My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 519 Quidditch Also Requires Writing A Paper

Although the new semester has just begun, the workload assigned by professors has already piled up, which also gives the fifth-grade wizards a bad omen—they will all face such heavy workload in the next semester.

Professor Snape delved into the mysterious properties of moonstone and asked students to write a paper;

Professor Sprout led the students to explore the rules of shrub self-pollination. As a result of the experiment, a paper was also required;

Professor McGonagall challenged the students' practical skills and asked them to demonstrate their mastery of the [Animal Disappearance Spell], which also required them to pass a paper:

Professor Flitwick led the students to explore the mystery of the "Existence Curse", and thesis was naturally indispensable.

In short, it’s papers, papers, papers!

Under such heavy academic pressure, for the players of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, it is really a pleasure to be able to put aside a lot of homework for a while and soar in the clear, blue and refreshing sky. Indescribable relief and enjoyment.

"Are you ready, everyone?" Levin strode out of the locker room, already wearing the familiar Quidditch uniform. He glanced around the team members and said, "The first formal training this semester is about to begin."

"Zhang Qiu, I will leave it to you to command the Secret Eye." Levin said to the team's seeker, "Remember, I want all-round video recording, and no detail can be missed.

Zhang Qiu nodded calmly and took up the responsibility of deputy seriously.

"Jeremy, please help me move the ball box to the court." Levin19 said to another player.

Jeremy Stratton, Ravenclaw's old backup Chaser, immediately responded.

He picked up the ball box and walked steadily to the court.

Levin jumped onto Zhang Qiu's Firebolt, flew high into the sky, and looked down at the stadium.

Since he is preparing to train Zhang Qiu to become the vice-captain, Levin needs to let her participate deeply in the training work.

In order to fully grasp the training situation, Levin and Zhang Qiu need to ensure that one person is on the ground and the other is in the air during training.

In this way, it's no big deal for Levin to give his Firebolt to Ginny. He can share a broomstick with Cho Chang.

"Eagle Head Attack Formation!" Levin gave the first command in the air.

This is a Quidditch tactic named after an eagle, created by the legendary player Darren O'Hare.

Following Levin's order, Jeremy and the two new chasers Bradley and Chambers took action immediately.

They formed an arrow-shaped formation and flew towards the goalpost like an arrow from a string.

Levin observed their performance from the air and nodded secretly in his heart. Although the two new chasers, Bradley and Chambers, are inexperienced, they are able to keep up with Jeremy's rhythm and form perfect offensive coordination with him.

The key point of this trick is to create an eagle-like momentum. When three people attack together, the other team will feel a great threat. It can effectively tear apart the opponent's defense and force other players to retreat, thus creating a good opportunity for the pursuit. Players create excellent scoring opportunities.

Today's training was mainly for chasers, so under Zhang Qiu's control, the camera of the secret eye firmly locked the three chasers.

After practicing several times, Levin looked at the time and decided to adjust the training content.

He shouted loudly: "Next, let's switch to Parkin's pincer tactics!"

Upon hearing this, the team members immediately rearranged their troops according to the new tactical requirements.

The Parkin Pliers tactic was created by the original players of Wigtown Wanderers.

In this tactic, two chasers are like the arms of a pair of pliers, launching a swift and fierce pincer attack on one of the opponent's chasers from both sides. The third chaser attacks the opponent from the front.

Defeat it in one fell swoop.

Cooperating with the training is the team's goalkeeper, Grant Page.

The experienced Jeremy took on the important task of being the main attacker. With his excellent skills and keen judgment, he constantly caused trouble for Grant.

Bradley and Chambers closely cooperated with Jeremy's actions, starting from both sides of Grant, sometimes approaching him to interfere, sometimes outflanking him and carrying out sneak attacks.

Levin rode a Firebolt, hovering high in the sky, staring at every figure on the court.

Seeing Ravenclaw's Quidditch players working together more and more harmoniously, he felt a sense of relief in his heart.

"Very good, that's it!"

Levin praised loudly in the air, and his voice echoed in the empty stadium, "You have mastered the most basic and crucial tactics of Quidditch. As long as you continue to work hard, you can learn the progress that Ravenclaw relied on to dominate the Quidditch Cup. First-class tactics—run and gun, pick-and-roll, long pass and fast break!”

Bradley and Chambers felt excited when they heard this.

As the training progressed, Ravenclaw's players gradually showed signs of fatigue. When everyone was out of breath and dripping with sweat, Levin finally blew the whistle for a break.

Next, under Levin's arrangement, the players gathered in the locker room, where a TV had been specially moved.

Levin inserted the video disk into the TV, waved his magic wand, and the training video just started to play on the screen.

This novel scene amazed the Ravenclaw players.

"Everyone watch it first, and then comment on each other after reading it." Levin told the team members.

His eyes swept over the team members one by one, and finally landed on Zhang Qiu.

Levin especially values ​​her comments about other players. If she wants to cultivate a qualified vice-captain so that she can be the boss, Levin must give her more opportunities.

After everyone had finished commenting, Levin walked to the screen. He slowed down some key clips in the video and began to explain it himself.

With his superior intelligence and deeper understanding of Quidditch, he easily pointed out the deficiencies of the players that were not mentioned just now, as well as the errors and omissions in their evaluations, and also gave specific suggestions for improvement.

Every detail and every movement cannot escape his eyes.

Zhang Qiu saw this scene in her eyes. She commanded her quill, took notes on the parchment while listening, and silently studied Levin's analysis method.

After the explanation, about half an hour passed, and the team members had almost finished their rest.

Next, they returned to the field and conducted targeted training based on the issues summarized during the video review.

"Everyone, please note that we need to make adjustments based on the problems exposed in the video.

Levin pointed to the marks on the court and laid out the tactics in detail, "...when flying here, Bradley needs to move faster; and Jeremy, you can't just do it alone." When charging hard, Ningxia should be slower and pay attention to cooperating with his teammates.

In this way, Ravenclaw's players trained while adjusting their training methods based on replays, making rapid progress.

When the afterglow of the setting sun filled the stadium, the afternoon training finally came to an end.

Although the team members were exhausted, their faces were filled with satisfied smiles. There were video playbacks for targeted adjustments, and their progress was visible to the naked eye.

"Okay, that's it for today's training." Levin walked up to the team members and patted their shoulders one by one. "You performed very well today. I'm very satisfied."

Hearing Levin's praise, the team members held their heads high and had brighter smiles on their faces.

"The training pattern in the future will be as it is today. Also, don't forget that I have assigned you homework.

Levin continued, "After returning to the common room, remember to watch the video of the game between Chudley Cannons 313 and Montrose Magpies in July when you have time. I asked to summarize the tactical arrangements of both sides and analyze the gains and losses, and use this to Write the next six-inch paper.”

"I didn't expect to practice Quidditch essay——"

Levin's words made the team members instantly stop smiling and show bitter faces.

At this moment, in their eyes, Levin was as hateful as Professor Snape.

But in the minds of the eaglets, Levin's deterrence is as powerful as Snape.

Although Quidditch training is just an extracurricular activity and Levin is just a coach, and his homework does not affect house points and test scores, the players still dare not fail to complete it.

In fact, the reason why Levin wanted to be this evil person was because of his good intentions.

Levin not only trains players' skills, but also improves their golf IQ, giving full play to Ravenclaw players' flexible brains and increasing their subjective initiative, so as to train truly outstanding players.

Under Levin's training method based on video technology, the Ravenclaw team gradually formed a new training system. They not only focus on the improvement of personal skills but also the cultivation of teamwork and tactical awareness.

The personal technical practice methods that Levin learned when he participated in the national team have also been integrated into daily training, which has benefited the team members a lot.

Levin is very pleased to see the team members gradually grow and improve.

He also knew that although his training method did not increase the training burden on the team members, it did consume a lot of extra mental energy. "This makes the Little Eagles work harder than other academies.

In order to motivate the team members to continue working hard, Levin decided to set up a game bonus out of his own pocket - the more points than the opponent, the more bonuses he will get.

He believes that with the dual motivation of money and honor, the Ravenclaw team will be more courageous and invincible!

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