My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 981 Stand still, fear returns!

"It is definitely impossible to manufacture an exoskeleton just by relying on the few low-precision machine tools provided by the weapons factory, and the third generation of strong iron does not have sufficient protection capabilities."

"You said you want to set up a machinery factory. I'll go down and do some research on this matter and let you know if I find a suitable candidate.

Lu Kuan thought about it for a while, and felt that the first thing to do was to create some exoskeleton armor to improve combat effectiveness.

After all, the next natural disaster is approaching, and there is no guarantee that an accident will not happen.

"The selection is easy to handle. I asked Chen Shen to compile some information. You can take a look at it first before making a decision."

Sumo took out a few pieces of paper from the pocket under his desk and handed them over.

It has to be said that the decision made by Tundra Sanctuary to rob a group of talents at that time was absolutely correct.

Those talents with high technical reserves cannot play any role in ordinary territories without corresponding manufacturing machinery. At best, they can only be regarded as ordinary people with slightly stronger hands-on skills.

But with the accompanying tools, their potential suddenly comes into play.

"Well, I can build helicopters, and my aerospace major is pretty good."

"Hey, this one is actually majoring in heavy mechanical and electrical engineering. This is also a good candidate."


After looking through the information recorded on the paper, Lu Kuan's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Burying talents in repetitive manual labor is something that cannot be done in difficult times.

Now Tianyuan Territory is gradually getting rid of the most basic food resource needs and begins to take root in this strange land.

As long as these talents can be placed in the right positions, they can play a great role.

Coupled with the help of the route, basically as long as you are willing to work hard, it is a bright road upward.

The most typical representative among them is the Spicy Iron Hammer. After this guy chooses to be a mechanical apprentice, he can get a bit of experience from the steel and tools produced by Lianmeng Steel Factory.

And although this experience is not like other routes that can suddenly increase a person's level by several levels in a short period of time, as time goes by and the output increases, his mechanical apprentice level now has Level 4, even approaching level 5, he is already a player at the top of this route.

The attribute points granted by upgrading give Spicy Iron Hammer stronger thinking ability and physical fitness.

After the route level is improved, those weird abilities that may be born are also one of the important indicators to measure a player's strength.

After telling Lu Kuan that he must screen out the candidates for the machinery factory as soon as possible and build the first integrated "Mother of Industry" in the territory, Su Mo found Su Deben with the plan in hand.

A previous reorganization reduced the Tianyuan Army to just over a hundred people.

After experiencing a battle and witnessing the rapid growth of reserve soldiers in the war, Sumo decided to increase the number to 350.

Counting the manpower of the security department in the village, the total number of standing combat personnel in the territory reached 700.

According to the current population ratio, it has exceeded 5%, which is considered a relatively high level.

Plans related to defense have been deployed.

At noon, when the light was the best, Somo came to the plantation area, which was now the sixteenth.

Starting five kilometers northwest from Hope Village, the stretching green space becomes the only color between heaven and earth.

Walking through the mist, the villagers who chose the farmer route were busy walking around, taking care of the status of each plant.

It stands to reason that as long as crops are planted, their vitality should be very strong.

But in the wasteland, no one knows what will happen.

In order to prevent accidents with this life-saving food, people are guarding here almost 24 hours a day.

The armed Hope Village Guard also patrols the perimeter of the plantation to ensure as much as possible that no outsiders can break into it.

"Plantation No. 1 will enter the maturity stage in at most two months, which is much faster than we expected."

With his naked upper body, "Chicken Blood", who won the bid for the No. 1 plantation, walked to the field and reported to Sumo in detail the recent situation in the planting area.

"Originally, we thought that the fog would cut off the sunlight and cause the plants to dry up, and the entire roots would gradually be corrupted by microorganisms and lose their vitality. But in fact, after our long-term observation, the impact of this illusory fog is actually It’s not big, it’s almost as if it doesn’t exist.”

"On the contrary, under such humid and low-heat conditions, the growth rate of crops will increase to a certain extent."

As there is currently no drinking water in the territory, the main crops in this plantation are wheat and corn.

It has been nearly two months since the seeds were sown, and the green wheat is already as high as a man's calf.

And those corns have already grown thick oranges with dark blue tassels on them.

"Thank you for your hard work. Your efforts during this period will be rewarded when the harvest comes."

To be honest, the first time Sumo saw the vast farmland that could not be covered by the fog, he couldn't suppress his emotions.

Starch manufacturing machines and protein reaction machines have indeed brought human productivity to a level where humans no longer rely so much on the right time and place to obtain sufficient food from the land.

But as long as the game suddenly strikes a disaster, the "energy" of all the indigenous people will be reduced.

It is enough to foresee what kind of challenges those indigenous people who have long lost their farming skills will encounter.

Feeling that there was something extra in Sumo's expression, he paused for a moment, then changed his words with a smile:

"Lord, this is what we should do. After all, even if people in other places want to farm like us, they don't have such stable time and space to do so.

"In addition, we are ready to fight against foreign enemies. If someone dares to destroy our plantation, everyone here will fight them to the end!"

If players on the farmer route want to upgrade, they can only gain experience from the land through the continuous planting process.

Among them, the experience gained is far greater than all the previous steps.

If someone destroys farmland, they are going against all farmers and killing their way to upgrade.

Sumo nodded.

"During this period, I will send people to strengthen patrols in this area to ensure that no accidents occur."

"Thank you Lord!"

"Don't worry, the second planting area I contracted has already started supplying goods to the village."

The chicken blood was surging and he scratched his head and took out a palm-sized white square plant from his trouser pocket.

This is a special variety that was captured from the dwarves before. It tastes a bit like human radishes.

However, in terms of specific taste, the white cubes are much spicier than the radish.

If the Red Spider Caravan could leave two days later, this thing might be able to replace the previously collected wild vegetables and become the new main source of pickles.

"I named this thing: cabbage head, would you like to try it?"

Somo took it, wiped the dirt on it, put it in his mouth and took a bite.


A little spicy, but extremely moist.

After eating it whole, the spicy taste went straight down my throat.

After about half a minute, the burning sensation gradually subsided.

"If this thing can be made into kimchi, it would be very good to eat it with dry food."

"You can have a variety, and we'll use it as a reserve of supplies."

Facts have proved that unless this thing is poisonous, there is no way to eat it that humans cannot develop.

After leaving the first two plantations where blood was flowing, Sumo inspected the next fourteen in turn.

Overall, the growth is encouraging.

The current potential value of Tianyuan Territory has skyrocketed to 69 after Ling Lingzong invested hundreds of territory points.

There is still a huge gap compared to 3925, which ranks first, but it is more than a little better than when it first arrived.

In addition, the fertile land is now the first crop to grow, and the fertility in it is still abundant.

"As long as we can persist for two months, there will definitely be no problem in filling those granaries with harvested grain!"

There is food in hand and no panic in mind.

With more food reserves, more currency can be issued to stimulate the market economy.

And when the machinery factory is completed, Nengshi engines can be mass-produced.

Sumo plans to make a batch of vehicles to expand the scanning radius of the territory as much as possible, and search and bring back more players to join the territory.

Of course, in order to prevent villagers from having too much currency in their hands, causing malicious inflation of prices in the territory, Zero, as a data monitor, will still calculate the consumption rate of materials and productivity ratio within a period of 48 hours, and calculate the currency The expansion rate is controlled within a reasonable specific gravity.

As for someone who has actually obtained a total amount of money that is enough to shock the market through certain channels, Sumo also reserves a solution.

Tianyuan Dungeon is still empty until now.

Tens of thousands of people want to be the first to move in, and they can casually use some value-added services to offset their excess currency.

As for more

Just relax restrictions on individual bullet purchases and develop permission to explore beyond your territory.

These consumables will also offset part of the impact of inflation, constantly driving the economy of the entire territory to thrive.

"If it weren't for Number Zero, it would be a bit of a headache for me to regulate the economy alone."

After touching the naughty little cube in his pocket, Somo went home and returned to the office in the dungeon.

The projection of No. 0 reflected dense data on the wall, and also predicted the next development trend.

In general, the current development of the territory has temporarily entered a bottleneck period.

All agricultural production has also reached the time-consuming stage, and it will take about two months to wait for it to enter the maturity stage.

All industrial manufacturing has passed the initial difficult stage and has a basic production volume, but the total volume has not completely crossed over to the semi-assembly line mechanical production model, and a large amount of basic equipment is urgently needed to meet demand.

More and more metal materials are piled up behind the village. Even if a lot of them are supplied to the Red Spider Caravan, the continuous consumption can no longer keep up with the speed of collection.

Coupled with the diverse living needs of the villagers, such as new clothes, new bedding, more delicious food, more powerful weapons, etc.

In this case, Zero gave a piece of advice that was not considered advice.


In its view, the best way is to stabilize the situation and avoid major changes.

External conflicts should be dealt with coldly if possible. It is best to put them aside for the future.

Even if the other party really wants to break out a conflict, it can be delayed as long as possible. It must not break out at this time.

However, after looking at the disaster countdown in the upper right corner of the game panel, Somo sighed slightly.

Zero has a great idea.

But the game has already calculated everything.

In less than forty-eight hours, the disaster of all things returning to the indigenous people will come.

I'm near Qinggang City and want to stay out of it

Easier said than done?

Two days later.


Muffled thunder echoed in the wasteland, accompanied by sporadic raindrops that sprinkled mist and moistened the soil.

Some frightened radioactive creatures hid around in fear, guarding against possible dangers that might erupt in the surrounding area.

Qinggang City, northern suburbs.

In front of the dilapidated industrial park, the blasted lightning wall was not repaired immediately.

After judging the difficulty of repair, the engineers of Qinggang Shelter chose to only clean up the debris that fell on the ground, randomly revealing a large and unsightly gap.

The reason is simple. The most critical reason for building this wall is to prevent the big forces in the city next door.

Now that the world has changed, Qinggang City is now alone, with 99% of the threats gone.

Naturally, there is no need to repair this wall immediately. Using the only materials to restore production in the industrial area behind it is the most important task at the moment.

The muffled thunder rang a few more times, and the rain began to intensify.

In the industrial area behind the gap, people began to line up in long lines and headed for the simple tents in the open space outside the wall.

Their feet were heavily shackled, and they were grouped in groups of eight, with only a measly less than a meter apart.

Some people walked fast, and some people walked slowly.

Those who are slow will be involuntarily staggered and fall to the ground in a daze.

Surrounding these teams, soldiers from Qinggang Shelter, armed with live ammunition and wearing exoskeleton armor, were watching coldly.

Occasionally, when a few teams were walking too slowly, they would stride forward and slam the butts of their rifles into the leader's back.

"Damn pigs, pick up your right foot and go back to the tent."

"If someone gets sick because of the rain, we will not give you even a little bit of medicine."

"Before paying back all the debts owed by those damn predators."

"All of your lives are the private property of our Clear Harbor Sanctuary!"

He kicked a middle-aged man bitterly and looked at the frightened eyes of the half-grown child behind him.

The exoskeleton soldier laughed happily, and the irritability of being scolded for several days could not help but subside a little.

"Why don't you get out of here?!"

Seeing the soldier preparing to kick him again, the middle-aged man rolled around trying to get up from the ground.

But what surprised him was that the moment his palm touched the ground, obvious vibrations seemed to be coming from the ground.



Feeling the direction of the vibration, the man raised his head dully and looked into the distance.

In the thick fog, he seemed to see black lines appearing quickly.

And as the amplitude of the vibration increased, it began to become more and more obvious.

That is

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