My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1977 The Invading Enemy (two chapters in one)


The biting cold wind became more and more fierce, bringing snowflakes to fall on the body, making it even colder.

In the pig-headed camp, a group of pig-headed warriors worked hard to quickly clear the snow in the camp. It took them almost two hours, and they finally completed the task of clearing the snow.

"Finally all the snow has been cleared, I can have a good rest." The tired and panting pig-head warriors were very cold. Seeing that the task of clearing the snow was completed, they all showed happy smiles.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain who was standing under the eaves and commanding saw his men cleaning up the blood in the camp, nodded with satisfaction, and then shouted loudly.

"It's cold outside. Everyone, please go back inside and rest quickly to avoid frostbite."

The pig-headed warrior took the tools in his hands to the warehouse and put them away, and then quickly ran to the cabin where he lived.

The warm cabin made the pig-headed warrior feel physically and mentally comfortable after working outside for two hours.

The fuel in the stove that provided temperature to the cabin was almost running out, and the pig-headed warrior immediately added some fire stones to it.

With the fuel, the heat emitted by the stove became much stronger, and it felt like the temperature of the room had increased by several degrees.

Drinking some hot tea in cold weather can warm your shivering body faster. The pig-headed warrior returned to the cabin and immediately added some tea leaves to the teapot.

There are many wild tea trees in the forest, and the pig-headed warriors can pick a lot of tea leaves just by looking for them.

After a few sips of the steaming tea, my body felt warm.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain passed by his subordinate's cabin and couldn't help but smile when he heard the sound of laughter coming from inside.

He exchanged a few words with some pig-headed warriors standing guard under the eaves, and then returned to the cabin where he lived.

With nothing to do, I thought about my friend's affairs for a while, and then the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain took out the daily notepad from his wooden cabinet and recorded the work of clearing the snow this morning.

While the pig-headed warriors were resting in the cabin, more and more snow accumulated in the valley outside the camp.

If this heavy snowfall continues, the accumulation of snow in some valleys will continue to increase.

The gloomy sky gives people a depressing feeling. Coupled with the cold weather, if there is no shelter from the wind and snow, people will soon be frozen to the point of unconsciousness and then freeze to death in the snow.

After leaving the valley, there is a frozen lake ahead. Originally, there were many cracks on the lake surface, but as the temperature further dropped, the cracks were frozen again.

Previously, the pig-headed people all suspected that after the lake surface cracked and completely shattered, the creatures in the lake would definitely come out, and there would inevitably be another fierce battle.

Now that the lake has frozen again, it makes everyone feel more relaxed.

In the cold weather, snowflakes were falling, and a lot of snow was piled on the frozen lake.

"Click, click, click..."

On the frozen lake surface covered with snowflakes, there suddenly appeared some subtle noises.

"Click, click, click..."

The noise grew louder and louder, but this noise was not noticed because the surrounding bare trees were obscured by the movement caused by the violent shaking of the wind.

"Click, click, click..."

When you hear the sound, you can see that the location of the sound is on the frozen lake.

The frozen lake surface that was originally frozen due to the cold weather actually cracked again in the weather of more than 20 degrees below zero. It was really surprising.

This time the lake surface cracked much faster than before, but after a while, many cracks appeared on the lake surface.

As time goes by, more and more cracks appear, and if a pig-headed man sees them, his jaw will drop in shock.

"Click, click, click..."

In the cold and windy weather, heavy snow like goose feathers continued to fall from the cloudy sky.

There are more and more cracks on the frozen lake surface, and the cracks that appear are getting bigger and bigger, and the lake water is exposed in some places.

If someone stands outside the lake and observes, they can see some black figures swimming quickly across the crack.

Time passed, and towards ten o'clock noon, the frozen lake surface had completely broken up, and countless ice floes were rising and falling in the lake water.


Loud beast roars rang out in the lake full of ice floes. Looking down from the sky, you could see many dark figures swimming quickly in the lake.


A large number of black figures swam towards the lake shore. When they arrived at the lake shore, with a loud noise, a huge figure jumped out of the lake.

A huge six-meter-tall toad, completely black and covered in knots, jumped out of the lake full of ice floes and squatted in the snow on the shore of the lake.


This huge toad opened its mouth, revealing sharp teeth as sharp as daggers. As he roared, a series of intensive movements appeared in the lake full of ice floes behind him, and a series of large black figures jumped out. come out.

Toads with an average size of four to five meters jumped out of the lake one after another. For a moment, the lake shore was completely dark at first glance.

"Roar..." Whenever a cold wave comes, these giant toad beasts that sleep at the bottom of the lake when the weather is warm will wake up.

Now that they come to the shore, they will start looking for food. After they are full, they will return to the lake to reproduce.

The leading giant toad looked towards the valley in the distance. It smelled some attractive smell in the valley, which was the smell of food.


With a roar, the leading giant toad exerted its hind limbs and jumped forward more than ten meters.

When the other toad brothers saw the leader taking off, they immediately followed him.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A group of giant toads kept jumping and hitting the ground, making a lot of noise.

The snow accumulated on the surrounding bare trees was shaken by the vibrations caused by the jumping of such a large group of toads, causing all the snow that fell on them to fall down.

In the pig-headed camp in the valley, the pig-headed warriors standing guard under the eaves were wearing very thick clothes and yawned out of boredom.

Although the clothes on my body are very warm, in this weather of minus 20 degrees, my hands and feet will still be frozen and I will lose consciousness after staying for a long time.

So every once in a while, I have to change guard with others and go inside to warm myself up.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the distance, which surprised the bored yawning pig-head warrior standing guard.

"I'll go over and take a look." A pig-headed warrior said, and then ran out.

Another pig-headed soldier thought for a moment and thought it would be a good idea to follow him and take a look. Then he said something to the other companions standing guard and immediately followed him.

After a while, the movement in the distance showed no sign of disappearing, but intensified.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The loud noise continued, and a rush of footsteps appeared in the camp.

"Tap, step, step..."

The two pig-headed warriors who went to check the situation ran into the camp in a panic.

"A strange beast is coming to attack us, everyone, come out quickly!"

As soon as they ran into the camp, the two pig-headed warriors immediately shouted loudly.

Their voices were very loud. After all, this was a matter of life and death for everyone. It was impossible not to shout at the top of their lungs.

"Click, click, click..."

When the pig-headed warriors in the warm cabins heard the shouts of their companions, they immediately put on their shoes in a hurry, opened the door and ran out.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain was drinking hot tea in the cabin. He reacted the fastest when he heard the noise.

He was the first to come out of the warm cabin and saw two panicked men. He immediately called them to him and asked about the situation.

"What happened? What do you mean by alien beasts attacking us?"

"Captain, something bad happened. A large group of strange beasts appeared at the entrance of the valley. They are moving towards us."

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain listened to the two men's words and had a general understanding of the matter.

"Everyone immediately prepare their weapons and follow me to meet the enemy..."

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain reacted very quickly. After listening to the stories of his two men, he immediately made a decision and issued combat instructions to all the pig-headed warriors.

"Yes." The pig-headed warriors responded in unison, and then went to get their weapons.

After a while, all the pig-headed warriors got their weapons and lined up.

"Everyone, follow me out to fight." The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain did not want to draw the flames of war into the camp, so he gave the order for everyone to fight outside the camp.

The reason for this decision was that they had no choice. The weather was so cold now. If they fought with those strange beasts in the camp and destroyed the camp, they would have no place to rest at night.

It's now more than 20 degrees below zero, and there is no camp to escape the wind and snow. Even if those strange beasts are defeated, most people will freeze to death after one night.

"Yes." The pig-headed warriors holding weapons responded in unison, and then followed the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain to leave the camp and actively faced the rapidly approaching group of alien beasts.


The leading giant toad smelled the fragrance wafting in the air getting stronger and stronger, and knew that it was very close to its prey.

More than a minute later, the pig-headed warrior arrived a few hundred meters away from the camp. Braving the wind and snow, he stared at a large black alien beast in front of him.

"Where did these guys come from?" A pig-headed warrior asked in confusion when he saw at least fifty giant toad beasts ahead.

"These strange beasts usually live in water. They probably came out of the frozen lake outside the valley."

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain had a lot of experience. He took a look at these strange beasts and recognized them at a glance, and then drew conclusions based on the environment around the valley.

"Fortunately, these guys are not very strong, otherwise, it would be difficult for us to deal with them."

Some pig-headed warriors used their senses to detect the spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by the alien beasts in front of them, and they were relieved to find that the strongest of those alien beasts were only in the middle of the second level.

"Although these giant toads are not strong, their skin is poisonous, so everyone should be careful when dealing with them.

If you accidentally touch their skin, go to the back immediately and take the antidote. "The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain said to his subordinates.

Fortunately, he had his men prepare some antidotes before. Otherwise, this time he would encounter these poisonous giant toads. Without antidotes, he would be at a loss to fight them.

"Captain, can we attack them?" A pig-headed warrior asked as he saw that the distance was shrinking and that he had reached a range where he could use long-range attacks.

"Don't worry, everyone is waiting for my order." The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain said.

The pig-headed soldiers trusted the handsome pig-headed logistics captain opposite and waited silently.

Another ten seconds passed, and the leading giant toad jumped forward some distance with his little brother.

"Attack." The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain saw that the alien beast was very close, and immediately issued an attack order.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Sounds of breaking through the air were heard one after another, and a dense rain of arrows was shot from the attack formation of the pig-headed men.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

The giant toad that was shot let out a shrill scream.


Many giant toads were directly shot to death by the wave of arrows fired by the pig-headed men.

Purple blood flowed out of the wounds on the body. This blood was also poisonous and smelled very unpleasant.

If you smell these smells for a long time, you will be poisoned. Fortunately, the wind is very strong today. These poisonous smells are diluted by the wind and will not cause harm to people.

The leading giant toad saw that his little brother had suffered numerous casualties and was furious. He wanted to lead his little brother to charge forward, but the enemy's attacks were too intensive and he could not get close at all.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain saw the incoming alien beasts being suppressed and retreating, and he immediately ordered to push forward, "Come forward with me, and don't stop attacking."

"Yes." The pig-headed warriors responded in unison. Looking at the incoming alien beasts, many died under their own attack, and everyone's morale was high.

Although there are a lot of giant toads, their overall combat power is far inferior to that of pig-headed warriors armed with long-range attack weapons.

As time passed, a large group of giant toads that entered the valley were attacked by the pig-headed men. Except for the strongest giant toad in the leader, all the others died.

"You all stand back and leave the remaining beast to me."

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain looked at the giant toad with several arrows stuck in his body, his aura weakened a lot, and he had a middle-level second-level strength, and he spoke to his subordinates.

"Yes." The pig-headed warriors stopped attacking and then retreated.

After putting some distance away, they waited for the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain to deal with the last invading beast.


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