My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 475 Isle Of Man Magical Creatures Sanctuary

The sanctuary was eventually established on the Isle of Man. As funds continue to be in place, construction work is in full swing. In order to save money and speed up progress, Onyxia went to Levin's Enchanted Forest to seek help from Valanestrillai.

Levin placed a mushroom circle between the Enchanted Forest and the Isle of Man Reserve, creating a pathway connecting the two places. Dryad Queen Veranestrilai regarded this place as the new residence of the nymphs, and she ordered her nymphs to take turns stationed on the Isle of Man.

These nymphs not only help with the construction of the reserve, but also participate in its management. They became official staff employed by the Ministry of Magic, and each received a formal establishment.

Ever since their appearance in the Triwizard Tournament, rumors about the tree spirits began to spread in the magic world.

Magical biologists are full of curiosity and interest in this newly discovered magical creature.

Now, after the news of the nymphs settling in the Isle of Man came out, it has aroused widespread attention and heated discussion.

Their existence can be regarded as official confirmation.

Therefore, the position in the Isle of Man Reserve suddenly became very popular, attracting the attention of countless magical biologists. They have expressed their interest in the positions here, including Newt Scamander, the most outstanding magical biologist of our time. These scholars are eager to take this opportunity to get in touch with this new humanoid race in order to conduct more in-depth research on it - of course, there are also some people who are looking for an affair to join in the fun.

There is no way, nymphs are a race known for their charm. Their talent in this area even surpasses that of Veela, and they are as famous as succubi in all major magic planes.

With this gimmick, the recruitment of staff in the reserve went very smoothly, and a professional team was quickly formed.

With the great help of the nymphs, the environmental construction of the reserve is also progressing rapidly. They used their natural magic to double the island's forest area in just one week.

It provides a more livable ecological environment for various magical creatures.

The reserve not only houses giants, but also begins to gradually introduce various other magical creatures.

These creatures coexist harmoniously in the reserve, forming a unique ecosystem.

In addition, the Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures also announced that all smuggled creatures seized in the future will be released and rewilded in protected areas.

The reserve will also carry out extensive artificial breeding of these wild magical creatures. In this way, endangered species are protected, and the breeding business is also open. Magical creature farms can apply for the breeding of cultured individuals and wild individuals to play a role. Improved gene function.

In short, the wizarding world finally understood what a comprehensive magical creature reserve is, what integrated protection and research is, and what a "gene bank" is. These advanced concepts of wildlife protection from Muggles were brought to Magical Thinking.

However, the establishment of the new protected area and the introduction of giants caused a lot of controversy in the magical world of Yin Kingdom.

Some people are worried that this will cause damage to the balance of the magic world, while others feel that this is a pioneering work in biological protection in the magic world of Yin Kingdom.

However, this controversy pales into insignificance in the face of the gradually escalating conflict between Fudge and Dumbledore. Soon, people's attention was diverted to the competition between the two bosses, while the issues of the reserve and the giants were gradually forgotten.

And these giants brought back by Levin also started basic training under the control of slavery contracts.

At the same time, these giants brought back by Levin also began basic training under the constraints of slavery contracts.

They must not only learn human language and culture in order to better integrate into society, but also receive moral education to curb their naturally chaotic nature.

Under the careful guidance of the staff of the reserve, the giants gradually adapted to the new lifestyle and began to form good behavioral habits.

Except for a few old, weak, sick and disabled, all healthy giants participated in compulsory military training.

They got rid of their past lazy living habits of eating, sleeping, eating, and fighting when nothing happened, and became more self-disciplined and orderly.

Through training, the giants not only improved their combat capabilities, but also developed a sense of teamwork and collective honor - at least they would not kill each other casually to kill the temple.

These changes made the older giants feel somewhat relieved, and made the staff of the Ministry of Magic full of expectations for the future of the giants.

Of course, taming giants is undoubtedly an arduous and long-term task. At present, it can only be said that there are slight changes.

However, with the encouragement of the mind control of the slave contract, the physical restraint of the nymphs, and the high salary, the staff of the reserve still maintain extreme caution and patience towards these rough and fierce giants.

They know that only through meticulous guidance and education can these giants gradually integrate into human society.

Hagrid is particularly interested in the new protected area. Not only because his brother lives a good life here, but also because of his deep love for all kinds of magical creatures.

He especially loves those ferocious creatures, and the dragon farm is a place he frequently visits.

His Norbeta has already settled in the dragon farm. Although the other party seems to have forgotten him at all, Hagrid firmly believes that she is only temporarily angry with him because of his decision to send her away.

He believed that one day she would accept him again and let him be her "mother" again.

In addition, the dragon-blooded creatures in the dragon farm in the reserve also aroused Hagrid's strong interest, such as dragon turtles, dragon lions, etc.

These creatures with both their own species and dragon-like characteristics seemed to be the product of a drunken dragon's absurd night. Seeing them, Hagrid suddenly became eager to try and create several new species himself.

During this period, he enthusiastically shared his experience in raising and breeding magical creatures with the staff of the reserve.

Although his experience was somewhat scattered and unsystematic, with the help of his colleagues, he began to gradually sort out and summarize the rules and methods.

These techniques have provided great help for the advancement of artificial breeding techniques in protected areas.

Hagrid is very good at this aspect of work,

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to create a Explosive-Tailed Skrewt by crossing a Manticore and a Fire Crab.

He can even do cross-species hybridization, let alone the same species?

He has a knack for being a matchmaker for magical creatures.

At the same time, under Levin's patient persuasion, Hagrid also received job training.

He learned a lot of knowledge that he had missed due to dropping out of school, and began to transform from a carefree gamekeeper to a professional magical biologist.

Although this process was full of challenges, Hagrid enjoyed it because Levin promised him that as long as he passed the final exam, he would be allowed to preside over artificial reproduction in several protected areas.


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