Levin was particularly surprised by the witch's attitude.

If the other party's reaction at the beginning can still be explained strictly,

If Levin didn't notice the other party's targeting this time, his 23 points of naked intelligence would have been wasted.

He didn't reply, but glanced at Jaina,

You are the deputy director of the Legal Enforcement Department, and the other party is your subordinate. Why would she dare to be so rude in front of you?

Jaina Proudmoore was naturally very angry, and she immediately began to search her memory for information about Mafalda Hopkirk.

Soon, she realized the problem and gave Levin a wry smile, indicating that she couldn't control it much for the time being.

Levin pursed his lips, determined to speak with strength.

So in front of everyone, he directly transformed into a chimera with lion beast, eagle wings, badger fur, eagle claws and snake tail.

The chimera opened its bloody mouth, and the exciting lion's roar echoed in the office, almost bursting their eardrums. "The flapping wings also blew the documents on Hopkirk's desk everywhere."

Then, the Chimera disappeared and turned back into the handsome boy.

Hopkirk was obviously very frightened by Levin. She flipped through Levin's information with lingering fear, her eyes lit up, and she continued to ask: "Are you 14 years old now?"

"Yes." Levin doesn't think age is an issue.

"Did you learn about the Animagus in school? Who taught you?"

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall...I have learned a lot from each professor." Levin replied calmly.

"What on earth are you suspecting, Mafalda Hopkirk? This is not how a normal review is done, right?" Jaina finally couldn't help but get angry, her face was so gloomy that she could drip water, "Or, you Are you still complaining about Barty Crouch Sr. and using Levin who provided evidence as a target to vent your anger?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," Ms. Hopkirk panicked subconsciously after being poked at the painful spot, and then immediately turned her face serious and did not look at Gianna.

"It's really remarkable that he can turn into an Animagus at this age. However, what we need to check is whether his Animagus really has magical powers or is just an appearance."

"So you don't remember any of the previous popular science?" Although Jaina was sitting in an armchair on the side, she held her head high and her breasts were high and imposing.

Hopkirk turned his head uncomfortably and forced himself to explain:

"That paper is just a paper. There is no superior document requiring it to be a general rule of the Ministry of Magic, so I don't need to abide by it."

This is just telling lies with your eyes open.

Regarding the professional judgment of this subject, the Ministry of Magic has always been based on the mainstream conclusions of the industry.

There is no problem that it will not be implemented without approval from superiors.

But that's just an unspoken rule of the Ministry of Magic, not an explicit rule.

Hopkirk insists on saying this, and Jaina can't refute.

The more Hopkirk spoke, the more confident she became. She felt that what she said was just and righteous. Since she chose to side with Barty Crouch, of course she should take this opportunity to show off.

She knew very well that the Levin Green in front of her had always been Gianna's person.

Now that the other party is in her hands, she can just suppress the momentum of Jaina's power.

For Gianna, it wasn't the test itself that made her angry.

Because Levin's strength is there, no matter how he tests it, the results are obvious.

Her anger lay in Hopkirk's aggressive attitude, which was unprecedented among Animagus applications in the past.

At least that was not what happened when Professor McGonagall registered.

The registrants at that time wished they had more animagus.

Jaina narrowed her eyes with an unfathomable expression.

Now is not the time for an attack,

Since it is the aftermath of political struggle, we must use the means of political struggle.

She has already thought about how to deal with this guy.

Levin was not afraid, and he successfully demonstrated his super magic resistance and regeneration abilities to the employees of the Ministry of Magic.

Even if Hopkirk increases the difficulty of the test, it will still not be as difficult as Levin's.

During the breath test, Levin even breathed out a breath of fire, igniting documents on Hopkirk's desk.

In the end, Hopkirk had to obediently register Levin, admitting that he was the eighth publicly registered Animagus in the past century.

More importantly, Levin is currently the only wizard in the world whose animagus is a magical creature-a chimaera.

Gianna smiled and gave Levin a big hug, then walked out of the room without even looking at Hopkirk.

Outside the room, Gianna explained to Levin: "This Hopkirk was once promoted by Barty Crouch Sr., that's why he targeted you like this. But her methods were so clumsy, it was probably her own fault." Advocate, but this is also our opportunity."

Speaking of this, Jaina gently approached Levin's ear and whispered to the boy.

"I asked Tonks to take you to the lounge to have something to eat first. There will be a prearranged interview with reporters later, but during the interview, you can..."

Jaina didn't finish her sentence, but Levin knew what she meant.

it is more than words.

After following Tonks in the lounge for a hearty meal, Levin was greeted by an unprecedentedly large interview lineup.

The reporter's keen sense of smell and well-informed information are indeed shocking.

Among all the media, only a few familiar ones such as the Daily Prophet and The Quibbler were contacted by Gianna.

Reporters from other newspapers and magazines came here simply after receiving the news.

Jaina couldn't keep them away.

"Levin Green, you can transform into an Animagus at the age of 14. What's the secret?'

"You are the first magical Animagus ever, how do you feel about that?"

"I understand that you are also the first person to kill a Chimera. What impact does this have on your Animagus?"

The reporters asked questions urgently and quickly, and the questions were even more diverse.

Levin's tone was unhurried, and he answered all the questions appropriately, always smiling.

Such demeanor and temperament won the favor of the reporters present.

"What did you think of the experience of registering animagus with the Office for the Abuse of Magic?"

Finally, Levin heard the key question.

He cheered up and answered the question head on.

"I'm curious if they were as rude to other testers as they were to me. If so, then I might understand why there are so few registered Animagus and so few non-Animagus So much."

There was a faint smile on Allen's face, but the content hidden in his words was so sharp that it hurt.

The reporters below suddenly became excited, and their professionalism told them that the second big news of the day was here.

"What happened, can you tell me more specifically?"

"You think the quality of Ministry of Magic officials needs to be improved, right?"

"Did anyone target you in today's test?"

"It would be a good thing for the Ministry of Magic's review agency to be stricter, but could the attitude of the testers be better? The Ministry of Magic should be an organization that serves ordinary wizards, and THE..."

In front of reporters, Levin used his psychic powers to fully activate his charm, constantly guiding reporters to sympathize with him and their dissatisfaction with the Ministry of Magic.

His remarks aroused great interest among the reporters present. They were all excited and indignant about Levin's experience.

Especially Rita Skeeter,

Levin could see her green feathered shorthand pen twisting furiously on her notebook, recording something.

Levin doesn't need to look at it to know that she must be fully exaggerating.

...Please give me flowers...

But this time, her exaggeration worked for her.

In order to win the favor of reporters, Levin later showed off his Animagus image.

The Chimera, which combines the symbols of the four major colleges, received unanimous exclamation from everyone. Reporters felt that this meant that Levin was a symbol of the beautiful qualities of Hogwarts.

Since Levin is a symbol of good quality,

It's self-evident what kind of existence the person standing opposite him is.

The day after registration, Levin returned to Hogwarts.

Except for Cirilla, Hermione and five other girls, as well as Levin's dean, Professor Flitwick, no one knew that Levin had quietly become the eighth unregistered Animagus in the underworld this century.

It wasn't until the next morning when the owls came to the auditorium with fluttering wings and various newspapers and periodicals that the little wizards learned the amazing news.

Although the little wizards have long been numb to Levin's amazing achievements, they still can't help but poke their heads in the air and talk about it.

Because Levin has developed an achievement worthy of being recorded in the history of magic.

Since entering school, Levin has performed countless glorious deeds, such as being first in grade, killing the Chimaera, defeating the basilisk, saving Sirius, etc.

These deeds have been discussed over and over again.


Today, he is the only wizard in the world who can transform into a chimaera.

Levin had already anticipated this situation, so he calmly came to his seat and enjoyed his breakfast calmly.

Zhang Qiu sat next to him, proudly reading every report that mentioned him.

Sure enough, the headlines of almost every newspaper had photos of Levin Green transforming into a chimera and answering reporters' questions.

Reports that he was the first wizard to identify magical creatures as animagus were everywhere and dominated the headlines.

Many newspapers were extremely flattering, describing him as a symbol of virtue in Hogwarts and a role model for all Xiaogang.

After reading this, not only Zhang Qiu, but also all the young wizards who joined the Learned Society proudly puffed up their chests, thinking that Levin was worthy of his name.

Levin didn't pay much attention to these.

His attention was entirely focused on the director of the Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic's comments about the rudeness towards Animaline registrants.

Almost every newspaper has relevant reports, and among them the one with the most powerful writing and the most violent criticism of the Ministry of Magic is the Daily Prophet.

"The genius Animagus encounters difficulties from the Ministry of Magic. Is it a system error or personal revenge?"

The unique genius wizard in the world, Levin Green, is famous for his magical creature Animagus form, but he encountered obstacles and indifference during the registration process with the Ministry of Magic.

An official at the scene disclosed: "The criteria for judging Levin Green seem to be beyond the norm, and the tester's attitude towards him is also extremely serious and indifferent..."

This incident reminds us of a past injustice - the tragedy of Sirius. Peter Pettigrew was able to hide in a wizarding family for many years precisely because he was an illegal Animagus; similarly, although Sirius was unjustly imprisoned, he successfully escaped from the tightly guarded Aziz through Animagus transformation. Caban.

The main person in charge of handling the Sirius case at that time was Barty Crouch.

Levin Green played a key role in the Sirius incident and successfully overturned the case.

A relevant official revealed: "Mafalda Hopkirk, who was responsible for testing Levin, was personally promoted by Barty Crouch."

We can't help but wonder whether Barty Crouch ordered his men to take such action in order to retaliate against Levin Green for exposing his negligence. two

This incident once again proves that the Ministry of Magic must pay attention to the management of Animagus, improve service attitude, improve the quality of officials, and adjust work style.

We will continue to pay attention to the subsequent development of this matter and look forward to the Ministry of Magic's response.

Chief reporter Rita Skeeter reports Wan. .

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