My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 614: I Don’T Care About Martial Ethics

During lunch, Levin's incident became a hot topic of discussion.

During the two-hour exam, Levin took only half an hour to hand in his paper and leave the exam. This move caused quite a stir in everyone's minds. Many students feel envious and jealous. They are full of envy and jealousy. At the same time, they inevitably have doubts about their learning ability and values.

"Oh, it seems that I am really not suitable for school. Maybe going out to work is the way I should go." Many little wizards sighed in their hearts.

Hermione found Levin at Ravenclaw's long table. She was still holding the book tightly in her hand and frowned slightly: "Levin, these questions seem to be easier than we expected. Although I am very confident in my answers, But I still can’t help but check it over and over again. It’s just that I’m not sure whether I should write the cracking spell of the [Hiccup Curse]. The method I wrote seems a bit cumbersome. There is also the twenty-third question, which I also have some trouble with. Not allowed...

Compared to her Versailles way of answering, others were much more nervous.

"Isn't this bad for you?" Before she could finish her words, Padma, Ravenclaw's fifth-year prefect, also hurried over, with a look of uneasiness on her face: "Levin, how do you think I did on the exam?" ?I'm not sure if I answered all the questions about [Copying Curse], and the time just ran out. Have you written [Windproof Curse]? I seem to have spelled a letter wrong. There is also question 15. , I’m also a little unsure..."

The little wizards of Ravenclaw couldn't help but want to answer Levin's question. After all, in their minds, Levin's answer was undoubtedly the standard answer.

So soon, Levin was surrounded by people, and he had to comfort everyone: "Don't correct the answers after the exam, as this will affect the next exam. Many students found out that they made a lot of mistakes just because they corrected the answers after the exam. , As a result, my mentality collapsed and I even missed the subsequent exams.

Steve and Kevin also felt a little heavy at this time.

In the examination room, they pretended to be relaxed, but it turned out that they were pretending, but the results of the examination were not very good - not as ideal as they expected.

Especially when they thought about it, it would be too embarrassing if they failed to get an "O" in the curse certificate in the final results.

In the warm sunshine of the afternoon, the magic spell practical exam quietly came.

In order to prevent students from interfering with each other during the exam, they were arranged to enter a small room next to the auditorium first, and then were called in groups and entered the exam venue in turn.

The atmosphere of the exam was tense and solemn. The students who were called walked into the auditorium with an anxious mood, while the students who stayed in the room were racing against time to review the spells and practice waving the wand over and over again, hoping to be able to do it in the next Do well in the exam.

Hannah Abbott, Hufflepuff's prefect, was the first student called in to take her practical exams.

The girl with a rosy complexion and two golden braids trembled and lamented: "I knew it was like this, I am the first one every time.

Levin stood aside, secretly lamenting that his initials were opposite to Hannah's, and whether he was listed in forward or reverse order, he was firmly in the middle.

He really wanted to change the order with Hannah and end the long wait earlier, but unfortunately reality did not allow him to do so.

While waiting, Levin's little wizards picked up Hannah's body.

In herbal medicine class, she suddenly lost control of her emotions and burst into tears. She sobbed and said that she was too stupid to take the exam and even wanted to leave the school immediately. As a result, she became the first student to receive Madam Pomfrey's tranquilizer.

The other students remaining in the room also behaved in their own way.

Some people murmured nervously and chanted spells repeatedly; some people kept waving their wands and practicing various movements. During this process, from time to time someone accidentally stabbed someone else in the back or eye due to nervousness or mistakes, causing a small commotion.

Finally, it was Levin's turn to enter the auditorium.

He glanced behind him and saw half the students were waiting. Compared with others, he showed no nervousness, and he did not need to spend time standing in front of the examination room to adjust his condition like them. Instead, he strolled towards the idle Professor Tofty.

Professor Tofodi is one of the oldest examiners. His hair is sparse and soft, with only one or two dull hairs standing stubbornly upright.

Some wizards are instantly recognizable as professors, and their hairline shows this off very well.

When Levin was in college in his previous life, he used to look at the hairline to distinguish people with different statuses such as students, masters, and doctors. When he saw Professor Tofodi's high hairline, he couldn't help but feel happy: This professor He must be a senior magician!

When Levin walked towards Professor Tofty, a kind smile appeared on the professor's face: "Long time no see.

"Long time no see, professor, how have you been lately?" Levin shook hands with him warmly, and the relationship between the two was obviously extraordinary.

The two have been old acquaintances for a long time, and have occasionally exchanged letters and had academic exchanges. Although there is a huge age difference, they have been friends who talk about everything in the field of magic.

Professor Tofty is knowledgeable and experienced, and can always bring many new and original magical ideas to Levin.

"No, I heard the news." Professor Tofty shook his head slightly and whispered, "So, you really had a falling out with Albus..."

Levin was slightly startled, not expecting the professor to ask about it so directly.

He smiled bitterly and nodded, but didn't say much. He knew that this matter had already spread in Hogwarts, and he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.

While the two were talking, the students around them all cast curious glances.

They all wanted to know what Levin and Professor Tofty were talking about. However, Levin cast a soundproof magic so that they could not hear the conversation between him and the professor.

Professor Tofty's mentality is pretty good. He has lived for so long and has experienced Grindelwald and Voldemort. What storms and waves has he not seen?

He patted Levin on the shoulder and encouraged: "The future is yours, and it will depend on you young people from now on! Back then, I gave this sentence to Albus, and now I give it to you."

Hearing this, Levin felt warm in his heart. He knows that this is a kind of inheritance and a kind of trust.

He nodded solemnly, indicating that he would work hard to live up to his trust.

Just when Levin naively thought that this meant he didn't have to take the exam, Professor Tofty suddenly changed the subject and said with a smile: "Son, half an hour has passed since the exam time. Chatting with me counts as time. Let's talk again. If you go down, you won’t get the certificate.”

Levin was stunned. He stared at Professor Tofty with wide eyes, black lines all over his face.

Didn't you keep holding my hand and wanting to talk about Dumbledore and Voldemort?

You old man, you don’t follow martial ethics!

However, looking at the innocent expression on the professor's face, Levin had no choice but to shake his head [turned around and walked towards the examination area.

Levin followed the test requirements and began to concentrate on making the cup float in the air.

He waved his wand lightly, and the cup levitated steadily without any shaking.

A hint of appreciation flashed in Professor Tofody's eyes, and he reminded with a smile: "Levin, if you can use the magic you invented, you will get extra points.

Levin heard this and nodded confidently, but still maintained his original posture.

The cup still seemed to be floating quietly, but Professor Tofti suddenly felt something different.

He stretched out his hand curiously, wanting to touch the suspended cup. However, the moment his fingers were about to touch the cup, he suddenly felt a light and airy feeling, as if his hand had lost its weight.

No, it’s not as if, it’s really weightless!

Professor Tofty was shocked and immediately realized that Levin did not use the common [Levitation Spell], but silently cast an anti-gravity magic.

The effect of this magic was so miraculous that the moment his hand touched the cup, it became as light as nothing.

"Hahaha, what a boy!" Professor Tofti couldn't help but praise, "You really didn't disappoint me.

Levin smiled proudly, but this time he was a good learner. While demonstrating magic, he talked nonsense with him, but did not explain the principle of this anti-gravity magic.

This is revenge for the prank he just committed.

At the same time, other students in the classroom were also taking exams nervously.

There were also accidents, such as Ronald accidentally confusing the [Expansion Curse] and the [Freezing Curse], which caused the cat's balls that he originally wanted to freeze to suddenly swell.

Before the examiner had time to correct his mistake the balls had grown as big as a watermelon.

Ronald's face turned pale with fear, while the poor cat meowed in pain.

The examiner shook his head helplessly and had no choice but to cast a [Cutting Curse] on the huge egg to cut it off forever.

With a flash of light, the ball was neatly cut off, and the cat was finally relieved of its pain.

During the written test of the Transfiguration class, Levin still only took half an hour and handed in the paper early under the eyes of everyone in amazement.

What a disaster.

The next morning was the written test for the Transfiguration class, and Wei Wen completed the test paper ahead of schedule as usual.

After handing in the paper, Levin sat leisurely in a corner of the examination room, his thoughts drifting back to the college entrance examination in his previous life.

He clearly remembered that there was an unlucky child who was encouraged by his roommates to hand in his papers early before the last exam.

The reason that time was completely different from what he does now. It was not because he felt that the test paper was too easy, but because he wanted to seize the position in the Internet cafe.

That incident happened about ten years before Levin's class, when Internet cafes were booming. During the college entrance examination period, all Internet cafes were closed and would not open until after the exam.

Therefore, only by submitting your papers in advance can you ensure a good position after the exam.

The unlucky kid believed it and stupidly became the only one to submit the test in advance, but ended up failing the exam.

All of that person's roommates agreed, but in the end they didn't hand in the papers in advance - only the unlucky guy foolishly did so.

As you can imagine, the child missed a lot of questions because he submitted the paper early, which ultimately led to his failure.

He returned home helplessly...inheriting the family's factory, several houses, several cars and fifty acres of land.

This is a sad story. .

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