"I definitely won't!" Deng Chao said.

There were a few heavy ones in Deng Chao's team. Deng Chao still gritted his teeth and finished four, followed by Wang Zulan. Wang Zulan looked small, but he did not expect to be quite strong.

Three times have been carried in one breath, and now there is still a tall woman, taller than Wang Zulan's height.

"Zu Lan, can you resist?" Lin Feng asked with a smile. "That beauty is taller than you!"

"It's okay!" Wang Zulan said with a smile: "She's behind me and won't be my camera!"

"Haha, Zu Lan, your height is really not short, just like me!" Wang Baoqiang said with a simple and honest smile.

"Baobao, I know this!" Wang Zulan said with deep sympathy.

The woman was tall, but she didn't look heavy, so although Wang Zulan was very tired, she quickly carried the woman to the point. In the end, it was Lin Yuner. Lin Yuner was relatively petite, but she gritted her teeth and passed the woman on her back. This fingerboard.

"Yun'er, come on!" Lin Feng said encouragingly.

When Lin Yuner heard that Lin Feng was cheering for her, she worked harder and ran much faster.

"A woman like the wind!" Deng Chao said with a sigh.

The time used by Deng Chao's team was eleven minutes and thirteen seconds.

Next is the Li Chenlan team. Of course, the "fat beauty" weighing more than 200 pounds fell on the **** bull Li Chen.

"Big Hei Niu, can you stand it?" Lin Feng asked, estimating that the woman weighed at least two hundred pounds.

"I can hold it!" Li Chen gritted his teeth and said.

"Da Hei Niu is also working hard for the show!" The baby said with a smile: "Da Hei Niu, come on!"

Li Chen nodded, walked towards the fat beauty, and asked, "May I ask, what's your weight? Would you mind telling me?"

The fat beauty said embarrassedly: "It's just 210 pounds!"

"Cai?" Li Chen's eyes widened, and he paused and said, "Okay, come on!" As he said, his legs were spread apart, and then he took up his horse stance, waiting for him.

The fat beauty hesitated for a while, but still lay on Li Chen's back, and Li Chen instantly felt the top of Mount Tai.

"Come on, **** cow!"

The other running men started cheering for Li Chen.

Li Chen gritted his teeth, stepped on the acupressure board, and quickly ran to the other end. The pressure on the soles of his feet and his back made Li Chen speed up.

"Run, Li Chen!" the crowd shouted.

Halfway through the run, Li Chen was already sweating profusely and panting, but he couldn't stop halfway, so Li Chen had to stick to the finish line.

Putting down the fat beauty on his back, Li Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief,

"Are you all right?" The fat beauty looked at Li Chen with concern and said, "Don't worry, I'll start losing weight when I go back!"

It seems a little late to go back and lose weight again, doesn't it?

After solving this fat beauty, everything else was much easier. Everything was tense and smooth, but Song Huiqiao seemed to be weak and almost fell when he was carrying someone. Fortunately, Lin Feng was quick-witted and quickly supported Song Huiqiao.

"Huiqiao, are you alright?" Lin Feng asked with concern as he supported Song Huiqiao who was about to fall with one hand.

"It's okay!" Song Huiqiao looked at Lin Feng gratefully.

Lin Feng helped Song Huiqiao, and the game continued.

The final time of Li Chen's blue team was eleven minutes and thirty seconds, ranking third.

Now, all three teams have completed the challenge, and all three teams are standing at the gate of Gyeongbokgung Palace, and the gate of Gyeongbokgung Palace is now closed.

Chen Hao stood in front of everyone and said, "Now the first place in this round of games is the red team, the second is the yellow team, and the third is the blue team!"

"Director Chen, what is our mysterious reward?" Baby asked impatiently.

"This mysterious reward..." Chen Dao paused and said, "Your reward is that you open this palace gate!"

"Ah?" The three of Lin Feng were stunned. The reward was to open the palace gate?

Director, are you sure you're not teasing us again?

"Haha, it turns out that the first place is to open the palace gate!"


"You run first, which means you have good strength. Of course, the glorious task of opening the palace gate is handed over to your team!"

The other running men all said with a smile.

"Director, is this the reward?"

"Yes!" Chen Hao nodded,

Lin Feng and the others were helpless, walked over and pushed open the closed palace gate, "Crack!" As the palace gate opened, everyone looked at what was inside the palace curiously. When everyone saw the inside of Gyeongbokgung Palace, All of a sudden they were dumbfounded.

Director, what kind of trouble is this going to make? ..

Chapter 172 Running Man Avoids Tearing the Gold Medal!

As the palace gate opened, what caught everyone's eyes was to see seven people standing there with their backs to the palace gate, so that Lin Feng and others could not see their appearance at all.

The seven people, six men and one woman, all wore uniform white shirts with a name tag on the back of the shirt with their names written in Korean.

Others don't know Korean, but Lin Feng knows it. When he saw the name above, he immediately realized that this was actually a member of RunningMan in South Korea!

As we all know, Blueberry TV's "Run, Brother" is the introduction of South Korea's "RunningMan" mode, and it is also produced by the production team of Blueberry TV and Korean TV.

"Director, isn't this Korea's RunningMan?" Seeing the seven people and the brand name behind them, he probably guessed it, so he asked weakly.

"That's right!" Chen Hao said with a smile: "This is our Korean RunningMan! Let's applaud!"

"Clap clap clap!"

Everyone clapped for a while, and as the applause remembered, the seven Korean RunningMan slowly turned around.

That's right, these people are Korean running men, namely Liu Zaishi, Jin Zhongguo, Chi Shizhen, Ha Dongxun, Jiang Xijian, Li Guangzhu, and a young and beautiful beauty, Song Zhixiao.


"O Arasa!"

When everyone saw the Korean running man, they were excited for a while, then walked over and said hello.

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