Chapter 145 The first task of running man, to be cute?

It takes about an hour from the hotel where I live to Huashan Square, which is still in the case of no traffic jam.

"Quick, quick!" Everyone didn't dare to delay, so they quickly got out of the hotel and took a taxi to Huashan Square quickly.

Huashan, one of the Five Mountains of China. It is also the holy place of the Quanzhen sect, the mainstream of Taoism, and a **** widely worshipped by the Han people, that is, the monarch God of Huashan Mountain in Xiyue.

Fortunately, the traffic conditions in Xi'an in the morning were good and there was no traffic jam, so everyone finally arrived at Huashan Square before nine o'clock.

When everyone came to Huashan Square, it had already been arranged.

"Hey, where's the director?" Wang Baoqiang looked around, but did not find Chen Hao.

"Jingle Bell!"

Everyone's cell phones rang.

Everyone opened it with the same message: "You arrived on time, now it's just a warm-up, the following is the start!"


A screen in the square lit up with a video from director Li Hao.

"Members of "Running Brothers", your main task this time is to assist Chenxiang to save her mother by splitting the mountain!"

Split the mountain to save the mother?

Hearing this mission, Lin Feng and the others were all shocked. What mission is this?

Splitting the mountain to save the mother refers to the story of Liu Chenxiang splitting the Huashan Mountain to rescue his mother, the Three Virgins.

"In order to ensure the smooth progress of this mission, we have sent two people to assist you!" As the director's voice just fell, Su Chang and Brother Hu appeared in front of everyone.

The first guests are Brother Hu and Su Chang.

"For the smooth progress of this mission, this mission is divided into three groups! Lin Feng, baby, and Deng Chao are a group. Wang Baoqiang, Wang Zulan, and Zheng Kai are a group, and Li Chen, Su Chang, and Brother Hu are a group! "

"Whoever of you can get the colorful relic first can get the mountain axe, and use the mountain axe to split Huashan to rescue the three virgins! Now you will get the first task card! After reaching the destination, you will get the task card for the next location. "Speaking, the staff handed the task card to each team.

Lin Feng took the task card and opened the task card, and the baby read it out, "Go to the nameless Taoist temple in Xifeng to find the first relic! Then finally arrive at the Dulong Temple, and the slowest team will be punished!"

"Wow, I'm going to climb a mountain!" Su Chang frowned slightly when he saw the mission card.

Everyone frowned slightly when they saw the mission card, this Huashan Mountain is so high, running and climbing the mountain is really a tiring job!

"Run, brother!"

The three teams set off immediately. The first battle of each team is different. Huashan has 72 semi-dangling caves and more than 20 Taoist temples. It is very difficult to find the seven relics in these Taoist temples.

Lin Feng, baby and Deng Chao went through untold hardships and finally came to Xifeng. Looking at so many Taoist temples, which one is the nameless Taoist temple?

"Hey, there's a Taoist temple there, let's go take a look!" Lin Feng said and led the two of them to quickly run to the Taoist temple. This Taoist temple has no name, it's a small Taoist temple with only a small Taoist priest.

"Hey, do you have any relics here?" Baby asked impatiently.

"Sarizi?" The Taoist priest shook his head.

With sharp eyes, Lin Feng glanced at the Taoist temple and found a sign of "Run, Brothers". He immediately ran over and saw a staff member.

"Do you have any relics here? We are here, give it to us!" Lin Feng asked.

"I am the guardian, and I have to complete the task before I can get this relic!" The worker handed a task card to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng hurriedly opened the task card, which read: "Make the cutest expression and be that little boy. If the Taoist priests think you are cute, the mission will pass!"

Holy crap, what kind of **** mission is this? It's actually about being cute!

The three quickly came to the little Taoist priest and said, "Little Master, we are going to be cute, you just need to say cute!"

The little Taoist looked at the three of them blankly, what is being cute?

The three of Lin Feng pondered for a while, and then they acted cute in front of the little Taoist priest. Lin Feng pouted and put his hands into fists beside his face, with a cute look on his face, while the baby stuck out his tongue and closed his eyes. Looking at one eye, it is very cute, and Deng Chao is also fighting, and the scissors that have been lost for many years have appeared.

"Lin Feng, you are so cute, honey will lose fans when she sees it!" Deng Chao said with a smile.

"Master, are we cute?" the baby asked.

The little priest shook his head.

"Little Master, we've tried our best to be cute, can't you be cute?" Lin Feng asked.

This is my first time being cute! Do you have a face?

"Monks don't lie!" the little Taoist said solemnly.

Everyone was sweating profusely, and suddenly felt that it was a bit like playing the qin to the ox to be cute to the Taoist priest. Would the Taoist priest be cute?

"Guardian, isn't this unreasonable!" Deng Chao asked the guardian and said, "This task is too embarrassing, it's cute to the Taoist priest!"

The guardian didn't respond and kept his face sullen. It was really funny to see the three of them being cute just now!

"Aren't we cute enough?" the baby asked suspiciously.

"Impossible, we are all so cute!" Deng Chao insisted that everyone can be the cute master.

Lin Feng lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then looked at the little Taoist priest, and suddenly said with a flash of inspiration, "I know how to be cute!"

"What?" Both baby and Deng Chao looked at Lin Feng anxiously.

"We're in a Taoist temple now, so I don't think the way we're cute is right!" Lin Feng said. "We should be cute like this!" Lin Feng said, clasping his hands together, as if begging God to worship Buddha, and said to the little Taoist priest, "Master, am I cute now?"

The little Taoist was still dazed, but nodded anyway.

"Yeah! It's really like this!" Baby and Deng Chao were excited for a while, then just like Lin Feng, the little Taoist nodded.

"We passed the border!" Lin Feng said, "Give us the relic!"


Chapter 146 Running Man's Hardest Task?

The guardian saw that they all passed the level, and then handed a small box to Lin Feng, and at the same time handed a task card to Lin Feng's hand.

The baby opened the small box, and inside was a small white bead, which is the so-called relic. Lin Feng and Deng Chao were looking at the new task card. It reads: Go to the East Academy to find the next relic, the secret code is that the East is undefeated!

"Baby, we're leaving!" Lin Feng took the baby and started going to the hostel again.

The three of them were crawling on Mount Hua, and the baby seemed to be very tired.

"I can't do it, I have to take a rest!" The baby waved his hand and said, "You guys go first!"

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