My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 712: Seeing old friends again, the opportunity of the fourth technological explosion!

Tianyuan Academy of Sciences, whose full name is Tianyuan Territorial Science Independent Research Institute, claims to be located in the North District of Hope City in the center of the territory.

But after some observation by Sumo.

He discovered that, strictly speaking, this place did not belong to the North District.

The area where the factory is located is still bordering the urban area, but here, it is already nearly a hundred kilometers outside the urban area.

On the road sign here, Sumo saw for the first time the small town called "Pojun" where nearly 10,000 defense troops were stationed.

and the Academy of Sciences, the distance between the two is less than ten kilometers!

and Hope City, the three form an iron triangle, defending each other.

At this time, it was past midday, about 1:30 in the afternoon.

After checking his identity from the outer gate, Sumo went all the way inside and found out.

The Academy of Sciences was really not what he imagined. It was a rigorous institution with only scientific researchers.

Follow this road toward the inner gate. All along the way are shops open to the public, selling all kinds of goods.

Among them, there are also entertainment infrastructure such as bathhouses and massage parlors.

On the road, all kinds of people were sitting casually under the big trees on both sides of the crossroads.

Taking advantage of the cool air and chatting, it seemed quite leisurely.

Sumo listened to this picture of a life attitude that was completely different from that in the urban area for a while, with a look of surprise on his face.

"The Academy of Sciences has really loose control over these researchers. As long as each researcher completes his or her own tasks, he or she can come out to attend classes."

"Facing 50 people, one class, charging 20 points per person"

"Good guy, you can earn a thousand points in one and a half hours!"

Education is always the first means for the continuation of human civilization and the first means for ordinary people to improve their class.

After the territory permanently closed the "school".

Even though the Academy of Sciences is hundreds of kilometers away from the city, there is no shortage of parents who want their children to succeed and spend a lot of money to bring their children to attend classes in the hope of changing their lives.

"Brother, if you don't have classes, you can take Teacher Dashu's class at 35 o'clock, stay true!"

"I have Professor Yang's class here at 4 o'clock this afternoon. One class is 28 o'clock. There are still six seats. If anyone wants to buy it, we will not wait until it is late!"

"The laboratory is rented, 500 points for six hours, 1,300 points for the day, any basic instrument can be used, materials are not included"

"After-school homework is done for you, one for 5 points for beginners, one for 15 points for intermediate, and one for 100 points for advanced, all guaranteed to pass."

"Senior Researcher Han Cong's private small class is for sale, 800 points per person, there is only one seat left, if you want to buy it, hurry up"


The further you go, the more people flow.

Practitioners derived from the education industry have also emerged one after another.

Seeing Somo alone, several agents followed him, selling sales as they went.

Just these, Sumo was still a little interested at first, but after listening for a while and getting the required information, he no longer bothered to pay attention, and just lowered his head and walked inside.

According to common sense, courses that can be promoted by intermediaries usually have more or less pitfalls.

For example, Zhou Yue had mentioned Han Cong, the so-called senior researcher, on the way here.

Although this man is very knowledgeable and specializes in energy research, his temper is extremely bad.

If you were targeted by him, no matter what you did, even if you raised your hand or blinked, you might be scolded in person.

And this is probably the reason why he can only open a small class to cut leeks.

As for other courses, with Han Cong as an example, Su Mo didn't dare to take action rashly even if he was a little tempted.

"It would be great if I could buy lessons from Lu Kuan or the Ai brothers. Then I can go in and see how his level will be eight years later."

"If it doesn't work, Zhuo Junfan can do it!"

I don’t know if it’s for the sake of protecting a few people, or for the overall honor of the territory.

In the three technological explosions that started in the Tianyuan territory, there was no mention of the person who specifically researched it, nor was it mentioned who carried it forward.

In all the propaganda, there is only one main body, and that is the Tianyuan Territory Academy of Sciences.

After Sumo inquired about it in the territory, he only found out that the current dean of the Academy of Sciences was Ji Yang, Lu Kuan's assistant and student.

As for more, there is not much detailed information at all.

"Let's take a look first. If you can buy their class, it's worth spending thousands of points!"

Somo kept going forward along the gravel road.

The big arch at the end began to get bigger and bigger, and the feeling of oppression became stronger and stronger.

When we got here, there were guards with live ammunition. The agent did not dare to catch up and could only watch helplessly as Sumo entered the place where the identity was verified.

And going further from this second gate is within the scope of the Academy of Sciences in the true sense!

The breeze blows, bringing bursts of delicious fragrance of flowers and plants.

Sumo looked up and looked around, trying to find the location of the "signboard" that Zhou Yue mentioned.

"Is this Mr. Su Youzong's first time coming to the Academy of Sciences?"

A woman walked out of the identity verification door just now.

This woman has a pale complexion and clear eyes. She is wearing a light gray waistcoat and a pair of leggings sweatpants. She looks very sporty.

The most conspicuous thing is the small white veil on her face, which occasionally reveals some burn marks when blown by the wind.

Just like the clear and expensive Hetian jade, there is an extra impurity.

Once you see it, you will never forget it.

"Yes, this is my first time here, madam?" Sumo looked kind.

At first glance, he only noticed the appearance and clothing.

At the second glance, he realized that the woman's figure under the loose vest was not thin at all.

If you look carefully, you can still find obvious signs of muscle training in the exposed areas, as well as various scars.

Obviously not a good person.

"Oh, Mr. Su is so polite."

Looking Su Mo up and down, the woman gave a silly laugh before continuing: "My name is Qi Xiaomei. I am a specially hired guard of our Academy of Sciences. I am usually responsible for guarding the security of our entire Academy of Sciences. Occasionally, if I see someone I like, I will Take some private jobs such as introducing tour guides."

"Tourist guide?"

"Yes, the entire Academy of Sciences covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres, and there are more than three-quarters of the place that can be visited. If Mr. Su wants to measure this place with his feet, I am afraid that he may not be able to finish it by the time the academy closes at 6 p.m."

"I can use a simple car to take you around the Academy of Sciences and appreciate the charm of scientific research here. Well, it's one forty now, and by six o'clock in the afternoon, you only need to pay me 5 transaction points." Qi Xiaomei He cupped his fists and said gently.

"5 o'clock? The price is not expensive."

"But aren't you a guard? If you take me to do private work, you won't be caught." Pointing to the door that was looking at this place, Sumo meant something.

However, upon hearing Su Mo's promise, Qi Xiaomei quickly shook her head.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I'll drive here first, and I'll explain it to you when we get in the car!"

She was seen running away in large strides and disappeared from Somo's sight in less than a minute.

About three or four minutes later, a unique "neng car" quickly approached from the end of the line of sight.

Call it chic.

It's because this thing is not the four-wheeled thing Sumo has always seen, but the structure of a Kanzi motorcycle.

Qi Xiaomei is sitting on the left side riding a motorcycle, and the right side is free for fighting, which is most likely where Su Mo will sit.

"Let's go, get in the car!"

With a graceful flick of the car, Dou Zi landed right in front of Somo.

After looking around and realizing that many people were already sizing him up, Sumo simply stepped forward and sat in without doing anything else.

"Hey, it's quite comfortable?"

"Of course, I have specially renovated this place, and all the fine tiger skins are used inside." Qi Xiaomei boasted, started the car and quickly left everyone's sight, and started to drive along the path on the left.

It wasn't until she completely disappeared from the crowd's sight that her speed slowed down.

"You just wanted to ask why I, a guard, can still take on such private work, right?"

Sitting in the bucket and looking at Qi Xiaomei above, Su Mo felt a little uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, Qi Xiaomei was completely unaware. She seemed to have opened a chat box and started talking nonstop:

"When you came in just now, you probably heard a lot of people selling researcher courses, right? The prices should be quite high?"

"Well, there are quite a few."

"That's it. Do you think these researchers are willing to give lessons outside?" Qi Xiaomei shook her head: "Mr. Su, in our Academy of Sciences, everyone from researchers to guards to even cleaners are not paid."

"In addition to providing you with three meals a day in the courtyard, you have to earn all other income yourself."

"It's okay for us people. We don't lack food and clothing. Occasionally we can earn some money by seeing people we like taking on private jobs, but those researchers are miserable."

"They have to apply for a project, and the hospital will only bear 70% of the funds, and they will be responsible for the remaining 30%. If you don't have the money, I'm sorry, but you will be responsible for the consequences of not continuing the research on the project."


"So that's it." Qi Xiaomei explained a lot in one breath. At the end, Su Mo gradually understood.

On Earth, it is nothing new that the salaries of researchers in scientific research institutions are being crushed by other industries, even the entertainment industry.

The older generation of senior researchers have come from hard times and may not care about these extraneous things and are only obsessed with scientific research tasks.

But those young researchers who have been studying for more than ten or twenty years and have just entered scientific research institutions.

They are in contact with the Internet every day, so they can naturally feel this obvious deviation.

In addition, due to the confidentiality mechanism, researchers are restricted from being too closely connected with the outside world. If things continue like this, it will lead to...

The poorer you are, the less motivation you have for scientific research and the lower the efficiency of scientific research, creating a vicious cycle.

In the wasteland, the current Tianyuan Academy of Sciences has fundamentally improved this.

In this magical place, everyone from senior researchers to ordinary workers will not limit the specific work content.

As long as you have enough ability, you can study better topics, have more income, and live a better life.

On the contrary, let alone research, even life will become a problem.

Of course, the reason for this phenomenon is also very simple.

The first is the transcendent living conditions. Every researcher has the safest living environment.

Here, there are nearly ten thousand people stationed in Pojun Town for protection, and there are guards like Qi Xiaomei patrolling. Even if a natural disaster strikes, the territory will protect the safety of the researchers as soon as possible.

Living here is naturally extremely safe.

The second is the various sophisticated instruments of the Academy of Sciences.

If you want to do scientific research, it is not enough to have an idea. You will definitely need a lot of experiments.

The reason why Tianyuan Academy of Sciences is famous throughout the New World is the various magical instruments here, which have brought many incredible effects.

Relying on these things, talents continue to radiate throughout the continent and continue to attract high-level talents.

"There is the Science and Technology Monument Tower ahead. Do you want to go over and take a look?"

After getting acquainted with each other, Qi Xiaomei also put aside her pretentious pretense and started to be outspoken.

Seeing Su Mo nodding, she squeezed the accelerator, and the car sped out at an alarmingly fast speed.

What only surprised Qi Xiaomei.

From the beginning to the end, Sumo's expression remained as usual, and he didn't even look frightened at all.

"Have you been on the battlefield too?" Qi Xiaomei said suddenly out of the blue.

"No, I'm just an ordinary person," Sumo replied concisely.

He could tell that Qi Xiaomei had most likely retired from the battlefield and was unwilling to rest, so she came here to be a guard.

Being targeted by such a person, Sumo didn't want to cause trouble by exposing his strength due to some accidents.

Everything depends on waiting until the Daily War Armor is in place.

Not long after, the Neng car drove all the way through the corridor, passing through small courtyards for pedestrians to rest, and arrived in front of a small square.

Here, Sumo saw at a glance three tall stele pillars about fifteen meters in length, with many people sitting and standing underneath.

Among them, there was a circle in front of the central pillar, not knowing what was going on.

I saw the two people coming over, and I saw Sumo meeting him.

Someone squinted and shook his head: "Here comes another one."

Others showed interest and smiled: "Another young man full of dreams is about to break his wings here."

Their voices were not suppressed, as if they were not afraid that Somo would be angry because of the ridicule.

"Don't mind, it's an old custom within the Academy of Sciences."

"These are all people who almost managed to get admitted as researchers in previous years, but failed due to some other reasons."

"My heart is so high." Qi Xiaomei lowered her voice, turned her head and said a few words.

The researcher examination is only once in everyone's life, and the selection is extremely cruel.

Those who can enter here must either be a person with real talent and potential, or be a master of scientific research.

In previous years, I don’t know how many people came to take the exam, but in the end, only 50 people from the youth group and 30 people from the adult group were selected.

And if you miss this opportunity to take the exam, or fail it, you still want to be a researcher.

There are only two ways.

First, the external researchers mentioned by Zhou Yue can apply for projects and use instruments.

However, the expenses incurred by the project must be borne by the researchers themselves. The Academy of Sciences will only provide technical guidance and will not be responsible for funds.

Second, to solve any problem on the Science and Technology Monument Tower, as long as it can be recognized by researchers and approved by the Academy of Sciences.

You can obtain the formal researcher qualification immediately, and you can even increase the professional title rating progress more or less due to the difficulty of the questions.

"It's okay, let them talk," Qi Xiaomei introduced clearly.

Naturally, Sumo couldn't quarrel with these people because of this slight. His goal was to get the buffer alloy.

Zhou Yue has made it very clear that if you want to find a researcher and establish a relationship, the best place is here.

As long as you can see the researcher who posted the question and chat with them, as long as the other person is short of money, the success rate is high.

And if the problem is not as exaggerated as imagined.

"Maybe I can try?"

After looking at the question on the first stone tablet for a while, and hearing the noise of many people around him, Sumo's heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help but move towards where the crowd was gathering.

Squeeze through the outermost crowd and stand on the high platform.

Just one glance and he laughed.

The memory really matched up. The researcher standing in the center issuing the mission was none other than someone else.

It was one of the first batch of mechanical apprentices recruited by Ai Jianfeng in the territory, named Hou Congwu.

The reason why Sumo could remember him was because after the boy became a disciple of Ai Jianfeng, he changed his name on the spot and gave himself a new name of Hou Congwen, in order to gain "metaphysical" blessings in his studies.

At that time, this incident became the subject of many people's cheerful discussions after dinner, and Sumo naturally heard about it more than once.

But now eight years have passed, and the ignorant young boy has now become an unshaven old man.

Judging from his appearance, the uncle was still the young man in Sumo's memory. He looked a little downcast and slovenly. He always wore that grey-blue torn hat, as if he hadn't changed it in eight years.

But in his eyes, Sumo could see a ray of light.

That is the light that symbolizes wisdom, shining brightly!

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