My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1484: Hand over all your belongings (two chapters in one)

"10,000 spirit stones." Lin Fei still increased the price in an understatement.

"..." Everyone at the scene was stunned. They didn't expect that this broken stone would be offered a sky-high price of 10,000 spiritual stones.

"Master, stop asking for 10,000 spiritual stones! Master, he will beat you to death..." The steward next to the young master of the Panshi Chamber of Commerce reminded the young master in a low voice, who was about to increase the price again.

"...Trouble, this damn guy." The young master of the Panshi Chamber of Commerce looked at the man in a hat with a livid face, who never turned back to look at him.

"Why don't you continue? It's just 10,000 spirit stones. It's just a small thing. You can have fun and it's worth the money." Lin Fei's words were very pleasant. Everyone present could hear his respect for the young master of the Panshi Chamber of Commerce. The meaning of ridicule.

"You are looking for death..." Never had the young master of the Panshi Chamber of Commerce experienced such humiliation. He was so angry that his blood surged up and he unleashed murderous intent on Lin Fei.

At this time, a slight cough sounded.


The young master of the Panshi Chamber of Commerce noticed that the host Zhao Liangfeng on the stage looked at him with dissatisfaction, which made him calm down instantly.

After all, this is someone else's territory, and it's not like an outsider like him can run wild.

The price of 10,000 spirit stones is already very high. Without knowing the true nature of this item, no one would be stupid enough to bid for this item with a higher price.

After Zhao Liangfeng asked several times, none of the bidders present bid. Finally, he announced that the bidding was over and Lin Fei won the item.

As per the old rules, Lin Fei paid and the beautiful maid handed the items to Lin Fei.

After he got the diamond-shaped stone, he immediately inspected the goods and sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations contained in it.

In fact, Lin Fei didn't know what the use of this thing was, but after sensing that it contained spiritual energy fluctuations that were sometimes strong and sometimes weak, he had the idea to buy it and study it.

The environment he was in now was full of people, which was not a good place to study items. Lin Fei immediately put the unknown stone he got into the dimensional space, and then continued to participate in the bidding.

The bidding has now reached the final stage. What is up for bidding now is also the last item of this event, the last high-end auction item of this event.

This high-end auction item is an ordinary spiritual weapon necklace.

“The last auction item in this auction is also the third high-level auction item, the Soul-Gathering Necklace.

This spiritual weapon necklace was made by the city lord of our forging city for several months.

After the spiritual energy is stimulated, it will automatically draw the spiritual energy floating in the air to gather around the body. It is an excellent tool to assist in cultivation... The base price of this spirit-gathering necklace is 500 spirit stones. "

As soon as the reserve price of the Juling Necklace was announced, it immediately aroused fierce competition among bidders, and the price was raised to a very high price within minutes.

Lin Fei was also very interested after hearing the introduction of this spiritual weapon. Although he didn't know the specific effect of this spiritual weapon on gathering spirits, and... based on his own cultivation efficiency, he didn't feel that this spiritual weapon had any effect on him. Cultivation can play a small role.

But! Although I don't need it, some people who are not very talented in cultivation still need it...for example, a certain drama star on Blue Star who is on a business trip to Tianhai City.

The price of this spirit-gathering necklace has been raised to 1,000 spirit stones in a very short period of time, and it is still rising.

After several open biddings, the spirit-gathering necklace was finally won by the wealthy Lin Fei for 5,000 spirit stones.

"If I had 5,000 spirit stones, I would just use them for cultivation. It would definitely not be worth using them to buy a piece of equipment to assist cultivation... There is really no shortage of rich people in this world!"

Some people felt envious when they saw Lin Fei once again paying a huge sum of money for an auction item.

At this point, the auction ends.

After the bidding was over, the host Zhao Liangfeng did not waste everyone's time. He said some remarks and announced that everyone could leave.

The bidders began to leave the scene one after another, and Lin Fei also walked out of the scene with the crowd.

When walking out of the scene, Lin Fei didn't hide or hide, and walked straight away in a swaggering way.

"Sir, the security of Forging City is very good. No one will commit murder in the streets in broad daylight. You can find an inn to stay, wait for a while, and then choose to leave secretly."

When Lin Fei was about to leave the scene, the beautiful maid who provided him with pastries and tea reminded him kindly.

Well, no one would commit murder in broad daylight? I hope they come to commit murder... Lin Fei, with an expectant smile on his face, stopped a carriage on the side of the road. After getting in, he told the driver that he was leaving the city, and then the carriage began to drive out of the city.

Lin Fei, who was sitting in the car, felt that many people were following him secretly, but it didn't matter.

Lin Fei's bold operation made those who wanted to do something wrong were dumbfounded.

A normal person should find an inn to hide in at this moment. How can there be any reason to go directly out of the city? Do you really not care about your own life?

The Forging City was very lively, and there were no red street lights on the road. Everyone followed the rules when crossing the road. Children crossed the road from time to time, which made Lin Fei's carriage walk for a while.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred, and a ragged beggar in the crowd suddenly rushed towards the carriage Lin Fei was riding.

Fortunately, the speed of the carriage was very slow. When the driver saw this, he was startled and quickly pulled the reins, so that he did not hit the beggar.

However, the beggar in ragged clothes screamed, hugged his right foot and screamed loudly.

"My... my leg is broken."

As the ragged beggar screamed, many similarly dressed beggars immediately appeared around him, and they surrounded the carriage Lin Fei was riding.

"What's wrong with you...Okay, how dare you break our friend's leg..."

"Don't let them go."

"Get the horses under control and don't let them get away."

These beggars took control of the carriage, and the lady driving the carriage was dumbfounded. She never thought that she would encounter such a thing.

Lin Fei, who was sitting on the chair in the carriage, heard the commotion outside and did not expect that those guys who had evil intentions against him would come up with such dirty methods.

Lin Fei unfolded his senses, and his spiritual power spread around. He found that many practitioners with spiritual energy fluctuations on their bodies were walking towards here.

It was obvious that these were the accomplices.

If an ordinary person encounters this kind of thing, whether he resists or admits defeat, the final result may not be very good.

It's a pity that they have no idea what the consequences will be if they use such a dirty method to stop a powerful visitor from another world.

Fearless Lin Fei opened the door and got out of the car. When the beggars saw their target appearing, they immediately rushed over and tried to pull Lin Fei's clothes.

However, when these beggars stretched out their hands, invisible telekinesis emitted and knocked them all away.

After beating away those annoying guys, Lin Fei said sorry to the driver, threw a spiritual stone into the driver's hand, and left immediately.

The coachman was dumbfounded again when he saw the spiritual stone that Lin Fei threw to him. This was a spiritual stone! Such a spiritual stone was worth five gold coins, which was enough for their family to live a good life for two or three years.

He didn't expect that he would actually get a spiritual stone because of these troublemaking beggars. He quickly collected the spiritual stone and ran away.

What about his carriage?

Of course not! Anyway, this means of transportation is not his, so the worst thing is that he doesn’t need the deposit...

The coachman who received the spirit stone got into the crowd of passers-by who were watching the excitement. After a while, he fled. No one knew where he went.

Those practitioners with malicious intentions also ran over quickly at this time, but when they arrived, their targets were long gone.

"Where is that person? I asked you to help me stop him. So many people can't leave him alone. What a bunch of losers. What's the use of feeding you?"

When the leading man saw that Lin Fei was missing, he angrily cursed at the beggars who had been beaten away by Lin Fei. If it weren't for the large number of melon-eating passers-by who were watching again, he would have picked up one or two and slapped them.

The snarling man was a squad leader on the security team that policed ​​the area.

Not long ago, the young master of the Panshi Chamber of Commerce asked him to do a favor and asked him to catch a man in a hat who came out of the auction house. As long as he did this well, he could get ten spiritual stones.

Ten spirit stones are quite generous for a person with a low-level position like him, and it's just for arresting someone! Relaxed... So he patted his chest and agreed to the matter.

The squad leader let these beggars do things for the first time, and then he appeared as the embodiment of justice, and he could justifiably win the target.

Everything should have gone smoothly, but it turned out like this, which is really embarrassing...

The squad leader looked very unhappy. If this little thing was not done, not only would he not be able to get the ten spiritual stones, but he would also leave a memory of incompetence to the young master of the Panshi Chamber of Commerce.

In the future, the young masters of the Panshi Chamber of Commerce may not ask me for help, and my extra income will be gone.

"What the hell, that's so unlucky." The team leader looked up to the sky and raged, thinking that there was nothing he could do about it. Now that the target was gone, he couldn't find the other party at all with his own ability.

As for those who were making trouble, Lin Fei knew what the situation was after thinking about it for a moment.

He walked all the way out of the city, and those people with malicious intentions who followed him were also chasing after him. They immediately quickened their pace and followed him from a distance.

After spending some time, Lin Fei successfully left the Forging City without encountering any problems on the way.

After leaving the Forging City, those who followed became more and more relaxed.

After all, once outside the city, there are no soldiers to guard you, so you can attack your target unscrupulously.

Lin Fei spent so much money when bidding, and everyone knew that he had a huge sum of money. If these guys who lick blood from the edge of their swords did not come to vote, they would be sorry for themselves.

After Lin Fei left the Forging City, he accelerated towards the woods in the distance.

"Everyone, follow closely, don't let him get away. How your life will be in the future depends on this vote." Some people shouted nervously, fearing that they would lose their target.

Lin Fei sped up and ran, covering a distance of four to five kilometers.

The malicious person behind kept his distance and chased closely...

"This place is nice." Lin Fei looked at the surrounding environment, muttered to himself, and actually stopped on his own initiative.

"Hey, why didn't he run away?"

"I guess I ran out of energy!"

"We agreed that we will have a share of whatever we grab later."

"What's the rush? Let's capture him first and then talk about dividing the things..."

With a smile on his face, Lin Fei looked around at the people surrounding him and said with a chuckle, "Thirty-five people, the strongest in the second-level mid-level, the weakest in the first-level high-level..."

"Boy, if you are smart, hand over all the things you just bought at the auction... Otherwise, we can't guarantee that you can leave alive." The strong men surrounding Lin Fei threatened arrogantly.

As soon as they finished speaking, they heard similar words ringing in their ears.

"If you are wise, hand over all your belongings. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee that you will be able to leave alive."

"???" The strong men surrounding Lin Fei were all stunned. They didn't expect that the fat sheep in front of them would dare to talk to them like this.

"You, a guy at the top of the first level, are looking for death when you say such things?"

"Stop nagging him, just go straight ahead!"

"I wonder if you are stupid. You dare to talk to us like this. You want to beg for mercy before it's too late. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what about?" Lin Fei looked at these people with a smile and asked.

"Otherwise, we have plenty of means to make you regret it..."

"My tactics are not just for you. You better be wiser, otherwise I will be the first to attack you later."

"Aren't you afraid of the soldiers of the Forging City when you do this in broad daylight?" Lin Fei asked.

"I'm afraid I won't do this anymore, so just let me catch you!"

"Oh, why are you talking so much to him? Just do it."

"That's right! Let's stop talking nonsense and go directly to him..."

A strong man who agreed to take action directly was stunned before he finished speaking.

Everyone who surrounded Lin Fei showed horrified expressions, because they... They saw the target exuding first-order peak spiritual energy fluctuations, raising his right hand above his head, and a small fireball appeared above his head.

The small fireball expanded rapidly. In just a few seconds, a terrifying fireball with a diameter of 5 meters was suspended more than 30 meters above the ground.

"What the hell... is this a fireball that a first-level peak practitioner can create? Even a third-level practitioner will die on the spot if he is hit by this fireball."

"Gudong..." The sound of swallowing came one after another, and some people were so frightened that they peed their pants.

"I'm saying this one last time, hand over all your belongings..." Lin Fei smiled and said to these strong men who were about to rob him.

"Yes, yes... Sir, please wait a moment, we will hand over the valuable things we have on us right now."


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