My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 351: Merchants Gather, Powerful Gather! (seeking a monthly ticket)

The pointer of time ticks and ticks, day and night alternate, and the stars move.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed since the news of the auction was announced in Burning Fire Mall.

The No. 2 oasis became bustling with the naked eye. Although there were still very few auction items consigned by the merchants, the revenue of the oasis skyrocketed as the traffic increased.

Everything is going according to plan.

Qianqiu worked hard to go out to insert road signs, and Teacher Fang occasionally shuttled here to inject energy when the CD time of the rumored phonograph, a legendary weapon, was reset to zero.

Two more waves of advertisements were played.

Not only propaganda, this mysterious voice that quietly spread can also be used as a guidepost in the eyes of the strong, and it can play an auxiliary role in distinguishing when passing through the intersection of the interregional zone.

It wasn't just the No. 2 oasis that changed, but also the No. 1 oasis and the Blue Star Base Camp.

The No. 1 Spark Oasis has now been promoted to a Level 3 oasis. The area covered by the sun is slowly expanding. The dead land has grown a little green again, and the output of various resource points has also been significantly improved after upgrading.

According to the data, when the oasis is promoted to level 4, which is the first level of the big oasis, new resource points will be born in the oasis.

This is still a bit far.

Even if the Spark Oasis is still under construction and new populations are constantly moving in, if you want to operate the oasis to LV4, you need at least a three-year plan.

It doesn't seem to have much effect in the short term, but in the long run, it is essential to operate a high-level oasis.

It would be better to say that there are only No. 1 and No. 2 oases, which are too few.

However, if he wants to choose to build the No. 3 oasis, Instructor Fang hopes to choose another large domain. In this way, when the oasis is operated, it can directly connect to the secret passage to quickly cross the large domain.

Unlike now, it must be transported slowly with a white shark-class airship.

"The airship is also a problem. At present, the transportation depends on this ship. If there is an accident with the White Shark airship one day, I am afraid that we will be caught blind."

"Well, maybe this demand can be obtained from the auction?"

After all, high-level treasures will definitely not be sold with treacherous crystals, but bartered. It depends on which item is more valuable and their organization can use it more.

Fang You turned his attention to various parts of Blue Star.

He is even more familiar with the situation here, and he can sweep thousands of miles away.

"There are a total of 36 pioneering areas that are currently under construction or have been completed. Most of these areas grow ordinary grains. However, in this year's environment, the crops grow extremely fast, and those that were sown early have already been harvested during this period. Two stubbles."

It may seem exaggerated, but it is actually normal.

After Blue Star sublimated, the growth speed and yield of the planted crops have been improved, and the seeds of these crops were improved by Liu Shang with the guidance of mystery and his own talent. Many areas have also introduced special soil from level 3 plantation areas, boosted by the branches of Idora's tree of life, as well as rituals to assist growth, mysterious fertilizers to promote growth, and so on.

Gain BUFFs are all stacked!

The most important thing is that Blue Star has a very vast land. These vast and fertile land can be used for planting, unlike various large oases and super oases, where people live in crowded buildings, and it is impossible to plant anything. Cut and search.

In the big oasis, if they were not born in a noble family, it may take half a lifetime of struggle for the second- and third-jue small elites and elites to buy a decent house in the inner city.

Blue Star's base city is also a bit crowded at present, but it is also constantly expanding.

In the earliest construction of the base city of Shuizawa, the pattern of a main city and four satellite cities has been formed, and a huge wall has been built to protect the entire base city.

The specifications are not as good as the Oasis, but they are adequate.

At present, it has withstood two waves of 200,000 to 300,000 people.

In terms of organizational strength, after this period of quiet development, there has also been a considerable improvement.

Heidao, Xing Jinglei and others have all improved their legendary skills and practiced to the level of proficiency, while An Jianyou cultivated the third seven-star ghost-the furnace golem.

At the same time, Meizi An has accumulated dozens of monsters and leveled up at the shallow level, and finally accumulated enough mystery to be promoted to the myth in one fell swoop.

Well, it worked once.

Fang You was on the spot to observe... the Dharma protector. The era when Miss An awakened the groundhog screamed incessantly.

She seemed to be at ease.

After all, An Jianyou has already cultivated two seven stars with legendary skills, which brought huge feedback to herself, and killed countless treacherous and evil girls. She is no longer the girl who was scared to tears by a flesh and blood giant.

She, An Jianyou, a treacherous killer!

It is a mythical existence with strength, foundation, and will!

Because Liu Shang, Xitina, and Qianqiu practiced legendary skills diligently, Teacher Fang's actual combat power has also improved a lot.

Unfortunately, it was very difficult for him to truly learn legendary skills.

Without the fruit of the skill, it is a legendary skill that is extremely difficult to get started. It is theoretically impossible to learn it, but in fact...

"Tree of Life (Uninitiated: 2.3%)"

"Nirvana Flame (Uninitiated: 2.1%)"

"Fantasy Bubbles (Uninitiated: 0.9%)"

Dream Bubble is more difficult to practice, you must have a goal, there is no way, Fang You can only choose Xiao Huan, who makes Xiao Huan the most mythical force he can call around?

This is also beneficial to Xiao Huan. Under his training...drilling, Xiao Huan's combat level has been significantly improved. Although it is still weaker than the average salary, it is matched with various skills that can be added to the master level and reach the peak. , Xiao Huan is now a real mythical combat power.

Weaker myth.

Well, but it is still stronger than Avatar.

Xiao Huan has made progress, Fang You has learned skills, and everyone has a bright future.

While practicing skills and handling official duties, Instructor Fang also remembered a general of the organization who was almost forgotten by him.

——Minister of Intelligence, Thousand Faces!

Always wearing a gray robe, or showing others in other ways, so far it is not known whether he is a man or a woman. Qianmian is listed as one of the top ten unsolved mysteries of the organization. His/her combat power is also a mystery. , in the process of Qianmian's work and tasks, he did not encounter an enemy worthy of his/her efforts, and the number of shots were very few.

This is also normal.

What Qianmian was doing was to go deep into the enemy's camp. Once he encountered a situation where he needed to go all out, he would probably be in danger.

He/she is usually investigating, infiltrating, disguising, obtaining information.

Qianmian's current location...

Fang You opened the list of apostles and checked, uh, the main body has gone to the Falling Star Imperial City? He also obtained several ritual array diagrams from some great nobles.

"The task of a thousand faces is extremely important, and he/she is completely worthy of having a legendary skill."

"Besides, Qianmian's actual combat power is not weak. Although there is no record of a complete explosion, Xiaolu's two hands have shocked Cangyan, the Lord of the Burning Flame Oasis, who is not weak in the six senses. It can be seen that Qianmian is at least It is the pinnacle of the six senses."

Most of the core personnel of the organization now have legendary skills.

For the rest, Xiao Huan is still working hard to practice, Yin Ling and Wang Chui are too hip, and they are not combatants at all, so there is no need to integrate a legendary skill, at least, it is not necessary in this stall where there is not enough destiny.

Pei Hongjing's fighting ability is not bad, but he is not keen on fighting, and gradually reduced from a front-line combatant to a second-line logistician.

Leave him alone for now.

He sent a message to Qianmian, and only after Qianmian's spying work came to an end and he returned to a safe area did he use the fusion authority.

Skill light clusters emerged from the depths of Qianmian's body one after another, manifested, sinking and floating, spreading halos of different colors.

Fang You stretched out his hand.

The palm of the hand seems to have spanned an infinite space, brushing the skill light clusters one by one, and finally touching a few of them. The index finger and middle finger moved together, like connecting lines on a blackboard, and the selected nine skills, talents, Abilities are all linked.

Ever changing! Puppet clone!

Puppetry! Phantom clone! Thread Manipulation! Mind Stealing! Deceitful! camouflage! Hide!

"My turn! Fusion!"

Among the many core personnel, the materials of Thousand Faces are luxurious. There are two epics. Although many of the blue and green skills are the materials of epics, it is not a problem to use it again, and it can probably integrate changes in different directions.

After using the fusion authority so many times, Teacher Fang has explored a lot.

Add skills, remove skills, and find out their chances of success.

It can be said that it is the first time for him to fuse thousands of faces, but he has tried many times on the edge of fusion for the connection of skill materials.

Very stable.

But, what skills will be fused?

He stared.

In the field of vision, the thousand faces in the dimly lit hut are like a statue, only the flickering candlelight illuminates some of the clothes.

Suddenly, the candlelight flickered slightly, and the shadow reflected by Qianmian gradually elongated, twisting strangely like a living thing.


"Hint: Fusion creates the unique skill 'Endless Shadow' of Thousand Faces."


"Endless Shadow (Gold)"

"Explanation 1: Thousands of faces can use their own shadows as the basis to split into 'shadow mediators'. Through these mediations, Thousands of Faces can manipulate other people's shadows, or quietly erode, devour, and replace persons lower than him/her target, when the shadow medium is integrated into the target's shadow and the target is facing away, the medium can also be used to copy the target, which can perfectly simulate the appearance and inherit part of the ability and memory. To fully inherit, the target needs to be devoured. The clone replaced by devouring not only has the ability of the original body, but also can use his/her own skills when Thousand Faces is actively controlling it.”

"Explanation 2: Within a certain range, the main body and the shadow can be switched through the shadow medium. At the same time, Qianmian can create no more than three core mediums. After the core mediums copy and devour the target, they can exert more When the thousand-faced deity falls, it can also be resurrected from the core shadow media contact/core clone.”

"Remarks: The shadow mediators that can be split by Thousand Faces have a limit value, but when the mediators devour and replace the target, a new split quota can be vacated."

While reading the skill description, as usual, Instructor Fang copied the skill to his slot.

Suddenly, a massive amount of information poured into his head like a turbulent wave, like a sea tide formed by the fusion of countless memory fragments.

"This skill..."

"It's kind of scary!"

It is not a question of whether he is strong or not. In terms of combat power and future upper limit, he may not be as high as the Nether Royal Envoy or the Immortal Legion, but this skill is terrifying!

Imagine that when the leader of a certain faction finished his retreat and walked out of the quiet room, all the members of the entire faction had been replaced by Qianmian. It seemed that everything was going as usual, but in reality there was only Qianmian alone.

Everyone else is playing thousands of faces.

One person has thousands of faces!

Mom! It's a bit scary to think about it.

Oh, Qianmian is one of our own? That's fine.

Originally, Qianmian's intelligence spying ability was MAX. When he was still weak, he was able to mix with cultists. Now...

Fang You stroked his chin.

"Can the legendary skill of Endless Shadow, while replacing the evil god's minions, not be seen by the higher-level minions?"

"You can try it. After all, this life-saving ability is too strong. Even a blood-colored emperor at the demigod level has no way to deal with it."


The goal of this trial, of course, is...

Mixed in with the Scarlet Emperor's people who were besieging the Falling Star Catacombs and other passages.

As for the task of spying on intelligence and obtaining precise information from the City of Falling Stars, there is no need to give up on it, it's a two-way process.

"When Qianmian's endless shadows are deployed, the number of shadow avatars can be said to be endless, and there will be no shortage of manpower. Even when Qianmian advances to the myth and advances to a higher position, he/she can form an intelligence department by himself."

Of course, Teacher Fang is not a devil, and the intelligence department still needs other personnel.

He was just thinking, if Wang Hammer and Yinling could also learn this skill, there would be no need to worry about the output of Xinhuo's equipment and potions.

"Perhaps, we can ask Qianmian to find some casting masters to copy, but we must be cautious in devouring and replacing. This skill cannot be abused, so we have to tell Qianmian."

Hundreds of thousands of destiny points, to create such a skill, can no longer be described as super value.

For the rest, no general has been forgotten by him, right?

Probably not.

It seems there is?

Blue Star, Mizusawa base city, Xinhuo training camp.

One of them is located in a remote place, in a small attic where students passing by will hold in admiration, and there are endless crackling sounds.

In front of a high-end desktop computer, on an ergonomic chair, is squatting a black cat with black fur and a fat head and body. Its eyes are as magnificent as jewels, and it is staring at the constantly changing computer screen.

At the same time, from all over the black cat's body, one after another black silk threads spread out, twisted and twisted, forming thicker ropes, like human fingers constantly operating on the keyboard, the crackling knocking sound It is from this.

quite a while,

When the screen jumped to show the two big characters of "victory" and high cheers, the black cat squatted straight and leaned back, with its tail dangling back and forth, making a comfortable cry.

"18 consecutive victories, as expected of me~!"

"It's such a cool day meow~!"

It picked up the invisible hand, opened the refrigerator not far away and took out a can of Feizhai Happy Water from it, unscrewed it familiarly with the invisible hand, and brought it to itself to drink.

Eating, sleeping and playing games, this is the life a cat should live!

Fighting Guixie and so on is too tiring, meow.

Oasis No. 2, Burning Fire Mall.

After two months of development, the city gate located in the south of the mall has now formed a large-scale market. There are many awakened people in armor and swords shouting like ordinary peddlers, trying to make up their wallets. .

Most of them are free mercenaries, or guards of the chamber of commerce who are on vacation and trying to find ways to open source, or strong men from an oasis.

There are not many of them.

The current resident population of the entire shopping mall may not be as large as that of the street lamp town oasis next door, but the bustle of this simple market is ten times or a hundred times that of the street lamp town.

After all, Ludeng Town has the ability to stay away from the awakened oasis explorers, less than a slap in the face.

What about here? Almost as long as they are individuals, they have the ability to go deep into the gray fog area. They hunt evil spirits and find resources. When they return to the Oasis Mall, they will find a way to sell their trading income, or sell it directly to the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce.

That is, the sale to the chamber of commerce was severely suppressed by the price.

"I didn't expect that in just two months, this place would be so lively."

The leader of the War Mercenary Corps, Lott, was amazed.

There are many scratches on the armor on his body, his hair is messy, and the sword in his hand has not been put away. This is returning from the outside, and he has just crossed the domain.

Well, he took on another business.

Escort one caravan back to the Broken Sea Crimson Empire, and then escort another to this place. After running back and forth twice, Lott has a lot of experience.

"When we left, there was no sign of the market at all. I didn't expect such a big change. It looks like many people are planning to settle here?"

"However, the development of Burning Fire Mall is also good for me. We can always undertake the guarding work from the Red Lotus Empire to Burning Fire Mall... It is much safer to repeat the same route than to open up a new route."

He saw a business opportunity.

The caravan who sent off the escort chatted with the stall owner in the market, and Lott also found a few familiar faces here.

"Leader Lott made another fortune?"

"Small profits, small profits, can't compare to Boss Wang's big business."

"Which caravan are you escorting this time?"

"It can be revealed that they are from the Wutie family and the Wensen family from the Red Lotus Empire. These two families are big lord families with strong financial resources. It is estimated that they came for the auction... Damn, if the auction time is not too fast , I have to run a few more times."

The Broken Sea is not the same as the Vault of Fallen Star.

There are only super oasis countries there, and all large oases and ordinary oases are territories under the jurisdiction of various empires and dynasties, so they are mostly called families and lords.

Regardless of the need for these lord families to make offerings to the empire, these families have a long history and rich heritage, and their wealth is far stronger than that of the sword and flower city, the wave city state and other big oases.

The Broken Sea region is a symbol of strength.

In the middle of the conversation, the gray fog in the distance surged, and another team with excellent equipment slowly stepped into the oasis, followed behind dozens of cavalry, and the airship hanging at a height of tens of meters shone brightly in the sun. Light.

"It's the Searing Heart, people from the Karen family are here!"

"That's the one, the Kalian family who has a pivotal position in the Red Lotus Empire? It is rumored that they have a mythical ancestor!"

"Another powerful caravan has arrived. Looking at the emblem, it's Gu Yuelin's family!"

"Seven Star Alliance, people from Sixth Star Island are here."

"That's from the pale cemetery in the Great Domain of the Boneyard. I didn't expect them to come from thousands of miles across the domain with their indifferent temperament."

It seemed that they had made an appointment, and as the two-month period approached, one after another powerful teams arrived at Burning Fire Mall.

There are many Liujue titles who have achieved great fame in various regions, but today, these well-known experts have gathered in this small oasis.

Many mercenary captains were surprised.

These auction items thrown out by the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce seem... to be more important than they imagined.

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