Speaking of which, Jingnan Satellite TV's program team is really well-informed. After seeing him faint, they immediately gave him a glass of sugar water. It seems that he is not the only guest who starved himself to death for the sake of being on camera.

When the talkative uncle came, he had already done several inspections. After seeing the inspection results, he started nagging again: What's so good about this broken entertainment industry? Starving yourself to this state one by one for the sake of being on camera is completely putting the cart before the horse ...

In front of Mr. Lin, Jiang Quan could only give him face, and listened obediently, without refuting a word.

After finishing everything, he drove to pick up the ruffian Xiaoyou, saying that he would send them all home.

Jiang Quan didn't want to go home, it's still the same sentence, going back like this in the middle of the night will definitely scare Mei Lijie... although there is nothing serious about her head.

The right arm joint was really sprained. To be on the safe side, Mr. Lin asked the doctor to put a plaster cast on him, which will be removed in a week.

When they arrived at the entrance of the hotel, they happened to meet the ruffian Xiaoyou who had finished recording the show. Mei Zhiyuan couldn't force Jiang Quan, nor could he force the ruffian Xiaoyou.

Mei Zhiyuan had no choice but to drag Teacher Lin back.

Before leaving, he also taught Wei Haoran and Pei Junmin a lesson, saying that their handsomeness is soulless, they only know how to emphasize appearance, starve themselves desperately, and what they convey to the outside world is a kind of sickly beauty.

Wow, I didn't beat him up today, he's still in good spirits.


Jiang Quan, who lives in the hotel, has the heart to kill the ruffians.

This bad guy used his injury as an excuse not to go back to the old lady's place, but he didn't take himself seriously at all... He stayed for a private meeting with Pei Junmin on the roof.

Jiang Quan blocked the door angrily, "What are you two doing up there? You can't make phone calls or send Weixin letters. You have to go to the top of the building to meet again. You...you..."

Pi Xiaoyou beat him up, called him reckless, and called him hateful.

When he came back this time, he deliberately concealed the itinerary from his family. Who knew that Jiang Quan would pass out due to hypoglycemia, which exposed her... If we don't meet today, they will fly away tomorrow...

At two o'clock in the morning, the miserable Jiang Quan could only sit in the stairwell with his injured right arm and read a book.

He gave Pi Xiaoyou 30 minutes, if he dared to exceed the time, he would be a traitor.

Seeing Jiang Quan taking the book, Pi Xiaoyou knew that she had a private meeting with Pei Junmin before, and that this man could sit on the corridor and wait for her all the time.

"You're just crazy!" she said.

Jiang Quan ignored her. In order to keep Dong Guoan's expectations, even if she was a lunatic, she had to restrain herself.

The book brought to the stairwell was "Child Psychology". Jiang Quan did not give up on obtaining a teacher qualification certificate.

No matter what the future is, he must always leave a way out for himself. He has no other backers, and he has to be his mother's backer.


However, how could he be able to read the book, the jealousy brought to him by the "beauty of the century" Zhao Yuanyuan has not subsided.

He took a pen and scribbled on the draft paper he brought, leaving countless 24s.

24 hours a day.

Pi Xiaoyou said that if there is only one day left in his life, he must stay with the person he likes... Ever since Dong Guoan had an accident, he has regarded every day as his last.

Pi Xiaoyou said, she doesn't need to think about the future, she wants to live every day as she wants, why should she be afraid of wolves in front and tigers in back?

Jiang Quan, who was waiting in the stairwell, was bored, and remembered the words of Pi Xiaoyou... Yes, if you know for sure that your life is only 24 hours, why should you be afraid of wolves and tigers?

He plans his final 24 hours on scratch paper.

From 0:00 to 3:00, he wants to say goodbye to his parents who have gone to heaven.

He used to hate them, since he couldn't be responsible for himself, why didn't he take measures to bring himself into this world.

I am about to die, but I still have to tell them that I am willing to reconcile with them and reconcile with all my unsatisfactory things.

Without them, I would not have my own life. Because of life, I can know so many friends and appreciate the preciousness of friendship.

From 3:00 to 6:00, have a party with all those who have helped and cared for you.

I want to say thank you to each of them. Without them, how would I overcome the difficulties that life has given me.

No fate in this life, see you in the next life.

From 6:00 to 9:00, you have to confess your life experience to the old lady, ruffian Xiaoyou, Liu Qingfeng, and Mei Zhiyuan.

I'm about to die, so what are you afraid of? Even if the flood is raging behind him, I can't control it anymore.

Life needs to find the root, death needs to find the hole, you have to ask for a little tears to be reconciled, you can't just die quietly like this, you can't!

From 9:00 to 12:00, stay with Mei Lijie.

Mom, I will be your good son in the next life, and I will make you proud of me!

From 12:00 to 24:00, there are still 12 hours.


On the draft paper, in fact, only those few time periods were written, and everything else was run in Jiang Quan's mind.

He is not stupid enough to leave evidence in black and white to break the tranquility of the real world.


From 12 o'clock to 24 o'clock, there are still 12 hours, how to spend it?

Jiang Quan, who was sitting in the stairwell, raised his head and looked out at the sky through the window of the corridor.

The weather in Sinsa at the end of June was clear, and two bright stars could still be seen under the light-polluted night sky.

He thought of a plan: for the last 12 hours, spend time with yourself: listen to your favorite music, cook your favorite food, wear the most handsome clothes, and bid farewell to the world peacefully...

However, something seems to be missing.

Jiang Quan changed to a new draft paper and began to draw involuntarily.

For a while, he drew a small mountain bun; for a while, he drew a sunflower; Put away the pen.

The boy who "taught" him under the ginkgo tree appeared in front of his eyes, and the morning light cast through the gaps in the branches and leaves of the ginkgo tree danced and danced on him.

A pair of sword eyebrows, a pair of star eyes, three courtyards and five eyes, perfect proportion... Now it is someone else's person...

After being stunned for a long time, he turned his hatred on Pi Xiaoyou: Why don't you come down, don't you know I'm waiting for you?

Jiang Quan angrily drew a pair of villains, and after piercing their hearts with ten thousand arrows, he added fire and threw two weapons... Who told you to bully single dogs unscrupulously!

However, what's the use of that, there is still no movement upstairs.

He changed to a new draft paper and let his mind go blank again... unexpectedly... he suddenly remembered the song Wei Haoran gave him: "Don't hesitate, please give me your love"!

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