My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1932 Have you forgotten that matter? (Two chapters in one)

The heavy rain stopped, the weather cleared up, the bright moon hung high in the sky, and the traffic on the car gradually increased.


The car stopped on the side of the road. Wang Xiaoru turned to Lin Fei and Zhou Yue and said, "We're at the place, you go back!"

"Yeah." Lin Fei and Zhou Yue got out of the car, and then watched Wang Xiaoru start the car again and go to the hotel ahead.

She stayed in this hotel during her year in Beijing.

"Let's go back!" Lin Fei turned to look at Zhou Yue beside him and said, then used his space teleportation ability, and the two of them disappeared by the roadside.

In Rongcheng, the small stone balls that had been playing outside all day flew from a distance and flew towards a community ahead with a clear goal.

When it passed through the gap of the anti-theft fence on the balcony and entered the balcony, it glanced at a flower pot on the balcony floor.

"Why is this guy still the same as when I went out in the morning? Is there something wrong?"

The little stone ball was suspended in front of the flower pot, looking at the dormant seven-color flowers. It was very confused and said hello, but there was still no response.

Suddenly, a flash of white light flashed in the dim living room, and a figure appeared out of thin air.

After Lin Fei sent Zhou Yue home, he stayed at his house for a while and then came back.

Little Shiqiu was in front of the flower pot, staring at the unresponsive seven-color flowers. When he noticed that Lin Fei was back, he quickly flew indoors.


The telekinetic power was activated, the light switch in the house was pressed, and the darkness was dispelled by the bright light.

Lin Fei picked up the TV remote control and turned on the TV. Then he turned his head and glanced at the small stone ball flying over from the balcony.

"You came back very early today!" Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Yeah." Xiao Shiqiu nodded, and then he asked Lin Fei, "What's going on with that colorful flower? I said hello to him a few times, but there was no response. Is he feeling unwell?"

"You said it, it has entered the dormant period now, and it will be in that state for the next period of time. You don't have to worry." Lin Feiyan briefly and comprehensively talked about the current state of the Seven Color Flower, without hiding anything.

"Sleeping period?" The little stone ball suddenly realized after hearing this, and then it was thoughtful.

“I didn’t expect that guy to enter the hibernation period, I thought he was feeling unwell!

In the past, it always relied on its own strength to be stronger than me and treated me with a condescending attitude. Can I take advantage of its dormant period to regain its position? "

The little stone ball was lost in thought, and thoughts were constantly tumbling in its heart. Lin Fei did not notice the activities in its heart, and turned his head to focus on the news program on the TV.

The host Ning Yu reported the current news with a smile on her lips, "This Friday is the Lantern Festival. The fruits of the mutated peach trees will mature on that day. Our station will be live broadcast at that time..."

Lin Fei watched the news report and thought that time flies so fast. The day after tomorrow is the Lantern Festival.

"I told Zhou Yue and Wang Xiaoru before that when the Lantern Festival comes and the fruit of the mutated peach tree matures, I will find a way to get a peach for them to try."

Lin Fei had contacted Han Xue before. He didn't need to think of any way to get the fruit when the time came. The administration would notify him to get a peach.

After watching TV in the living room for a while, Lin Fei got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When Xiao Shiqiu saw Lin Fei leaving the living room, he flew up from the coffee table again, and then flew to the balcony.

It is now ten o'clock at night, and some residents in the community have turned off their lights and rested. The balcony is quiet and seems very peaceful.

However, for Xiao Shiqiu, in his perception, the concentration of spiritual energy within a few square meters on the balcony is very strong, far exceeding the concentration of spiritual energy in other places in the city.

Such an impact was naturally caused by the Seven-Colored Flower which was entering its dormant period.

Although it has been dormant for a few days, there has been no change at all on Qisehua. The only thing that is slightly different is that Qisehua has made a huge change in the concentration of spiritual energy on the balcony.

If other practitioners came to Lin Fei's balcony, they would definitely be surprised, because the balcony is such a small space and the spiritual energy floating in the air is so abundant, it is simply an excellent place for cultivation.

The small stone ball was close to the seven-color flower. He looked at it carefully and found that the only difference between the seven-color flower and ordinary plants was that it could increase the concentration of spiritual energy in a certain range many times.

If Xiao Shiqiu hadn't already known that the Seven-Colored Flower can jump out of the flowerpot and run around, and that it still has the strength of the initial stage of the fourth stage, it now looks at the Seven-Colored Flower just like other spiritual plants.

I just learned from Lin Fei that the Colorful Flower has now entered dormancy and will remain in this ordinary state for a long time in the future, which made it have some prank thoughts in its heart.

Xiao Shiqiu stared at the Seven-Colored Flower for a few minutes, and then extended his mental power, wanting to carefully perceive the current state of the Seven-Colored Flower.

And when the mental power of the little stone ball spread out and touched the seven-color flower, a powerful reaction force was transmitted back, hitting the little stone ball hard.


The little stone ball let out a low cry of pain, then fell directly from mid-air and fell to the ground. It rolled away and did not stop until it hit the wall.

"It hurts! This guy is in hibernation and still has such an ability to fight back. It's really scary."

Xiao Shiqiu looked at the motionless Seven-Colored Flower in horror, and murmured to himself that at this time, it no longer had the intention of playing tricks on the Seven-Colored Flower.

The pain of the small stone ball that suffered a loss took a while before it eased. It floated slowly from the ground, then looked at the seven-color flowers with lingering fear, thought for a few seconds, flew to the living room, and then landed on the coffee table, falling into a deep sleep. .

The mental counterattack at the beginning of the fourth stage can be said to be a serious blow to Xiaoshi Qiu, who is at the peak of the third stage.

If the Seven-Colored Flower hadn't been in a dormant period and its mental counterattack had been somewhat restrained, if it were to counterattack with all its strength, Xiaoshi Qiu would probably have suffered very serious mental trauma.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

In the steamy bathroom, the sound of running water could be heard continuously. After a while, the sound of running water disappeared, and Lin Fei came out of the bathroom after taking a bath.

As the thought came to his mind, fire broke out on the top of his head, and the moisture in his wet hair evaporated under the heat of the flames in a short time.

After coming to the sofa in the living room and sitting down, Lin Fei looked at the sleeping stone ball on the coffee table.

Just now when he was taking a shower in the bathroom, he sensed two mental collisions on the balcony.

Apart from myself, only the small stone balls and colorful flowers in the house could cause such a commotion.

"He didn't go to recruit the Seven-Colored Flower and then got the backlash, right?"

Lin Fei thought for a few seconds, and then withdrew his gaze. He continued to watch the TV program on TV. After finishing today's news training, it was already eleven o'clock at night.

I'm going to Tap Rock City tomorrow, so I'd better go to bed early and rest... Lin Fei thought for a while, then turned off the TV and returned to the bedroom to rest.


The next morning, the sun rose in the sky, and the golden sunlight dispelled the darkness that enveloped the earth.

When the sun rises, the city that has been sleeping all night gradually comes to life.

There are more vehicles coming and going on the street. The sanitation workers who got up early cleaned the streets at dawn. Now it's time for them to rest.

The dim bedroom was filled with a faint fragrance. Zhou Yue, who was lying on the big bed, slowly opened her eyes.

The air conditioner made a subtle sound and blew out warm air, keeping the entire room at a relatively warm temperature.

After waking up, Zhou Yue sat up and the quilt covering her body slipped off. She yawned and reached out to push the lace that had slipped off her shoulders back to its original place to cover up the exposed spring light.

"A new day has begun. I want to stay in bed and continue sleeping for a while!"

Zhou Yue, who was wearing a thin suspender nightgown, raised her hand to scratch her hair and muttered.

Then, she lifted the quilt and got out of bed, opened the closet, found thick clothes to change into, then turned off the air conditioner and left the bedroom to wash up.

After a while, Zhou Yue had breakfast alone in the restaurant after washing up.

Now that Wang Xiaoru is working in the capital, Zhou Yue, who lives alone, has barely cooked breakfast in the morning.

Today, her breakfast was a cup of hot milk, two eggs and a piece of bread. She had been eating this breakfast for the past few days.

After a brief breakfast, Zhou Yue cleared the table, then picked up her bag and went out to work.

The bright sunshine shone on Zhou Yue who walked out of the corridor. The lazy look on her face that had gotten up early had completely disappeared. Zhou Yue, who was wearing light makeup, exuded a charming charm.

The aunt from the residential committee of the community got up early and went out to buy groceries. When she came back, she happened to meet Zhou Yue who was going to work.

"Zhou Yue, are you going to go to work?"

"Yes, Auntie, you just came back from going to the supermarket!"

"Yes!" The aunt from the residents' committee smiled and nodded, and then told Zhou Yue something, "When you go out to work later, don't take the road toward the supermarket."

"Why?" Zhou Yue was very confused after hearing this, because she always takes the road towards the supermarket every day when she drives to work.

"I went out to the supermarket to buy groceries in the morning and saw that the road was under construction and now impassable. If you want to go to work, it is better to take another route, otherwise it will be a waste of time." The aunt from the residents' committee explained with a smile.

"So that's it, thank you, auntie." Zhou Yue suddenly understood after hearing this, and then thanked her. Then she said goodbye to the aunt from the residents' committee, and swayed towards the garage where she parked her car.

"What a good girl! I heard that she hasn't had a boyfriend yet, so I'll look for her later." The aunt from the residents' committee watched the beautiful Zhou Yue leave and said to herself with a smile.


The roar of the car starting sounded, and a car drove out of the garage. Zhou Yue turned the steering wheel and drove towards the gate of the community.

The radio in the car was broadcasting news. Zhou Yue drove to the company while listening to the news on the radio. At this time, the news program mentioned the mutated peach tree.

"Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival, and the fruit of the mutated peach tree will be ripe. There will be a live broadcast then. You can pay attention..."

Zhou Yue, who was driving to the company, listened to this radio news and thought to herself, "Lin Fei said before that when the fruit of the mutated peach tree matures, he will get one to taste.

When you get to the company later, send him a message to tell him about this. Don't forget it. "

It took nearly twenty minutes for Zhou Yue to arrive at the Vitality Gym. She parked her car in the parking space, opened the door and got out of the car.

In winter, no one comes to the Vitality Gym to exercise in the early morning. Only when it’s close to ten o’clock do the Vitality Gyms have customers.

On the way to the office, Zhou Yue met many colleagues from the company. Everyone greeted Zhou Yue with a smile, and Zhou Yuehan responded with a warm smile on his face.

"Coach Zhou." Tang Ya, the front desk staff, shouted when she saw Zhou Yue.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yue stopped and asked Tang Ya with a smile.

"I have your express delivery." Tang Ya said, then she picked up a small package from the ground inside the front desk and handed it to Zhou Yue.

"Did the courier guy get up so early to deliver the courier?" Zhou Yue took her courier and said with a smile.

"Yes, the courier guy is very busy now. If he doesn't get up early in the morning to deliver couriers, the couriers piled up on his hands will probably pile up." Tang Ya explained.

After Zhou Yue got her express delivery, she walked towards the elevator.

"Coach Zhou's outfit looks really good today. I'll look online later and buy one." A girl with short hair who was also a front desk staff said to Tang Ya as she looked at Zhou Yue walking away.

"Forget it! If you don't have a figure like Coach Zhou, you can't handle those clothes." Tang Ya said to her colleagues with a smile.

"Yes." The short-haired girl looked down at herself, who had a pretty good figure, and then looked up at Zhou Yue's curvy figure. It was fine that there was no comparison. In this comparison, the gap was too big.

When Zhou Yue returned to the office, she took off her thick coat, revealing a tight gray sweater underneath, which fully showed off her curvy figure.

Zhou Yue made herself a cup of honey water, took a sip, and then put the cup on her desk. Then she took out a pair of scissors from the drawer and opened the express delivery she ordered online.

Remove the outer packaging and take out a delicate small box. After opening, there is a beautiful hair tie inside.

Zhou Yue raised her hand to gather her long wavy hair that was scattered around her shoulders, then picked up the hair tie she bought online and tied her hair up.

"Yes, this hair tie looks pretty good." Looking in the mirror, Zhou Yue was very satisfied with the hair tie she bought online. She packed up the unpacked express package and turned on the computer.

"Oops, I almost forgot."

After turning on the computer, Zhou Yue realized that there was one thing she had not done yet. She immediately took her bag, took out her mobile phone, then opened the social software, found Lin Fei's chat box, and sent a message to the other party.

"Lin Fei, you haven't forgotten about the Lantern Festival tomorrow, right?"

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