My Taoist Career

Chapter 21 Parents' comfort

Before I finished the bland porridge, my dad entered the room, glanced at my mom, and asked, "When did you wake up? Did you take your medicine?"

"I've been awake for more than [-] minutes. I've been fed the medicine. Now I'll give him some porridge. After he eats, I'll give him the medicine after the meal." My mother replied while feeding me the porridge. My dad was trembling, and even ate porridge a little bit neatly, because he was afraid that my dad would find a reason to punish me.

My mother sat down next to my father by my bed, she hesitated to speak, and hurriedly said: "What do you have to say, wait until I feed him the food."

She was afraid that my father would 'interrogate' me, and I would not dare to eat.

After eating porridge in fear, my dad coughed twice, cleared his throat, and started: "Sanbaer, why did you burn someone else's hair, Liu Chunyan?"

"I...for no reason, I didn't want to burn it, I just wanted to play around, and it caught fire." I answered my dad's question carefully. Well, if you're lying, my dad doesn't mind beating me all over the yard.

"If you want to play, you can burn other people's hair? Then, if you want to play, do you want to burn your hair too?" My father became angry, and his voice suddenly increased by three points. He said that my two older sisters are handsome, He is sensible and sensible, and everyone in the village praises him, my dad's pride!He couldn't figure out why his only son, me, had become a typical example of the village's "negative teaching material". He always felt that I was too embarrassing for him.

I was so scared that I shrank my neck and dared not speak. At this moment, my mother was desperately pulling at the corner of my father's clothes, as if to remind him of something.

After being reminded by my mother, my dad came to his senses and said: "Next time, you will be bald for a year, and don't even think about having half of your hair growing out of your head."

After saying this, my dad's face softened, and he didn't mention Liu Chunyan's hair anymore, but fell silent, as if he was thinking about what to say.

I didn't think about it that much at the time, I was just happy that I had escaped another big "catastrophe". It is said that my father would clean me up, but my mother rarely stopped me, unless it was when I was beaten too hard, and it was even rarer. It was my dad who accepted the stop so 'obediently'.

Haha, the sun is going to come out from the west, what can I do?Should I still ask why, and then stuff it back to the east?I'm not that stupid.

As soon as this person relaxed and I ate some warm food, I started to feel sleepy again, but my dad started talking again: "Sanbai, what did you do last night, tell Dad in detail?"

Are you starting to pursue what happened last night?My whole body tensed up again, and I hurried back: "I didn't do anything, let's go, I was hungry, so I broke off 3 corns, and then went to the bamboo forest to braise the corns to eat, and then I fell asleep, and then I didn't eat them either." I know why I'm so confused..."

As soon as I think about what happened yesterday, I feel panicked in my heart, and I find that I have no way to explain the ins and outs in detail, and my father's face is getting more and more serious, so I can't continue.

Unexpectedly, my dad didn't care about where I broke the corn, and he didn't pursue my intention of running away from home at all. Instead, he tried his best to soften the lines of his face, and said very gently: "Then what happened, tell Dad."

"Then I didn't know what happened, so I walked to the edge of the cemetery. I...I felt...I walked over with my eyes closed." It's rare that my dad is so gentle, why don't I say it quickly?Besides, this matter is stuck in my heart, and I hope to get a reasonable explanation from adults.

My dad's face sank completely, and even my mother's face was very ugly. I don't know what went wrong in this section, which made my parents look so serious, even if I failed the final exam last semester. The fifth from the bottom, they didn't do that either?

I felt a little scared, and looked at them at a loss. The strange thing is that my dad didn't care about me at all. Instead, he stood up, paced back and forth in the room, and then took out his shirt from his trouser pocket. Rolling a cigarette, I wanted to roll a cigarette, looked at me, but went out again.

As for my mother, her eyes became very strange, she just touched my head and didn't speak, her expression was clearly very worried.

I don't know what happened, but I always feel that my parents have something on their minds this time, something big on their minds.

After a while, my dad came in, smelling like cigarettes, he probably went out to smoke just now, as soon as he entered the room, he sat next to me, put his hand on my shoulder and said: "Sanbaer, you have to be honest. Tell Dad, why were you crying yesterday and what were you afraid of? The more detailed the better, no matter what it is, Dad will believe you. "

At this time, my father's eyes were firm and full of trust, and the hand on my shoulder also gave a kind of strength between men. This feeling can be felt even when I am young, and I have great strength for a while. Courage, very simply, told the story of last night in detail, including the inexplicable light spot dream, the house, the man in the shroud, the glaring light on his chest, and the faint roar of a tiger , all told.

It's just that in the end I saw a red dot in a daze and followed me. I didn't talk about it, because it felt so uncertain.

My dad's face became more and more ugly as he heard it, and in the end he just hugged me in his arms and kept touching my head vigorously. He didn't know what he wanted to express, but it made me goosebumps Pimples, because my dad has almost never been that nasty to me.

As for my mother crying, I don't know why.

It took a long time for the strange atmosphere in the room to dissipate. My dad finally patted my head and said: "Good son, good job, I didn't get scared enough to pee my pants yesterday."

I was proud of my dad's praise, and quickly said: "I wasn't afraid at first, even if that man came to hit me, I wasn't afraid! If I didn't find out that they were wearing such scary clothes, I wouldn't even cry.. ..”

The fact is indeed the case, my dad didn't refute me for the first time, he just touched my head again and kept saying: "Good son, good son..."

I haven’t been praised so much by him since I can remember. The sound of my good son made me feel sick all over my body. My dad was about to piss me off, so I quickly changed the subject: “Dad, what did you say yesterday? something?"

What happened yesterday?My father was stunned by my question. He touched my head for a while and fell silent. On the contrary, my mother wiped away tears and said loudly: "What's going on? You were in the bamboo forest yesterday. If you catch a cold or have a fever, you will be confused."

Sometimes, men are not as quick-witted as women. On this issue, my father's response is obviously not as fast as my mother's.

But due to the haste of the answer, my mother's answer was not satisfactory to me who was full of curiosity about everything. I looked at my dad with some doubts. My dad also reacted at this time, and said with a somewhat unnatural expression: "You are sleepwalking, a sleepwalking person, cough... It's like dreaming. Your eyes are not open, which is the best proof. In addition, you have a fever, and your mind is a little unconscious."

I know about sleepwalking. A classmate in my class told me that his brother was sleepwalking. He got up in the middle of the night to catch chickens in the yard. After he was beaten up, he still didn’t know anything...

At the time, I thought it was a miracle, but I didn't expect it to happen to me.

Well, I can accept my dad's theory of sleepwalking, and I felt very relieved for a while, and I stopped thinking about it, and gradually I became sleepy, and I fell asleep on the bed again.

When I woke up again, I was woken up by the eldest sister pinching my face. When I opened my eyes, I saw the angry look of the eldest sister and the gentle smile of the second sister.

Speaking of which, my two sisters have very different personalities. The eldest sister is called Chen Xia. She is really chivalrous (homophone Xia) in her personality, forthright, and straight-talking.

The second sister is called Chen Xiaojuan, she is gentle and gentle, and she speaks softly.

When I was young, I was closer to my second sister than to my eldest sister, because if I was skinny, my eldest sister would beat me up when she was in a hurry, but my second sister never would, at most she would persuade the two sisters with a blushing face and a soft voice. In other words, you can't even scold me.

Being pinched by the elder sister, I didn't dare to struggle, so I forced a smile and asked, "Elder sister, why did you come back so early?"

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