My ship girl, my world

Chapter 84 Triangle Tactics

After the preparation bell rang, Qin Ge took his textbook and walked towards the podium of the lecture hall, while the Prince of Wales and Qin Ge's three shipmates sat in the specially vacated seats in the front row.

As soon as he arrived at the lecture hall, Qin Ge saw the three commanders with the rank of major general and senior colonel sitting at the front.

Seeing this, the corners of Qin Ge's mouth turned up. I remember that when I was at the Naval Command Academy on Earth, I still sat down and listened as carefully as they do now.

But now I am using the knowledge I have learned to tell soldiers of this level what tactics are in this world.

This is really destiny!

"Attend class!"

Following Qin Ge's voice, everyone stood up.

"sit down!"

After seeing everyone sit down, Qin Ge placed his textbook on the table.

"In the last class, we talked about what defensive tactics are and what the concept of defensive tactics is. In today's class, I plan to explain what tactics are from another angle, and then talk about another tactic among tactics. Attack tactics.”

After Qin Ge finished speaking, he looked at the commander and the ship girls below and continued to preach.

“After the last class, someone asked me that tactics are boring. Is there any better way to learn them?

So I brought this question to this class. It is indeed a boring process to understand the principle of tactics, but it is actually very simple to say.

For example, I am holding a watermelon in my hand. This watermelon is the enemy, and we and our ship girls are the knives that cut the watermelon.

Put the watermelon here, hold the knife, and cut it according to the lines 1, 2, and 3 of the watermelon. This is called breakthrough. The form of cutting the watermelon into several pieces is called segmentation. Pick up one of those pieces, that's called encirclement. And eating this piece of watermelon is called annihilation.

Doesn't this sound very simple? And this is the so-called tactic, breakthrough, division, encirclement, and annihilation. "

Following Qin Ge's very vivid metaphor, some students below who had trouble with tactics couldn't help but feel a little enlightened. Especially the commanders of the large fleets sitting in the front row and the commanders who came back from the front line couldn't help but nod.

"We also talked about the defense system in the last class. Everyone understands that it is difficult to remove the enemy's defense system, but if you can find an attack point in the defense system, you can attack it and form a breakthrough.

To break through the key point, it lies in two words, virtuality and reality. Distinguishing the enemy's weak links is a basic quality of a fleet commander, and it is not considered clever. The clever approach is to be good at creating the enemy's illusions, that is to say, good at mobilizing the enemy.

As long as the enemy is mobilized, the originally immovable defense system will reveal flaws and weaknesses, so that weak links can be found and attacked.

Segmentation is to divide the enemy's defense system into two or more small pieces after a breakthrough. The key to doing this is to create a situation, that is, to create an arrow inserted into the defense system after a breakthrough is made.

Encirclement is to select one of the enemy forces to form an encirclement after dividing it. The important thing is to isolate a part or all of the divided enemy forces.

As for annihilation, that's easy to explain. Having surrounded the enemy, the last step we take is to annihilate them and win the war.

We can see very clearly that breakthrough is to create conditions for division, division is to create conditions for encirclement, and encirclement is to create conditions for final annihilation.

So next, I will explain to you a breakthrough tactic, or breakthrough tactics, to provide favorable support for our attack and breakthrough behavior. "

As Qin Ge spoke, many people picked up their notebooks and began to record them in their own notebooks.

Especially the commanders in front, from the moment they cut the watermelon, what Qin Ge said has always brought them a sense of freshness, giving them the idea that this is war.

Especially when Qin Ge said the breakthrough tactics he was going to talk about next, everyone looked at the stage intently.

"The tactic I will talk about next can be used whether it is used in a defensive system or an offensive system. This tactic is called the triangle tactic."

Qin Ge said and drew a triangle on the blackboard behind him.

"You all know that among all shapes, the triangle is the strongest, so when used in tactics, it can echo each other whether it is defense or offense.

Therefore, the triangle tactic is a tactic that integrates offense and defense. You can advance to attack and retreat to defend. This is the most characteristic feature of this tactic.

Take the Siren Tide we are about to face as an example. When the Siren Tide comes, it is not that the entire army is pressing forward and facing the attack. Instead, they were divided into several large siren fleets to conduct assaults on various points in our city.

At this time we can use triangle tactics to defend and attack. "

As Qin Ge spoke, he clicked on the blackboard and drew a circle directly below the triangle.

"Assuming that this circle is the Siren's large fleet, then if it wants to break through our triangular tactical defense system, it must divide its forces to attack point A or point B.

Due to the relationship between the combat area and the sea area, the enemy's attack between point A and point B is at a disadvantage, but our fleet at point C can indeed move at will.

Then our fleet at point C will support point A at this time, causing the combined strength of point A and point C to be greater than the Siren's incoming fleet, and quickly destroy them, and then go to support point B.

So at this time, there can be a gap in strength between points A and B, and the point to be supported must be the weak side. The point that is defended alone must have strong firepower to ensure that that point is not lost before the other two points can annihilate the enemy.

And if the enemy concentrates all its forces to attack one of the two points A and B. Then the remaining two points can continuously fire at the Siren army from the side of the Siren fleet, thus annihilating them.

And if the enemy concentrates all its forces to attack our point C, then points A and B will hit the enemy harder, and the other party will be equivalent to getting into our encirclement, closing the door and beating the dog. You Everybody, right? "

Qin Ge continued to draw corresponding formations and attack arrows on the blackboard as he narrated. This intuitive feeling allows everyone to know very clearly what the intention of this tactic is, how to build a later counterattack strategy, etc...

I have put the picture accompanying this paragraph in the comment area. If you like triangle tactics, you can study it. These are just the three most frequently used aspects. There are also some more profound methods of interspersing breakthroughs, so I won’t go into details here.

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