My Super Hero Development System

Chapter 21: , what is the girlfriend doing

After leaving the store, Begunan took the things he bought to the place where his girlfriend lived, ready to give her a surprise.

In the past two days, he obviously felt that his girlfriend was a little absent-minded, and his mood seemed unstable, so he spent a lot of money to buy a bag, ready to coax his girlfriend and make her happy.

Just when he came to the street of the community by bicycle, he suddenly found a luxury car parked on the side of the road.

"Damn it, Lamborghini, how could there be such a good car here?"

Looking at the luxury car, Begunan quickly stopped the battery car, took out his mobile phone and took two photos.

After watching for a while, he forcibly resisted the emotion of stepping forward to touch it, and he rode his bike into the community.

After parking the electric car, he took a valuable gift and took the elevator upstairs. After arriving at the door of Xue Tao's house, he rang the doorbell.

After waiting patiently for a few seconds, no one came to open the door. Begunan pressed it a few more times, but still no one came to open the door.

"Aren't you at home?" Bei Gunan frowned, picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

"The call you dialed was not answered, please try again later."

The phone didn't get through, and there was only a cold system prompt from the phone.

"What's the situation, why didn't you answer the phone? Didn't you hear it?" Begunan put down his phone helplessly.

He couldn't find anyone, which made him very depressed. Standing in the corridor, he looked at the lush green trees outside the community, thinking about where his girlfriend went.

"By the way, call her best friend and ask." Soon he thought of a way, he picked up his mobile phone, found his girlfriend's best friend's phone number, and dialed it.

After the call was made, he waited anxiously. Fortunately, the call was made this time, and the voice of his girlfriend and best friend came from the loudspeaker of the mobile phone.

"Hey, Bei Gunan, what do you have to do with me?"

"Well, let me ask, is Taotao with you?"

Begunan breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly asked.

"Peach?" The other party was stunned for a moment, then said immediately.

"We were playing outside. Tao Tao went to the toilet. Do you have anything to do with her?"

"You are there, shall I find you?" Begunan's face showed joy when he heard the news of his girlfriend.

"Wait a minute, I'll discuss with Tao Tao and ask her to call you back and hang up first."

The other party responded, and immediately hung up the phone without giving the address at all.

Bei Gunan was helpless. Originally, he wanted to go there, but they obviously didn't want him to go, so he had no choice but to sit there and wait.

He has to go to work tomorrow. If he can't see his girlfriend today, it will take several days to see him next time, so he doesn't want to go back and plans to wait a little longer.

Just when he took out his phone and was about to pass the time by reading novels, the phone rang.

After seeing that it was his girlfriend's phone number, he quickly connected the phone.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

After the phone was connected, the girlfriend's voice came out, but the girlfriend's voice was a little wrong.

"What are you doing, Taotao? You don't speak fluently."

Bei Gunan was very puzzled, so he asked curiously.

"I'm playing with her at my girlfriend's house. Wait for his call."

Hearing this, the corner of Bei Kunan's mouth twitched. He thought of the scene of two girls fighting on the bed, which must be a very beautiful landscape.

Thinking of this, he was a little moved, but he soon came to his senses, shook his head quickly, and said:

"Then when are you coming back? I'm at your door."

"When did you go? What are you looking for?"

"Didn't I miss you, so I came to see you. I can wait for you when you go home."

The voice of his girlfriend made Begunan a little bit unbearable. The girls nowadays are really good at playing.

"It will take a while for you to go back first, and I will send you a message when I get back."

"Pay attention to your body, don't play too much,,,"

Bei Gunan was speechless. He had a reaction across the phone. The thought of his girlfriend's figure made his mouth dry.

"Well, hang up first."

The call was quickly hung up, and Bei Gunan was a little helpless when he put down his phone. His girlfriend would definitely not come back in a short time.

But he had nowhere to go. After thinking about it, he decided to continue to wait. Anyway, there was a small bench at the door to sit on.

Just like that, he sat at the door and looked at his phone, but slowly he felt a little sleepy, so he leaned his head against the door and slowly fell asleep.

"Hee hee, brother came after me,,,"

In his sleep, Begunan vaguely heard the voice of his girlfriend speaking, as if he was playing with other people, which startled him, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the voice.

In his sight, his girlfriend was playing with a man who looked down on his appearance. His girlfriend was running in front, and the man was chasing after him. The two were having a lot of fun.

This scene made him unable to believe, how could someone so arrogant as his girlfriend play with a man like this, he quickly blinked his eyes.

When he looked again, the picture just now was gone. Just when he was relieved, another picture suddenly appeared in front of him.

If the picture just now made him flustered, then the picture now makes him terrified. It's unbelievable that his arrogant girlfriend is actually kneeling on the ground at this moment.

"Impossible, impossible," he didn't believe it. He closed his eyes quickly, and then looked forward again. Sure enough, the scene just now disappeared again, which made him relieved.

However, before he could complete his approach, the scene turned, and his girlfriend appeared again not far away. At this moment, his girlfriend was holding a man's neck with both hands, and the two were kissing affectionately.

This scene made him go crazy, he wanted to run over, but he couldn't move, he could only watch the two of them kiss passionately, he wanted to close his eyes again, but this time it was useless.

After a while, the picture message appeared, and another picture appeared. In this picture, the man was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, while his girlfriend was kneeling there chatting and laughing with him.

Before he could watch more, the picture changed again. This time, his girlfriend was lying on a bed, and the man next to him was holding a candle. The oil from the candle dripped on his girlfriend's back as it burned.

After looking at it twice, the picture changed again. This time the picture made his eyes red, and he wanted to rush up, but he couldn't control himself at all, he could only watch everything happen.

I don't know how long it took, Begunan watched a lot of pictures that made him angry, suddenly his eyes darkened, and then he realized that he could control his body.

So he opened his eyes immediately and found that it was very dark outside. He picked up his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that it was seven o'clock, and he had just slept for a long time.

"Fortunately, it was a dream." After wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, Bei Gunan breathed a sigh of relief. The scene in the dream made him almost collapse, but fortunately it was a dream.

"How could I have such a dream? Could it be that I'm a pervert?" After calming down, Bei Gunan felt that he was a bit perverted, and that his girlfriend was so dignified and virtuous.

But in his dream, he actually imagined his girlfriend to be like that, and when he thought of her kneeling on the ground, he gave him a slap in the face.

With a sigh, he stood up and moved his muscles for a while. Then he looked at the pitch-black community outside and said to himself, "It's already night, why hasn't my girlfriend come back?"

Just when he was about to make a call to his girlfriend, the phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was his girlfriend's phone number, so he quickly answered the phone.

"Hey, Taotao, are you ready to come back?"

"Well, I'm almost there, are you really at my doorstep?"

"Yes, I have been waiting for you at the door."

"Then go buy some food, there's no food at home."

"Okay, I'll go buy it right away."

"Okay, hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Begunan hurriedly took the elevator downstairs. The afternoon of waiting finally paid off.

Xue Tao stood in the door and watched Bei Junan go downstairs in the elevator. Then she returned to the living room and looked at Xiao Fan and said:

"Brother, he has already left. Do you want to leave now, or wait a while?"

"Let's go now, it's getting late, you're too tired today, rest early."

Xiao Fan smiled, pinched her body, turned around and went out.

Xue Tao sent him away, and then quickly cleaned up. Her house is now in a mess.

After Bei Junan went downstairs subconsciously looked up and found that the lights in his girlfriend's house were actually on.

"What's the situation? Didn't you turn off the lights during the day?" Begunan shook his head and didn't want to turn around and walk out of the community.

Ten minutes later, Bei Gunan bought some vegetables and came to his girlfriend's house, and found that the door was left open, so he pushed the door and walked in.

"Tao Tao, you're finally back. I fell asleep while I waited."

Entering the house and changing his shoes, Bei Gunan came to the living room and said helplessly.

"Well, I played at my best friend's house for a while, so I came back a little later."

Xue Tao sat on the sofa and responded weakly, she was very tired, really tired.

"By the way, I bought you a gift, guess what?"

Seeing that his girlfriend was listless, Bei Gunan quickly took out the gift he bought and put it on the coffee table, and said with a smile.

"Clothes, pants?"

Xue Tao glanced at the bag, and quickly looked back, no matter what it was, it was definitely not as good as Xiao Fan's.

"Dangdangdang, it's the bag you saw last time. I bought it for you."

Bei Junan immediately took out the bag. This bag was more than 10,000 yuan. When he bought it, he was really distressed.

"Who asked you to buy it for me, I don't need it. You keep your own money and take it back tomorrow."

Xue Taozhengchou had no excuse to drive people away, but Bei Gunan unexpectedly offered an excuse, so he immediately launched an attack.


The picture in the conjecture did not appear, but instead was scolded, and Bei Gunan was a little confused.

My girlfriend likes this bag very much, but she doesn't want it today. What's the situation?

Seeing his girlfriend's impatient face, Bei Junan felt very uneasy in his heart. He originally wanted to please his girlfriend, but now he became annoyed.

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