Finally, the elevator stopped, and a cold woman's voice sounded: "Department of Mysteries." Then, the gate slid open slightly, and they stepped into the corridor outside.

There was silence all around. Only the torch closest to them was swayed left and right by the air flow stirred up by the elevator, casting mottled light and shadow.

Harry's heartbeat quickened as he turned towards the all-black door. For many months, this door had been appearing in his dreams, and now he finally stood in front of it.

"It should be this way." Harry whispered, taking the lead in taking steps in the corridor, and the other people followed him silently.

Harry walked towards the door step by step, his heart filled with nervousness and anticipation. Just like in a dream, when he touched the doorknob, the door opened softly. He took a deep breath and took the lead in striding across the threshold.

They stood in an extremely spacious circular room, and every inch of the space was shrouded in deep black, as if even time had stopped here. The floor and ceiling are all suffocating black, like an endless night sky, both deep and mysterious. The surrounding walls are inlaid with doors that are also pitch black. They are indistinguishable, like the silent black hole of "Zero One Three", without any marks, and even the handles are hidden in the darkness.

The walls were occasionally dotted with a few branch-shaped candles, with blue flames jumping and swaying among them. This cold blue light is projected on the smooth mirror-like marble floor, reflecting the sparkling waves, giving people the illusion of being on a deep lake.

"Remember to close the door." Ronald's voice sounded softly in the quiet space, as if he was afraid of disturbing the sleeping darkness.

Neville did as he was told, and the corridor illuminated by torches slowly closed behind them, and the only ray of light disappeared. The room suddenly fell into deeper darkness, leaving only the trembling blue flames on the wall and the strange shadows they cast on the ground, wandering like ghosts.

In Harry's dreams, he could always cross the room without hesitation and walk towards the door facing the entrance. However, at this moment, facing the twelve doors in front of him, he felt confused. He looked at each door carefully, trying to find the door leading to his destination.

Ginny held her brother's arm tightly, her eyes showing deep uneasiness, as if she was worried that the floor in the darkness would spin like the wall. However, the floor remained motionless and as solid as ever.

At this moment, a loud rumbling sound suddenly sounded, making people's hearts tremble. The flame of the candle began to shake violently, as if driven by some kind of force. Immediately afterwards, the circular wall slowly rotated.

Ginny subconsciously grabbed her brother's arm tighter, panic written on her face. However, the floor remained rock solid, showing no signs of wavering. For a few seconds, the wall rotated at an alarming speed, and blue flames danced crazily around them, blurring into a gorgeous light and shadow, as if countless heavy rainbow light tubes were intertwined and flashing in the darkness.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the rumbling stopped. The walls stopped spinning and everything returned to calm.

There were flashes of blue light in Harry's eyes, and there was nothing else in his field of vision, which made him feel a little confused.

He looked around and asked uncertainly, "Which door should we enter?"

"That's the preliminaries over there..." Neville was about to speak, but was glared back by Ginny with a stern look, and he immediately shut his mouth.

Ronald noticed Neville's actions. He followed Neville's gaze, then turned to ask Harry: "Harry, what did you see in your dream?"

Harry swallowed and tried to recall the scene in his dream:

"In the dream, I got out of the elevator, passed through the door at the end of the corridor, and entered a dark room exactly like this one. Then, I passed through another door and entered a room that looked like... "It's like a glowing room. We should try to find a few doors," he spoke faster and faster, "I'll know if you find the right one. Hurry!"

As he spoke, he strode towards the opposite door, followed closely by the others.

Harry placed his left hand on the cold, shiny door panel and raised his wand, ready to strike as soon as the door opened. Then, he pushed hard.

The door opened in response, and they were immediately shocked by the sight in front of them.

After the darkness of the first room, this rectangular room looked much brighter, with a few lamps hanging from the ceiling emitting a soft glow. However, there were none of the flickering, flickering lights that Harry had seen in his dreams. The room was empty except for a few lonely tables.

There is a huge glass water tank in the center, and the dark green liquid inside emits a faint light. Many pearly white things float lazily in the water, like a peaceful ocean world. They stared at this mysterious water tank, filled with doubts and curiosity.

Neville curiously approached the water tank and peered inside with his eyes close to the wall. Those things floating in the green liquid emit a strange light. They flicker and appear, and have strange shapes, as if they are slimy cauliflowers dancing in the deep sea.

Harry took off his glasses, wiped the lenses gently with his sleeve, then put them back on, staring at the strange sight inside the water tank. He turned around and asked his friends: "Are these things a special kind of fish?"

The corners of Neville's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a trace of innocent curiosity: "Are they edible?"

Ginny immediately frowned and warned with a cold snort: "Idiot, these things are not fish, they are brains! I have seen similar things in Levin's books. Don't touch them, otherwise they will use their thoughts The tentacles will entangle you and leave indelible scars on your mind. I don’t want to apply the ointment of forgetfulness that is not good for the doctor on your fat body. "

After hearing this, Neville shrugged his shoulders, stepped back a few steps wisely, kept a certain distance from the water tank, and muttered: "I know, don't be so fierce."

Harry clapped his hands and looked around: "We have to get out of here, something is wrong here. We need to find another door to try."

They turned back to the dark round room, and Ginny walked at the end. Before leaving, she raised her wand, drew a mysterious symbol in the air, and whispered: "[Mark appears]!" Then, she just said A fiery red X appeared on the door I walked through, as if it were a flame burning in the dark...

The door clicked shut, followed by another loud rumble.

The wall began to rotate rapidly again, but in this chaotic blue, the blurred golden red appeared particularly eye-catching. When everything stopped, the red X was still burning on the door, reminding them that this door had been tried.

Harry hurried towards the mysterious door opposite, followed closely by the others. He gripped his wand tightly, prepared briefly, and then pushed the door open.

A stream of cold air hit their faces, and they found themselves in a space that was even more spacious than the room just now. In the dim light, the center of this rectangular room was sunken, forming a huge stone pit about twenty feet deep. Surrounded by circles of stepped stone benches, standing on the top bench, they could clearly see the stone benches extending downward at a steep angle, like an ancient amphitheater, which reminded Harry of something. The courtroom where the Wizengamot trial took place.

However, unlike the courtroom, there is no chained chair in the center of this stone pit. Instead, there was a tall raised stone platform, with an ancient and dilapidated stone arch erected on it. There was no wall support around the arch, only a tattered black curtain or drapery hanging from it. Although there was no breeze in the cold air, the curtains were fluttering gently, as if someone had just touched them.

Ronald couldn't help his curiosity. He quickly jumped off the rows of stone benches and reached the bottom of the pit. He slowed down and walked cautiously towards the high platform, each step making a dull echo. From this angle, the pointed arch appears taller and more mysterious. The curtains were still swaying gently, as if they were telling some secret.

Ronald suddenly had a strange feeling, as if something had discovered his 5.9 existence behind the arch, and had an inexplicable attraction to him. He felt as if he was being pulled by an invisible force, wanting to go behind the arch to explore the unknown world. This abnormal feeling made him feel strange, his heartbeat accelerated, and his palms became slightly sweaty.

Just when Ronald wanted to delve deeper into this strange feeling, Harry's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, breaking his meditation.

"Ronald, listen!" Harry nervously walked to Ronald, frowning, staring at the gently fluttering curtain, "Someone is whispering behind there. Do you think it could be Sirius?"

Ronald shook his head and replied firmly: "It can't be Sirius, Harry. Do you know, this curtain has a horrifying history. In 1718, the second Minister of Magic, Damocles Rolle, took office and worked with the photographer. Before the ghosts made an agreement to use Azkaban to imprison and punish prisoners, this curtain was even used as a death chamber. Anyone who passes through the curtain will die, without exception."

The weird feeling seemed to be getting more and more obvious, but except for Ronald, no one else seemed to notice it. .

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