My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1494 Hidden deep under the sea (two chapters in one)

Just as Zhou Zhuoming was greeting Lin Fei, Fang Xiamo's cell phone rang.

When she looked at it, she found that it was a call from Yan Xianchao, and immediately picked up the call, "Hello."

"Sister Fang, have you had lunch?"

"I haven't eaten yet! I just took Tiantian to a nearby clinic to hang a sling bottle. I just arrived at the community and I was about to go home and make lunch!"

"Oh, then hurry up and make lunch! Don't let Tiantian get hungry."

After throwing away the garbage, Lin Fei glanced at Zhou Zhuoming and Fang Xiamo. He had lived in Ping'an Garden Community for so many years. From Zhou Zhuoming's mother, he knew that he was divorced last year.

As for Fang Xiamo with his daughter, he didn't know much about it, but from Zhou Zhuoming's enthusiastic expression on Fang Xiamo, he could tell that Zhou Zhuoming was pursuing this woman.

"Miss Fang, why don't you come to my house to eat? My mother just called me and said that she was preparing to cook lunch! You don't have to go back and have to work hard to cook for Tiantian." Zhou Zhuoming was very enthusiastic about Fang Xia Mo said.

"No, there's no need to trouble Auntie to cook an extra meal for us mother and daughter. I made a lot of dumplings yesterday and put them in the refrigerator! Just go home and cook them... Let's go Tiantian, we're going home." Fang Xia Mo called to her daughter who was playing with small insects in the green belt, picked her up and walked quickly towards the corridor in the distance.

Zhou Zhuoming looked at Fang Xiamo leaving and opened his mouth without speaking. Then he nodded to Lin Fei and left, heading towards his home.

Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless... Lin Fei saw the scene just now and thought thoughtfully, but it has nothing to do with him. If others want to chase each other, just chase each other and just be a common people.

After Lin Fei returned home after throwing away the garbage, he came to the balcony and saw the pot of spiritual plant he brought back from the spiritual world growing beautifully. He felt that it was growing well these days and the fruit was getting bigger.

As for the neighbor next to it, Colorful Flower, I don’t know where she went to play.

Lin Fei bent down and picked up the bucket on the ground, went to the sink and turned on the faucet, filled a small bottle of water, then opened his own dimension, took out the spiritual fluid of the Seven-Colored Flower, and poured some of it in.

He shook his head, mixed the spirit liquid, and then began to water the spirit plants on the balcony, while muttering, "Grow up quickly!"

The sun is shining brightly today. Although the temperature in Rongcheng has been slightly warmer recently, the weather is relatively better than in August and September.

The warm sunshine shone on Lin Fei's pot of spiritual plants that had been watered with diluted spiritual liquid, and the dewdrops reflected the brilliant brilliance.

Occasionally, a gust of wind blows through the branches and leaves gently swaying, as if in response to the kindness of the person who is watering it.

After watering the spiritual plant, Lin Fei returned to his bedroom and changed his clothes. Today he was wearing a beige training suit.

The space teleportation ability was activated, and Lin Fei disappeared from home.

On the beach, a gust of wind blew from the Endless Sea.

The wind was not strong, and the waves brought by it rushed to the beach in the distance one after another. When the waves approached the coast, they beat forward vigorously, splashing snow-white waves.

The terrible storm that occurred yesterday, after a night of buffering, it was as if nothing had happened. The sand grains that were originally stained red by blood disappeared after being washed by the sea water overnight.

If it weren't for the fact that there were some bones left on the ground, no one would have believed that a grand "feast" had been staged here yesterday.

A flash of white light flashed, and Lin Fei, wearing beige training clothes, appeared on the beach. He raised his head and looked at the sun in the sky. The sea breeze in the distance was blowing, and his hair, which was not long, was blowing.

Opening the dimensional space, Lin Fei took out a small golden stone. Yes, this small golden stone was the stone that Lin Fei had previously bought at the Forging City auction.

Because of the events that happened one after another before, he didn't have time to test the use of this small stone.

Now, he has plenty of time to explore carefully what is going on with this thing that has eaten a lot of his psychic energy and changed its appearance.

As Lin Fei continued to use his mental power to explore the small golden stone, it began to tremble slightly.

With a "buzz" sound, the small golden stone emitted a faint golden aura, and then slowly flew up from Lin Fei's palm.

With a "whoosh" sound, it shot towards the endless sea in the distance.

Lin Fei did not panic when the golden pebble flew away, but instead showed a happy smile on his face.

"I'm not afraid of any abnormal changes in you. I'm just afraid that you will remain motionless and have no reaction."

Lin Fei smiled and muttered to himself, then activated his telekinesis power to fly into the air, chasing the golden stone in the direction it flew away.

The golden stone flew extremely fast. Despite its small size, it actually made some harsh noises in the air during its flight.

However, although its flying speed was extremely fast, it was still a little slow for Lin Fei. Lin Fei only exerted a little effort and followed him easily.

The coastline disappeared behind Lin Fei in just a moment... 2 kilometers, 5 kilometers, 10 kilometers, 15 kilometers, Lin Fei followed the golden stone that kept flying towards the depths of the endless sea and flew dozens of kilometers away.


Suddenly, something happened beneath him, and a column of water rose into the sky, falling suddenly from four to five hundred meters away, forming a small rainfall area.

The moment Lin Fei appeared in the water column, he propped up a large telepathic barrier above his head.

When the rain fell, it slapped against the telekinetic barrier.

Lin Fei did not immediately look at the culprit of the water column, but looked at the small golden stone more than 20 meters away from him.

At this moment, it actually stopped flying forward and hovered motionless in mid-air.

But what is different from before is that the light golden aura on this small golden stone is constantly changing.

With Lin Fei's keen perception, he could clearly sense that the spiritual energy in the surrounding air was rapidly converging on this small golden stone.

Lin Fei stood in mid-air, watching the changes. He was somewhat looking forward to the surprise that this small golden stone would bring to him next.

However, even if he wanted to wait quietly, there were still others who wanted to disturb him.

The culprit who created the water column before jumped up from the sea and set off huge waves.

A huge figure appeared behind Lin Fei. The figure was about 50 meters long and had two transparent wings on its back.

The body is covered with many light blue fish-like scales. Under the sunlight, these scales reflect a dazzling light, making it impossible to look directly at it.

A huge and piercing roar came from the mouth of this giant sea beast. It stared at the intruder in front of it with eyes full of viciousness.

As the ruler of this small sea area, it does not allow anyone to intrude into its territory.

Facing the roar of this giant beast in the sea, Lin Fei slowly turned around and looked at him.

Facing the threat of this giant beast in the sea, Lin Fei said calmly in the common language of the spirit world, "I will leave immediately after I finish my work. It won't take long."

"Roar..." The giant beast in the sea can understand the common language of the spirit world. It did not expect that this guy who invaded his territory was not afraid of him, and he said such contemptuous words to him in such a plain tone.

For a moment, the anger of this giant sea beast surged up and went straight to the top of its head.

Auras of light flashed in its eyes, and as its wings flapped, the waves below began to roll, and countless water vapor gathered around it.

The small golden stone in the distance was originally gathering the spiritual energy floating in the surrounding air. When the giant sea beast began to display its awakened superpower, its movement of gathering spiritual energy became slow, and there was a tendency to interrupt it.

When Lin Fei saw this, he naturally refused.

Are you kidding? The time spent following the golden stone all the way here can make it useless?

Just when the giant beast in the sea was about to prepare its attack, a silver-white electric light appeared in Lin Fei's hand.

Immediately afterwards, the giant beast in the sea felt that its world turned into a vast expanse of white, and then there was a loud bang, and a huge explosion resounded for several kilometers.

The lightning that Lin Fei casually struck directly hit the weird big fish head of the sea beast. With just one blow, Lin Fei blew the head of the sea beast open.

"Crackling" electric light was still flowing on the body of the giant beast in the sea, and a burning smell wafted outward.

The giant sea beast that Lin Fei casually killed fell from a high altitude and hit the sea with a roar, causing waves tens of meters high.

This powerful beast, which had only the third level of high-level strength and had commanded the surrounding sea area for nearly a hundred years, died here just like this.

After eliminating the interference from external factors, Lin Fei looked back at the magical little stone that was constantly emitting light golden light.

Without any interference, this small golden stone returned to its previous state and began to gather the surrounding spiritual energy.

About 10 minutes passed, and the spiritual energy gathered by the small golden stone reached a critical point. With a buzzing sound, a golden beam of spiritual energy shot out from the small golden stone, hitting the sea below.

We have finally entered the next stage. Let me see what you are planning to do after you have kept me waiting for so long! Lin Fei is very much looking forward to the changes that may come next.

The bottom of the sea is two to three thousand meters deep. If you put it on the Blue Star at this depth, no seaweed will grow.

But at such a depth in the spiritual world, it can only be regarded as average. There are various kinds of seaweed growing on the seabed two to three thousand meters deep. They twist with the sea currents and emit a glistening green light.

This scene has not changed for hundreds of thousands of years. Until today, a golden beam of light falling from the sky broke the peace here. This golden beam of light went straight forward, hit the bottom of the sea, and sank into the mud somewhere below.

Not long after the pale golden beam of light sank into the mud, a small white stone slowly emerged from the mud, exuding a pale golden aura.

It was as if there was a force pushing it, constantly increasing its speed, and then it rushed upward with a bang.

On the sea, Lin Fei stood in mid-air and waited for about a minute!

Immediately afterwards, he saw a small white stone break out of the water, and came to the small golden stone and swirled around it.

"That golden light was shot down just for this thing? Lin Fei saw that the small white stone was about the same size as the golden stone, but had some changes in color." He mumbled something slightly different.

Then, he prepared to observe again, but unexpectedly, the small golden stone stopped in mid-air and stopped motionless after getting the small white stone out of the seabed.

Moreover, the pale golden spiritual light on it began to gradually fade away. In just a few seconds, the pale golden spiritual energy disappeared, and then the two small stones fell from mid-air.

Seeing this situation, Lin Fei quickly used his telekinesis power. A pair of invisible big hands condensed instantly. In the blink of an eye, he came under the two small stones and reached out to catch them.

When the telekinesis power brought the two small stones to Lin Fei, Lin Fei looked at these two things speechlessly and muttered.

"Really, if it weren't for my sharp eyesight and quick hands, if this fell into the sea, I would have to spend a lot of time looking for it."

Lin Fei grabbed two small stones in his hands. He first picked up the small golden stone and put his spiritual power into it.

The small golden stone trembled, and a message was captured by Lin Fei's mental power.

"Can only be activated once a day?!" This message from the golden stone flashed through Lin Fei's mind, and he was speechless.

Is there any mistake? This thing can only be activated once a day.

All right! So what else can you do? This thing actually says it can only be activated once a day. How can you force it to happen?

Lin Fei smiled helplessly, and then he picked up the small white stone that was found from the bottom of the sea by the golden stone.

He held the small white stone in his hand and looked at it carefully. He found that except for the color and size, it was exactly the same as the small golden stone.

It was no different from when the little golden stone he bought at the auction had not changed.

Lin Fei mobilized the spiritual energy in his body and began to inject spiritual energy into this small white stone. Lin Fei wanted to try to see if this small white stone would eventually transform into a small golden stone.

Half a minute later... The result surprised Lin Fei. With the infusion of spiritual energy, the small white stone was quickly filled with Lin Fei's surging spiritual energy.

Lin Fei consumed less than 5% of the spiritual energy. Compared with the previous transformation of the golden stone, it was a huge difference.

Moreover, this small white stone did not change after Lin Fei injected it with spiritual energy.

Lin Fei rubbed its outer skin vigorously with his hands, and found that it had no tendency to rub the skin off. Instead, he rubbed his hand until it turned a little red.


PS: Thanks to "|White Clothes Disaster|" for the 100-point reward.

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