"Oh my God, I have actually lived with a living werewolf for so long!" A young wizard exclaimed, with a face full of horror and disbelief. "If he really gets out of control, won't we all be infected? Then I will Your life will be completely ruined!"

"How can the school allow a werewolf to stay with us? But there is absolutely no guarantee of our safety, and they actually take it for granted——" Another little wizard said arrogantly, "Have they ever considered it? Our safety? My dad is the school director, I have to tell him about this quickly and let him take measures against the school!"

"But Professor Lupin is usually so kind to us, and his classes are also very interesting." A little witch said hesitantly, "It's really hard for me to believe that he can be a werewolf."

"What do you know? Werewolves are evil, they have no souls!" the female companion next to her retorted fiercely, "Professor Lupine is being nice to us, maybe he just wants us to relax our vigilance. These werewolves should be sent away Go to Azkaban!"

After the wizards of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures cast drugs and spells, the tall werewolf began to gradually regain his sanity. His eyes, covered by wildness, gradually became clearer.

He was tied tightly to the ground and could only sit quietly, his head bowed deeply, trying to avoid all eyes in the world.

Looking from a distance19, his once mighty body was trembling slightly at this moment, looking so small and humble, as if he was a beast captured by a hunter, waiting for the judgment of fate.

Around him, some young wizards angrily rebuked him, venting their emotions of shock and anger after being concealed and deceived.

Those sharp words were like sharp swords, piercing deeply into the werewolf's heart.

Although those little wizards who had a good relationship with Professor Lupin before did not join in the abuse at this moment, they stood aside silently and did not defend him.

Their eyes became cold and unfamiliar, as if they were looking at a monster, a dangerous existence that could harm them at any time.

This change made Lupine feel heartbroken. He would rather sleep in the endless wildness forever than face this reality.

Tonight's experience added a new trauma to Remus John Lupin's already tortured life.

Harry struggled to squeeze through the crowd and finally came to Professor Lupin, wanting to untie Lupin and let him be free.

However, just as he was about to approach, he was blocked by members of the werewolf capture planning team.

"You can't go there, he is still in danger." A team member said seriously.

Harry struggled, trying to break free from their restraints. He could feel Professor Lupine's sadness and humiliation.

"No, you are wrong! Professor Lupin will not hurt others, he will not!" He shouted loudly, hoping to awaken the conscience of the people around him.

Among the little wizards who were watching, there were some who couldn't bear the sight in front of them, such as Hufflepuff's Hannah Abbott.

"Maybe what Harry said is true?" She said softly to the people around her, "Look at Professor Lupin, he has regained his senses, he is usually really gentle. 11

However, her words were immediately refuted by Seamus Finnigan: "Don't believe what Harry Potter says. Have you forgotten the news in the Daily Prophet? He has been trying to spread lies about the return of the mysterious man to attract people." Other people's attention. Like my mother said, even Dumbledore can't trust it now."

Seamus Finnegan had an argument with Harry and the others at the beginning of school, and it was like he had found irrefutable evidence.

When Harry heard these words, he felt bitter in his heart.

He looked around and his pleading eyes fell on the other Gryffindor companions: "Professor Lupin had a hundred chances to kill me, but I was alone with him many times and he never hurt me. The same goes for you." , right? He’s innocent.”

However, his plea was only met with silence from his companions.

They seemed to be affected by Seamus' words and began to doubt Harry and Professor Lupine.

Only Neville looked like he wanted to say something, but after he glanced at the werewolf, his body trembled slightly and he took a few steps back, not daring to look directly into Harry's eyes.

At this moment, the werewolf who had his head lowered suddenly raised his head, and his red eyes revealed human emotions.

He stared at Harry, nodded to Harry, and then shook his head. This move scared the little wizards on the field to retreat, trying to get further away from him.

However, Harry understood what Professor Lupin meant. While he was grateful to himself for defending him, he was also persuading himself not to speak for him anymore.

"Professor Lupine's light is white," Luna suddenly appeared in the crowd. She stood next to the tied Professor Lupin, her voice clear and firm, "It is different from the madman with the black light. He is innocent. ."

Harry was a little confused by her words, but he immediately understood what she meant.

Luna has always observed the world in her own unique way, and now, she is showing her support for Professor Lupin in her own way.

Harry felt a warmth surge in his heart, someone finally stood up to support him.

At this moment, several of Harry's companions finally pushed their way to the front.

"I believe in Luna, and I also believe in Professor Lupine." Ginny walked to Luna's side and took the initiative to reach out and hold Luna's sin.

Ronald looked at Professor Lupin's uncontrollable and crazy look, and felt a little hesitant.

But in the end, he plucked up the courage, and like Harry and the others, he walked up to Professor Lupin and dryly imitated his sister and said, "Professor Lupin is innocent."

After saying that, he subconsciously imitated Ginny's approach to Luna and reached for Harry's hand, but Harry immediately shook him off.

Harry glared at him.

Are you crazy to do such a thing at this time?

At this moment, the camera of the secret eye suddenly turned and was aimed at the staff of the werewolf capture planning team.

The torn clothes and scratches on their bodies made them look very embarrassed. Their miserable situation made the words Harry and the others explained to Lupin pale in comparison.

The picture on the TV switched to 283 again, returning to the female reporter Fleur Delacour.

At this time, the sky had brightened, and she was standing outside Hogwarts, interviewing ten groups of angry parents.

"We strongly protest against Professor Dumbledore's irresponsible behavior!" A parent excitedly waved the wand in his hand and roared, "If the child's safety cannot be guaranteed, I would rather transfer him to another school. Hogwarts has already It is no longer the institution we trust.”

Another parent sighed: "I used to think Hogwarts was the safest place in the world, but now it seems that I was wrong. It's really a shame that such terrible things happened here."

Suddenly, public opinion was very unfavorable to Dumbledore.

If before, he could still be evenly matched with Minister of Magic Fudge based on his former prestige, but now he can no longer maintain the previous balance.

Because he hired werewolves as professors without authorization, he put the students into a dangerous situation. Parents of students who had previously supported him or were neutral were also very unhappy with him.

In this case, in order to protect Professor Lupin from making things difficult for him and from more serious accusations by the Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore had to compromise with Fudge. He admitted his negligence in hiring Professor Lupin and allowed the Ministry of Magic to help Hogwarts "rectify" it.

Dumbledore finally compromised, and Fudge was overjoyed. He praised and praised Umbridge's performance, and promoted and rewarded her almost immediately. .

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