That afternoon, Umbridge once again locked himself in his office to vent his emotions.

She smashed everything on the table, even the crystal ball she had always cherished. She couldn't remember how many times she had lost her temper because of something happening at Hogwarts.

Since she came to work here, she has found that her temper has become worse and worse, and this magic school that everyone likes is driving her crazy step by step.

There is nothing we can do about it.

Whenever she walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, she could always hear the students talking about the new Divination professor. Those whispers were sometimes mixed with contemptuous ridicule towards her, and some people even imitated her retching at the wall, which made the anger in her heart burn brightly every time.

However, what made her even more unbearable was the unprecedented enthusiasm among these students for the divination class.

Once upon a time, this course was not taken seriously at Hogwarts, but now it has become the most popular course among young girls.

All this is thanks to the new divination professor, Firenze, the centaur.

He has long pale golden hair, eyes as deep as the sea, shining with charming blue light, and a temperament with a hint of melancholy and mystery. Coupled with that handsome face, it is enough to make any little witch fall in love with him.

"I just saw the news on the bulletin board that the divination class has resumed, it's in Classroom 13.

In the Gryffindor common room, Ginny shared the news she had just seen with the others.

"I bet you must think that Divination class is the most charming class now, right?" Parvati Patil asked Hermione with a proud smile.

"Indeed, Professor Firenze is very attractive, and his courses are indeed very fresh." Hermione raised her head, revealed a pair of bright eyes from behind the Daily Prophet, and said calmly - her tone did not sound like Ferenze at all. Something is attractive.

This is normal. Once upon a time, everything was difficult, and Hermione spent time with the real male god day and night. A mere Firenze could not attract her.

Even Firenze's sense of curiosity as a centaur has no appeal to her.

In terms of curiosity, Levin is even more curious than him. Both of them know some Animagus skills, and Levin has many transformations. He has done all kinds of tricks, let alone a mere centaur?

Levin, who has the form of an alicorn, is not unable to transform into a centaur.

However, Hermione had her own opinions on other aspects of Firenze:

"Umbridge is not an easy person to deal with." Hermione spoke slowly, with a hint of worry in her voice.

When Lavender Brown heard this, her face suddenly turned pale, and she screamed in horror: "You mean, Umbridge will still attack Professor Firenze?!"

Hermione gently closed the "Daily Prophet" in her hand and looked at her classmates firmly: "I don't know what methods she will use, but Principal Dumbledore appointed a new teacher without consulting her. This is undoubtedly A challenge to her authority. Umbridge has always wanted to turn Hogwarts into her private domain, and the appearance of Professor Firenze will only make her want to control everything even more crazily."

When Parvati heard this, she clenched her fists and her eyes flashed with anger: "No! She has already driven away Professor Traolini, and I will never allow her to drive away my handsome centaur professor again!

"Don't be too happy, things may not be as simple as you think." Hermione glanced at her coldly and asked: "By the way, I think Trelawney's resignation made you two sad. ?”

Lavender nodded, with a trace of sadness in his eyes: "Yes, we all miss her. However, she did a very good job on the new divination program on Offa United TV and was loved by the audience. We believe that she You'll be happier and freer there than at Hogwarts."

As she spoke, a relieved smile appeared on her face.

"That's right! We also mailed her some enchanted daffodils," Parvati also added, "They are ordinary Muggle daffodils, not the ones that scream from Sprout. I hope she can see us. of my mind.”

Classroom 11, whose name sounds unremarkable, is actually one of the countless abandoned classrooms in Hogwarts.

There are many abandoned classrooms like Hogwarts.

When Hogwarts was first established, it was the most popular magic school in the entire continent—in fact, it was also the only magic school. Wizards from all over the continent were willing to go there.

It was once a holy place that countless wizards dreamed of studying. In that era, there were many more young wizards at Hogwarts than there are now, and the classes and subjects in the college were also more diverse.

In order to meet the needs of teaching, Hogwarts opened many classrooms, including Classroom 11, which is now abandoned.

It was from that era that the Yin Kingdom gradually emerged and became the leading magical country in Europe, and its magical development far exceeded that of other countries.

However, with the establishment of the "Law of Secrecy" and the emergence of other magic schools, the status of Hogwarts has gradually been challenged, and the scope of enrollment has been continuously narrowed, from the whole world and all Europe to only recruiting students from the Yin Kingdom. and students from surrounding countries.

What followed was a decrease in the number of students and the gradual closure of classrooms. Those classrooms that were once full of laughter and laughter have now become silent, forgotten in the dust of time, waiting to be rediscovered at an accidental moment.

They feel like closets or pantries that are easily neglected, often filled with dust and filled with clutter that you may never remember to use.

Harry and Ronald walked side by side through the corridors of Hogwarts, heading towards Classroom 11 with curiosity and anticipation.

They had heard that the place was full of clutter and filled with a musty smell, but when they actually opened the door and stepped into the classroom, "what they saw in front of them shocked them instantly.

A green world appeared in front of them, which was completely different from the rumored shabby classroom.

On the floor, damp moss and trees growing from the ground intertwined, forming a vibrant forest area.

The branches and leaves of those trees are lush and extend upward, covering the ceiling and windows, dyeing the room an emerald green. The sun shines through the gaps between the branches and leaves, dappled on the ground, like little golden lights traveling through the forest.

Being in this classroom, Harry felt as if he was standing in the middle of a forest in spring. The fresh air, the faint fragrance of flowers, and the chirping of birds in the distance all made him immersed in this nature.

At this moment, many students who came to class have gathered in the classroom.

They were sitting or standing, each finding a suitable position on the dirt floor, next to tree trunks, or beside rocks, with a trace of nervousness and apprehension on their faces. In this lush green forest, they were like a group of lost people. Tourists, waiting for the guide's instructions.

0…Please give me flowers…

In the center of the classroom, stood a tall and handsome centaur—Professor Firenze.

The sun shines on his long platinum hair, making it sparkle like a golden waterfall. His eyes were like two brilliant sapphires, shining with mysterious and profound light. Under the sunlight, Firenze's image is extremely holy, just like a messenger who has descended into the mortal world.

When Harry and Ronald entered the classroom, Firenze also noticed them.

He turned around with a gentle and friendly smile on his face, which warmed people's hearts like the spring sunshine.

"Harry Potter, welcome to my class." Professor Ferenzi said softly.

Harry walked up to Professor Firenze nervously and took the other person's extended hand.

At that moment, he felt the warmth and dryness in Professor Firenze's big hands, conveying a sense of peace of mind and strength.

"Um - hello, Professor Ferenzi."

Harry stuttered, his eyes unconsciously falling on Professor Firenze's long, shining hair.

Professor Firenze smiled and nodded, his eyes swept over Harry and Ronald, then pointed to a tree stump next to the wastebasket and said:

"Please take a seat, children. It seems that everyone has arrived, so we will officially start today's class."

When Harry sat down, he found that the students around him were looking at him with awe.

Their eyes were full of surprise and curiosity, as if Harry suddenly became different.

It took Harry a long time to figure out that all this was because of the friendly interaction between him and Professor Firenze.

In the eyes of most people, the centaur Firenze is still a formidable presence.

His tall stature, deep eyes, and identity as a centaur make people dare not approach him easily - for most little wizards who have only a little knowledge, centaurs are basically somewhere between wild and beasts.

However, Harry saw something else in Firenze's eyes - it was a deep and warm light of wisdom that only truly intelligent creatures possess.


However, there are exceptions.

Parvati and her best friends seem to have a special fondness for Professor Firenze.

Their eyes were always locked on Firenze, with admiration and admiration shining in their eyes. Their faces were flushed with excitement and excitement, and they looked like they were completely attracted to Firenze, and that was it for the legendary nymphomaniac.

After all, aside from having four hoofed legs, Firenze is an extremely elegant type in both appearance and temperament.

His appearance is handsome and majestic, and his temperament is noble and mysterious. Such a man is undoubtedly the most perfect candidate for Prince Charming in the minds of little girls——especially Firenze is born with both

It's the white horse again, two combined into one, it belongs to yes.

Harry even saw a few girls secretly drawing portraits of Firenze, their faces full of longing and happy smiles.

Even Harry himself was affected by Firenze's aura.

After shaking hands with Firenze, he felt that his originally restless mind had miraculously calmed down.

It was an indescribable sense of peace and comfort, as if all worries and worries were swept away.

"Maybe we're in the right place this time."

Harry whispered to himself, then looked up at Professor Firenze, his heart filled with anticipation.

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