There are many high-rise buildings, the streets are full of traffic, and the bustling crowd is like a tide.

Traffic security officers were busy in the middle of the road, directing vehicles and whistling.

As soon as the green light came on, the pedestrians crossing the road accelerated, and there was no delay.

Bus stations, subways, supermarkets, all kinds of transportation routes cover every corner of the city like a spider web.

Batch after batch of people get off from various means of transportation. People living in this city are busy and running around, trying to make their lives better.

Qisehua stood at the intersection, looking at the humans coming and going on the zebra crossing, it was a little lost now.

After it left the park just now, it asked a few passers-by on the road where there is a shop selling bird food nearby. Under the enthusiastic guidance of the other party, it turned around and found that it was lost.

"Hey... Watching humans come and go in this city extending in all directions on TV, I just felt that the cities built by humans are amazing.

Now that I have experienced it personally, I just want to say that such a city is really too difficult for me, a visitor from another world with a poor sense of direction. "Qisehua stood on the sidewalk very depressed.

The traffic security officer seemed to have discovered the difficulty of the Qisehua. When the second green light came on, he walked towards the Qisehua.

With her head down, Qisehua, who was worrying about what to do next, sensed that someone was approaching her.

It looked up and found that it was the security officer directing the traffic, "What is this human doing? Could it be that he found out that I am not human? Impossible! He is not even a practitioner! It is impossible to find out. "

"Little friend, have you encountered any difficulties? If necessary, uncle can help you." The traffic security officer said softly.


Qisehua looked at this young man who was only about 27 or 28 years old based on human age, and said inwardly, "Human boy, my real age may be about the same as your grandpa."

"Why doesn't this child talk!" The traffic security officer was a little surprised.

"Hello, may I ask, is there a shop selling bird food near here?" Qisehua thought for a while, then asked.

"Selling bird food! You go straight across the road and turn right at the intersection. There is a shop that specializes in selling bird food." The traffic security officer thought for a while, then pointed in one direction and said.

"Thank you." Qisehua nodded and said, and then walked in the direction pointed by the other party.

"What a strange kid." The traffic security officer looked at the departing Qisehua and said to himself.


"Beeping and clanging..."

Pushing open the door and entering the store, the wind chimes hanging on the door rang immediately.

"Welcome." The waitress in the store greeted the little customers entering the store.

Qisehua nodded to the waitress, and looked at the environment in the store.

This is a store that specializes in selling pet bird food. The store is not big, only about 100 square meters. There are various bird food on the shelves. The business is very good, and there are many customers who are choosing bird food.

"Little friend, are you here to buy bird food for your pet bird?" the waitress asked when she came to Qisehua.

"Well, what is the most expensive bird food here?" Qi Sehua asked.

"The most expensive one?" The waitress was taken aback when she heard the words, and she said to Qisehua, "Little friend, please tell my sister what kind of pet bird you have, so that I can help you choose the one with the most cost-effective price. You don’t have to buy the most expensive bird food either.”

"No, just get me the most expensive one, I have money." Qisehua said angrily.

"..." The waitress was speechless, she said helplessly to Qisehua, "Okay, then you insist on buying the most expensive one, please follow me here."

Qisehua followed behind the waitress and came to a very luxurious shelf.

"This is the most expensive bird food in our store. A pack is only one catty, and each pack costs 1,000 yuan." The waitress said, pointing to the bird food on the shelf.

"1000 yuan, so expensive! At this price, you can buy hundreds of bottles of Feizhai Happy Water." Qisehua murmured in her heart.

Seeing that Qisehua didn't speak, the waitress immediately wanted to recommend other cheap bird food to Qisehua, "This one is a bit expensive, sister, let me help you choose something else!"

"That's it. I'll buy a pack first. If they like it, I'll buy it again." Seven Color Flower said.

" really want to buy it!" the waitress said in surprise.

Qisehua nodded, and then it went to the cashier to check out with the waitress who was holding a bag of high-end bird food.

"Thank you for your patronage, welcome to come again next time." The waitress said to Qisehua who was about to leave after paying the money.

Qisehua, who was about to leave, suddenly remembered a plot in the TV series. It stopped and turned to look at the waitress.

"Is there anything else you need?" the waitress asked with a smile.

Qisehua took out the wallet from her pocket, opened it, took out a 10-yuan bill and handed it over.


"Your tip."

"No, you don't need to tip me."

"Really no need?"

"Well, it's really unnecessary."

"Since you don't want it, forget it." Qi Sehua said, then took back her money, turned and walked out of the shop.

"Xiaoyan, that kid just now has such a cute expression on his serious face about tipping you!" The other waitresses who saw the scene just now in the store came over and smiled at Xiaoyan.

"Yeah! What a cute kid, but if he spends money like this, will he be spanked by his parents when he returns home!" Xiaoyan said with some concern.

"Probably not. I don't think that kid is like the ones we usually meet, those kids who spend impulsively. I guess he should be a kid from a rich family. To him, this little money may be just a small part of his lucky money. "

"I hope so!"


After Qisehua left the bird food shop, it stood on the side of the road with a bag containing high-end bird food, and stopped a taxi with its hand.

"Where are you going, kid?" the taxi driver asked.

"Go to Hualing Park." Qisehua recalled the name of the park that came out before, and then said to the driver, and at the same time, it praised its wit in its heart.

"It doesn't matter if I get lost, as long as I have money, I can stop a taxi, and the other party will naturally take me to where I want to go."

Qisehua patted the wallet in her pocket. After several personal experiences, she, a visitor from another world, understood the importance of banknotes more and more.

"In the future, I will work harder to steal from the rich and give to the poor. As long as I have a lot of money in my pocket, I can live a very chic life in this human world."


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