Apocalypse City is decorated with lights and colorful decorations everywhere, and the word"Happiness" is hung in every corner of the town.

This city, full of love, passion and freedom, will host a grand wedding today.

The woman is Miss Uzumaki Naruko, and the man is the young talent of the Uchiha clan - Uchiha Sasuke!

Speaking of which, this was a funny event in itself, but Mi Le was so serious that he actually asked everyone to participate.

Last night, Onoki, the third Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village, also came.

Mi Le was surprised. He originally thought that the old man would not dare to come. After all, once he came, he could not go back.

If you don't come, you will lose face, and you will have an excuse to attack Iwagakure Village.

"Mr. Miller, my grandfather is old and has reached the age of retirement long ago. I hope you don't want to know him."

Kurotsuchi heard that Onoki was coming and quickly begged for mercy.

By now, she had accepted her fate.

Mi Le is too strong, so strong that no one can resist.

"As long as old man Onoki behaves, I won't embarrass a bad old man."

"However, there is a crucial prerequisite: Yanyin Village must also obey the order."

This is Mi Le's condition. It's okay to be a dog."

"I will enlighten Grandpa more in this regard."

Kurotsuchi smiled bitterly, feeling desolate in his heart.

After all, Iwagakure Village is also one of the five great countries, and now it is going to be destroyed?

The world in front of him has been almost destroyed by Mi Le. After Iwagakure Village is wiped out, the only thing that is still persisting is reduced to The Kumoyin Village ninja who is a grass bandit

"In addition, if I ask that old man Onoki to cooperate, I will be able to copy his Dust Escape."

Miller added


Kurotsuchi nodded lightly, not daring to say no at all.


When the time reached noon, the main hall of Apocalypse City was already bustling with activity. With Mi Le helping to organize it, there were hundreds of banquet tables. Tens of thousands of people will witness the wedding of Naruto and Sasuke today.

"Ha ha ha ha~~~It's quite interesting when two men get married."

"Let me correct you, Miss Naruko, she is not a man, she is a new human being - a shemale!"

"Ask for Uchiha Sasuke’s psychological shadow area!"

"Alas, they are already a famous family in the ninja world, and now they have become...How pathetic!"

"What's so sad? Isn't this great? They were close friends to begin with, and now that they are married, I feel that Master Mi Le has made them happy."

"Only in the free Apocalypse City can they become partners!"......

At the banquet, people were talking a lot. Sasuke and Naruto's wedding was indeed quite a sensation, and many famous people came.

Mi Le and his confidantes also sat at the same table.

In order to make it extra grand, Mi Le also prepared a grand stage and a red carpet hundreds of meters long for the two of them to perform.

"It's almost time to start."

Mi Le looked at the time, and then winked at Terumi Mei.

The latter nodded and left immediately.

Soon after, festive music sounded, and the salute shot into the sky.

The other side of the stage was connected to the stage. On one side, two newlyweds stood together. Naruko was wearing a pure white wedding dress, while Uchiha Sasuke was wearing a crisp red suit.

"Damn it, I don’t want to marry this guy Naruto, what a joke!"

Sasuke struggled hard, but it was of no use.

Luo and the others were watching nearby, unable to escape.

"What should I do, Sasuke?"

Naruko on the side was also secretly worried. She was extremely miserable at the moment. She was holding flowers in her hands and wearing a wedding dress with her collarbones exposed.

Of course, the small amount of black hair under her armpits was also particularly special. of dazzling

"Sasuke is so handsome, Naruko is so happy!"

After some people saw Sasuke and Naruko, they were considered talented and handsome!

But some people were jealous and crazy!

"Damn it, that damn Naruko took my place!"

Xiang Ling could only stare, and her heart was full of helplessness. She was afraid that she would never have a chance with Sasuke in this life. Not to mention that she was about to get married, even she herself was forced to take the bow by the Miller Overlord.

There will probably be two in the future. People of the world

"The wedding begins!"

Terumi Mei shouted, and the festive music soared to a new level, especially high.

As Terumi Mei fell down, everyone's eyes were focused on the two people.

But Sasuke and Naruko remained motionless, wanting them to get married. Become a joke? No way

"The guy who won’t shed tears until he sees the coffin is still resisting?"

Mi Le rubbed his head, and then his eyes turned into Uchiha Madara's eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

His eyes focused on the two of them, and the powerful eye power burst out.

The spiritual world of the two seemed to be undefended. As if they were easily invaded.

Their eyes gradually became empty. Under Mi Le's control, Sasuke took Naruko's little hand, and the latter's head was resting on Sasuke's shoulder.

In front of everyone, the two of them looked at each other."Happily" walking on the red carpet

"Woohoo...congratulations to them!"

"Hahahaha...we witnessed a great and special wedding"

"All this is due to Mr. Miller!".......

It was obviously the wedding of Naruko and Sasuke, but at this time, everyone was singing praises to Miraku.

There is no other reason, because it was Miraku who succeeded Naruko and Sasuke, and he wanted to remember the first merit.

"This group of shameless guys are all lickers. They have clearly been hurting others for a lifetime, but they are still here to praise Mi Le. How shameless!"

Ohnoki couldn't stand it anymore. He looked at Sasuke and Naruko. Their eyes were very empty, like zombies. This look was abnormal. They were obviously controlled by illusions.

But who would care about this? , this wedding itself is a joke, everyone only thinks about kneeling down and licking Mi Le.

Anyone can see that the future king of the world will probably be Mi Le, and it is natural to have a good relationship at this time.

"Naruto, Sasuke, I will rescue you when it's your wedding night!"

Jiraiya sneaked in secretly, but he didn't act rashly. There were too many masters.

But it was different during the wedding night. There were no one around.


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