Pi Xiaoyou asked pitifully, "Cousin, you think so too?"

"Me?" Mei Zhiyuan shook his head, "I originally thought I could accept a marriage without love, but in fact I always run away. It's not a good example for you, so don't ask me!"

"You can't do it, so I can't do it!"

"Who says I can't do it? I'm sure I can find someone to marry who satisfies everyone... I think about how to say this. I won't marry someone who has no emotional foundation.

And you won't get married just because of love... It doesn't matter how many times you talk about love, marriage is a lifetime thing, you still have to listen to the elders! "

Jiang Quan didn't dare to tease him anymore, it doesn't mean he has no feelings, when he heard Mei Zhiyuan's words, he couldn't help curling his lips and complaining in his heart, "It's really amazing, you can say Huaxin so fresh and refined! "

"Cousin, please, help me!"

"How can I help you? Could it be that the painstaking efforts of several generations are all for fun here?" Mei Zhiyuan rejected her, "I also think that it is really inappropriate for you to work on the project alone.

Find a man in science and engineering who meets the requirements to be his son-in-law and everything can be solved perfectly, how great! "

"I don't want it. At worst, I won't be able to start this company, or uncle, you can keep working," Pi Xiaoyou said anxiously, "I don't want a man of science and technology, it's boring to death!"

"Who said that the man in science and engineering is bored to death? Don't you all think that I talk too much?" Mei Zhiyuan is quite self-aware, "If I hadn't been with me for the past few years, how would your grandma have survived? In fact, her request is not Gao, just find someone like me!"

"Don't," Jiang Quan finally couldn't hold back when he heard this, "It's better to learn engineering yourself than to find a philandering radish, and it's better to ask yourself than to ask others!"

"Huaxin Daluobo" ignored Jiangquan, and hit the ruffian Xiaoyou with the hammer again.

"Xiaoyou, there's something wrong with you, have you already found a boyfriend? I warn you, you have to discuss whether you want to find a man in science and engineering, and you have to dare to find a handsome man in the entertainment industry.

I can guarantee that your grandma and your mother will immediately unite the front, unless you can disown your relatives! "

Pi Xiaoyou fell silent, turned his head and looked out of the car again.

Jiang Quan was also touched and stopped talking.

She has long been looking forward to Xiaoyou's return to the shore, because she knows that there is little hope for this relationship. It's not because Pei Junmin is bad, but because he knows the old lady and Lin Shuhui very well.

Of course, the little princess's idea is actually very big, otherwise Dong Guoan would not save the country in a curve, and ask Xu Lang to solve the problem in private.

Jiang Quan is just the opposite. On the surface, he is not afraid of anything and dares to resist anyone, but in fact he follows the rules and never dares to disappoint those close to him.

Mei Lijie's thinking is exactly the same as that of the old lady and the others. Jiang Quan secretly tested her tone a few times, but she insisted that men in the entertainment industry should not be wanted, they are too unreliable!

Unreliable doesn't mean simply whether to cling to a man or not, but the fear that a handsome guy will face too many temptations and the relationship won't last.

Jiang Quan was also very scared.

He lacked his father's company and father's love when he was young, and he didn't want his children to have the same fate.

Although Wei Haoran's love is fierce, but he can't let his feelings go under the sun, which makes him feel insecure... Not accepting the object of his crush's love is not hypocrisy, but fear.

Before he tasted the beauty of love, he was already afraid of the pain of losing it.

As long as there is no beginning, there will be no end.

However, this "beginning" was just without ceremony, not really unmoved. Wei Haoran's "betrayal" made him feel sad, made him forget his absurdity, and insisted on winning on the next day's variety show he.

It doesn't matter if he wins, in the next TV screen, he witnessed the intimate scene between Zhao Yuanyuan and Wei Haoran with his own eyes, mobilizing all the strength of his whole body to dedicate his best acting skills, maintaining his dignity under the camera.

Since he was able to bear the pain of losing his father silently without telling Xiaoyou, he must be able to lick the wound left by his failed crush without telling everyone.

His panda eyes were caused by the hemp stalk that ate a few rotten leaves, but he blamed it on Pi Xiaoyou, as if this was the only way to make himself feel better.


The two uncles are really good at carrying on the family line, one gave birth to four, and the other gave birth to five.

Their children basically grew up in the rural areas of western Xinjiang. Before they were favored by the god of fate, the goal of the whole family was to feed and clothe all the children.

Except for Mei Zhiyuan and the other two who have been admitted to regular universities, the rest of these uncles and aunts are already pretty good if they can finish high school.

Children who can’t read and study get married early, and their grandchildren have a lot of grandchildren... Xijiang has a small population, and the population policy is very loose. The family planning policy is implemented later than the mainland, and the punishment is very limited.

The two uncles, grandparents and grandchildren were full of children, and the ruffian and the young had recognized their relatives for almost half an hour. As the "only" grandson of the old lady, he really seemed to be alone.

While Pi Xiaoyou was busy getting to know his relatives in Xijiang, Jiang Quan also started the journey of "recognizing relatives".

Mei Hongqi also brought her family to the old lady's luncheon, including Mei Lijie's adopted sister.

When he first saw this sister, Jiang Quan thought she was an aunt in her forties: strong and dark, with a thick back and a hunchback, she was exactly the same as her quarrelsome aunt, with a fickle look on her face and vulgar speech.

She even had the nerve to call Mei Lijie "Mom", and stared at herself maliciously, her face was covered with jealousy.

Her life must have been unhappy, with rustic clothes, gray hair, and black nails.

Mom didn't have the nerve to ask her to change her name in front of the whole table, but she just pushed her away gently, saying that she was going to the bathroom, and left the table.

After she was frustrated, she gave Jiang Quan a hard look, as if Mei Lijie ignored her because of Jiang Quan.

Jiang Quan didn't know what she wanted to do, didn't she insist on leaving Mei Lijie and go back to her aunt at the beginning, why did she want to curry favor with her mother now?

Mei Lijie said that Mei Hongqi was very kind to her when she was not married. She kept things for her, did heavy work by herself, and took good care of her in every way.

It's just that after marrying this aunt, she changed completely. She dared not go west if she was asked to go east, and dared not chase the dog if she was asked to catch chickens. She obeyed her wife's orders in everything.

Marriage is very important to everyone, whether it is married or married. It is said that if a woman is not married well, her life will be ruined. In fact, if a man is not married well, it will be a disaster for generations.

After his mother left this table, the only person Jiang Quan knew and could talk to was the cousin who was determined to marry him... Now he clearly knows Mei Lijie's attitude, and he no longer dares to wishful thinking, but is pleasing to the eye a lot of.

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