My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1251 Real illusion (two chapters in one)

At the suggestion of the leader, a group of people who explored the ruins began to split up. They searched separately for a while, but still did not find anything of value.

When they reunited, the leader said to his frustrated companion, "Don't be discouraged, we still have a place we haven't explored."

"Where is Big Brother?" The companions asked in unison, the leader's words were their last hope.

If they find nothing in the ruins exploration this time, it may hurt their confidence, and they will never look for the ruins again.

The leader said to his companions, "I found a building in the center of this city. We have never been there before. Let's go and have a look now, maybe we can find something valuable."


Afterwards, the group of people walked towards the center of the city thousands of years ago with their last hope.

It was a huge trapezoidal building of large, loud gray stone blocks, perhaps more than 100 meters high.

"Let's go in and have a look." The leader took his companions around the huge building and came to the intersection.

The interior of the huge building is quite spacious, and there are some murals on the walls that have faded due to the years.

As they explored this huge building, their hearts became colder and colder, because they had not found anything of value so far.

Coming to the deepest part of this huge building, they found a staircase.

"Come on, let's go up and have a look." The leader said, the companions following him were already desperate, but they still nodded and followed the leader to the stairs.

5 meters, 10 meters, 20 meters...

It took some time, and they went all the way up the stairs to the top of the huge building.

There was nothing in front of me, nothing, nothing of value.

"Alas... so many years of our time have been wasted."

"What kind of broken ruins are these! Why is there nothing of value?"

"What about the ruins from ten thousand years ago? What a piece of rubbish."

"Forget it, let's go out! After staying in the desert for the past few months, I've had enough. I just want to find a place to take a good bath."

Complaints from his companions rang in his ears, but the leader did not open his mouth to complain, but searched the empty platform.

As the ball of light moved forward, under the illumination of the white light, the leader found that there seemed to be a bulge on the ground in the distance.

The square protrusions seem to be something like a sacrificial altar. The leader has seen similar altars in other ruins.

It seems that people in the past would build such an altar to remember it as the tree of life.

Apart from this altar, there seems to be nothing else.

"Sigh... It seems that we have really been busy this time." The leader couldn't help showing disappointment at this time.

At this time, the braided man who talked a lot suddenly said, "Look, there is a stone tablet over there."

The disheartened crowd heard his voice and immediately turned their heads to look over.

Everyone came to the stele and looked at it curiously.

There are words on the stele. After all these ten thousand years, the years have not obliterated them. This is really a surprise.

The well-informed leader squatted down in front of the stele and read the words on it.

"In XX year, a XX suddenly appeared in the city, and there was a big crisis in the city."

The leader frowned. The "so-and-so" was not written on the stone tablet, but these places were blank.

The key information turned out to be blank, which made the leader very depressed, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch these blank places.


A strange scene happened, just when the leader's finger touched the blank spot, the ordinary stone tablet in front of him actually emitted a dazzling pale golden aura.

Both the leader and his companions were taken aback by this strange situation.

They immediately retreated, raised the spiritual weapons in their hands, mobilized the spiritual energy in their bodies, and assumed a fighting posture.

"Go..." The leader was worried that this was a trap in the ruins, so he made a decisive decision and turned around to give his companions an order to retreat.

However, as soon as his words fell, the dazzling aura emanating from the stele burst forth instantly, covering an area with a radius of 1 kilometer in an instant.

After the group of people were enveloped by the pale golden aura, they all passed out.


"Brother, are you okay?"

The leader felt that someone was shaking him, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"I'm fine, aren't we in the underground ruins? What's going on? Did you bring me out?" The leader sat up and found that he had left the underground ruins, but the surrounding environment was not a desert.

"How is this going?"

"Brother, we don't know what's going on! We appeared here after we woke up."

There are blue sky and white clouds in the sky, the sun in the distance, and some birds passing overhead from time to time.

At this moment, the leader and his group were sitting under a big tree, their sleeves were blown by the scorching wind, people were coming and going on the street in the distance, and there were small vendors shouting on both sides of the street.

Just as the leader was about to take his companions to look around, a middle-aged man with a mustache walked towards them, holding a kettle in his hand.

"Hey, if you have heatstroke, just lie down and come on, drink some water."

The leader and his group looked at them in bewilderment. The middle-aged man with a mustache was dressed completely differently from them.

"Sir, you moved us under the tree." The leader asked.

"Yeah, I think you fainted on the road, probably because of heat stroke, so I helped you move down the tree."

"Brother, the buildings here are so familiar." A companion said in a low voice.

At this moment, these people found that the surrounding buildings were exactly the same as those they had seen in the underground ruins before.

"Could it be...?" The leader and his companions looked at each other, exchanged simple glances, and at the same time, the same thought popped up in their hearts.

"Relic Fantasy"

With such a strange scene in front of them, the group of them must be in the illusion of the ruins.

The relic hallucination generally exists in the relics, and it will show outsiders what the relics used to be like, and will not cause harm to people.

He probably knew what he was facing now, so the leader and his party felt relieved.

"You...are foreigners?" At this time, the middle-aged man with a mustache said to the leader.

In order to find this 10,000-year-old relic, the leader has done related investigations.

There are not many records of this city in some historical documents, and no one knows why this prosperous city died.

It seems that some disaster suddenly came one day, and then the city disappeared.

"Yes, we come from afar and come to this city to do business."

"How did you get in here?" The middle-aged man with a mustache said in surprise, "I remember a year ago, this city didn't allow foreigners to come in..."

When the braided man and the others heard what the middle-aged man with the mustache said, they immediately froze, not knowing how to respond.

But at this moment, the leader didn't show a poor expression, but explained with a smile, "A good friend brought me in."

The middle-aged man with a mustache was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately understood that it was the city guards who accepted bribes to let these foreigners in.

He has also heard about this kind of thing. Many businessmen from other places will use this method to bribe the city guards, let them come in to do business, and then leave on the same day.

Of course, if you have enough money to bribe, you can stay a few days longer.

After trying to understand the reason, the middle-aged man with a mustache said, "This is against the regulations set by the city lord. If you are reported, you may be expelled from the city and all your goods will be confiscated."

The leader heard what the middle-aged man with a mustache said, how could he not understand what he meant!

He immediately stepped forward, shook hands with the other party, and said with a smile, "It's difficult for everyone to make a living. How can there be such a person who reports others now!"

The middle-aged man with a mustache felt something in the palm of the hand being held by the other party. When the other party let go of his hand, he grabbed those things in his hand, looked down and found some gold coins.

"Yes, yes, it is not easy for everyone to make a living. No one would do such a thing as reporting others." The middle-aged man with a mustache stuffed the gold coins in his hand into his pocket, and smiled at the leader. Said.

In such a short time, the leader and his party became very good friends with this middle-aged man with a mustache, as if they had known each other for more than ten years.


The season shown by the phantom of the ruins is summer, and the temperature on the street is getting higher and higher as the sun rises.

There are many pedestrians coming and going around, and they will take a few more glances when they see the leader and his group dressed differently, but they don't stay for too long.

The general leader and his group followed the middle-aged man with a mustache for a while on the street. The former stopped suddenly and asked them, "You guys just entered the city today, right?"


"Have you found a place to live?"

"Not yet!" The leader said with a smile, "Do you have any good inns that you can recommend to us?"

"What a coincidence! It seems that our meeting was destined by heaven." The middle-aged man with a mustache laughed and said, "My family runs an inn."

The leader and his party were stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's really fate."

Afterwards, the leader and his party followed the middle-aged man with a mustache and stayed in the inn opened by his family.

After opening the room, the middle-aged man with a mustache chatted enthusiastically with the leader for a while, and the relationship between the two improved a lot, and the other party also told the leader his name.

"Ke Kan, you should be hungry, I'm going to prepare food for you."

"Arisa, please excuse me."

After Arisa, a middle-aged man with a mustache, left, the leader Ke Kan and his companion immediately started talking.

The second braided man was the first to speak and said, "Brother, I feel that the temperature in the street is very high."

"It's not a strange thing that the temperature is high! After all, there is a desert outside the city." The third child said.

The braided man continued, "I also saw some people walking hurriedly. They all carried medicine bags in their hands, and they looked like they had just come out of the pharmacy and rushed home."

The fourth child shrugged and said, "My family members are sick. Of course, they have to rush home after ordering medicine. This is normal."

"That's true." The braided man nodded.

At this time, the leader Ke Kan closed his eyes, crossed his hands, and put his chin on the back of his hands, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing this, the fifth child asked, "Brother, did you find anything special?"

The leader heard his companion asking himself, opened his eyes, and said slowly, "This illusion of the ruins is too real, and I think there is something wrong with this Arisa."

"Brother, why do you have such an idea?" the braided man and others asked curiously.

Kirkan explained to his companion, "This Arisa is too enthusiastic for us, although it cannot be ruled out that it is because of the few gold coins I just gave him.

But our current identity is a businessman from afar or a foreigner. If he reports us, the reward he may get is far more than the few gold coins I gave, but he has no choice to report. "

After listening to Ke Kan's explanation, the four braided men all felt quite reasonable.

"Brother, what should we do next?" the braided man asked.

Kang Ke pondered for a while, and then said to his companion, "This illusion is too unusual, so don't act rashly."

"The illusion we encountered before was shattered in half a day at most. No matter how powerful this illusion is, we will give it a day to see if it can be broken." Lao Wu said with a smile, not really caring about this illusion.

Treasure hunting teams like them who explore the ruins are most afraid of the horrible beasts living in the ruins, or the traps that are hard to guard against. As for things like illusions, they need to be the least afraid of them.

"What the fifth brother said is that we will stay in this inn first, and break through this illusion first." The third child echoed with a smile.

Afterwards, the five of them chatted again and discussed whether there would be anything valuable after the illusion was shattered...


"Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

The five people were chatting when something unusual happened suddenly.

Their breathing became more and more rapid.

Seeing the third, fourth, and fifth children who suddenly appeared abnormal, Ke Ke and the braided man's expressions changed drastically, and they asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother, I don't know what happened, I suddenly couldn't breathe."

The three people with abnormalities covered their hearts with their hands, breathing heavily, and beads of sweat burst out of their foreheads one after another.


PS: Thank you for the 5,000-point reward from "The Way Comes from the Heart and the Heart Has No Way".

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