Hermione stood aside, extremely anxious. She held her wand tightly, but made no move. She knew that at this time she could only trust that Harry could survive this.

Just then, the sound of "click, click, click" sounded.

Luna seized the opportunity to shoot and captured the scene of the Dementor attacking Harry and the attack on Dali, a Muggle, with a satisfied smile on her face.

Harry tilted his head in confusion, recognizing the sound of the camera shutter.

But at this time, he was facing a dementor attack and had no time to explore the source of the sound.

Harry gasped desperately, thinking hard about Ronald, and the greeting letters he had recently received from Levin and Hermione - finally, when he thought about Ronnie, a strong stomach feeling came to him.

He waved the wand again, his voice sharp and firm, as if he wanted to release the fear in his heart:

"[Calling God to Guard]!"

As the spell was shouted, a huge silver stag erupted from the head of Harry's wand.

Its muscular figure shone with silver light in the moonlight, and its two antlers were like sharp swords, piercing straight into the Dementor's heart.

Faced with this sudden attack, the dementors were knocked back continuously.

Their originally eerie bodies seemed so vulnerable to the stag's attack, as weightless as the surrounding darkness.

The stag circled around and rushed to the side. The other dementor that attacked Dali was also frightened by this powerful force and swooped aside like a bat and fled in a hurry.

As the dementors left, the moon, stars and street lamps suddenly glowed again. A warm breeze blew through the alley, as if nature was celebrating this victory.

The rustle of leaves in the neighbor's garden and the roar of cars on Magnolia Crescent filled the night sky again, and these ordinary sounds sounded so sweet at this moment.

Dudley lay curled up on the ground, sobbing and trembling.

Looking at his appearance, Harry felt a surge of complicated emotions in his heart.

He bent down to check on Dudley to see if he could stand up.

At this moment, he heard heavy running footsteps behind him.

Harry instinctively clutched his wand and turned sharply to face the newcomer, ready to face possible danger again.

However, when he saw the face of the visitor clearly, he unexpectedly discovered that it was——

"Mrs. Figg?" Harry shouted in surprise.

Mrs. Figg, Harry's eccentric old neighbor, appeared in front of them panting.

Her gray and white hair fell down from the hairnet and looked a little messy. There was a jingling mesh bag hanging on his wrist, and he didn't know what mysterious things were contained in it. Her feet almost slipped out of her thick plaid slippers, which looked a little funny.

Harry was about to hide his wand quickly, but Mrs. Figg saw through it at a glance.

"Stop hiding, silly child!" she screamed, her voice high-pitched and powerful. "What if there are still other people around? You will only attract more attention!"

"You did well, Harry," she said. "You drove away those Dementors - oh, I had to kill Mundungus Fletcher..."

Harry suddenly found that he didn't recognize this neighbor anymore. He always thought he was just an ordinary Muggle, but he actually said words that only wizards knew.

Mrs. Figg noticed Harry's confusion, and she immediately revealed her identity as a Squib.

She revealed to Harry that she was sent by Dumbledore to look after him, warned Harry of the trouble he might face, and worked with him to drag the dead pig-like Dally back home.

"We can go back, he won't be in danger." Levin watched Mrs. Figg take Harry and the others away, then turned and said to the three girls around him.

The three girls nodded and followed Levin back to the tower.

Levin first took out some chocolates, puffs, cookies and other sweets and handed them to them, "Eat some desserts, maybe it will make you feel better.

Zhang Qiusu took the initiative to take a piece of chocolate pudding and took a bite. The sweet taste spread in her mouth. Although they were not greatly affected by the dementors, the dopamine brought by the sweet taste temporarily relieved her tense nerves. .

Next, they talked about what had just happened.

"Dementors are creatures under the management of the Ministry of Magic. Their appearance here is obviously not accidental.

Levin analyzed, “There is obviously some kind of conspiracy behind this.

The three girls looked at each other in shock when they heard this.

Hermione was the first to figure it out, but Zhang Qiu and Lu were still a little confused:

"Why do you think that? Is there any evidence?"

Levin explained: "Dementors are creatures that belong to the Ministry of Magic and usually only act under the orders of the Ministry of Magic. Their appearance here is probably deliberately arranged by someone. I guess that Fudge and the others may want to take advantage of Harry's presence." Take him to court for using the Patronus Charm in front of Muggles."

Zhang Qiu couldn't help but frowned when he heard this, "This is so despicable! How could they treat Harry like this?"

Hermione was worried about another thing: "According to convention, dementors should be under the jurisdiction of the Magical Law Commission. Will Ms. Jaina be affected by this dementor's attack on an innocent little wizard?"

"Your concerns are very reasonable. Dementors should indeed be under Jaina's jurisdiction." Levin nodded.

"Should have?" Hermione caught the key word, "You mean..."

"Yes, in fact, this matter has nothing to do with Jaina,"

Levin smiled slightly, "In order to gain more power, Fudge has been unwilling to give up control of the Dementors. He believes that only force can fight against the Aurors who have been basically controlled by us."

"So, during the negotiations about Crouch, Jaina gave up control of the Dementors?" Hermione asked softly.

"Yes." Levin nodded again.

"Jaina, for the sake of the overall situation, handed over control of the Dementors to Fudge. As for me..."

He paused, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, "I have never had a good impression of creatures like dementors. Therefore, I also supported Jaina's decision.

Hermione's thoughts were spinning rapidly. After a moment, she asked the question again: "Then why did Fudge do this? Isn't he afraid of causing dissatisfaction with other wizards?"

Levin sneered, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes, "Fudge's subordinate is a witch named Dolores Umbridge. Have you heard of her?"

Hermione shook her head. She was a Muggle-born wizard. If it weren't for Levin's relationship, she would know almost nothing about eunuchs.

But Zhang Qiu, a girl from a wizarding family, took the initiative to raise her hand.

"My mother seemed to have mentioned this name to me..." She took a sip of milk tea and recalled carefully, "Umbridge...is it the one who wears pink clothes all day long and works in the Ministry of Magic? The woman who always hangs around Fudge?"

"Yes, it's her." Levin nodded, confirming her guess, "Umbridge is Fudge's confidant. This woman knows how to figure out Fudge's mind very well. In fact, she currently serves as Deputy Director of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters. Chief is Fudge's former position, which is a reflection of how much Fudge values ​​her. And the power to control the dementors has also been given to her by Fudge."

At this point, Levin's eyes became dark, "After I came back from the Ural Mountains, I made a prophecy on a whim and foresaw that dementors would attack Harry. Now it seems that my premonition has come true. Dementors really are in Little Whinging."

Of course, the so-called prediction is just an excuse, LevinJ is showing off his "foresight".

Considering the butterfly effect, he also asked Percy to confirm.

Although Percy didn't know about Umbridge's plan, as he was also close to Fudge, he had the means to confirm the existence of this matter from the side through certain details.

Hermione couldn't help but gasped after hearing this, "So, the dementor's attack on Harry was probably controlled secretly by Umbridge?"

".々It's very possible." Levin said solemnly, "Umbridge is buying people's hearts at the Ministry of Magic and suppressing Professor Dumbledore's supporters. It is very likely that she planned the dementor attack on Harry. It is even possible that Fudge I had no knowledge of the attack."

Hermione's heart became heavier and heavier, "If this is really the case, then Harry is too innocent. How could they treat an underage wizard like this?"

Zhang Qiu asked with some worry: "Will Fudge and the others really use Harry's use of the Patronus Charm in front of Muggles to deal with him? Will they really take him to court?"

Levin was silent for a moment and then said slowly: "Of course, Fudge and the others have always wanted to find opportunities to suppress Harry and Professor Dumbledore. I seriously suspect that they caused this incident just to create such an excuse."

Hermione swallowed a mouthful of the chocolate cauldron and frowned, "Isn't Article 7 clearly written? Under special circumstances, underage wizards can use magic in front of Muggles. Harry was facing two Dementors. A monster attack is a matter of life and death, and it fully complies with the regulations for special circumstances."

She suggested: "Can we print these photos now and give them directly to Harry so that he can use them to prove his innocence?"

Levin gently put down the black tea cup in his hand and shook his head: "Hermione, I understand what you are thinking. However, we must be more cautious. These photos cannot be given directly to Harry yet."

"Why?" Hermione asked in confusion.

"If we really take out the photos now, Harry can indeed prove his innocence." Levin explained, "(Zhao Nuozhao) But that is only temporary. Fudge and the others are powerful and fully capable of suppressing the news. After all, the Daily Prophet is also under the control of the Ministry of Magic, and they will probably attack Harry for lying."

"Of course, in this case, if The Quibbler publishes tit-for-tat reports, relying on the public opinion methods we have at our disposal, we can indeed compete with Fudge." Levin paused and said frankly, "But we can't do that. We have reached an agreement with Fudge a long time ago. We cannot rashly stand up to fight Fudge on behalf of Harry in this matter - that is Deng Lido's responsibility - if we want to help Harry, we can only do it secretly."

Hermione listened to Levin's words, although she felt a little unwilling to do so, but she also understood that this was the wisest approach at the moment.

She bit her lip and asked, "Then what should we do now?"

Among the girls, she was the only one who had the best relationship with Harry and was the most concerned about this matter.

"What we need to do now is wait. Wait for them to make the matter big and make it known to everyone." Levin smiled slightly, looking confident, "Then, when the court is held, we will use these key photos as Give the physical evidence to Sirius quietly. I believe that he will definitely use these photos to disgrace Fudge and the others."

"By that time, faced with the sudden emergence of evidence, they no longer have enough time to reverse public opinion.

Although Hermione didn't like these conspiratorial practices, she still nodded reluctantly, "I understand, Levin, I'll leave it up to you."

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