My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 253 The source of the path is Tiandu

He Zhenghao is no longer the arrogant and passionate young man he was before.

After decades of struggling in Congyunhai, he has already recognized the cruelty of reality.

He Zhenghao let out a long sigh, shook his head and said, "Fellow Taoist, you are joking. Ruoshui's cultivation talent is far superior to mine."

"Even if I can cultivate to the Nascent Soul realm in this life, she might have already been promoted to the Incarnation God by then."

"Magic Weaver of Transformation..."

"The status gap between us will only get higher."

"I'm old and I don't want this anymore."

"As long as Xinxin can come and see me from time to time, I will be very satisfied."

He Zhenghao sighed.

Li Fan didn't say anything, patted him on the shoulder, and then left.

Returning to the Tianxuan Mirror, Li Fan began to carefully search for information about Yuandaozhou.

An entire state's population would be devoured for ten years from time to time.

People in Yuandaozhou may not be able to notice it at the time.

But when communicating with monks from other places, would you realize something is wrong?

In these ten years of being devoured, what will the outside world see like in Yuandaozhou?

The information in Tianxuan Mirror is as vast as the sea, there should be some clues related to this convenience, right?

Li Fan spent most of the day confirming this.


Li Fan couldn't help but sigh: "Everything you can see is what I want you to see."

"Everything I didn't want you to see has completely disappeared."

He shook his head and gave up his previous plan.

Focused on searching the history of Yuandaozhou.

"A Study of Tiandu Ruins", "Source Dao?" Taoyuan? "A Trial Discussion on the Relationship between Yuan Daozhou and the Ancient Daoyuan Land", "A Brief Discussion on the Inheritance of the Lineage of the Great Master of Tiandu"...

Li Fan patiently flipped through each book.

In these books about Yuandaozhou, there is almost one keyword that cannot be avoided.


"The source of Taoism and the head of all religions..."

"What a loud tone."

Li Fan couldn't help but secretly thought: "Could this Tiandu be one of the ten ancient immortal sects?"

According to the research of later generations, in ancient times, [Heavenly Capital] hung high in the nine heavens, overlooking all living beings in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Known as the source of Taoism and the head of all religions.

It is no longer known exactly which monks were in Tiandu in the past.

The only one whose name has been passed down is [Great Master of Tiandu].

It is said that Daoyuanzhou Hedao Lanyu Immortal Lord is from the lineage of the former Tiandu Archmage.

The [Tiandu Feather Transformation Technique] he practiced was personally taught by the Great Master.

Many of Lan Yu's rare treasures, such as the Tiandu Martial Arts Arena and the Bagua Purple Gold Furnace, all come from Tiandu inheritance.

"Not long after this year, Lan Yu will reach his end. Before his death, he will set up a great array of energy-eating and rebirth, in an attempt to reverse the principle of death and life and prove immortality."

"It is said that when Lan Yu died, visions spread all over the state and everyone could see it."

"I can't go there myself, but it doesn't hurt to go there separately."

Li Fan vaguely felt in his heart that the unknown existence that swallowed up time was probably related to the former [Heavenly Capital].

But this is just an intuition and there is no evidence to prove it.

"No matter what, the scene of the death of Hedao Immortal Lord is rare."

"It's good to go and see the world."

"I heard that Lan Yu was a monk who had already joined the Tao before the Great Tribulation, so the vision of his death is different from that of today's monks."

Making a plan in his mind, Li Fan searched for ways to remove the inexplicable traces that might exist on his body.

The so-called profession has specialization.

Just because [Huazhen] can't do it doesn't mean that other methods in this world can't do it.

As long as things can be solved with contribution points, it is not a problem for Li Fan.

Keywords: purification, curse, traces, elimination...

Li Fan took his time and checked the information that popped up one by one.

All these plans are roughly divided into three categories.

The first type is to rely on the treasures of genius to wash away oneself and cleanse the evil atmosphere.

The second category is to practice special skills and practice continuously to achieve purity of mind and body and flawless glaze.

The third category consists of monks who specialize in this profession.

You only need to pay a certain price, and the other party can take the initiative to provide door-to-door service.

Clear away these abnormalities on your body.

Of course, if it is unsuccessful, the other party will not charge.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Li Fan contacted these monks.

When the other party asked what type of traces needed to be expelled, Li Fan only said that he didn't know.

It was just the feedback from the spiritual sense in my heart that I felt something was wrong with my body.

This kind of rhetoric is also very normal.

More than a dozen monks came one after another, some with Nascent Soul cultivation and some with Golden Core cultivation.

After casting the spell, Li Fan didn't feel any effect.

The other monks also stared at Li Fan for a moment, and then shook their heads, indicating that they could not find the abnormality.

When Li Fan was about to give up, the last monk gave him a surprise.

This monk’s name is Fang Yang, and he is also a Nascent Soul cultivator.

After seeing Li Fan, he observed it for a while and was about to cast a spell.

But suddenly his expression changed drastically.

Without saying anything, he turned around and left.

Li Fan knew that Fang Yang must have seen the clues and quickly chased after him.

In front of the Fa Chuan Square, Fang Yang looked ugly when he was stopped.

If it weren't for the fact that fighting was not allowed on the island, I'm afraid he would have killed this unscrupulous boy.

"My little friend, please go back! Forgive me for your faults, but I can't do anything about it!"

Li Fan looked nervous and said sincerely: "Senior, please save me!"

"I don't know why, but I always feel troubled to sleep and eat recently, and I feel restless."

"I can't even practice meditation anymore."

"If things continue like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to make any progress in my cultivation, and I'll die in the foundation building period and cut off my path!"

As he spoke, he grabbed Fang Yang's hand tightly and looked like he would never let go.

Fang Yang's face turned red, but he couldn't get angry.

I had no choice but to lower my voice and said: "Boy, let me tell you the truth. Although I don't know what happened to you, it is obvious that you have provoked someone who should not be provoked."

"The level is too high, and it is no longer something that a little Nascent Soul cultivator like me can solve."

"Even if I have a solution, I won't take action for you."

"Because to put it bluntly, the abnormality on your body is equivalent to the mark left by the other party. If you remove it rashly, it will definitely attract the other party's attention."

That's all Fang Yang has to say, no more.

Li Fan's heart sank, but he didn't expect that the matter was more serious than he imagined.

"Senior, do you have a solution? If you can get rid of this disaster, I will be richly rewarded in the future!" Li Fan said solemnly.

Fang Yang looked at Li Fan again, pondered for a moment, and then replied: "If you find a remote small world, practice a cleansing technique, and spend more than ten years, you might be able to get rid of it."

"Of course, this is just a suggestion. Whether it can be implemented depends on your own luck. I can't guarantee it."

Li Fan heard this and nodded slowly.

Thank you to Fang Yang and stop pestering him.

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