My ship girl, my world

Chapter 71 Defensive Tactics

“The initiative is the freedom of action of the fleet, and freedom of action is the lifeblood of the fleet.

Flexibility is a commander's ability to handle situations appropriately. It is a manifestation of conscious initiative in combat. The advantage of strength is the basis for striving for the initiative. Correct subjective guidance, flexible use of troops and changes in tactics are important conditions for seizing and maintaining the initiative to defeat the enemy.

In battle, you need to actively attack to put yourself in a proactive position. When you are on defense, strive to take active offensive actions to get rid of passivity and strive for the initiative.

In the main directions and important opportunities, concentrate your strength in a timely manner to form and maintain an advantage over the enemy. In addition, the ship girl is inherently more mobile than the siren, so she can maneuver extensively to establish a favorable situation, actively find and create the enemy's weaknesses and mistakes, and mobilize The enemy puts him in a passive position.

According to the mission, the enemy's situation, our situation, and the sea area, we deploy our troops smartly and take appropriate actions. Be good at observing the battlefield situation, sizing up the situation, reacting quickly, being flexible and mobile against changes in forces, and attacking the enemy at the right time.

When the situation changes significantly, or when contact with superiors is interrupted, they should act proactively and decisively according to the overall intentions and overall strategy of superiors, and complete combat tasks flexibly and proactively.

Unexpected actions can change the advantages and disadvantages of the opposing parties, causing the enemy to lose its advantage and initiative, and win the greatest victory at the smallest cost. "

As Qin Ge's lessons deepened, the commanders in the front row nodded from time to time. They had experienced the battlefield, so they understood very well what Qin Ge meant by concentrating superior forces.

In a large-scale naval battle, due to the very scattered distribution of personnel, it creates a situation where even though one wants to defend comprehensively, the force is insufficient, so the choice of target is very important.

However, this trade-off has caused heavy losses in some places, forcing them to spend a lot of money on reconstruction every time they experienced a siren tide or a large-scale battle.

At this time, a major-level commander in the front row raised his hand, and Qin Ge also keenly caught the commander's intention, so he made a gesture of invitation.

The major-level commander stood up and said to Qin Ge, "Hello, mentor, I have a question. We usually adopt defensive tactics in naval battles, but we can only barely resist Sirens attack, and each time the commander will be killed, and some facilities on the shore will be destroyed. How can we avoid this situation?"

Qin Ge nodded and said to the major-level commander, "Please sit down."

He didn't start telling the story until the major-level commander sat down.

"Here you are trapped in an endless loop, unfolding in an all-round way and resisting the overall attack of the Sirens in the form of comprehensive defense. This is actually very fatal to the battlefield situation.

Because from the aspect of Siren's attack, it is divided into different fleets to attack. Some are small fleets, some are medium-sized fleets, and some are large fleets, so here we go back to the original issue we talked about, intelligence.

Only after mastering the specific situation of the Siren attack can we effectively utilize the mobility of the ship girl to adjust and deploy tactics in a timely manner.

The main content of defensive tactics includes the characteristics of defensive tactics, the principles of defensive tactics, and the application of defensive tactics, etc.

The coastline defense area guarded by each of our fleets is relatively large, but the number of ship girls owned by each of our commanders is not necessarily of the same level. Therefore, timely allocation and adjustment of personnel can enable flexible defense.

First of all, we must find out where the opponent's active attack direction is. We cannot resist wherever there are sirens. This is a very wrong judgment. After making this judgment, the troops will be dispersed and easily surrounded and outflanked by the sirens, and some commanders whose own fleets are relatively weak will die as a result.

We must pay attention to key points of attack, pay attention to the formation of overall strength, adopt a systematic approach to strive for relative advantages, correctly handle the relationship between concentrating combat forces and preserving effective defense forces, and organically concentrate combat forces in the main defense direction.

And not only pre-select and form the main defense deployment and key defense areas when preparing for defensive battles, but also timely adjust the defense deployment at different stages of the enemy's attack, implement troop firepower maneuvers, timely coordinate the main defense forces and adjust the main defense direction, Achieve key points in the entire defense process.

While deploying defense forces in a relatively balanced manner across the entire defense depth, we must master powerful maneuvering forces and maneuver in a timely manner as needed to quickly form advantages in key directions and practices. "

After Qin Ge finished speaking, the major-level commander said, "In other words, when we deploy, we should deploy more superior forces according to the Siren's main attack direction and focus on resistance.

And in other areas where offensive intentions are relatively weak, adopt mobile operations to annihilate the enemy as quickly as possible and release the defense pressure in the area? "

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, while we defend tightly and resist tenaciously, we must seize every opportunity and take various active offensive actions such as harassment, counterattack, and counterattack to continuously consume the enemy's offensive power, and gradually Deprive the enemy of its offensive capabilities.

Blindly guarding and defending is not the key to correctly facing the Siren attack. It is necessary to correctly grasp the scale of the use of means, combine offense with defense, integrate offense and defense, and focus on the stability of the overall defense.

Closely combine the combat methods of tight defense, tenacious resistance, extensive harassment with timely counterattacks and counterattacks, and comprehensively utilize the power of various types of ship girls to defeat the enemy's attack with coordinated counteractions. "

The applause sounded like thunder again, and several commanders or deputy commanders from various large fleets in the front row particularly agreed with Qin Ge's current explanation.

Many times, Qin Ge explained to them points that they had not considered in a concise theoretical way. And in the following course, several people took turns to ask questions, and Qin Ge gave corresponding answers, and these answers were all in line with the actual key points of their large fleet.

Several people couldn't help but feel that it was really worth it to spend 500 supplies to attend such a tactical theory class.

For such a professional, systematic, and targeted strategic and tactical course, even if it requires 10,000 units of supplies per class, they are all willing to come and listen. Because every bit of knowledge absorbed means that they can achieve greater victory on the battlefield in the future.

And such a victory cannot be overestimated by any value.

Really make a lot of money!

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