It has been more than a month since Levin and Cirilla joined the Yin Kingdom Quidditch team.

Hogwarts is about to have its final exams.

The Quidditch World Cup will also usher in the qualifiers.

After the training, Ludo Bagman suddenly broke in and announced a shocking news:

This Sunday, the Yin Country Quidditch team will have its first game - against the Irish national team.

This preliminary match was actually held at Hogwarts.

The news was a joy to all the players.

"That's great!" Avery, the black chaser, showed his big white teeth.

"We are so lucky!" Batter Dawn Withey raised his goggles happily.

They have been training at Hogwarts for so long and are quite familiar with the environment here. They have also established deep relationships with the young wizards who often come to watch the training.

It can be said that Hogwarts is their home ground.

Playing at home, they are full of confidence in winning.

"Luck also requires hard work." Coach Hamish emphasized while clapping his hands.

Ludo Bagman paused, waited for them to calm down, and then explained: "Professor Dumbledore came to me before and asked if I could apply to set the preliminary rounds at Hogwarts. To make their little wizards' study and life more enjoyable." Rich and colorful, it can relieve their tense nerves as the final exam approaches.

Ludo shrugged, recalling Professor Dumbledore's loving expression when he found him.

If you switch places with him, he will make the same choice.

Setting up the preliminary competition at Hogwarts not only allows students to watch the competition for free and enriches their learning life;

More importantly, the Quidditch competition venue was also expanded and renovated for free;

It can also increase the influence of Hogwarts.

It's simply killing multiple birds with one stone.

"I discussed it several times with the Department of Magical Sports and Sports, and after hard arguments, we finally decided to set the venue for the preliminary round at Hogwarts." Ludo patted his chest to show off his achievements.

Levin knew this was meant for him, but he still decided to accept the other person's favor. Regardless of whether the other party's intentions were impure, "Honda Bagman did help him a lot when it came to the Quidditch World Cup.

Seeing everyone's faces so happy, they almost celebrated in advance,

Hamish coughed slightly.

As a referee and team leader, he decided to cool down everyone's enthusiasm so that they would not let down their guard.

"For Ireland, Hogwarts is also half of the home court. After all, they all graduated from Hogwarts, and most of them played on the Hogwarts field during their school days, so they are very familiar with it. ."

His words were like a bucket of cold water, pouring on the hearts of the players and sounding the alarm for them.

Yes, there is only one magic school in the entire British Isles, and that is Hogwarts.

No matter which team they are on, everyone is a graduate of Hogwarts, so who can outdo each other?

But they didn't realize that even in terms of home popularity, there was a variable in their own team.

On Friday afternoon, members of the Irish Quidditch national team, wearing uniform light green robes, flew into Hogwarts riding brand-new Firebolts. Their arrival was met with loud cheers from the Hogwarts divisions.

In Hogwarts, news always spreads quickly, and everyone is already very familiar with the members of the Yin Kingdom national team.

As for the Irish stars, they are still very curious.

Seamus Finnigan and Terry Butt, who are of Irish descent, were particularly excited and talked about the experiences of Irish stars.

There are many wizards like Seamus in the castle,

But most of them are students who support the Yin Kingdom national team.

In the center of this magical world, two great teams are about to face off, setting off the hearts of countless divisions.

Levin and Cirilla have received unprecedented courtesy at Hogwarts these days.

In the hearts of the little wizards, he represents not only the national team, but also Hogwarts.

The hottest topic in the castle is the upcoming Quidditch preliminary round, which fills the air like a burning flame.

"Do you support the underworld or Ireland?"

At Hogwarts, this issue was brought up extremely frequently during meetings.

Harry felt a little troubled about this.

He naturally hopes that the Yin Kingdom can win, after all, Levin is a member of the Yin Kingdom.

However, he found that his good friend Ronald was more inclined to Ireland and often had heated discussions with Terry, Seamus and others.

At times like this, the atmosphere between Harry and Ronald would become tense.

Unlike Ronald, Levin was surprised to find that the people who were most friendly to him were the Slytherins who had had unpleasant experiences with him.

After seeing the passes created by Levin, these smart Slytherins began to learn to behave and did not want to be enemies of Levin.

On the one hand, it's because Levin is so powerful and has an unlimited future.

On the other hand, Slytherins value honor. When external forces move in, they instinctively turn to Levin, who represents Hogwarts and the Kingdom of Yin.

Finally, they all got advice from their parents——be sure to make friends with Levin.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore's status in the Ministry of Magic has increased, and her power has gradually increased.

Even Gryffindor's Percy would come over to cheer him on every time he saw Levin, and apologized for Ronald's behavior of supporting Ireland and being indifferent to Levin.

Time passed like water, and Sunday came in a blink of an eye.

When the little wizards came to the Quidditch field, they could hardly believe their eyes.

The stand that originally could only accommodate four college students seemed to have been expanded overnight into an auditorium that could accommodate thousands of people at the same time.

Rows of seats stretch high into the sky.

The little wizards were arranged in the original positions of each college, and the newly expanded positions were reserved for Quidditch enthusiasts who bought cars to enter the venue, players' relatives and friends, and officials from the Ministry of Magic.

At the entrance of the specially set up audience passage, many wizards were shouting loudly, waiting impatiently to enter.

The Quidditch field was very lively on this day, and the air was full of anticipation and passion.

Filch looked serious as he carefully checked each wizard's ticket with ten wizards from the Ministry of Magic.

"First-class ticket!" The wizard suddenly became respectful and his voice became much lower.

"The top box! Go straight up from the right to the top floor." She guided enthusiastically.

"Thank you, Hope," Jaina Proudmoore thanked her gently.

Behind her were Tonks and her parents. The Tonks were also invited to watch Levin's game.

Aiwu ran over excitedly, only to find that Onyxia, her own race, was not there.

Stairs covered with purple-red carpet lead to the top-level box.

Jaina and her group climbed up the stairs together with the crowd, and the crowd gradually dispersed to the stands on the left and right.

They kept going up and finally reached the end of the stairs.

Unexpectedly, two people actually appeared in the box.

"Levin!" Aiwu happily ran from Jaina's arms to Levin, jumped directly on top of his head, and was helplessly caught by his master.

"Levin, Cirilla, why are you here? How could the coach let you out at this time? You couldn't have run away secretly, right?" Mrs. Tonks asked Levin worriedly.

Levin scratched his head sheepishly, the Tonks man was right.

He came up with this idea after learning about Jaina and their box numbers last night, so he found Cirila, and the two hit it off.

As soon as they saw Gianna and the others entering the stadium, they immediately transformed into phoenixes and teleported to the box with Cirilla, arriving just a little earlier than them.

Even Levin, who gets nervous before a game [talks to them about not having it right].

Shortly after their arrival, the arrival of a person made their box even more lively.

"Hi, Director Jaina!" Ludo Bagman came up and waved to Jaina enthusiastically.

"Deputy Director." Aiwu corrected in a low voice.

Ludo was very happy when he saw Levin and Cirilla standing closely with Jaina. He was finally sure that he was flattering in the right place.

"Hello, Ludo, I'm glad you're taking care of them." Jaina took the initiative to show kindness to the other party.

Hearing her words, Ludo seemed extremely excited, feeling like his efforts were recognized.

Levin believes that Gianna is already an excellent politician. She has a quality that many politicians have, and she can always speak into the hearts of others.

Even he could only do this with the help of psychic powers.

"Mr. Green and Miss Leianlun are very strong, otherwise I would not open the door for them," Ludo complimented in turn, "You know, I used to be a player. In this regard, I Only recognize the results.

It sounds like he really is a selfless person.

But it doesn't matter, at least his help is real.

"Ludo, are you the commentator today?" Jaina asked in a casual tone.

"Of course. This is the first game of the World Cup, and it is held in Hogwarts, so it has special significance." Ludo lazily sat on the chair, "But the minister obviously didn't think so, and he rejected my offer. invite!"

"That's his regret. The games with your commentary are all particularly exciting." Gianna said with a smile.

Gianna is very careful about her words, even in private situations.

Although he didn't follow Ludo's words to smear Fudge, he also praised Ludo, making him smile very happily.

Next, more and more people came up. Levin looked at the time and began to say goodbye to everyone.

Before leaving, he caught a glimpse of Jaina shaking hands and talking cordially with Lucius Malfoy. .

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