Without the privilege of not having to attend lectures, Levin felt that he was trapped in endless classes, and a lot of time was wasted on content that was of no benefit to him - even if the content was very important for the future O.W.Ls exam.

He was eager to draw deeper knowledge and inspiration from the professors' teachings, but unfortunately, the professors' teachings often only took care of those little wizards with weak foundations.

For Levin, the knowledge points taught in the class are already familiar to him, and he can even conduct deeper exploration and extension on this basis.

Such classes were tantamount to torture for him. He had to endure boredom and boring while also dealing with assignments that were unchallenging.

Although he can complete each assignment as quickly as possible in the school, the accumulation of assignments in various subjects still takes up a lot of his time.

This time could have been used to study areas that he was more interested in, or to conduct more challenging practical explorations, but now he was forced to waste it on content that he had fully mastered.

After a week of classes with the little wizards from Ravenclaw, Guowen became increasingly intolerable of this waste of time.

He felt as if he was trapped in an inescapable cycle, repeating the same boring and meaningless tasks every day.

Therefore, after dinner on the first day of the second week, Levin walked to the teacher's chair without hesitation.

His goal is clear--to find Principal Dumbledore and fight to regain the privilege of being exempted from classes.

Umbridge was also present, and she was slowly tasting a piece of steak as if it was the best delicacy in the world. Her eyes lingered on Levin for a moment, then returned to her plate.

Levin ignored her and walked straight to Dumbledore.

"Levin, what are you doing?" Principal Dumbledore tilted his head slightly, feeling a little surprised by Levin's sudden visit.

As their paths went further and further away, the boy in front of them had never looked for him.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, I hope to apply to you for the privilege of freely arranging your time this semester as you did last semester. I can guarantee that I can get all O's in my final O.W.L.s exam. Levin got straight to the point and stated his purpose directly.

At this moment, Professor Filius Flivi put down the meal in his hand and came to them in three steps and two steps, and spoke for Levin with his high-pitched voice:

"I can attest to Levin's ability, Albus, and his performance in the class has far exceeded our expectations. I also think that the content in the class is too basic for him, and these elementary courses are really delaying his studies. In fact, I firmly believe that even if he takes the N.E.W.T. exam in seventh grade now, he can easily get all 0s.

Levin glanced at his dean gratefully. Professor Flitwick had always been very kind to him, and at this critical moment, he once again stood by his side.

Principal Dumbledore listened quietly to the words of Levin and Professor Flitwick. His hands were gently clasped together in front of him, as if he was thinking about an important decision.

After a moment, he adjusted his glasses and said slowly: "I trust your judgment, Filius."

After he said that, he looked at Levin again.

"Levin, my dear child, I have always noticed your talent. But please forgive me for not agreeing to your request."

Dumbledore adjusted his glasses and refused, "The Triwizard Tournament is over, and the school's rules must be followed. There are many outstanding students in the history of Hogwarts, and I can't make an exception to grant you privileges just because you have excellent grades. Every student has Classes should be held according to the school's arrangements, this is to maintain the most basic fairness of the school."

Although Levin was full of disappointment, he did not continue to persuade Principal Dumbledore.

He knew the character of this old man very well. He was a stubborn old man. Once he made a decision, it was difficult to change it.

If you continue to struggle, you will only make yourself more embarrassed.

He turned to leave, but caught a glimpse of Umbridge sitting aside. She had put down the knife and fork in her hand, her eyes flickering between him and Dumbledore with an unknown light.

"Albus, Filius is right, Mr. Green does not need to take these basic courses." Professor McGonagall looked at Levin's retreating back and asked in confusion, "Then why did you refuse his request?"

Dumbledore sighed softly, looking through the lenses, he seemed to be able to see farther away. "Minerva, I don't know about Levin's talents and abilities. But what I'm worried about is that he is too obsessed with the research and learning of spells, and ignores communication with his peers. What he needs is not only knowledge, but also friendship and The support of peers. I hope that through these courses, he can have more contact with young wizards of the same age, instead of studying spells alone."

At this point, Dumbledore's tone became a little heavy: "He almost didn't come to class for the whole last year. In this short period of time, he has mastered many dangerous spells. I'm worried that he will be possessed by the power. He was confused and took the wrong path. But I couldn't tell him directly, lest he arouse his rebellious psychology."

Snape sat aside, a cold look on his lips.

"Dumbledore, you always think you are right." He stood up, his black robe billowing behind him, "But have you ever thought that Levin Green may not need your care and guidance? He is just like you. , are all people with firm beliefs and pursuits.

After saying that, Snape left the auditorium without looking back, leaving Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall looking at each other.

That night, Umbridge quietly left the brightly lit Hogwarts Castle.

Her figure hurried across the lawn under the cover of night and disappeared into the darkness in the distance. Her destination was the residence of Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic.

At this moment, in the Gryffindor lounge, the fire was dancing in the fireplace, providing Ronald and Harry with a warm and peaceful learning environment.

The two of them were hard at work, trying to complete their astronomy homework.

Quidditch practice during the day left them exhausted, so much so that the work was delayed until evening.

Suddenly, a sharp and short owl hooted outside the window, breaking the tranquility of the night. Harry and Ronald raised their heads at the same time and saw a long-eared owl standing gracefully on the windowsill, its big eyes curiously looking at the two people in the room.

"Is this Hermes?" Harry asked in surprise, recognizing the owl as Percy Weiss's owl.

"Oh my god, it's really it!" Ronald exclaimed in a low voice, dropped the quill in his hand, stood up hurriedly and walked towards the window, wondering to himself as he walked: "Why did Percy write to me? Woolen cloth?"

Ronald opened the window carefully, and Hermes immediately flew in and landed lightly on Ronald's unfinished paper. It stretched out one leg with a letter tied to its foot.

Ronald carefully decoded the letter, and the owl fluttered its wings and flew away, leaving an ink-stained footprint on the sketch of Io in front of Ronald.

Ronald returned to the chair with the letter, sat down, and stared at the writing on the envelope: "Hogwarts, Gryffindor House, Ronald Weasley."

"Yes, this must be Percy's handwriting." Ronald confirmed this immediately.

Ronald unfolded the parchment curiously, scanning the text line by line with his eyes, and his brows gradually furrowed.

Dear Ronald:

I just received some exciting news from the Minister of Magic - you have become a prefect at Hogwarts. This is really the pride of the Weasley family! It is a moment worthy of celebration, but I am a little regretful because I was not able to see you often during the summer vacation and missed many moments of sharing joy with you.

However, there is one thing I must mention to you, which has been troubling my heart. I know that our parents have always had interactions with Headmaster Dumbledore and the characters around him, but I don't think they realize the dangers that these interactions can bring. Recently, a man named Stork Podmore, said to be Dumbledore's close friend, was arrested for trespassing at the Ministry of Magic. This makes me worry, are our parents involved in similar illegal activities?

I don't want to criticize our parents, but I think it is necessary for them to recognize the true colors of the people they are currently dating. If they continue to hang out with these dangerous people, I'm afraid I will never be able to live under the same roof with them again. Ronald, you are my brother, and I always hope that you can see the truth of the matter. I hope you can tell your mother about this, maybe it will make them re-evaluate their social circle.

I've been lucky enough to escape the shame of being associated with this gang in time. The minister was generous to me and gave me a chance to start over. It is my sincere hope and request that you, Ronald, do not let family affection blind you to the erroneous nature of our parents’ beliefs and actions. I sincerely hope that one day they will realize that they were wrong. Of course, when that day comes, I will be happy to accept their heartfelt apology.

I know you have a good relationship with Harry Potter, but I have to warn you that he may have some problems. From what I've heard, he could be insane and even violent at times. If you do have this concern, or find something in Potter's behavior that makes you uncomfortable, I urge you to speak to Ms. Dolores Umbridge. She is a very lovely and easy-going woman, and I am sure she will be happy to give you some advice. Remember your safety and future are more important than any friendship.

Please take my advice seriously, Ronald. I look forward to your reply and hope that we can work together for the family's honor and future.

good luck!


After Ronald read the letter, his face showed deep disgust, as if he had eaten something dirty.

He handed the letter to Harry who was standing aside, his tone full of disdain: "Look at this."

Harry took the letter, glanced at its contents quickly, and then looked up at his red-haired friend.

"Well -" he deliberately prolonged his tone, as if he was thinking about how to word it, "if you want to - uh - how do you say it?" He looked down at Percy's letter again, then looked up and said with a smile: "Oh, that's right - I'll cut off all ties with you. I swear that I will never be violent."

Ronald's face became even more ugly. He stretched out his hand and said firmly: "Give me back the letter.

Harry shrugged and handed the letter back.

"He is -" Ronald said excitedly, tearing Percy's letter in half. "The world -" he tore the letter into four pieces, "the biggest -" he tore the letter into eight pieces. Hit the fool.

After Ronald roared angrily, he threw the scrap of paper in his hand into the fireplace.

The flames instantly swallowed up the pieces of paper, and Ronald's energy gradually dissipated as the flames jumped.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions. Then, he turned his head, looked at Harry and said, "Come on, we have to finish writing this before dawn.

As he spoke, he pulled Professor Sinistra's paper in front of him again.


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