Christmas morning in the tower,

Levin was woken up by Aiwu.

Early in the morning, he left Levin's bed and dove into the pile of gifts, sticking his butt out, wagging his tail, and tearing at the Christmas gift wrapping with his paws.

As the most popular dragon in the entire Hogwarts (as she calls herself), Aiwu has received a lot of Christmas gifts, dozens of them, most of which are various snacks.

There are also some weird gadgets.

For example, a dragon uses a teething stick.

Levin looked at the sender and saw that it was from Hagrid.

This hybrid giant has always been brooding over the incident where his fire dragon Norbert was given away two years ago.

Now that Levin has raised a little dragon that won't grow up, it has almost made up for his original dream.

Therefore, Hagrid has always been very kind to Aiwu, and will prepare a lot of snacks for her every time they meet, including his sticky fudge and stone biscuits that are so hard that they will fall off your teeth.

Levin would give Aiwu a teething stick now because he expected it.

In addition to gifts from wizards, there are also gifts from special friends.

For example, Fox and Larry.

As the two most intelligent magical creatures on campus, Ai "103" Wu and Fox have a good relationship, at least much better than their masters.

Fawkes' gift was one of his tail feathers, which came with Dumbledore's Christmas gift to Levin.

As for Larry, a small basket of fresh mulberries was delivered, which she picked herself and carried them into the tower early in the morning.

Of course the feather was confiscated by Levin and treated it as a Christmas gift from Aiwu.

As for the mulberries...when Levin saw them, there were only a few mulberry leaves left.

If the little guy didn't have a black and purple mouth, he might not even know that this happened.

Levin's gift to Aiwu was a blue tassel woven from unicorn fur to decorate her tail.

The tassel is enchanted with various illusion magics. When waved, it will not only make a pleasant sound, but also leave a blue phantom. It looks very cool and is suitable for the playful and active Aiwu.

"Great, Levin, I've always wanted a tassel like this."

After receiving Levin's gift, Love let out a burst of cheers.

She couldn't wait to put the tassel on her tail, skipped out of the room, and went to show off to Larry.

Levin naturally received more gifts than Aiwu.

Especially this year, he also formed the "Extensive Knowledge Society", and many of his junior teachers gave him Christmas gifts.

A lot of chocolates and greeting cards from the little witches, Levin opened them as usual and put them all aside.

After all, it is something that enters the mouth. It would be terrible if someone mixed some magic potion like love potion in it.

This is not unfounded by Levin. Such poisoning incidents have happened many times in the history of Hogwarts, so much so that every Christmas the teachers have to repeatedly remind the students to be careful.

Friends who are familiar with Levin will choose to give him some books, or alchemy and potion materials.

They knew that such gifts were never too much for Levin.

The Weasley twins' gift was a trial jar of diarrhea candy.

This is a prank prop they tried to make, but it was never successful because it could not cover up the strong smell of potion.

After all, no one would eat smelly candy, so there's nothing wrong with it.

Levin finally understood that the twins sent this to him, nominally as a Christmas gift, but actually looking for improvement solutions.

This is really good at shedding wool.

Luna's gift was an invitation to a party organized by his father at Lovegood House during the holidays.

Zhang Qiu gave him a red scarf, which she knitted by herself.

In the month before Christmas, she spent every day studying the magic of knitting in the library, and finally managed to save one in time for Christmas.

Although Levin doesn't have a high need for warmth, this piece is woven delicately enough and is great as an accessory.

Hermione's gift was a bit interesting, a copy of the "Charter of Wizengamot Powers" with the magical seal of the Hogwarts Library on it.

But according to the letter she sent, her Christmas gift should be a copy of "Quidditch Teams of Great Britain and Ireland".

Based on the information he had previously received from Onyxia, Levin had already guessed what was going on.

It is estimated that the little witch was too busy at work and used the wrong group.

He could already imagine Mrs. Pince's face when Hermione returned a copy of "Quidditch Teams of Great Britain and Ireland" to the library.

Of all the gifts, Levin hated Dumbledore's gift the most, a copy of Hairy Heart: A Must-Read for Wizards Who Don't Dare to Do Bad Things.

This book has been on the bestseller list. The main content of this book is to help wizards avoid having a "hairy heart", that is, becoming a cold, hard-hearted wizard.

It seems that Old Bee is still worried about the restricted book section.

If it weren't for the gift Fox gave to Aiwu, Levin would have refused to accept his letter.

As for Cirilla, Tonks, Jaina and other close friends, they did not care about Christmas gifts.

Because this Christmas, they have decided to spend it together.

After inspecting the gifts, Levin ate some of last night's leftovers and then plunged into the alchemy workshop in the basement.

What was placed in front of him now were two arcane swords belonging to Levin and Cirilla, a large pile of fairy silver and a few feathers of his beloved bird.

In fact, Levin has always wanted to further transform Arcane Sword 2.0 so that it not only has the ability to enchant the sword, but also has the function of a wand. On this basis, he also plans to apply a transformation spell to the arcane sword so that it can switch between sword form and wand form.

But he has been facing a problem all along,

The main material of the arcane sword is metal, while the material of the wand is wood. The two are very different and difficult to combine.

Until this semester, he learned about the function of fairy silver in a book.

Fairy silver refers to a magical metal forged by fairies and made with fairy magic. It is actually the same thing as mithril in many worlds.

Although this material is metal, it has quite strong magical adaptability.

Adding it to the arcane sword can not only greatly enhance its enchanting ability, but also give it the adaptability of the wand.

So at the beginning of the semester, he kept trying to find ways to get some fairy silver.

But the goblins hide their unique products very well, and Guowen has never been able to get too many...

He even thought about smelting Gryffindor's sword in the headmaster's office.

Until recently, Onyxia bought ten kilograms of fairy silver from a pure-blood family.

Now, he can finally build the Lishu Sword 3.0 he planned.

With a wave of Levin's wand, he ignited the fire in the workshop, and in the jumping flames, the large piece of fairy silver floated into the furnace.

The fairy silver was melted and deformed by the hot furnace, and slowly melted into liquid, flowing slowly in the fire.

Immediately afterwards, Levin placed the two arcane swords on the furnace and slowly replaced the original metal components in the Ormi swords with fairy silver through alchemy.

During this process, Levin made a hole in the hilt of the Arcane Sword, dug out a long fine hole, and put Aiwu's feather inside.

This is the material used as the core of the wand.

As a carnival dragon, Aiwu is a natural arcane spellcaster, and his magical adaptability is far beyond that of ordinary magical creatures.

Using its feathers as the core of the wand, the effect will naturally exceed traditional materials such as phoenix feathers, unicorn tail hair, and dragon heartstrings.

Not only that, as a creature of Elysium, the Carnival Dragon can also call upon the magic power of nature.

At the same time, it also has the innate ability to mobilize other people's emotions and make people happy.

Therefore, its feathers serve as the core of the wand, which not only increases arcane spellcasting capabilities, but also enhances Levin's druid spells and psychic abilities.

It can be said that it kills three birds with one stone.

After completing the replacement of the Fairy Silver, Levin cast [Transform All Things] on the Arcane Sword,

Guided it to slowly deform into the shape of a wand, about the length from Levin's wrist to his elbow.

Then carve fine magic patterns on its surface,

These magic patterns can increase the user's caster level when casting spells and comprehensively enhance the effects of spells.

Different from the wooden wands in this world, in order to protect the entire wand body from damage and ensure the smooth flow of magic power, the wand can only rely on the inherent properties of the material and cannot be further enchanted.

Mithril is different from wood. It not only ensures that Levin's magic power flows smoothly in the wand, but also does not have to worry about the entire wand being damaged. Because it itself is refined the day after tomorrow.

Finally, Levin took out the Philosopher's Stone and invoked the power in this strange object to permanently fix the transformation of the two arcane swords.

In fact, he can completely use the power of [Transform All Things] to make this change permanent.

But in this way, the power of transformation itself may interfere with other functions of the arcane sword.

It would be better to sacrifice the Philosopher's Stone and use the power of the strange object to permanently fix the deformation effect from the outside.

In this way, Arcane Sword 3.0 is completed.

Under normal circumstances, it would be a beautiful mithril wand, not only stronger than Levin's original wand, but also traceless, so there would be no need to worry about being tracked by the Ministry of Magic.

And when necessary, it can transform from a small wand into a sharp sword at any time.

Not only is it convenient, but you can use the two-handed sword technique freely when swinging the sword without worrying about casting spells.

It is a combination of casting spells and killing people. .

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