The technology used by Maid No. 1, Gwen, and Levin is mainly based on magic. From power to function, most of them are magic-driven magic construct technology.

For Maid 2, Levin plans to take a route that relies more on mechanical drive.

Or to use Otherworld parlance, that is the clockwork route.

If we say that magic construct is a technology based mainly on magic and supplemented by mechanical structure,

Then clockwork technology is based on the precision of mechanical technology, supplemented by the power of magic.

A clockwork creation can be seen as a technological structure similar to a golem, with hundreds of gears, screws, springs and other such parts assembled from head to toe.

Perhaps some spellcasters would scoff at clockwork creations, believing them to be crude imitations of the golems brought to life by magic by arcanists.

But this clockwork technology model has its own advantages.

Similar to golems and other animated objects, clockwork creations can execute multiple commands given by their master at the same time.

These instructions are permanently recorded in its memory core and drive the machine to execute the commands.

Only those who possess the key key have the authority to write instructions for this clockwork creation.

Compared with the "flexibility" given to magic constructs by activation magic, clockwork creations have a rigidity closer to robots.

Instructions from the master will be carried out by the clockwork creation until it is reprogrammed or destroyed.

Unlike most golems that often fail due to various reasons, clockwork creations only need certain maintenance - oiling, cleaning and replacement of parts, and they can continue to work stably and almost unlimitedly.

In addition, due to its mainly mechanical structure, clockwork creations are more adaptable.

The capabilities of a clockwork creation are limited only by the imagination of its commander.

Their removable structures can be transformed into almost any state and image by their creators.

In the world of Harry Potter, Levin can fully use Muggle electronic and mechanical creations and fully integrate them with magic.

It can be said that the Maid No. 2 in Levin's mind is a super advertising robot.

If you want to build a robot, the first thing you have to face is intelligence.

With Muggle technology, even thirty years later we will only develop weak artificial intelligence based on big data and machine learning.

This kind of artificial intelligence is essentially a fitting process through exhaustive statistics, that is, forcibly finding patterns in big data.

This so-called intelligence does not have the logic of real biological intelligence and can never become true artificial intelligence.

But this problem cannot be solved for Muggles, but it is very simple for wizards.

The simplest consciousness created by the activation spell can be called true intelligence-it is just that the intelligence is too low.

Levin's method is to combine the spiritual core with Muggle integrated circuits.

Use the consciousness born from the spiritual core to control the computing power of the integrated circuit.

The intelligence born in this way can fully combine human consciousness and computer computing power, and is enough to serve as the core of a super robot.

By the way, it is also an integrated circuit,

In Levin's hands, it can perform functions far beyond those of Muggles.

The biggest problem with integrated circuits is heat dissipation.

Integrated circuits running at high speeds can easily overheat and require a large number of cooling devices to dissipate heat.

This is why the real core of Muggle computers is just the small CPU, but each one is equipped with such a huge chassis.

In Levin's hands, just "controlling the temperature" can make the CPU run smoothly for a long time without external cooling, and even overclock at will.

Therefore, while other integrated chips require a large number of supporting facilities to be used, Levin directly stacks them up and uses them centrally, allowing Maid 2 to integrate computing power equivalent to a small supercomputer into a body that is comparable to a human being.

Next is energy technology,

Without micro-reactors, humans simply cannot support super robots that fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

90% of the weight of a rocket is fuel, so you can imagine the problems.

In this regard, magic is quite advantageous.

If you want to make a Maid 2 robot weighing several hundred kilograms fly into the sky and escape to the earth, both the energy consumed and the space required to store the magic power equivalent to this energy are very low visible to the naked eye.

A fist-sized magic crystal is enough to support long-term high-intensity exercise.

And if Levin wants to fill this magic crystal, he only needs ten minutes and half of the magic power in his body.

The magic is restored the next day.

In addition, there is high-strength material technology that can produce ultra-high-strength alloys with both hardness and flexibility through [reinforcement technology].

Automatic repair technology can be produced through constant [Resurrection].

Extreme environment adaptation technology, maintained through [temperature control (drying technique).

These key functions are maintained by magic, and the infrastructure of Maid 2 can be achieved with Muggle technology.

As Levin envisioned,

Maid 2 is a super magical robot,

Her intelligent core and energy problems are all solved by magic.

The rest are just robots,

From head to toe, everything is driven by existing Muggle robotics technology.

All her joints are electric motors, and all neural networks are electronic components, but they are no longer driven by electricity, but by magic.

Magic not only perfectly replaces electricity, but also solves many problems of electric drive.

For example, the resistance problem is a major reason that limits the upper limit of the functions of various electronic components.

However, the resistance of natural magical materials such as unicorn hair, dragon heartstrings, and fairy silver to magic power is much lower than the resistance of copper wire to current.

This is almost equivalent to having a near-room-temperature superconducting material, and the effects of electronic components made with this material can be imagined.

On the motor, what limits the power of the electric motor is the resistance and heating of the coil.

And when the "electricity"||resistance" is almost zero, the upper limit of the output of the magic motor is far higher than that of a normal motor.

Likewise, this capability can be used to create ion thrusters,

Originally, with Muggle technology, the power of the most advanced plasma thrusters was not as high as a fart.

However, through "zero resistance", the "voltage" of the ion thruster is greatly increased, allowing it to reach the power equivalent to a jet engine, achieving an effect similar to Iron Man's jet engine

In addition to the basic functions, most of the other functions of Maid 2 are also implemented by Muggle technology.

For example, sensory detection functions, such as night vision, infrared vision, over-distance vision, etc.

If we follow the route of magical constructs, Levin would have to enchant Maid 2's eyeballs with various detection magics, just like he did to Maid 1: Gwen.

But in clockwork mode, Levin uses Muggle night vision, infrared detectors, telescopes, ultrasonic detectors, radar and other Muggle technologies to enable it to comprehensively monitor the surrounding environment and enemies.

Of course, the large size of individual components that implement these functions is also a problem that plagues mechanical design.

But you can also use magic solutions to compress the volume.

Whether it is the [Space Expansion Spell] or the [Reducing Spell], they can effectively solve this problem.

In addition, there is another aspect that requires magic, which is [Advanced Arcane Vision].

After all, with Muggle abilities, if you say you can't sense magic, you can't sense magic.

Only magic can defeat magic.

In order to collect various high-end chips, components and robot parts,

In one week, Levin visited almost all relevant laboratories around the world.

Fortunately, under the [Forgetting Curse], there was no news of large-scale theft from the laboratory.

Of course, this also comes at a cost,

The consequence of using the [Forgetting Spell] is that the user will become forgetful in a short period of time.

It is estimated that in the next few years, a strange amnesia will spread among scientists around the world, and progress in various fields such as electronic computers, robots, electric motors, and ion thrusters will slow down significantly.

But what does that have to do with Levin?

In short, thanks to Levin's efforts, Maid 2, which fully adopts magical transformation robot technology, has an overall ability that is almost equivalent to that of a living Iron Man.

Moreover, it can also be guided through intelligent core control, magic crystal drive, and magic materials all over the body, and use various simple spells.

What's more terrifying than an Iron Man is a magical Iron Man.

The only problem is that it's expensive.

Excluding the cost of Muggle mechanical and electronic components,

Just the large magic crystal and the extraordinary amount of magic materials cost Ye Wen a lot of money.

But if you can create Maid No. 2, the price is still worth it.

As a product of the clockwork technical route,

One of the great advantages of Maid 2 is its scalability.

As long as Levin wants, he can design any functional device to be installed on Maid 2.

For example, Levin imitated Iron Man and installed two ion thrusters in the palm of Maid 2, and installed an overclocking function on it.

Under overclocking, the ion thruster can instantly burst out high-energy ion beams and instantly turn into a plasma cannon.

In addition, Levin also created many magic-driven mini clockwork insects to serve as scouts for Maid 2.

They are usually installed on Maid 2 to charge, and are released when used. They are equivalent to micro drones, providing Maid 2 with more vision.

Levin also installed a machine cannon on the arm of Maid 2 as a conventional weapon,〖Qian Zhaoren

The machine gun can be loaded automatically and fire continuously. After running out of ammunition, Maid 2 can efficiently give the cannon unlimited ammunition by manufacturing scrap metal into new ammunition.

In addition, Levin also installed a laser generator in the eyes of Maid 2, which can not only generate images similar to illusion magic through laser holographic technology, but also emit high-energy rays

Rockets are naturally an indispensable weapon, but Maid No. 2 cannot make them by itself and can only replenish them manually.

In order to facilitate daily use, Levin, like Gwen, used the transformation spell to allow Maid 2 to change the softness of the surface of some parts, so that it would not be cold from head to toe.

Of course, Levin designed external weapons for Gwen, and Maid Two must also have them.

Levin gave Maid 2 a mechanical sphere hall with a diameter of half a meter.

Various functions are integrated inside.

For example, electromagnetic pulse generators and sound wave generators can instantly produce a large number of electromagnetic pulses and sound waves, interfering with the operation of all nearby organisms and electronic products.

And the force field generator is actually a constant [force field wall] spell that can generate a force field to protect the second floor of the maid.

And overclocking the reverse power field generator will produce a terrifying force field shock wave, producing a small [Shenra Tianzheng] effect.

In the end, Levin gave Maid No. 2 the name based on his previous life:


The picture shows the Orianna concept map.

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