identity?What identity?I was stunned for a moment. In my heart, my master is a lazy master who is willing to be mediocre with all his abilities. Could it be that he has another identity?

But even though I am only ten years old, and I belong to the kind of child who is not sensitive at all, seeing old man Jiang talking about it in such a serious way, I still think of something. The courtyard, and the vigorous work of moving the graves, turned out to be the township leaders who promised to give work points. Unfortunately, I thought at the time that it would all be counted on the old man Jiang.

I didn't think about these things at first, but now they came to my mind all of a sudden, and I really feel that my master is mysterious.

"Although I like idle clouds and wild cranes, I do things for the country." Old man Jiang said.

"Do things for the country?" I looked at him suspiciously. The workers and peasants in the country are lazy like him. I am afraid that the country will not be able to be built. I really did not see him doing anything serious.

"Strictly speaking, when the country wants me to take action, as long as it is a positive thing, I will do it. Back then, my condition was that I would never do anything for anyone alone, only for things related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. Make a move." After all, I am just a child, Jiang old man explained to me as simple as possible.

"But..." I couldn't turn my head around a bit, "But... wasn't it broken four years ago?"

"The old and broken people are not people with real skills. In the past, there were too many liars, so that the people were ignorant, and those with real skills couldn't clean up. They made a mess of good and bad people, and there were even some people with ulterior motives. These things It’s too complicated. Moreover, Taoist metaphysics is like a sharp knife, do you think a sharp knife can be given to bad guys to play with? Can it be given to children to play with?”

"Aren't I just a child?" That's not good, I will soon become the object of breaking the four olds.

"This is a metaphor for me!" Old man Jiang was angry, "It's like many people who are ignorant of the world, just like children, who suddenly learn one trick or two, and are easy to be provoked, do you understand? And there are too many metaphysical restrictions Compared with science, it is not easy to transform into productivity. As long as there are a small number of people with real skills, it will be fine to help take care of the country, and help deal with some things, so as not to cause panic among the people, and let the people live a good life. Such."

I nodded half understanding, and asked: "Master, are you a big official?" Anyway, I saw that everyone in the yard respected Master, and I also saw that the township leaders came forward.

"This... In fact, power in the world is useless to me. I will slowly tell you something about my identity in more detail. Now that you are too young, just remember that I will do things for the country. " Jiang old man thought for a long time before telling me this.

"Then master, why do you want to help the country? Didn't you say that you like to be carefree?"

"Of course people of the Taoist school should follow the way. To help those who attain the Tao, you have read the "Tao Te Ching" for so long and don't understand this? Besides, this is the order of your ancestor. The place for disciples to settle down is to help the current ZF, because they are the ones who have won the world, and they represent the country! Doing things for the family and the country is for great virtue and great kindness." Old man Jiang said it very simply and stopped mentioning it This topic is over.

And I only have a simple idea, my master really values ​​merit.

Since then, the content of my daily homework has become more and more onerous. The "Tao Te Ching" has not been copied or read. After three and a half years of reading and writing, it is impossible for me to forget it even if I want to. What you realize is up to you.

But the "Tao Te Ching" is no longer read or copied, but suddenly there are a lot of things that I have to memorize. The first is the complicated formulas about drawing symbols. I used to think that the Tao Te Ching was extremely obscure, but these formulas For me it is the real 'book from heaven'.

The old man Jiang would not let me write these formulas on paper. When he taught me, he passed them on orally, and when it comes to each character, the formulas for entry-level talismans are relatively simple, usually only 4 sentences. How to pronounce it, the specific meaning, can blow people's heads.

"The formulas corresponding to each type of talisman are different. You need to understand its meaning deeply, and this is just an introduction. In addition to the formula for drawing the talisman, each type of talisman also corresponds to the formula for knotting talismans. Some of them are silently recited in your heart. Some need to recite the words, some need to be read aloud, pay attention to the sentence sentence, which word should be emphasized in the pronunciation." This is how the old man Jiang responded to my complaints, and usually the final result is my be trained.

God knows how much I want to do the actual operation, so I went to draw a talisman to see the effect, but the old man Jiang just glanced at me: "You little fool who has no skill, it's just a piece of waste paper when I draw it. Go practice."

Yes, practice!

From that day on, what I want to practice is not some simple method of self-cultivation, but the real "cultivation". This cultivation is not the art of longevity that the world understands. Maybe it used to be, but it is indeed far away now.

To put it simply, I have started to practice real Qigong. The old man Jiang once told me in a naughty way that those who have achieved great success in cultivation, eat and breathe, and there is spirit in the breath, and the most advanced method of breathing is the breath of the fetus. surgery.

I almost fainted when I heard it. First of all, I can't accept not eating, just drinking the northwest wind, and I will not do it if I am a fairy.Second, what is the technique of fetal breathing?To put it bluntly, it means not breathing through the mouth and nose, but using the skin of the body to inhale the natural qi, the vitality of heaven and earth.Acupoints for internal air flow.As soon as I thought about it, I felt that it must suffocate me.

Faced with my emotions, old man Jiang found it very funny: "Gua Waer, you think too much, the qi of this breath is the vitality of heaven and earth, but it is different from the yin and yang qi that is breathed through the mouth and nose, can you reach that level? If you can reach that level, I will cook for you every day. As for the technique of fetal breathing, it would be good to reach that level occasionally for half an hour. You have practiced the technique of tortoise breathing for me in your life. Haven’t you seen it? Are tortoises particularly long-lived?"

"When I get to that level, I still need you to cook for me? I drink air every day, no, no, it's fine if the vitality of the world is not enough? Master, are you kidding me?" I have been fighting wits and courage with old man Jiang for a long time. He has a wealth of experience in struggle, and I know the loopholes in his words as soon as I hear them.

"That's right, then I'll make you angry." Old man Jiang chuckled.

"How do you do it? Can it be fried? Can it be steamed? Can it be stewed with wild pigeons?" I said disdainfully.

"Why can't you do it? Wouldn't it be okay if I fart every day for you to eat? Isn't farting just a puff of breath?" Old man Jiang said proudly, tilting his head.

At that time, I was about to meditate and do exercises, but I almost spurted blood from my throat. I endured and endured, my face turned red, come on, come on, just think that I owe this cheap master in my previous life!

However, it’s all fun. When it came time for me to actually practice, Old Man Jiang was more nervous than anyone else. Although he had repeatedly explained to me the unique know-how of our lineage of exercises, and explained them in detail. He also taught me his experience, but he was still nervous.

This qigong is not just for fun, if you practice it accidentally, you will go wrong, or even go crazy. It is understandable for Mr. Jiang to be nervous, so the Taoist teacher is very important. Without the guidance of a master, unless you are a talented person, ordinary people People who are not willing to try it lightly.

Just getting started with qigong is already very difficult. I spend a lot of time on it every day, but the entry is very slow. The first hurdle I have to pass is the sense of qi. The sense of qi is a very erratic thing. Before 'it', I could only rely on thinking to move my energy. This thinking is easy to say, but it is very exhausting to concentrate all my thoughts on one thing. When I first started, I often couldn't do it for half an hour. Feeling dizzy and nauseous.

Faced with this situation, old man Jiang often encouraged me; "Your talent is already high enough. At the beginning, I would lose my focus within less than 10 minutes of thinking. If I continue to do it by force, it will be even more nerve-wracking. Take your time, my apprentice is very powerful."

This kind of encouragement contains a strong friendship, and the feeling of protecting my shortcomings is even stronger. I often sigh, in fact, my master is very good to me, and often moves me very much. Of course, at these times, I must try my best not to When I think about him being a rascal, like making me eat farts or something.

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