In fact, Harry and Ronald came to attend cram school this time.

This cram school was organized by Levin. For Harry, attending this cram school was almost an inevitable choice.

Levin is not only super powerful, he has also saved Harry's life in critical situations many times. Now that Levin is running a cram school, of course he has to help.

However, in addition to his personal admiration for Levin, Harry also knew that his studies needed further advancement.

In the past days, Harry often relied on Hermione's homework to tide him over, and his grades could only be considered barely passing.

Although he performed well in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the course content this semester made him feel a little inadequate.

In order to become an outstanding Auror in the future, Harry knew that he must work hard to improve his academic performance. Taking Levin's cram school was the way for him to achieve this bid.

In contrast, Ronald's situation is even worse.

His grades have never been as good as Harry's, and he has never been able to do well in any of the courses.

He definitely didn't have the money to register for classes, and he couldn't easily ask for money from home.

Because his youngest sister, Ginny, never asked for money from the family - as the management of the society, the Boshi Society paid her a very high salary, and coupled with the benefits of the Genius Club, she didn't care about the pocket money at all.

But Ronald didn't know this. He only knew that his sister didn't ask for money from her family, and he had no shame in asking for it.

And if you want to enroll in all the cram schools in Boshi Society, the price is really expensive.

In order to raise the tuition fees, Ronald had to work as a medicine man for the twins to make money.

Although this job was full of risks, Ronald gritted his teeth and persevered in order to realize his dream.

Next, they followed Harry's words and talked about D.A-related matters.

Regarding how to manage a training class of 600 people, Harry had many questions to ask Levin, and Levin generously shared his experience in managing the Erudite Society - find a beautiful and capable female assistant, and then leave all the work to her.

When Levin said this, Hermione and Zhang Qiu couldn't help but spit at him.

After hearing this, Harry nodded repeatedly: That's good, so where can I get this beautiful and capable female assistant?

While they were chatting, the little wizards who came to class also entered the classroom one after another.

After about ten minutes, the seats in the classroom were already occupied by students, and the noisy conversations gradually subsided.

The students each found their seats, either alone or with friends, but without exception, their eyes were focused on the teacher who was about to take the stage.

Levin stood up from his seat, glanced around the classroom, his eyes lingered on each student's face for a moment, and then began his lecture.

About ten minutes later, the classroom gradually filled up with students, and the noisy conversations gradually subsided. The students each found their seats, either alone or with friends, but without exception, their eyes were focused on the teacher who was about to take the stage.

"Classmates, welcome to the cram school of the Academy of Knowledge." Levin's voice was calm and powerful, instantly attracting everyone's attention, "Today we will explore the mysteries of black defense together."

As the first class of the cram school of the Broad Knowledge Society, Levin took it very successfully.

Although he has not lectured to others for a long time, his teaching level has not deteriorated.

Levin's teaching method can be said to be profound and simple, and he can always explain the most complex issues in the most concise language. And those live demonstrations that were picked up at random were eye-opening and amazing for the students.

Even Harry was satisfied.

The course content of the cram school was completely different from the D.A.'s style, which Harry realized deeply when he attended the class for the first time.

Levin is not limited to teaching combat spells such as the [Disarming Curse], but instead focuses on how to skillfully use the spells that students are already familiar with to deal with unpredictable and dangerous situations.

"Imagine," Professor Levin glanced at every face in the classroom, his voice was low and magnetic, "You are walking alone in a deep forest, and suddenly, several guys with malicious intentions block your way. .what will you do?"

There was silence in the classroom, and the students were nervously thinking about countermeasures.

Professor Levin smiled and began to list the possible dangerous situations one by one: werewolves, giants, dementors, and even attacks by untransformed werewolves. He explained in detail how to save yourself in each situation and how to maximize the use of resources at hand to protect yourself.

However, Levin also made it clear that the goal of this cram school is not to train a group of fighting machines.

As a course for the O.W.Ls exam, the cram school is aimed at the masses rather than a small number of elites, so it pays more attention to practicality and popularity.

Levin does not encourage ordinary students to confront dark wizards head-on, but teaches them how to make a tactical retreat while protecting themselves. After all, in the magical world

Survival is the most important thing.

Occasionally, Levin will teach some new spells - such as [Thousands of Arrows], [Flying Sand and Rocks], [Spider Web Spell], [Arcane Missile], etc.

However, most of these magic spells are just demonstrated once, and not much classroom time is wasted. The main thing is to let them go back and practice on their own after class.

Harry sat in the classroom, listening intently to Professor Ye Wen's every word.

He secretly made up his mind that the future D.A. training content could completely teach the practical spells that Levin asked the young wizards to practice on their own.

After all, you can never go wrong by studying with a master like Professor Levin.

After this class, Harry felt more fulfilled and satisfied than ever before.

He and Ronald walked out of the classroom together, with happy smiles on their faces. After returning to the Gryffindor lounge, they were still discussing the content of the class.

Perhaps because he had such a good time during this period, when Harry lay in bed at night, he (dadd) fell asleep quickly.

In the dream, he seemed to be back in the D.A. assembly room, standing on the podium and guiding the students in training. He waved his wand, muttered words, and cast every spell accurately.

The classmates applauded him one after another, and his heart was filled with pride and satisfaction.

The dream suddenly changed unexpectedly, and Harry felt like he was being sucked into chaos.

His body became soft and powerful, as if he could penetrate all obstacles. He shuttled between the shiny metal fences, and the dark and cold stone ground slid quickly beneath him. He clings to the ground and glides on his belly like an agile snake.

The light is dim and mysterious, and the outlines of surrounding objects appear blurry under the weak illumination. However, Harry could detect some strange, vivid colors dancing and flickering in his field of vision.

He turned his head, trying to see his surroundings. At first glance, the corridor seemed deserted and unnervingly silent. But when he looked carefully, he found a lonely person sitting on the ground, his outline looming in the dimness. The person's head hung on his chest, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

A strong impulse surged in Harry's heart, and he longed to pounce on and bite that person, but his reason told him that he must restrain this desire. He has more important things to do and cannot lose control here.

However, just as he was trying to restrain himself, the man suddenly woke up.

He jumped up, and a silver cloak slipped from his legs, revealing his thin body. Harry saw his bright but blurry silhouette standing before him, a wand drawn from his belt, flashing dangerously.

Harry knew he had no choice but to take action.

He stood up and launched a fierce attack on the man. His fangs dug into the man's skin, feeling the ribs crack between his teeth. Hot blood spurted out, staining his mouth and face red.

The man screamed loudly in pain, but soon lost his voice.

He collapsed in the corner and fell to the ground weakly. Blood poured out from his wounds and dyed the surrounding ground red.

At this moment, Harry's forehead suddenly felt severe pain, as if a hot poker had been inserted into his head. He covered his forehead in pain, feeling that the whole world was spinning and shaking.

"Harry! Harry!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

Harry opened his eyes and found that he was covered in cold sweat and the sheets were tightly wrapped around his body, like a tights. He felt as if his forehead was going to explode, and the pain was unbearable


Ronald stood in front of the bed, worry and fear written on his face.

There were still several figures standing at the foot of the bed, and they seemed to be frightened by this sudden situation.

Harry clutched his head tightly, his eyes darkened with pain, and he rolled to the edge of the bed, vomiting violently.

"Something really happened to him," said a trembling voice with fear, it seemed to be Seamus talking, should we call someone over?"

"Harry! Harry!" Ronald shook Harry's shoulders anxiously, trying to wake him up.

Harry struggled and took in big breaths, as if every breath of air was a life-saving straw.

He pushed himself up from the bed, even though every cell in his body was in pain and his vision was so blurry that he could hardly see clearly. But he knew he had to tell Ronald that it was about

"Your dad," he said breathlessly, every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, "your dad... something happened to him..."

"What?" Ronald didn't react for a moment, confusion written on his face.

"Your dad!" Harry almost yelled, "He was bitten, the injury was serious, there was blood everywhere..."

The frightened voice sounded again: "I'm going to find someone for help."

Then, Harry heard the sound of rapid footsteps getting farther and farther, and it was obviously the person who ran out of the dormitory.

"Harry, buddy," Ronald was still doubtful, and he tried to calm Harry down, " are just dreaming, it's okay..."

"No!" Harry interrupted Ronald violently, his eyes flashing with determination, "This is not a dream... not an ordinary dream... I am really there, I see arrive


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