My Wife Has Been Blackened

Chapter 199 Premature birth saves father

"Light it up." Song Laoqi said lightly.

She didn't want to cremate Xie Jingxiu when Zhou Yanci left, but Zhou Yanci is not an ordinary person, her emotions can even affect the whole of Dayue, this...

It happened once in modern times.

That time I lost control of my emotions and killed many innocent people. She also did a lot of life-saving things for Xie Daiqi.

It's a pity that Xie Daiqi probably didn't know until the end. She never acknowledged Xie Daiqi's place in her heart.

Now, Song Laoqi didn't dare to bring Zhou Yanci, not to mention that she was about to give birth, so he didn't dare to stimulate her anymore.

What could be better than watching the cremation of your sweetheart with your own eyes?

The firewood that has been splashed with oil is especially easy to burn. It only took a moment for the flame to ignite.

They surrounded Xie Jingxiu in an instant, without any trace of him.

For no reason, suddenly there seemed to be a little more chill in the air.

A gust of wind nearly extinguished the fire. Song Laoqi hurriedly asked someone to pour another barrel of oil on it, and the fire started to flourish again.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the frequency of leaves falling from the tree has accelerated a bit at this time. As if someone was getting impatient.

"Hoo hoo..."

The whirring wind came in waves, as if very irritable.

The flame was blown here and there, almost burning Xie Jingxiu's eyebrows on the stage several times.

"Hey, hey, look, the sky has changed."

"How can such a big sun change the sky, stop making trouble..." Just as someone was muttering, a thick black cloud floated over, completely blocking the sun.

In an instant, everyone froze.

"Kacha..." A huge flash of lightning flashed by, followed by thunder.

From the big sun to the dark clouds, it took less than three minutes.

Song Laoqi was a little dazed, looking at the sky stupidly.

I saw that the winter was warm and the sky was full of thunder and thunder, rushing...but in the blink of an eye, it began to rain cats and dogs.

big enough to...

The cremation fire, which was burning fiercely, was extinguished by the heavy rain before it reached half of the owner's clothes... There was not even a spark left.

Song Laoqi didn't notice it, but his head hurt from being hit by the heavy rain.

Clutching my head, ouch, ouch, when did it rain so hard. I don't know if it's an illusion, but the rain is not evenly falling, it seems to be in a hurry?

"Oh my mother, there is still hail. It hurts so much..." Someone covered his head, and a big hole was punched out of his head.

The crowd fled in all directions, completely astonished. For a while, he acted like a refugee, in a panic.

Xie Yinghui still had tears on her face. She cried so hard just now, but before she wiped off the tears, she saw her elder brother's 'body' exposed again.

I don't know why, but at this moment, I feel embarrassed when it is obviously a serious and sad occasion.

An extremely embarrassing rain...

While everyone was in a daze, they heard someone galloping towards them on horseback.

"Go back quickly, go back quickly. Miss Zhou is about to give birth. Miss Zhou has a sudden seizure and is about to give birth soon." The sweaty guard looked terrified.

Damn, who the hell knew she was going to give birth suddenly, without any warning!

"My child, this is the last time I want to see my father. They don't want my father to leave with regrets. They are rushing to see him." Xie Yinghui had tears in her eyes.

"Hurry up, take my elder brother down. It's God's will. God wants to let my elder brother see the child." Xie Yinghui believed it herself. No matter how you look at it, God sympathized with her elder brother.

Hehe, you think too much. It's just that people are reluctant to let their grandchildren become a single-parent family.

Song Laoqi also felt a little creepy, so he didn't delay at the moment, carried him down and ran back to the temple.

Everyone rushed back anxiously, and after walking only a few hundred meters, they realized something was wrong.

"Did it rain on the way you came? How long has it been raining? Is it a big deal?" The national teacher asked suddenly, as decadent as an old man.

The guard had a dazed look on his face, what nonsense he was talking about.

"No, from the time I came out to your place, the sun was shining brightly and there was not even a single cloud. Why is it raining? Our winter is dry and there is very little rain." After finishing speaking, he paused.

"It's you, why did you suddenly splash water in the middle of the cremation?" The guard was a little suspicious.

He happened to see the wet mass on the ground at that time, and he was far away at that time, and he happened to be able to see clearly that the most water was splashed in the middle of the fire. And the unevenness of dryness and wetness on the ground is obvious.

At first glance, it is the kind that is splashed with a big washbasin at home.

The national teacher kept his mouth shut and did not speak.

A group of people wearing white gauze and white clothes looked at each other and checked their eyes. A supernatural event happened! ! !

They were originally from the temple, so they had seen the world. But God himself rolled up his sleeves, and that's...

It's a little scary, okay?

"In the middle of the burning, I suddenly felt that I should wait a little longer, um, that's it." The national teacher replied awkwardly with a blank face. I don't know whether to lie to others, or to lie to myself...

Everyone hurried back to the temple, and when they rushed back to the temple, they heard the screams of Zhou Yanci inside.

"Work hard, you work hard. Hurry up and bring the ginseng."

"Take a deep breath, don't be distracted, don't cry, think about the child, and the stomach, and the child in the stomach." Wen Po was sweating profusely, seeing Zhou Yanci's trance-like expression, she occasionally murmured.

"Is it burning? Don't burn it, don't, don't...wait for me, wait for me." Zhou Yanci's face was a little unhappy.

Relying on his daughter's status in this life, Song Laoqi kicked open the door and went in.

"At this moment, do you still think that the whole family will go on the road neatly? Your husband is not on fire, so he wants to see the child for the last time!" Song Laoqi sullenly, smelling the smell of blood in the house, his heart sank suddenly.

Zhou Yanci's eyes lit up, and as soon as he tried hard, he heard the midwife shout.

"Come out, come out, it's a young master." His face was full of joy.

Before the words fell, someone shouted.

"There's one more, there's another one!" As expected, the midwife lowered her head and saw a chubby little girl with thick hair coming out. It looked a bit eccentric.

It was the first time for the midwife to meet such a premature baby. Although she was born prematurely, she was better cared for than a full-term baby.

"Congratulations madam, congratulations madam. A pair of twins." The mother-in-law wrapped up the baby, and seeing Zhou Yanci's pale complexion, she held one in each hand and handed the baby to her.

Song Laoqi heaved a sigh of relief, and shouted: "All are rewarded!"

Zhou Yanci grinned palely and looked at the child, looking at the face similar to Xie Jingxiu, with a faint smile on his face.

It's just... before the smile reached the corner of his eyes, he froze.

As if stunned, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the crowd.

"Stomach, there's another lazy guy in the stomach!" Zhou Yanci pointed at his stomach and said.

The midwife was startled, and hurriedly looked down...


Half of his head was exposed, one hand was still in his mouth, and his eyes were tightly closed, looking very leisurely.

Today's update is over, so what... Tomorrow morning, the answer will be revealed... Haha, you guessed half of it right in the comment area...

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