After settling the Ten-Tails, it also means that most things in this world are settled.

The enemies were all destroyed.

The five major nations, the Akatsuki Organization, and the Otsutsuki clan could not avoid the end of destruction in the end.

The ninja world has also merged one after another, moving towards a unified situation.

After Mi Le tamed the five major countries, other small countries also succumbed, and those who disobeyed were destroyed.

About a month later, Miller was officially crowned the King of the World.

Um...This is the second time I have stood in this position.

Mi Le was still the same as before, managing the trivial affairs of the ninja world in front of the boss. He was not interested and found a few talented spokespersons to help take care of it.

The first is Nagato.

Kirabi is also good, this guy is loyal enough to himself.

There is no need for brainwashing for idiot fans. but...Since being cleared, Kirabi has embarked on an unusual path


The central square of Tianqi City.

In the square where tens of thousands of people gathered, everyone was staring at the man who was singing on the stage - Kirabi!

That's right, after joining Apocalypse City, Kirabi completely gave up on the ninja profession.

He began to chase his dream - the dream of being a singer!

Because of his extreme admiration for Mi Le, Chilabi practiced Mi Le's various songs to a great level, and even had the tendency to outperform his previous ones.

That saying is very true, the harder people work, the luckier they are.

It was because of his persistent efforts that he finally became famous in Tianqi City. now...His new career is as a singer, and he is still a popular A-list singer.

Kirabi was very excited, his dream finally came true.

In addition, there is Kirabi's brother, the Fourth Raikage. After being cut off part of his memory by Miraku, he gave up revenge.

Perhaps influenced by his younger brother Kirabi, now the fourth generation Raikage, like Kirabi, has become a master in the fashion industry.

With his strong muscles, he participated in various catwalk shows. His strong body attracted the pursuit of many single girls.

Fourth Raikage...It’s also popular!

Various contracts are being signed every day. The two brothers are currently living a very prosperous life in Tianqi City and making a fortune together.

The same is true for Nagato. After Xiaonan and Mi Le, Nagato got a girlfriend not long after, and even had a flash marriage a few days ago.

Mi Le helped host the wedding.

Recently I even heard that Nagato's wife is pregnant.

Everyone is happy.

Although everyone's life trajectory has been different, until the end, they all lived a wonderful life. What is there to be dissatisfied about?

In addition, there is Tsunade's younger brother Senju Naoki. This child's dream is to be Hokage.

Although the world has been unified, there is no need to cancel the"shadow" system.

Tsunade was also pregnant. Regarding the reconstruction work of Konoha, it was necessary to find a new person in charge, so Miroku simply handed it over to Senju Nawaki.

Although this child is still young, he should be trained. I hope he will not disappoint.

And the kid Naoki was quite happy at what he did, and even gave himself the official position of"Chief Engineer of Konoha". and other people's lives...Although they are all different, everyone has fun.

After Miraku unified the ninja world, the changes in this world became more and more serious. First of all, the ninjas gradually disappeared.

People suddenly discovered that the chakra contained in the body was slowly disappearing.

No one knows the specific reason, and no one in the entire ninja world can give a reasonable explanation.

In fact, this is what Mi Le did. He planned to extract everyone's chakra. Without chakra, there would be no more ninjas and wars, and the world would not be as chaotic as before.


More than half a year later, in a small village on the border of the Land of Fire


In a dilapidated thatched hut, a baby's loud cry came out.

People standing outside breathed a sigh of relief. One of them sat down with relief - Uchiha Sasuke!

In the battle of Apocalypse City, Mi Le let Naru go. Son and Sasuke, they came here to live with their last breath.

Today, it is Naruto...Oh no, it's Naruko's delivery day.

Can Sasuke not be nervous? After all, the child in Naruko's belly is his!

Although the experience was a bit bizarre and ridiculous, it was an out-and-out fact. It was all because of that bastard Mi Le.

"Boy or girl?!"

Sasuke rushed into the hut with excitement on his face.

"It's a girl."

The midwife handed the swaddled baby to Sasuke. After the latter took a closer look, the joy on his face suddenly disappeared.

"What's wrong, Sasuke? Naruko asked weakly as she was lying on the bed. In her gentle eyes, the love of an old mother flashed...

Yes, she had accepted her fate. This was probably how she would be for the rest of her life. Mi Le would not turn her into a man.

From now on. , can only live as a woman


The joy on Sasuke's face turned into anger. He strode over and lowered the swaddled baby. Naruko looked up with difficulty and felt strange. The baby girl who came into view was very dark, specifically black. To some extent, it's like coal.

If you throw this child into the coal pile, he will definitely be the kind that cannot be found.

In addition ,...From this child, Sasuke found nothing that suited him.

He became suspicious.

Don’t you think you’d like to be a father? Who can be 100% sure that this child is theirs? When she was in Apocalypse City, Naruko also signed contracts with many entertainment companies, and even heard that her boss had unspoken rules.…

"this child...Isn't it mine?!"

Such an idea suddenly appeared in Sasuke's mind.

He was both surprised and angry.

The surprise was naturally that this child had nothing to do with him. This was great. A man was pregnant with his own child. Just thinking about it made people sad. Goosebumps arose, and he no longer had to bear the strange looks from others.

The anger was naturally because over the past six months, Naruko had said that both of their strengths had been destroyed, and they would be ordinary people from now on, so why not stay quietly? They lived together for the rest of their lives.

Sasuke also accepted it. He had no choice but to take revenge as his strength was ruined. They agreed to spend their lives together, but it turned out that this child might be someone else's. Sasuke got angry.

Once he had such thoughts in his mind, Sasuke began to have wild ideas and daydreams, and he began to count the time again.

This is not a bad thing, after counting... damn, the child was born early, among which There's something fishy about it!


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