Time stopped at the moment she blinked. One moment they were still queuing, and the next moment they were already on the Nibelungen Autobahn.

She couldn't help but shudder quietly... This seemed like a fateful encounter. The road into the Nibelung was open only for her. If she hadn't seen this road many years ago, she would have said "that road". Can the road be walked? Then Chu Tianjiao and Chu Zihang might not be aware of the existence of this road leading to nightmares.

Only now did she realize that on that rainy night, Odin appeared just for herself! If she hadn't gotten into that Maybach, her senior brother and his father would have been safe! That's why after so many years, only she can still see the existence of that road! That's the trap Odin prepared for her!

It seemed that the demon's evil laugh was heard in her ears, and ghosts were howling in the wind and rain. Lu Mingfei felt that her whole body was chilled. Why did she only know the truth after so many years? Odin had been waiting for her in this city for so many years. Every time she came back during these days, she had a brush with death. However, she did not come back to this road a second time, so she did not know about the strange thing. The thing has been staying in the city, looking into the distance with his Gangnir, like a watcher who has traveled through eternity.

"What's wrong with you?" Someone asked with concern from beside her. Lu Mingfei was stunned and slowly turned around. The person in the passenger seat was not Zero, but her dearest little devil sister, Lu Mingzao.

"Only now do I know that it was me who caused all this!" Lu Mingfei almost cried. She had liked Chu Zihang for so many years, but only now did she realize that the culprit was herself. If she hadn't talked too much back then, , if she had not boarded the car that day, Chu Zihang's father would not have died at all, and he would not have become the cold-faced paralysis he later became.

"Everything has a cause, and of course it has an effect. If we investigate it completely, it was Chu Tianjiao who offered to give you a ride. Before that, you had never thought about using his car. It was considered that he had dug a grave for himself unintentionally. ." Lu Mingze put his hands on the pillow and threw himself comfortably in the center of the passenger seat, knocking his legs on the platform. This is really not a ladylike action, but it seems very suitable for Lu Mingzao. As a guy who looks like he needs a beating, she should be so indulgent.

"If you go further, it's because your parents accidentally discovered the ruins of Siberia and deciphered Odin's secrets, so they were targeted by him. As a hybrid dragon king, he also had his own palace, and there is The ruins of his palace, the resting place of the Black King in history, were also in the cold winds of Siberia. Odin had been watching there for many years, trying to decipher the secret of the Black King, but he failed. Not everyone in human beings Everyone hates Odin, otherwise his name would not be included in subsequent myths. However, there are indeed some deviations in your understanding. Odin did come for you, but more for me in you. .”

"Who are you? Why do you always appear at just the right time and know so many things?" Lu Mingfei really couldn't bear it anymore. She was already prepared, but this sudden reality came to her. She was extremely disappointed with herself in front of her.

"Actually, I have told you humans who I am a long time ago, but there are too few records about me, so you can't find me even if you have documents." Lu Mingzao said calmly, "I am the prince. I once This name was used to publish news about Fenrir's resurgence on the hunter website, and also guided Cassel College to the Greenland Ice Sea. If you want to talk about the identity, it is very simple. After the birth of Nidhogg, the second dragon, his The child is me. After Nidhogg dies, I will be the dragon closest to the name of the Black King."

This is extremely shocking news. If it is announced in the mixed race world, it will cause huge waves like a nuclear bomb. But Lu Mingzao said it calmly. She is not as proud of her identity as those dragon kings. Middle Prince or something like that seems to be just a title for the boss in the game. If it's not exciting enough, you'll forget it after you beat it.

"Nidhogg is your father... Do you want the dragon bone to resurrect him?" Lu Mingfei was stunned.

"No, Nidhogg's resurrection is an inevitable event. There is no need to gather the necessary props like some Dragon Balls to summon his dragon. What's more, I was the first one to betray him. How could I think Want to resurrect him?" Lu Mingzao shrugged, "Do you still remember how Nidhogg died?"

"The four great monarchs joined hands with mankind to betray Nidhogg and killed him on his throne." Lu Mingfei said.

"Then you are not curious about why the Dragon Clan, which had extremely despised humans before, is suddenly willing to cooperate with humans?"

"Is it...because of you?"

"Yes, Kassel College believes that the vast majority of existing hybrids are direct descendants of the Black King, but this perception itself is wrong. The first person to trade with humans to give them dragon blood was me. I am The Black King's first child, of course they should take it for granted that the existing one is the Black King's blood descendant, but strictly speaking, it should be my blood descendant. The war in which the White King betrayed the Black King, and the subsequent alliance of the four monarchs I was the one who single-handedly precipitated the war to eliminate the Black King. If you want to choose a so-called conspirator among the Dragon Clan, then I deserve it."

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