My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 495 It's time to show the true power of Xinhuo

Fang You did intend to take this opportunity to sell some war weapons to the oasis representatives.

In terms of the crafty crystal cannon technology: Xinhuo obtained a lot of information from the Candela Empire, and Master Wang Hammer borrowed light red's artillery system. Combining the two, its technical level is already at the top of humankind.

Defense plant technology, firewood is also at the top level of human beings.

The overlord force of the ancient wood country, which specializes in wood, may also be able to cultivate similar special plants. However, they do not have the tree of life of Idora, and they do not have special soil. To cultivate and manufacture a plant of the same level, they need to pay more. Much price.

Overlords like Gumu Kingdom are far inferior to Xinhuo in terms of competitiveness.

As far as Teacher Fang knew, Gumu Kingdom rarely sold special plants. He has no way of knowing whether they are self-preserving, or whether they are really incapable of cultivating in large quantities, and he doesn't need it.

Xinhuo has the ability to manufacture in large quantities;

Representatives of each oasis are also interested in purchasing;

that's enough.

Xinhuo gained wealth, various oasis forces bought their favorite weapons, and human beings as a whole improved their resistance to disasters... This is already a win-win situation.

The fire organization can also gain a lot of prestige.

This wins the hemp belongs to yes.

After all, there are not two or three forces capable of selling high-end weapons in large quantities.

Those who are willing to sell at a low price are more likely to have only one salary.

Not far from the city wall, on the viewing platform.

Listening to the roar of the artillery fire, the thoughts of the representatives had already flown to it. They started to inquire and ask around, and soon got the information they wanted from a few "burning locals".

"The Sword of Brilliance Defense System...Can this be bought?"

"And the price is not expensive! A set only needs 66 units of legendary materials or equivalent."

This value, in their view, is almost the cost price.

Even if it has to be purchased with high-level equivalents such as 'legendary materials' instead of warp crystals, they understand very well.

The real treasure was not something that Wei Jing could buy.

Shenjing is almost the same.

The Xinhuo Organization, as rumored, is a great organization that cares about the human race!

"We need two sets for the Court of Quiet Night!"

"Hmph, we Daybreak Legion bought three sets!"

"On behalf of the Seven-Star Alliance, I also... buy six sets to test the waters, and then four sets of the Tower of Dawn system!"

A variety of legendary buildings, defense systems, and firewood such as the Tower of Dawn and the Sword of Splendor are clearly marked and sold.

Only sell individuals, not technology.

They don't have the technology.

Oh, they have technical materials such as the brilliant sword defense system and the clear light curtain.

But relying on technology alone to build these defense systems by conventional means is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the cost is quite high.

Just as the representatives estimated, the price of dozens of legendary materials is just the cost price.

If the construction technology is not skilled enough and there is no systematic component production line, the cost will be much higher.

Firewood construction does not rely on these bells and whistles.

It all depends on the kind of construction.

Buildings, defense systems, just plant them.

This may involve rules and means, which is very exaggerated, but with the size of today's salary, it doesn't matter if it is accidentally exposed.

The fire organization is already a giant.

"An order..."

"Ten orders..."

"One hundred orders..."

"Master, master, we got rich~!"

On the panel, Xiao Huan is counting money.

The eyes are already in the shape of ¥¥.

She even transformed into a hill of gold coins, half of her body buried in it, and she picked up the gold coins with both hands and threw them up, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

Fang You: "..."

Just let her go.

The scenes created by Xiaohuan can't take up 0.1% of the CPU, and it doesn't affect the remaining 99.9% to continue working.

This sum of subscriptions is indeed an astronomical figure.

He looked a little drooling.

Super Oasis is really rich.

The older the oasis, the richer it is.

At first glance, some super oases appear to be on the same level as the City of Falling Stars, but their wealth may be several or ten times that of the City of Falling Stars.

This is the huge wealth accumulated by generations of strong people under the mighty power of time.

"Selling arms is indeed very profitable."

"Although, being able to sell so many has nothing to do with the threat of disaster."

In normal times, Super Oasis would be reluctant to spend this money, at least, reluctant to buy so many sets.

Teacher Fang was only a little excited.

Wealth is, after all, just wealth.

Only by turning it into strength can the value of this wealth be reflected.

"The awakening of mythology, the awakening of demigods, and the road to high positions do require a lot of legendary materials."

"Xiao Huan, pay attention to purchasing materials with law fragments."

"Got it~"

Don't look at how much salary you earn, spending money is like flowing water.

It doesn't take much resources to promote a Mythology, but what about ten, one hundred, five hundred?

Instructor Fang has never been stingy with the supply of training resources for his own strongmen.

In addition, oasis construction is also the bulk of the expenses.

It took other forces hundreds or thousands of years to manage an eighth-level oasis.

However, the salary needs to condense the time of operation and construction into a few years.

And his goal is to promote all oases to level nine.

This is still a long way to go.

Soon, Xiao Huan worked out a development plan that was more suitable for the current salary based on the increased wealth.

Above, a huge amount of wealth is consumed at an extremely fast speed.

Xiaohuan: "ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3"

The money hasn't warmed up yet.

"Don't feel bad, wealth is just another way to stay with us."

"Cough... Wealth is only valuable if it is spent."

Fang You said.

He understands all the reasons, so he won't feel bad.

... It's strange.


at this time,

The frequency of the bombardment of the strange crystal giant cannon and the slashing of the brilliant sword on each section of the city wall has been reduced a lot.

The power of all kinds of war weapons has been demonstrated in front of the oasis representatives, and the fire weapons exhibition can come to an end.

Next, the battle of defending the city will enter the normal mode.

That is: low energy consumption, cost-effective mode.

It's fun to bombard the warp crystal cannon, but the premise is that the burning warp crystal is not discussed.

The most cost-effective way to eliminate evil spirits is to rely on manpower.

Sway skills, self-recovery, continue to sway skills.

As long as the pressure of defending the city does not exceed the threshold, there is no need to drink potions and water of life to replenish, rounding up the war is equal to no consumption.

What's more, the soldiers of our own family are already hungry and thirsty.



In the sixth hour of the city defense battle, the tip of the ever-increasing tide of treachery and evil finally crashed into the towering city wall.

The defenders of the city took action one after another.

For a moment, thunder and sea of ​​flames continued to spread outward, filling every inch of space.

Its lethality is not weaker than dozens of strange crystal cannons firing together!

Blue level skill 'Fission Lightning'!

The blue-level skill 'Skyfire Meteor'!

These two skills are mainly for attacking and killing in groups, and their grades are relatively moderate. Fang You listed them on the list of recommended skills. Therefore, most fire fighters have learned at least one of them.

They all shot together, and the sky fell apart in an instant.

Compared with when the city of sparks was promoted more than two years ago, the average strength of the fire organization has increased several times!

More than half of these defenders are sixth-level awakened people.

"They... are too strong!"

The representatives swallowed and looked at a soldier not far from them.

Soldiers in standard armor.

But when they hold their weapons high and thunder or flames gushes out from the tip, the power contained in them cannot be underestimated by anyone.

The energy surged at the scene, stirring up the elements of the whole world to be very violent.

They cannot perceive in detail.

The fluctuations that can be vaguely captured tell them that it seems that an ordinary fire soldier already has the power to endanger them.


The salary is indeed very strong, and it can be ranked in the top among the overlords, but it is impossible to be so exaggerated.

They shook their heads and continued to look at the dazzling light and shadow outside.

The war is still going on.

In the blink of an eye, two days and two nights passed quietly.

In the past two days, the gate of the ghost world was opened more than ten times in the cave in the city, and thousands, tens of thousands of ghosts poured out from the gate.

However, almost before they set foot on the ground, they were strangled by the myth of the firewood that was guarding the city and was always on standby.

The treacherous and evil tide outside the city did not even endanger the city at all.

Even if the tip of the wave hits the city wall from time to time, it can't leave even a trace of the towering city wall.

Too weak.

Refers to the wave of evil.

The representatives looked at each other.

"I actually think that the Weird Tide is very weak, how dare I!"

"But it seems that in front of the invincible defensive front of the Xinhuo organization, the evil spirits seem to be shaking the tree."

As many people come, so many people die.

But they also understand that it's not that the evil tide is too weak, it's the line of defense established by the fire organization, which is incredibly strong.

Outside, indestructible.

Inside, there is no weakness.

Is this the true level of the overlord force?

Red Sand Country Myth: No, you may have misunderstood something.

The Myth of the Water Man Kingdom: Is this the catastrophe of the ninth-level promotion that almost ruined our capital?

"However, in the past two days, there have been more than one hundred seven-star ghosts and more than ten eight-star ghosts..."

"The wave, it's really not bad!"

"The Xinhuo organization not only has three high-level positions, but their backbone is also strong... No, it's unbelievably tyrannical!"

"In comparison, our own regular army and elite army are far behind."

"No, after I go back, I have to practice my own legion hard. Maybe I can learn some training experience from Xinhuo? I often hear Xinhuo people say this - as long as you don't die, roll in to death - The scroll character may be the essence of the powerful fire."

"Let the little bastards roll away hard."

Many soldiers of the overlord legion who were far away in the outer domain suddenly shuddered.

After two days and two nights of persistence, the guards of the city of burning fire are still in good condition.

During this period, a batch of rotation was carried out.

The oasis representatives who watched the battle didn't need to make a move, and they didn't sleep a wink for two days and two nights with their Liujue physique, and they didn't feel too tired.

"It is said that the third day is the most dangerous day of promotion."

"However, the City of Burning Fire was easily defended for the first two days. Even if it is more difficult on the third day, there will be no problem in defending it, right?"

Ordinary delegates think so.

Representatives of overlord forces such as Red Sand Myth, Shuiman Myth, Xiguang Demigod, etc., think so even more.

Ordinary super oasis people don't know the process of the nine-level promotion calamity, don't they know?

When their own promotion, the first two days cannot be guaranteed to be completely unscathed, and it is far from as easy as salary.

According to this situation, it is quite easy to keep the salary.

No wonder, people dare to disclose this promotion process, they are really full of confidence.

The sky was getting darker, and the clouds were low.

The land of the oasis is also retreating inch by inch, as if a giant mouth opened in the gray fog, biting and devouring the green land.


A sharp, ear-piercing, sinister roar resounded in the gray mist in the distance.

Surrounding the sky and the earth.

Overshadowed the roar of thunder and fire.

On the stands, a faint wall of light emerged on the outer edge, and various symbols on it shone with dazzling brilliance.

Even so, the delegates still felt uncomfortable, and fear surged in their hearts uncontrollably, like a giant black hand tightly grasping the heart.

As if to crush the heart straight to the same.

Inside the city, myths from various domains have cast their gazes beyond the oasis, piercing through the vast gray fog, and seeing a terrifying giant shadow.

"It's Nine Stars Guixie!"

"The high-ranking and evil spirits still appeared."

"However, if this high-ranking evil spirit is killed, most of the crisis of promotion will be removed, and the remaining wave of evil evil will not be able to threaten the impregnable City of Burning Fire."

"No, I can't say for sure, what if there will be a second high-ranking ghost?"

This probability is relatively small, but still exists.

The voice just fell.

On the other side of the oasis, there was a roar that shook the sky and the earth.

"You... crow's mouth!"

"The second high position is evil! The City of Burning Fire is a bit dangerous."

"I heard that Xinhuo has a high-ranking existence sitting in the town, and the sage Cangtu is also present, so it should be fine."

"The first, third, and third ones have appeared!"

The first two high positions are still in the depths of the black wave, step by step towards the burning city.

But it didn't take long before the third high-ranking Guixie emerged from the surging gray fog.

After a few more minutes, the fourth high-ranking statue appeared strangely and evilly.

...the fifth high-ranking statue emerges treacherously and evilly.


The myths were terrified.

how so?

"Is it because the disaster tide has just ended, and there are still some disaster effects remaining?"

"No, absolutely not, at least not just!

"Look, under normal circumstances, high-ranking and evil spirits don't appear together. This is definitely influenced by the servants of the evil gods!"

There was Shinhwa who spoke, his face extremely solemn.

The calamity of promotion is already extremely dangerous, so what does it mean to let the servant of the evil god stare at him at this time? They understand very well.

The City of Burning Fire is in danger!

This is a catastrophe!

inside the city,

With the power of the world, Fang You sweeps out of the oasis in mighty force.

But he couldn't find the shadow of the servant of the evil god.

"No problem."

"The tide of disaster is over, and the waiter's ability to move must be limited."

"What's more, with the character of the servants of the evil gods, if they can attack head-on, they will disdain and can't bear to attack secretly. This only shows that they are not strong enough, so they are eyeing the opportunity of promotion."

He was right to wait until the Calamity Tides were over.

Perhaps it would be safer to delay the promotion for a while. At that time, there may not be any servants of evil gods to disturb.

But the promotion has been promoted, and there is nothing wrong with regretting.

No need to regret either.

Left and right, there are only five high-ranking and evil spirits.

Instructor Fang knocked on the panel, sending out messages.

"It's time to show the true power of Xin Huo."

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