Ronald always thought, "If I don't see it, it means I don't have it", but he never realized his identity.

He also didn't think about it, as a young wizard, why would Professor Dumbledore tell him confidential things?

Ronald seemed a little shaken, but still insisted on his point of view: "But, Snape has a grudge against Harry, how can we be sure that he will sincerely teach Harry Occlumency?"

Levin shook his head gently: "You can't deny Snape's teaching ability just because he has a grudge against Harry. In fact, Snape is a very good professor, and his attainments in Occlumency are very high. Moreover, Harry is in the brain The slow progress in Occlumency is not because Snape didn't teach seriously."

"What's that for?" Harry asked curiously.

"There are two reasons."

Levin explained, "First, you were more interested in figuring out what Voldemort was doing than severing that mental connection. This caused you to be somewhat distracted while learning Dream Occlumency."

Hearing this, Harry nodded repeatedly, he indeed had such an idea.

"Second," Levin continued, "you really don't have much talent in Occlumency. It's not your fault, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.

After Levin explained clearly, Levin took out several bottles of highly concentrated water of life and death from his pocket and handed them to Harry:

"This is water of life and death. Snape taught us how to make it in the first grade. It is similar to a sleeping pill. Although it cannot prevent you from connecting with Voldemort's mind, it can put you into a deep sleep, which is good for relieving pain."

Harry has troubles in adolescence, and Fudge, the Minister of Magic far away in London, is also experiencing his midlife crisis.

Although he already holds a high position, his worries have not diminished.

Every day and night, his anxiety was like an invisible devil, constantly gnawing at his heart and causing him to lose a lot of hair.

Fudge always believed that if Voldemort hadn't appeared, he would have been re-elected as minister.

This idea is exactly the same as that of a future politician named Chuan Jianguo - both had to face the fate of stepping down due to some force majeure factors.

What makes Fudge even more frustrated is that, like Jianguo, he is about to face a second impeachment, which will undoubtedly leave him a "strong and colorful" mark in the history of the wizarding world.

Under the tremendous pressure, Fudge apparently lost his mind. He declared wildly: "I will not leave the Minister of Magic's office unless I am thrown out of the window.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that he seems to be in trouble.

Elections for the Ministry of Magic are held every seven years, and there is still some time before the election.

Therefore, if Fudge steps down, Deputy Secretary Gianna will naturally take over his position.

Jaina's position in the Ministry of Magic has always been much more stable than Fudge - at least more reliable than Jianguo's deputy Burns.

For a moment, Fudge even began to suspect that the reason why Jaina did not choose to cooperate with Dumbledore in exchange for the ministerial position, but chose to afch the position of deputy minister, was that she was waiting for this opportunity today.

If you want to cause people to perish, you must first make them crazy.

This old proverb has now become a crazy portrayal of the Minister of Magic Fudge.

The big prison robbery on Christmas Eve was like a sudden storm, pushing him to the forefront.

More and more people are beginning to question his ability, believing that he is unable to stabilize the current chaotic situation.

Against this background, Fudge suffered a new wave of impeachment in Vega.

What is different from the past is that this time it is no longer just the few die-hards who stand on Dumbledore's side to impeach him, but more and more neutrals are beginning to join in, and their voices converge into a powerful torrent that makes Fudge felt unprecedented pressure.

After realizing that he might be impeached and removed from office, Fudge began a series of eye-popping operations.

He seemed to have changed into a different person, no longer caring about his own image and reputation, and frantically signed Daxing's pardon order.

Who to forgive?

Of course, whoever has Galleons will be pardoned.

In his final days before stepping down, Fudge thought it was time to start thinking about the rest of his life.

He believed that during his five-year career as a minister, he had been too selfless, too honest, and too serving wizards... In short, he had not earned enough, and Fudge wanted more pensions!

Besides, I once obtained the first-level Merlin badge and made great contributions to the magic world. Can't you just enjoy it?

Of course, even so, even though the situation was unfavorable to Fudge, he did not give up completely.

While planning for his own retreat, he still went all out to confront Dumbledore. He seems to firmly believe that as long as he can completely bring down Dumbledore, he still has hope of remaining as minister.

In just one month, Secretary Fudge signed dozens of new education orders at an alarming rate. These educational orders were flying like snowflakes, shaking the entire Hogwarts.

As Minister Fudge's right-hand man, Umbridge naturally keeps in mind the ministerial spirit conveyed by Fudge.

She has long been eager to flex her muscles at Hogwarts and carry out a thorough "educational reform." Now, riding on the power of the minister, she finally has the opportunity to turn these education orders into practical actions.

As a result, these dozens of educational orders turned into ten times the school rules in Umbridge's hands.

Every school rule is astonishingly strict, like a cold iron chain, making the little wizard feel unable to break free; every rule is full of threats and intimidation, like invisible shackles, locking the students. Freedom and laughter.

The contents of these school regulations can be summarized as follows:

"Don't... once you find out... directly..."

"All members must abide by... all... Once discovered, they will be severely punished immediately!"

"If.........then the punishment will be recorded, and the prefect should take the lead in executing it!"

So, the words of leaders all over the world are similar.

For example, now you have to go to the prefect to register before going to the toilet.

This made the students feel extremely embarrassed and inconvenienced. Even their most basic physiological needs were strictly restricted - Voldemort would not restrict Death Eaters from going to the toilet.

Also, squatting must be timed and cannot exceed five minutes, otherwise it will be linked to the final exam score.

This makes those students who suffer from constipation miserable, and they all complain that this is an extreme violation of human nature.

What’s even more outrageous is that Umbridge also prohibits single men and women from traveling together.

Unless approved by the dean, boys and girls "cannot play alone together"

Once this regulation was implemented, it was unanimously opposed by the majority of students.

But unexpectedly, it got the approval of some singles.

Harry was one of them - it was one of the few school rules he was happy to agree with.

He had long been dissatisfied with Zhang Qiu and Levin walking together, and he had been feeling unhappy.

Now that there is this regulation, he is happy to see the results - it is a pity that most of these effects will not be affected by the Boshou Society - or in other words, on the surface everyone has to abide by it, but if the people of the Boshu Society violate it , Umbridge would turn a blind eye.

This allowed Harry to have sex with Ronald for the first time.

Overall, Dolores Umbridge's existence was like a boulder, weighing heavily on Harry's heart.

Her behavior became more and more outrageous, and Harry felt that his life was filled with countless worries and things to do.

The amount of homework in fifth grade was already staggering. He often stayed up late and had to deal with Professor Snape's regular tutoring. Every [Occlumency] course was like a severe test for him, which made Harry's nerves tense. .

And Umbridge always seemed to be looking for reasons to deduct points, making Harry's efforts often come to nothing. What made him even more heartbroken was that his Firebolt and Quidditch games were also affected.

There is also this female toad's newly formed investigation team after Christmas, which is mainly composed of Slytherin students.

After these school rules are promulgated, they are all handed over to the investigation action team to implement specific punishments.

These school rules were already excessive, and the increased penalties imposed by the investigation team made them even more serious.

Gryffindor is destined to be at the bottom of the house this school year.

Harry watched the gap in house points getting wider and wider, feeling helpless in his heart.

Recently, the Investigation Team has even begun to cause trouble for the players on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, imprisoning them and forcing them to participate in various arduous labors.

This is Slytherin's method to defeat the Gryffindor team.

Harry knew clearly that these despicable methods of the Slytherin students were undoubtedly intended to make Gryffindor fall behind significantly in the next Quidditch match.

Especially after Gryffindor lost to Ravenclaw in the last game, their ambitions have become clear - Ravenclaw's status they dare not challenge, but the overall standings

Fame has clearly become theirs. .

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