In the Ural Mountains late at night, a thrilling chase is taking place.

Hagrid and Madame Maxime relied on their keen intuition and excellent escape skills to go around in circles with their pursuers for most of the night.

However, there were only two of them. Faced with the pursuit and interception of numerous giants and Death Eaters, they were still unable to escape completely.

Finally, at a narrow mountain col, they were completely surrounded.

Immediately, the two sides started a fierce battle.

The flash of the curse and the roar of the giant intertwined, turning the originally silent forest upside down.

Hagrid and Madame Maxime resisted vigorously, but the number of enemies was so large that they gradually felt powerless.

Seeing that he was about to capture the two men, McNeill showed a sinister smile.

He turned sideways to avoid a [Disarming Curse] shot by Hagrid, and then waved the wand in a strange arc in the air.

Hagrid's heart tightened. He had never seen such evil magic, and an ominous premonition came to his mind.

Sure enough, McNeil unleashed a terrible curse.

Hagrid originally thought that the attack was directed at him, but unexpectedly, the magic spark flew towards Madame Maxime at a strange angle.

However, Madame Maxime, who was standing a little side of Hagrid, had just stopped a few giants who were trying to rush forward, and was trying her best to parry the attacks of the two Death Eaters. She didn't notice this insidious sneak attack at all.

Hagrid was shocked when he saw this, and his [Iron Armor Curse] could not stop the invasion of this red light.

At this critical moment, he took a step to the side at an unprecedented speed and stood in front of Mrs. Maxim without hesitation, blocking the 340 curse.

The red light spread instantly over Hagrid's body, wrapping him tightly.

In the light ball, Hagrid's eyes were wide open with anger, blood was flowing all over his body, and his mouth kept opening and closing but could not make any sound.

He was like a beast caught in a trap, trying his best to break free but to no avail.

"No, Hagrid"

Madame Maxime let out a heart-rending roar and waved the wand in her hand at an alarming speed, pointing directly at the culprit, McNeil.

Her eyes flashed with anger, and her face was twisted with extreme anger.

"[Thunderbolt Explosion]!"

She recited the spell loudly, and a powerful magical energy shot out from the tip of the wand and hit McNeil.

Mrs. Maxim finally couldn't help but began to use powerful black magic.

The Death Eaters' curses were flying at her from all angles, but at this moment Madam Maxime had given up her defense. Except for the [Killing Curse], she was indifferent to the other Death Eaters' curses. Physical resistance.

There was only one thought in her mind - revenge for Hagrid!

McNeil was startled by the aura of the female hybrid giant. He screamed strangely, rolled on the spot, and dodged the blow in a panic.

The [Explosion Curse] passed over his head and hit a rock, blowing up the two unlucky Death Eaters.

After missing one hit, Madam Maxime did not give up. She waved her wand again and shot another [Crushing Curse] at McNeil.

McNeil was horrified when he saw this. He turned around and ran away, trying to escape the fatal attack.

However, [Powder (bdbb) Crushing Curse] was extremely fast and had caught up with him in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, his entire body turned into black smoke and he used [Apparition] to avoid the fatal blow.

The [Crushing Curse] passed through the black smoke and hit a giant next to it.

He fell to the ground holding his calves.

Surprisingly, although the giant's calf was almost broken, he was not fatally injured.

The giant's physique is so strong that even powerful black magic cannot cause much damage to it.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Maxim's heart sank.

She knew that her magic could only temporarily hinder these giants, but in fact there was nothing that could be done against them.

Coupled with the siege by Death Eaters, she gradually felt powerless. Her magic power was consumed greatly, and her body began to show signs of fatigue.

And Hagrid, who was hit by McNeil's curse, didn't know what kind of pain he was facing. The skin on his body had begun to crack and bleed, and his face was distorted.

Madame Maxime anxiously resisted the Death Eaters' attack while eagerly casting the spells she could think of to dispel black magic on Hagrid.

McNeil used [Apparition] to avoid the [Crushing Curse].

The crushing spell hit a giant, almost breaking his calf, causing him to clutch his leg and scream in pain, but in the end he wasn't even seriously injured.

With the giant's physique, even powerful black magic could not cause much damage. Madame Maxime had no way to deal with them.

Coupled with the siege of Death Eaters,

Madame Maxime could no longer hold on any longer.

At the same time, Hagrid, who was hit by McNeil's curse, was experiencing unspeakable pain.

His skin began to crack, blood oozed, and his face was so distorted that it was almost unrecognizable.

Madame Maxime is in a critical situation. She not only has to resist the crazy attack of the Death Eaters, but also races against time to cast every ten spells she has mastered to dispel black magic on Hagrid.

Her heart had long been filled with helplessness and despair, but her tenacious will supported her and would not let her give up easily.

Intensive spells poured down on Madame Maxime like a torrential rain. She flexibly dodged and waved her wand to fight back.

However, the giants brought by the Death Eaters began to swarm towards her. They roared and rushed towards the lonely witch with huge stones and axes in their hands.

To make matters worse, some cunning Death Eaters launched a sneak attack from behind Madame Maxime.

They raised their wands aggressively, with grins on their faces, as if they had foreseen the coming victory.

Streams of black magic were shot out from their wands, aiming at Madame Maxime.

Madame Maxime was helpless. She tried her best to resist attacks from all directions, but in the end she still couldn't avoid them completely.

A Death Eater suddenly shot a purple spell, and the brutal magic continued to extend and twist in the air, and finally hit Madame Maxime hard.

She only felt a huge force pushing herself violently into the air, and then lost her balance.

The moment she fell to the ground on her back, her heart was filled with despair.

However, at this moment, a wizard wearing an Auror uniform and a beak mask appeared in front of Mrs. Maxim like a savior.

As he waved his wand, ten pieces of terrifying red covered the surrounding area dozens of meters away.

With the waving of his wand, the surrounding air seemed to be ignited, and a bright red cloud quickly spread, covering the surrounding area dozens of meters away.

The red cloud is not the clouds in the sky, nor the sand and dust on the ground, but is condensed from the blazing fire element, like a burning sea of ​​clouds.

[Burning Cloud Technique: 8-ring energy system, creates a boiling cloud of smoke filled with white-hot ashes. The hot ashes cause fire damage to things inside. 】

This is the first time Levin has used an 8-level spell in public after his wizard level rose to level 15.

As the boiling smoke cloud filled with white-hot ashes formed in an instant, the Death Eaters and giants inside felt like their whole bodies were enveloped in an unbearable high temperature, as if they were in a raging fire. Their clothes, skin and even bones were burned to ashes in an instant, and wailings came one after another, resounding through the night sky.

However, in this terrifying burning cloud, Levin and the two hybrid giants seemed to be protected by an invisible force and were not damaged at all.

The terrifying clouds seemed to have eyes, passing around them without causing any harm to them.

This is the role of Levin's ability as an Arcanist sect.

Mrs. Maxim looked at this spectacular scene and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable awe in her heart.

She has never seen such powerful magic, and she has never seen such precise magic control.

Where did such a powerful mage come from?

As the red clouds gradually dissipated, everything around them returned to calm.

The seven or eight giants who originally surrounded Hagrid and Madame Maxime had fallen to the ground and turned into piles of pitch-black charcoal.

The deaths of the five Death Eaters who were too close were even more miserable. Their bodies were completely burned in the fire, leaving only two pools of black ash-like dregs.

A gust of cool wind blew by, and the black ash was fluttering gently in the air like feathers.

In the aftermath of the raging red cloud, the giants near the rear and several Death Eaters further away narrowly escaped the fatal burning of the cloud-burning technique.

Because these giants were close to the edge of magic, they escaped from the terrifying coverage area in time, and coupled with their strong physical fitness, they barely managed to save their lives.

However, even so, they still suffered a lot of trauma.

His whole body was scorched black, and his exposed skin was covered with scorch marks and blisters. He was twitching and moaning in pain on the ground.

The air was filled with the nauseating aroma of burnt flesh.

Just as the giants were struggling in pain, seven or eight more Aurors dressed in the same style appeared.

They quickly surrounded the remaining Death Eaters and giants in the field from all angles. The wands in their hands were flashing with light, and they were ready for battle.

Further away, a group of giants gradually gathered around, each holding a huge iron weapon, obviously obeying the orders of the Aurors. .

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